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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Oct 16, 2012 -> 04:08 PM) The Reddit hivemind is pretty much the worst thing ever. Mitt Romney is literally Hitler and athiesm is the path to true enlightenment. Apparently this guy had a right to privacy but all those women in r/ creepshots and related subforums did not. Exactly this.
  2. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Oct 16, 2012 -> 04:05 PM) Never heard of it sounds like 4chan and that nonsense. It's actually so popular, Obama did what's called an IAMA on there. Which means, I AM A . For example, I AM A PRESIDENT of the United States. Then you take questions from people, 500000 posts are made, and they answer 5 of them and leave. It's a very popular service, but unfortunately, it's 99% stupid people who think they're smart, mostly because it's young college kids, which of course, if you've ever been a young college kid you realize that when you were, you knew EVERYTHING about life, religion, politics, technology, etc. Only then you grew up and realized you knew next to nothing...and that was the whole point of college.
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 16, 2012 -> 03:18 PM) I'm glad I am not the only person who was confused by all of this. Reddit is basically the new Digg. It's just a bunch of stories upvoted/downvoted by the legion called the "hive mind". Don't go there for anything non-entertainment. It's about 90% liberal / anti-apple posters who inject religion and politics into everything for no reason. If there is a negative Republican story out there, it's on page one, if there is a negative (even if its true) story about a Democrat, it will be buried never to be seen again, complete with misleading headlines. If there is negative stories about Apple, it's the same, only in their technology forum. For politics/religion/technology or serious discussion, Reddit is the bastion of stupid and mean. The only thing it's good for is funny pictures/videos or pop culture internet news. And yes, it's full of people like the dude that's the topic in this post. What's sad is this is just one of them...there are thousands of others EXACTLY like this guy out there on Reddit. Stay away from serious discussion on that place, it's futile, because you aren't even getting responses from people with any semblance of an education.
  4. QUOTE (Reddy @ Oct 16, 2012 -> 10:42 AM) i'm going to be brutally honest for a second. the reason you aren't interested in something unless you're "running the show" is that you're scared you'll fail. if you can tell yourself YOU'RE in charge, then when you decide to quit, like you did with P90X, like you did with Coaching, like you did with your job, it will have been YOUR "choice", and YOUR "call", and you did it for the "RIGHT" reasons. You know what all that is? delusion. you're taking the safe and easy way out so that you don't have to take a risk and put yourself out there. by living that way it doesn't have to be your neck, your pride, your self-respect on the line. And i get it. 95% of people do the exact same thing. they take the easy way out. they settle for a mediocre job they don't enjoy. they settle for average. they don't TRY to achieve great things because they don't feel they can or they don't feel they deserve it. BUT - and this is the kicker - THEY TELL THEMSELVES THEY'RE HAPPY. They tell themselves that this is good enough. They tell themselves that they're doing it THEIR WAY and that they're CALLING THE SHOTS. Couldn't be further from the truth. If you were REALLY calling the shots in your life, would you be a security guard? If you really ONLY did things you enjoy, then why the f*** aren't you going bowling, shooting hoops, going to sox games, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. The truth is you DON'T call the shots. You let her call them for you. You let your drug habits call them for you. You let your excuses call the shots. End of story. But the good news is you don't have to. I don't give a s*** if you do P90X or not. I don't give a s*** if you become a coach or not. I just want you to live your damn life and STOP letting the excuses run it into the ground. If something isn't going right in your life the only thing you can do is look in the mirror and say what can i do differently? You do that, things will start looking up. This seemed like pretty harsh words for a person you don't know enough about to make the assumptions you've made. I'm also for brutal honesty, but when you take it to this level, you need some details on the person that goes beyond barely knowing them, no?
  5. QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Oct 16, 2012 -> 01:33 PM) Shoot a promo is a wrestling term, I basically just went off on him. No punches, just hitting him with my words. 3 of my friends smoke me out for free, they're good guys I've known forever. They're all managers at the car wash like I would have been. 2 of em have a house around the block from me and one has an apartment not to far from me. Its not some junkie low life s*** goin on per say, I grew up with these guys, theyre true friends. Oh and dipped= walked away..not sure if that was the confusing part or not. You should have put that jabronie in his corner after that shoot you laid out on him.
  6. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Oct 16, 2012 -> 01:21 PM) You have wireless television and XBOX? And all your devices sync wirelessly? That's pretty impressive. I don't mean wireless for audio transmission or power -- I don't like wireless speakers ... yet ... and wireless power technology doesn't exist yet in most instances, I meant for internet access/syncing. No internet devices are wired in my house. The rest of it doesn't exist yet, so I don't have it...yet.
  7. QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ Oct 16, 2012 -> 11:25 AM) Yeah thats what i meant, the cheapest tier needs to be of a higher bandwidth now i think. I never thought id see the day when i would rather surf the web on my phone than on my Pornbook Pro at home. There will be a day when wired technology of any kind is something people have never heard of. Every computing device in my entire house has been wireless for years now, from the XBOX, to Computers, to Phones, to tablets, to televisions... The only thing still wired is my surround system.
  8. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Oct 15, 2012 -> 09:48 PM) This is the best debate. Lincoln That was pretty good...I enjoyed the Lincoln part.
  9. QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ Oct 16, 2012 -> 02:53 AM) Comcast needs to start stepping up their internet game! I get steady 25mbps on my iPhone 5, thats much faster than what I get for my home internet, sheesh! You can get faster than that from Comcast, just have to pay for it. Comcast has a 50mbit and a 100mbit package you can buy.
  10. QUOTE (iamshack @ Oct 15, 2012 -> 12:43 PM) Well if you didn't bring it up for comparison's sakes, then why did you bring it up? You wanted to form a list of other historic events of the 21st century? Were you playing Jeopardy!? I don't think Obama blames Bush too much at all. I do agree (and I think he would too) that he made too many promises in his last campaign, but every candidate makes a bunch of promises he can't keep, let's be honest. To simply look at his Administration now and say "He didn't keep his promises! Unemployment is still at 8%! The average worker earns less! The economy is in the crapper!" is a bit naive. I really, really don't care to argue about this anymore though, because we both have pointed out that political arguments are pointless. Why waste our time? Seriously? Well, he does.
  11. QUOTE (iamshack @ Oct 15, 2012 -> 12:43 PM) Well if you didn't bring it up for comparison's sakes, then why did you bring it up? You wanted to form a list of other historic events of the 21st century? Were you playing Jeopardy!? I don't think Obama blames Bush too much at all. I do agree (and I think he would too) that he made too many promises in his last campaign, but every candidate makes a bunch of promises he can't keep, let's be honest. To simply look at his Administration now and say "He didn't keep his promises! Unemployment is still at 8%! The average worker earns less! The economy is in the crapper!" is a bit naive. I really, really don't care to argue about this anymore though, because we both have pointed out that political arguments are pointless. Why waste our time? I brought it up because of Obama's constant use of the blame card, which he seems to pull on a daily basis. I thought I've made this pretty clear by now. The example I used was just one example out of the hundreds I could have used. I could have named many previous presidents that inherited a mess, of lesser or even greater impact that the one Obama inherited. Does it matter which example is used? Presidents of the past have inherited wars, depressions, etc...and like I said, I'll even ignore the blame card for a year or two, I'm sure they've all done it at one point or another...but after a time, it's time to march on. Obama doesn't seem to want to do that. Like I said, maybe it's just his advisers, but whatever it is, let's move on. I think the entire universe gets it already and it's too the point that it need not be mentioned again.
  12. QUOTE (iamshack @ Oct 15, 2012 -> 11:05 AM) Yeah, I do keep doing that. Probably because my point in calling this a historic collapse was directly in regards to the challenges it has posed to the Obama Administration, and the challenge it would have been to any Administration that took Office in '09. One simply cannot view Obama's Administration in a vacuum, as if nothing that came before it had any impact on things. You chose to compare the .com bust to the housing and banking crisis of '08-'09. It's simply not on par, not even close. Call it historic all you want. I don't really mind. But the two events are not particularly comparable. In no way did I do this, but thanks. I merely stated that every President enters office with his share of problems, which is a fact. I never compared the impact of them, nor was it my attempt to do so. My point was pretty simple. Every President inherits some sort of mess, or some sort of mess occurs when they're in office. What bothers me about Obama is his incessant blaming of Bush, DESPITE the fact that Obama knew what he was getting into BEFORE he took office. It's not like he inhered some mess he wasn't expecting. Not only did he expect it, but promised to fix it. I have no problem with that. But that's what he needs to do instead of playing the blame Bush game constantly. It may just be my opinion, but when a leader blames others for failure, they're a failure as a leader. And I'll even ignore the first two years of blame...I'm human, I can at least get that. But it's still going on today, and to me, that's a sign of a weak leader. Or maybe it's the people he surrounded himself with, but in either case, it's time he moves forward, instead of constantly looking back and invoking the name of Bush simply to dismiss any complaints people have. Be a man, tell people it takes time...stand up for your vision and push forward. But falling back to the blame game time after time has become irksome to me. Man up already and stop being a weeny, Mr. President.
  13. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 15, 2012 -> 08:14 AM) Holy Crap, how had I missed out on Google Play before? Total awesomeness if you want to be able to access your music, but don't want to download it on to a player. It will even import from your ITunes, including all of your playlists. Google you have done it again! That's Google's App store...not sure how you missed it's existence for so long.
  14. QUOTE (Brian @ Oct 15, 2012 -> 06:44 AM) Got an email bout my iphone finally being shipped. Are my contacts in my iCloud or will I have to copy those over? They should be, unless you disabled that in your icloud options.
  15. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 13, 2012 -> 10:58 AM) I expect Y2HH to spend the next 4 days trying to recreate everything in that video to disprove it. He'll even wear the batman outfit. I don't disprove parody/comedy, that would mean I missed the point of it. I do disprove bulls*** posted and accepted by many of you as fact, though, and I'll continue to do so. And the video was pretty funny.
  16. QUOTE (iamshack @ Oct 13, 2012 -> 01:18 PM) I know you tech and financial folks like to think it was historic, but in 75 years, in the history books in school, the .com bust will only be relevant in that it showed that the proliferation of the internet and the tech industry did have some limits. It will be absolutely nowhere near as an important of an event as the housing and banking collapse in '08-'09. But if you want to insist it was historic, heck, I won't stop you. You keep comparing it to other historic moments to make it appear less historic. In comparison to other historic events, such as the Great Depression, it hardly registers, but the same can be done by comparing the current recession to things like WW2, which by comparison is also a blip. That isnt the point, regardless of your continued attempts to lessen the significance of one event by comparing it to another unrelated event. I'm simply stating, that the .com boom/bust was historic, memorable, and books have been written about it...because it was historic, and not just to tech/finance types.
  17. QUOTE (iamshack @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 07:09 PM) Yeah, it was a fairly large occurrence, but I don't think it had nearly the effect that the housing crisis, banks collapsing, and the auto industry nearly collapsing had, do you? That doesn't make it not historic. I hate double negatives.
  18. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 03:36 PM) We all know that mr genius watches nothing but American Idol and NASCAR. Hey, hey! (From B&B)
  19. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 05:44 PM) AirPort Extreme hands down. I've had netgear, links us etc and its hands down the best performer I've ever had. Apple was one of the first to go big on WiFi, most people don't know that. The Airport Extreme is a very good router, as are quite a few others...the only drawback to the Airport is having to reboot it when making changes, and I find this a huge negative to an otherwise well made product. I'm not a big fan of Netgear these days, at all...but most any wireless router, if configured properly, will work well. The newer Linksys are also very good (Cisco). Big thing is knowing what channels to use, and every house is different. For Wireless G, you should use channels 1, 6 or 11 -- they're the only 3 that don't overlap with other technologies -- and depending on your specific home/location, one of those three will be superior and give better speeds/coverage. Also, anything less than WPA2/AES is unacceptable and quite easily crackable.
  20. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 02:51 PM) At full employment, yes, at any given time, millions are out of work. We are nowhere near peak employment, and we have millions of chronically unemployed people who have been suffering for years. At the very least, it's a tragic waste of human potential. Cannot have full employment or inflation would would go beyond what the alarmists call hyper inflation. Unemployment, sadly, is a necessary evil of capitalism.
  21. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 01:38 PM) I'm happy for you but my queation was "are we better off today than when Obama took office" and only the most partisan republican could say we aren't. Of course the president has had missteps along the way but if we would've had done what Romney said we should do and let the auto industry go down, we would've been in an even bigger economic mess, that isn't up for debate. Almost a million and a half of Americans are working today because of that 80 billion dollar bail out. I've seen figures that up to 4 million jobs might've been lost had George W Bush/Obama hadn't acted. It would've been a clusterf*ck the likes we've never seen before. Look, things aren't nowhere near as well as we all wish they could be but this last recession was no run of the mill recession and both parties are to blame, some jobs are just not coming back, they're out there in 3rd world countries where American corporations could pay them a fraction of what they would pay here (that is immoral IMO but I won't get into that). The fact that Romney was willing to let so many people lose their jobs is what makes me think he isn't someone who cares about the middle class, add to that that Romney keeps talking about creating 12 million jobs. How? Trust us on it is what they say... Also, do note that there is a yin/yang to "bailing out" companies like this, as it makes them more prone to taking risks, knowing that they can use the "hide behind our workforce defense", knowing full well that when they f*** up huge, the government will bail them out of their mistakes, no matter how many times they repeat them, because that many people losing their jobs would be a bad thing. There is give and take in every action...as physics says, for every action... When speaking of the broad US economy, yes, we can probably say we are better off now than in 2009. I've never been a fan of macro economics on this subject, however, as it has little to do with everyday people, and has more to do with companies.
  22. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 01:38 PM) I'm happy for you but my queation was "are we better off today than when Obama took office" and only the most partisan republican could say we aren't. Of course the president has had missteps along the way but if we would've had done what Romney said we should do and let the auto industry go down, we would've been in an even bigger economic mess, that isn't up for debate. Almost a million and a half of Americans are working today because of that 80 billion dollar bail out. I've seen figures that up to 4 million jobs might've been lost had George W Bush/Obama hadn't acted. It would've been a clusterf*ck the likes we've never seen before. Look, things aren't nowhere near as well as we all wish they could be but this last recession was no run of the mill recession and both parties are to blame, some jobs are just not coming back, they're out there in 3rd world countries where American corporations could pay them a fraction of what they would pay here (that is immoral IMO but I won't get into that). The fact that Romney was willing to let so many people lose their jobs is what makes me think he isn't someone who cares about the middle class, add to that that Romney keeps talking about creating 12 million jobs. How? Trust us on it is what they say... This is an unfair way of looking at things... Nobody can speak for "we", because there is a huge portion of the population is IS worse off now than they were in 2009. You can't just choose to ignore that.
  23. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 01:02 PM) Define your metric for "historic" It was historic in that we've never seen the near instant creation and near instant destruction of wealth that the rate in which it happened, and how it happened. Money and jobs were falling from the sky, seemingly out of the same thin air they evaporated back into just as quickly. It was historic in that the NASDAQ went from under 2000 to over 5000 in the span of a two years...and back again. It was a historic rise and fall, and cannot be called anything less. I don't know what else one could call what happened during that time, other than calling it historic.
  24. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 12:43 PM) So you think we were better off in Jan of 2009 (when Obama took office) than we are today? I can't speak for "we", I can speak for me. I am better off now on an overall scale than I've ever been, I said this much in the Democrat thread. The issue is most of (if not all) of that gain is negated by local taxes and fees surging. That said, I was better off in 2009 than I was in 2006, or 2007, and I'm better off now than I was in 2009. I'm a bit of an exception to the rule when it comes to this, however, as every year since my career began I've been better off the year after, successively, regardless of the economy.
  25. QUOTE (iamshack @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 12:14 PM) I've probably done them, but what are they? It's when you do a burpee but explode into a mushroom cloud. Duh.
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