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Posts posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (fathom @ Jan 14, 2017 -> 09:21 AM)
    My dream scenario is Cena beats Styles, causing Styles to enter Rumble and win. Then in early March Kenny Omega joins WWE leading to Cena/Styles/Omega at WM


    I'm just not a fan of Joe. I'd much rather see Naka come up.


    I also think Omega is a pipe dream, I just don't see him leaving NJ. That said, he would make an amazing addition to Smackdown, so obviously the WWE would stick him on RAW. I'm also sure they'd ruin his character with their overly scripted modern style...if I were Omega I'd take the payday, though.


    I don't want Cena beating Styles. Cena may not like being called it, but he IS a part timer now, and they need to focus on the full time stars they have remaining, instead of CONSTANTLY undercutting them with part timers that make them look like chumps every time someone from the previous generation returns.


    Unless Cena plans on returning full time (and soon), AJ should beat him CLEAN...they need to stop pandering to the old guard if they ever want to move forward.


    Also, team Smackdown. I don't even watch RAW anymore outside of a few highlights...again, that mostly involve ANOTHER previous generation star in Chris Jericho (that and the 3 hour format is just too long for my liking).

  2. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 14, 2017 -> 07:51 AM)
    straight white male privilege is awesome, isn't it?


    Uh, if it were that simple, sure.


    I hate when people say s*** like this because it undermines everything I've accomplished, and frankly, it's bandied about way too often for my liking these days. I know plenty of straight white males that are dismal failures because their white privilege didn't help them accomplish much in life.


    While I'm positive it didn't hurt to be a white male, it didn't get me a degree, or a career, or a good marriage...it also didn't stop me from getting arrested and thrown in jail for graffiti vandalism when I was but a young buck, either.


    Edit: Point is, I know plenty of straight white MISERABLE people. I'm not loving life simply because of that as you are alluding too.

  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 13, 2017 -> 07:51 PM)
    White Sox







    Ok, you've got the Blackhawks and better Pizza than me.


    Honestly, despite being a sports forum, those things rank pretty low in my life as to why I'm loving life.


    It's not perfect by any stretch, but me complaining is just bulls***, because there are billions in this world with actual complaints. I play video games, watch wrestling, etc...s*** could be worse.

  4. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 13, 2017 -> 05:36 PM)
    For gosh sakes, greg. For gosh sakes.


    *retreats back to the shadows, aka Santiago, Chile on a Friday night, which is so much better than being in America right now*


    I'm guessing that depends on who you are.


    As much as I might complain about certain things, life is pretty awesome here in America/Chicago.

  5. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 13, 2017 -> 01:12 PM)
    Reminds me of one of my favorite Nietzsche quotes (its in my sig), but I have to hope people will learn. I have to hope that there are other people out there who may be willing to sacrifice a small amount for the better of everyone else.


    Because without that hope, I may as well become Trump. Just use all of my advantages to take the most from everyone else, to gain the most for me.


    Live like a Democrat long enough to become a Republican. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  6. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 13, 2017 -> 12:57 PM)
    Haha true, I just want to see our country break him. In the hopes that no one else tries this type of bulls*** again.


    The problem with this is, it's like a snake biting it's own tail.


    If we break Trump, we inevitably break ourselves...and to what end? Do you REALLY think the people will learn anything? I don't.

  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 13, 2017 -> 12:42 PM)
    "My Congressman/Senator is great, it's the other guys who suck!"


    I'm of the opinion they all suck...


    Unfortunately, in Chicago, where I happen to reside, almost ALL of the congressmen/senators run unopposed...so I'm not even afforded the illusion of choice.

  8. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 13, 2017 -> 12:38 PM)
    Yeah this is where I was going with the statement. But Im so desensitized to lawsuits that I dont really think threatening to "sue" everyone is akin to being a bully as a President.


    When it comes to China/Russia etc he cant just go crying to his lawyer to file a lawsuit.


    ...and I'm so desensitized to Trump...

  9. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 13, 2017 -> 12:14 PM)
    Im pretty sure that if both parties worked together they could put together some pretty amazing controls that could result in better/cheaper healthcare for everyone.


    Its unfortunate.


    The mere idea that the people we elect would work for we the people is absurd.

  10. I hate that people still insist on calling this Obamacare, because the Republicans successfully branded it as such.


    The ACA needs fixes, but that doesn't mean it needs to be repealed because of reasons...


    I think more control needs to be exerted over drug and healthcare prices if this is ever going to work.

  11. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 12, 2017 -> 03:34 PM)
    Is kickstarter basically a vaporware scheme? Has there even been a product on there that was released with a few months of the original ship date? I've only backed 3 or 4 things on there but it seemingly turns into a mutiny from the backers every time.


    Most of the time it's vaporware in my experience. I've seen instances where it's not, but that seems to be the exception.

  12. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Nov 6, 2016 -> 08:21 PM)
    I don't even know why you are this upset about whatever I said but I think you should stop telling me to shut the f*** up and tell me to go f*** myself


    Why? You come into this thread and practically ask for it. So don't be surprised when someone does it because they don't give a s*** whether you ban them temporarily or permanently.


    Take your candy ass back to the Marvel thread where you belong.


    And don't even act like that's not true.

  13. QUOTE (Brian @ Nov 6, 2016 -> 07:57 PM)
    Y2HH, honest question. Why do you always start augments over this stuff? Like the cursing and name calling. Ah who cares. You'll just apologize later like always to save face.


    All of us want these DC movies to get better. It's not like we're hoping they suck so we can day "We told you so".


    Mostly because I don't care?


    And I won't apologize this time. When I apologize it's because I actually mean it. I wouldn't mean it this time. He can go f*** himself.


    How's that for saving face?

  14. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Nov 6, 2016 -> 12:58 PM)
    There he is, delivering the unicorns and rainbows


    You got owned, just shut the f*** up.

  15. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 24, 2016 -> 12:07 PM)
    Its the worst built cloud platform in the world. BUT, everyone uses it.


    You may want to look at Google for work first.


    I was going to say this, would likely be cheaper for an office that small to use Google Docs, Google Apps, etc...Office 365 can be pricey. And it is the worst cloud platform ever. I much prefer AWS.

  16. QUOTE (Middle Buffalo @ Oct 22, 2016 -> 08:23 PM)
    I recently moved, and I have several old PCs that I want to get rid of. How do I safely get rid of them? Is it good enough to just remove the hard drives and drop the rest off at Best Buy or something? I want to get rid of them without any of my info on them.


    If you remove the hard drives, you can just toss them in the garbage, that's pretty much the only things there is any information on...the volatile memory shouldn't contain much of use, if anything at all, and nobody would go through the trouble.


    You can drill holes through your hard drives with a drill bit made for metal/steel, and toss those too.

  17. QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Oct 22, 2016 -> 01:20 AM)
    I just received a notice in the mail from a law firm trying to collect money from me for a parking ticket. The date of the citation is 6-17-97.


    Should I pay this? Is there any kind of statute of limitations on parking ticket? What could happen if I don't? They are saying that failure to respond to the notice may result in garnishing my wages and bank accounts, and filing a lien against my property. And that their client, the City of Chicago reserves the right to seek interest, attorney's fees, and other collection costs. It's only $61, but I still don't really want to give it to them.


    I wouldn't pay it. I HIGHLY doubt the statute of limitations hasn't wayyyyy expired on this.

  18. QUOTE (iamshack @ Oct 21, 2016 -> 07:41 PM)

    What about full-blown home automation systems? Same issues, or more secure?


    Same issue for now, but not because the central "hub" isn't secure (or more secure, I should say), since those are usually made by companies such as Google or Apple, who have a solid security foundation, it's the items connecting too these hubs that have the issues.


    For example, the door locks...most of these new high tech door locks are being made by door lock companies, not Apple or Google or another technology company. Kwikset and Schlage (a couple of popular door lock companies), are just entering the "technology" field and have no idea how to secure things that connect to the internet or elsewhere.


    The issue with that is a door locks one job is to lock your door. Now that they're adding in automation and other such things, it's trivial to open them to the point it's like locking your door when you go on vacation, but leaving the key in it.






    They'll get there, just need a bit of time to iron out some of these issues is all.


    Even companies such as Google and Apple aren't immune to such issues, either. I have a Nest thermostat, and sometime last year they pushed a patch too it that broke everything, so my heater wouldn't turn on. They fixed it, but that's something that just cannot be happening to peoples "smart" devices. Ever.

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