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Posts posted by Y2HH

  1. Some of you may be getting interested in some of these "home" products, and as a person who works in the industry I'd implore you to hold off on these for now, no matter how cool you think they are.


    Most of these products are made by non IT companies that have no idea how to properly build security into their products. As an example, more than half of the current door locks on the market were found to be transmitting unlock codes in plain text over bluetooth. Which means anyone with a cell phone who can download a free BT sniffing app can read door lock passwords up to 100 meters away, depending on the transmit power of that specific lock.


    And it doesn't stop there, they are riddled with bugs and flaws that allow attackers to easily intercept communications to/from them.


    Others were a bit more secure than that, but still trivial to hack.


    Keep in mind this technology is in it's infancy, and although it's all super cool, it's not secure whatsoever.



  2. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 14, 2016 -> 04:07 PM)
    What are we going to do? Nesteggs are gone in one 3 day trip to the hospital. We're all doomed. What do we do??? I'm bipartisan on this. We're all screwed.


    Screaming we're all screwed doesn't accomplish much.


    There are things we can do, but we have to swallow the fact there is going to be some financial pain for us to build a better future for our kids and the next generation. That being said, the terrible leaders we keep electing will likely do nothing with this "financial pain", and possibly even make things worse than they are today. This is what happens when you elect incompetent people.


    Ultimately, we have to ask, does suffering this financial pain in the short term actually equate to anything? Or do they squander it and skim money off of it like Chicago did, which took one of the highest overall tax rates (when you combine property, sales, sticker costs, fees, etc.) and squandered it all to the point the City ended up with nothing but a nice lakefront and loads of debt they can't (or won't) repay?


    If we want to fix this, we have to start by electing competent leaders -- and there are probably less than 10 of them (combined) in the entire House/Senate at this point -- and then start gutting the system as we know it. Raising taxes with the current idiots we have running the country will likely write a law filled with pork and squander every penny of that money before it reaches the system it was meant to fix.


    f*** it, you're right.


    We're all screwed.


    Because I have NO faith the American voters will start electing competent politicians anytime soon.

  3. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 14, 2016 -> 03:39 PM)
    How can companies drop from the exchange? I thought it was law?

    Folks ... our health care system is SO BAD that I see one of two solutions. a.) Either go to a government run system where everybody gets free health care (I know, heaven forbid we do such a thing! It will cause more problems; it will take months to see a doctor!) or b.) the new president has to name one Demo and one Republican (how about Carter and McCain or Bill Clinton and Dole) as head of a healtcare committee to get us a system that remains open market but actually works. (I know, fat chance in f***ing hell we can work together on something so important).

    Folks ... health care is a disaster. We're in trouble as a nation with the current costs, the current Obamacare system as well.


    See, this issue is why our once great country will never be great again. We CANT go non partisan on this issue. We CANT work together cause we don't work together. And this issue is a downright embarrassment to our country. Our health care system is disgusting. The costs??? Like out of a horror movie. What's one night in the hospital now? 20,000 bucks? What's an Xray or MRI cost? 1,000 bucks?? HELP us Dear Lord, Help us.


    First, stop calling it "free".


    Second, yes, the system is bad, and becoming worse. Insurance for many is largely useless these days.


    Now, if you want to have the single payer system conversation, be prepared to be realistic about it, and get ready for some financial pain. Get ready for WAY higher taxes than you pay now. That's the trade off. And I'm talking 50+% for everyone, across the board. And even at those tax rates, I doubt it would cover the expenses necessary to continue care as it is, AND overhaul the entire system.


    If the government takes over the HC industry, they will have to cap wages, prices and drug prices at all once. Doctors, regardless of their speciality, won't be making 650k per year any longer, and big pharma will see tumbling profits to an insane degree. There will be a lot of hurt and pain for us adults for a long while.


    Keep in mind the US Govt can't even run the VA, and anyone that says they can is just sticking the head in the sand. The VA is terrible, and it's small fry in comparison to how big this takeover would be.


    In the end, even if they went to single payer -- and I believe they have too -- it'll be MANY years before anyone reaps the benefits of it...

  4. Trying to figure out my starting lineup this week...anyone care to chime in?


    This is a 12 player .5 PPR league.


    This is my current starting lineup:


    QB Matt Ryan (No, I do not have a backup and I'm playing him despite the bad matchup against Denver)

    RB Melvin Gordon

    RB Todd Gurley

    WR Larry Fitzgerald

    WR Marvin Jones

    TE - Jacob Tamme

    Flex - Brandon Marshall

    K - Dan Bailey

    DEF - Eagles



    RB Orleans Darkwa

    RB Matt Forte

    WR John Brown

    WR Mike Wallace

    WR Robert Woods

    TE Travis Kelce (Bye)


    My current concern is with Forte and his falling production behind the pick throwing machine that is Ryan Fitzpatrick (9 ints in 2 games). I'm having a hard time benching him.


    Any suggestions?

  5. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 4, 2016 -> 09:04 AM)
    there is no letdown


    I've finished watching, and I have to say I really really enjoyed it.


    Anyone that has not finished or watched Stranger Things, STOP READING.


    Spoilers below.


    The entire series was great, it had a bit of a "Fringe" aspect to the show I loved, without going into much detail or bothering trying to explain it. I loved the mysteriousness of not going into too much convoluted explanation.


    The ending can serve as either a cliffhanger OR a finish to the show, which doesn't bother me...though I hope they continue it if they can keep it's quality high.


    The sets and the 80's feel were brilliant all around, really well done.


    If there was one thing I wasn't fond of, it was Elevens sudden sacrifice at the end despite the tease with Hopper leaving the waffles for her at the end. If the show doesn't continue, I would have preferred to see her one final time...she was such a great character to the show...but if it does continue, ignore this "complaint".


    One of the coolest moments toward the end was when Hopper and Joyce were walking through the mirror dimension and the lights were igniting in their wake...them actually showing that moment was awesome.

  6. QUOTE (Ezio Auditore @ Aug 5, 2016 -> 08:50 AM)
    Really? Cook County is one of the most hardcore Democratic strongholds in the entire country. The city hasn't had a Republican mayor in almost a century. People who grew up on the South Side are almost always Democrats.


    Except me. I'm an anarchist.

  7. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 4, 2016 -> 09:09 AM)
    No, because we have to talk about it after you finish. then we can go back to disagreeing


    1 episode left.


    Love it love it love it.


    I hope the ending is great.

  8. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Aug 4, 2016 -> 04:05 PM)
    To be fair, while Civil War had light hearted moments it got dark at times.


    - Bucky murdering Tony's parents in cold blood, Tony seeing this footage

    - A man tries to shoot himself in the head, only for the son of the man he killed to grab the gun and say "the living are not done with you yet."


    If Snyder directed it, Tony would have just killed Bucky with a well placed shot vs. Cap being able to stop him and Zemo would have blown his brains out.




    I think people want Superman to be Cap, which makes sense since they're analogues in comics. He doesn't have to be cheesy and a goofball, but the source of optimism that shines through.


    The parts you highlighted about Civil War are the only parts of the movie I liked. Civil War was flooded with fights for the sake of fighting, with nothing at stake, and no sense of actual danger. That and jokes, and what I found to be ultra silly in all the Ant-Man stuff.


    The murder of Tony's parents and the fight that ensued were the only thing that mattered in the entire movie, and they were phenomenal.


    We've now had 3 Spider-Man's, and I still prefer Tobey McGuires by far.

  9. QUOTE (Ezio Auditore @ Aug 4, 2016 -> 03:08 PM)
    And yeah, the fact that this is the version of Batman that younger people know means that DC is always marketing him that way and writing his comics that way, but it also means the rest of the DC universe has to move with him in order to be compatible, because he's their biggest IP. That is what they f***ed up with the New 52.


    I agree, and that's likely why were seeing the darker, more brooding Superman instead of the Christopher Reeve version everyone seems to be clamoring for. Which, for the record, I don't want. We already had that, and it already exists. That said, it is moving DC in a darker direction, but frankly, I like it...we already have Marvel's lighter hearted nature as alternative choice. I don't want two Marvel's anymore than I want two DC's. While DC's movies haven't been perfect by any means, I STILL prefer them over most of what the MCU has given me.

  10. QUOTE (Ezio Auditore @ Aug 4, 2016 -> 11:44 AM)
    The problem I have with Frank Miller's Batman is that the Dark Knight Returns was supposed to be Batman after decades of crime-fighting had sent him off the deep end. There is nothing wrong with that portrayal, per se, but over the past 20 or so years, it's seeped into the rest of Batman's identity. So Batman is this violent, insufferable, but still self-righteous dick that the other heroes respect, but tolerate more than they actually like.


    I agree on this, it HAS seeped into his identity as we know it today, and the Arkham video games went a long way in lending a hand in this happening. For better or worse, THIS is the Batman most of the younger generation knows and loves.


    That said, I liked the portrayal, as this IS the Batman Affleck is playing right now. They're also kind of showing him begin to revert back to his older, more forgiving ways in light of Supermans sacrifice. All of which I'm fine with, if there was anything that really stood out to me in BvS, it was Affleck's Arkham Batman...I really really liked it.

  11. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Aug 4, 2016 -> 08:10 AM)
    LOL, this is next level #BothSides.


    She's doing all the same things, but it's all being hidden so we can't see it! Hillary Clinton has the Illuminati on her side.


    I think she's just smarter and more experienced about it. But we can still all see it. The question is do people actually care? It would seem no is the answer. People have expectations of corruption when it comes to politicians to the point where we just accept it now. That's what they wanted, too...and we gave it to them.


    Basically, they've lowered the bar so far over time, that the very people whom we should hold to higher expectations we actually hold to lesser expectations.

  12. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 4, 2016 -> 06:29 AM)
    watching someone still trying to pull the "both sides!" gambit at this point is just sad


    And watching someone still trying to pretend it's not both sides at this point is just sadder.

  13. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Aug 3, 2016 -> 10:43 PM)
    There was a lot I didn't like about BvS - the plot jumped all over the place, Lex acted recklessly (and killed Mercy...just cause?), Batman killing so openly with guns, Superman being grim and dour, the editing was jumpy and the soundtrack was way, way too loud.


    But one review I read put it best - it was obsessed with being iconic. Like, every scene. From gods and angels, to piss jars having meaning. Nothing was there for the sake of building. It's like covering the walls of an abandoned, falling apart building with Renaissance artwork.


    It's why there so little emotional punch behind Supes' death and resurrection. Because there weren't emotional build ups to it...and the fact that Wonder Woman could have just taken the spear. That would have worked. Or he could have thrown it.


    Like, Jesus, Quicksilver's death was more emotional because it showed the smallest bit of character growth and (let's ignore Coulson) didn't resurrect him in 15 minutes.


    And also just from the standpoint of a journalist, maaaaaan, Clark woulda been fired so fast.


    I do think that Batman and Wonder Woman will be able to carry the franchises along until it all improves. Justice League's trailer was a step towards that.


    First, let me thank you for actually talking about it...it's a bit refreshing to discuss it versus simply having to go on the defense because "the movie literally causes cancer" type comments most come in here and post for some reason.


    The Batman stuff made perfect sense to me, and I actually really liked it for a number of reasons. First and foremost, Batman always kills depending on the canon you follow, and this was obviously Frank Millers Batman. Keep in mind, there are probably 50 versions of Batman, and that's the one they decided to follow here. This is clearly the Arkham Batman, and frankly, I'm glad for that. I didn't need to see yet another Batman we've already seen 50 times in the movies. Also, I don't know where people got this notion that Batman doesn't kill, even in the older movies, he openly kills people and did so quite often. As for this specific version, I felt they really told the Batman story quite well as to what's happened to him in that world, he's simply stopped caring about criminals and doesn't care how cruel he's become. I think they adequately explained that.


    You're second point is well taken, about everything being iconic...but that's Snyder for you. One thing Snyder does well is capture the levity of a scene, he can really make a sequence feel larger than life, but sometimes he doesn't know when to say when as shown in BvS (and frankly, other movies of his).


    Supermans death sequence itself was well shot, but I agree, it could have been done WAY better had they given the moment time to breath a bit...Snyder had so much going on in that sequence and it happened so fast it was hard to see what actually happened when Superman could have gotten away, but instead of doing so, sacrificed himself for "his world".


    The journalist thing is well explained in the "ultimate edition" where Clark is actually given ample screen time as a journalist, had they just shown that movie, regardless of it's three hour run time, it would have done the world a favor. The studio wanted to avoid the R rating and the run time, and in order to do so, cut out a LOT of Clark/Superman scenes. While some complain that you shouldn't need 3 hours to tell the story, Snyder did, and the 3 hour cut is a superior movie in every regard despite it's run time.


    I do think the casting of Gadot and Affleck turned out to be brilliant. I never really questioned the casting like a lot of people did, but I think both really look and feel the part. Sadly, most people wouldn't give Gadot the time of day for no real reason, since I guarantee most didn't even know who she was before they looked her up, and Affleck, it's as if they think this is still the Gigli/Daredevil Affleck from the 90's, when in fact it's the one that directs and stars in Oscar caliber films these days like Gone Baby Gone, The Town and Argo.

  14. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Aug 3, 2016 -> 06:22 PM)
    Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I kind of liked BvS. It definitely wasn't great by any means, but I thought the overall reviews were unfairly harsh.


    Now, the animated Batman movies are actually really good. Have watched four of them over the past week. I believe several of these are on Comcast On Demand right now if you have some of the premium channels. The Dark Knight Returns, Under the Red Hood, & Assault on Arkham all are worth watching, especially if you have never read any of the comics. Looking forward to renting the The Killing Joke this weekend despite somewhat poor reviews.


    I also like BvS, I found it entertaining. There are actually very few superhero movies I "hate", and even that's a strong word for it...I'd probably say, I like them less than others if I'm being fair. Even the worst of them can entertain me from scene to scene. That being said, almost none of them are what I consider "great" films.


    There are very few of the genre that transcend the "action based super hero movie" to me and become something more of a "film" versus a popcorn-movie, if that makes any sense. The Dark Knight and Iron Man 1 are both amazing, in my opinion. I rank them in that order, and all other superhero movies come in beneath them. Likely starting with X-Men Days of Futures Past and Deadpool, in no particular order. Loved them both, but for different reasons.


    BvS wasn't perfect by any means, but it still entertained me. I could easily say the same about Civil War. I found the first 80% of the movie meaningless, with fight scenes for the sake of fight scenes that really had nothing at stake/no sense of actual danger, but the ending 15 minutes or so with Iron Man going berserk was fantastic.


    I do think the genre is becoming overcooked at this point, but I've already said that a number of times...but so long as audiences flock to these movies, they won't stop coming. Kind of like how Transformers movies keep coming...I just cannot understand how people keep going to see those, either.



  15. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 3, 2016 -> 04:33 PM)
    So your example is Dark Knight Rises which has a Rotten Tomato score of 87%? Right below that score it shows that the average review is an 8 out of 10 from critics. Off in the right column is shows that the average viewer gives it a 4.3 out of 5, or 90%. So what exactly are you trying to prove besides the fact that you personally disliked the movie? The consensus from viewers aligns very closely to the critics.




    And for someone who knows how Rotten Tomatoes works, why was your original comment "F*** Rotten Tomatoes!"? What does that even mean since all they are is an aggregator of reviews? They don't review anything at all. Makes it sound like you don't know what you're talking about.


    Can we go back to discussing the DCU? After all, this is a DC thread, not a Rotten Tomatoes thread. I've my my point clear that I dislike the website and posted plenty of reasons, examples and links as to why. It's entirely fair if you disagree, too. If you find RT works for you and seems to agree with your own opinions on movies, great.


    As for DCU, what do you like or hate about it, if anything? That's what I'm here to discuss...not that "Batman v Superman is so bad it causes cancer and is the worst movie EVER made", like so many of the people ruining this thread come in here to say.


    I mean, holy damn, you even got LostFan in here telling y'all this thread sucks. You don't see me in the Marvel thread s***ting on Marvel movies (this isn't directed at you specifically Sqwert, I just mean in general), all I ask is that if you have nothing good to say about DC, or really have any intention of discussing legit complaints, that you please just stop posting here.

  16. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 2, 2016 -> 09:16 PM)
    I like Affleck, It just was a strange decision to me to cast a Batman that is significantly older than rest of the Justice League. I mean, he came out of retirement when superman showed up, that's just a odd thing to do. I was skeptical of Gadot but she looks good in the WW trailer. I don't know of many that found Eisenberg to be a good Lex choice(and interpretation). Lex has always been a pretty imposing figure in the comics. Even Hackman had an edge, a competitiveness about him with Superman. He wanted the power.


    I still just can't get my head around the fact that Snyder blew through three significant comic storylines in BvS. He put Batman vs Superman, Death in the family, and the Death of Superman in one movie. They still can part out Death in the family and complete it, of course. I agree with what you said about them deciding to rush to catch up to Marvels momentum, it just isn't necessary. We know who these characters are, take your time and give them to us.


    In the end, if both marvel and DC are making good movies, competition will make everyone happy.


    I believe that's Alex Luthor, Lex's son. But that said, still too weird for me.


    Also, yes, there was a lot going on but there were still aspects of BvS I loved, and others I felt rushed but I didn't let it kill the movie for me. There were aspects of weak writing like "Martha" being the glaring one, and with better writing wouldn't have been a problem, but as I stated I think that's a result of playing from behind.


    All said I positively loved Afflecks arkham batman portrayal.


    I agree and think DC should have taken their time, but I'll take it.

  17. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 2, 2016 -> 08:16 PM)
    I make no bones about it, Snyder is the bad guy for me. JS will probably come in and argue it later, but he is the KW/Hahn in my eyes. The choices they have made have been terrible and it's carrying over


    Of the choices I agree on some and disagree on others.


    I've absolutely loved the casting of Gal Gadot and Ben Affleck. I think those two are what sparked off most of the hate and people just don't want to backtrack now. Loved both of them.

  18. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 2, 2016 -> 07:53 PM)
    See, calling me a marvel fanboy is incorrect and condescending coming this way. It's way wrong. I love DC and Marvel comics. i love Marvel movies, but DC has put out nothing worth my time anymore. You can dismiss RT all you want, I don't really care if you don't trust them. Critics are what you make of them, some people loved Ebert and some hated him. I am reading the reviews and what they are picking apart and it is largely the same complaints: starts out pretty good, Will Smith, Jay Hernandez, Margot Robbie are standouts, third act goes completely off the rails and is drags the movie down.


    Honestly I don't even know why you come into both the Marvel and DC threads and get mad at us about it, you have said multiple times you don't really like all of the comic movies and wish they would stop making them. I disagree with that too, I love this genre and while there are some stinkers, I'm glad that movie making finally has caught up to comics and allows them to be made faithfully


    Then I apologize. It just seems as of late, at every turn, it's Marvel fanboys that are the loudest ones saying anything negative they can about DC films. Even if you didn't like BvS, and it had it's problems, I get that. The way people are saying things like it's the worst movie ever made is just asinine. So forgive me, but I've come out fighting for DC here...I've enjoyed the movies, and I'm really sick of people going off the deep end on the DC hate.


    As for what you said last, I love the genre too, but I think it's been too much too quickly as of late...I'd prefer fewer but better movies.


    The Dark Knight I regard as the greatest comic movie ever made. Not Rises, but part 2 of the Nolan trilogy. I follow that with Iron Man 1. I think all others come in behind those two.


    I try to be fair...but as of late, I've just come out firing in defense of DC just to "balance" the crazy hate I'm witnessing.


    So...again, I apologize to both you and Brian for being so hard headed on this...I just feel like I'm going up agains the world...


    I should probably just not bother at this point...but I love talking to you people even if you annoy me from time to time...which I'm sure I do a lot of myself. ;)

  19. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 2, 2016 -> 07:38 PM)
    Oh my bad, your opinion only matters.


    In my meaningless opinion, it shouldn't take a 4 hour directors cut for a movie to make sense. Seems I'm not the only one


    No, I don't disagree with you on that point. I most definitely agree it was rushed, but that being said I still enjoyed it. I believe this was kind of in hindsight to "playing catchup" to Marvel at the box office, where DC kind of sat back for years as Marvel Studios rolled out films and gained momentum, they kind of decided to jump in the deep end in an attempt to get in on the action before the genre burns itself out (which they all eventually do).


    And this is what I mean by condescension from you Marvel fanboys, and it's obvious that's what you all are. I never said your opinion doesn't matter. I never said you had to love BvS. I'm merely pointing out how flawed RT is, and question why people follow it like gospel (as shown they do in this thread), because you know, it's a, consensus of hundreds of "critics"...and I put critics in quotes for a reason.

  20. QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 2, 2016 -> 07:21 PM)
    If you want to keep calling me names, I'll join the fun. Of course you pick like 2 movies out of millions that have been made. There are exceptions to every rule. I haven't seen Ghostbusters remake and hated Crystal Skull as well. So you're not schooling anyone.


    You argue like a child at recess. No clue why I'm wasting my time.


    Here are more exceptions, for your reading pleasure.


    Justin Bieber: Never Say Never: CERTIFIED FRESH @64%.



    You know what, I'll just leave this here.




    All of those movies had a higher rating that Batman v Superman. And I'm not saying everyone has to love Batman v Superman -- I personally liked it, especially the directors cut -- but seriously...this list of movies were nowhere near as entertaining as BvS, even if you absolutely hated it because it was too dark or scattered, it was STILL better than f***ing Tobey McGuire's "Emo Spider-Man 3", which was also "certified fresh" at 63%.

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