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Posts posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jul 8, 2016 -> 01:10 PM)
    You speak of oppression in the past tense and act like I'm out of touch? There is no equality in America. Hell, we live in one of the most segregated and oppressive metropolitan areas in the country.


    You've still missed my point since at no time did I speak about oppression in my original statement, you did. I merely pointed out the absurdity behind hate based on nothing more than color.




    Nothing in that statement talks about oppression.


    Move along now.

  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 8, 2016 -> 12:43 PM)





    The dishonest liberal media ALWAYS claims Black Lives Matter m...


    Are you guys really going to turn this thread into a liberal/neocon pissing contest? Really?

  3. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jul 8, 2016 -> 11:21 AM)
    I don't want to start a debate in light of current events, but this would only be true if the black furred dog was systematically oppressed for the better part of American history. This attitude is incredibly naive and borderline insulting.


    You misunderstood my words so badly it's hard to even take you seriously.


    Let me connect the dots for you, because apparently you need it done.


    What I said is, from the start of American history, or history in general, the mere idea of basing hate on the color of one's skin is silly. It's as silly as black bears and polar bears hating each other based on nothing other than fur color.




    I never absolved the struggles or realities of the world. I never in that statement pretended oppression didn't occur. I'm merely pointing out that color is f***ing silly, and everything ever done based on color is even sillier. Because it is.

  4. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 8, 2016 -> 10:24 AM)
    Eh it's still at least an order of magnitude less intense than what was going on in the 60's.


    I agree, but you will never convince people of this.


    Just like you can't show them statistics and show them that's is dramatically safer in the US than it's almost ever been because they'll choose to not believe them.

  5. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 8, 2016 -> 09:44 AM)
    I seriously spent over two hours reading blogs about moving to Costa Rica and New Zealand last night. I just feel like I want to get away from this country and live somewhere else peacefully. :crying


    Because when all the good people leave, it'll surely get better for those left behind. It should be the other way around.

  6. QUOTE (shipps @ Jul 8, 2016 -> 08:04 AM)
    I can't go on social media today. So disappointed in the divide that exists between black and white people that are my friends. Unfortunately I am convinced that at the core of this, for the most part, black and white people do not like each other in this country right now. I see a lot of my black friends talking about white people like we are the devil (literally with some) and white people talking down black people and blaming them for being innocently shot by police. There is hate coming from all sides and I feel like I am trapped in the middle. Just disgusted with everyone.


    Exactly how I feel.


    And anyone doing this is a f***ing twat. If those black friends of yours are doing that, by the way, they're not really your friends. They're acquaintances at best. And the same goes for white people who pretend to have black friends. That's all you are to them, that token they can point too and say, see...I have white friends , or see, I have black friends!


    I grew up going to a dominantly Mexican grammar school and a very racially mixed high school, and I never looked at them as "black friends" or "Mexican friends", they were just people...just friends.


    And this is all bulls***. I'm sick of it.


    It's as silly as a white furred dog hating another dog because it has black fur, or visa versa.









  7. QUOTE (brett05 @ Jul 8, 2016 -> 08:02 AM)
    I agree, only it needs to be conservative. The SC has made too many mistakes already because of it's liberal lean. We need one right now just for balance.


    The SC doesn't have a liberal lean, and hasn't for eons. Up until recently there have been 4 staunch neocons and 4 staunch liberals on the bench, and one right of center republican, as I'd call him.


    Notice I didn't call 8 of them republicans or democrats, because those ones are extreme leaning.


    We don't need that s*** on the supreme court. Justice shouldn't be determined with a liberal or neocon slant. They need to be above that. People talk about holding police to a higher standard, well...the supreme court should be held to the highest of a high standards, and if they can't make decisions based on the strict interpretation of constitutional law without whatever modern lean they may have, then they shouldn't be doing it at all.


    We should strive for right of center or left of center judges on all accounts...as close to independents as possible, entirely based on their well vetted and past judicial records.


    Both of these parties are poison, and no, I don't care if you're liberal or a neocon, you're ideologically poisoned if either.


    And don't tell me judgements cannot be passed without liberal/neocon infection, either.

  8. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 05:24 PM)
    Caulfield, I wasn't afraid or wanting to physically harm the transgender wearing the dress and heels and stumbling into the Subway. I was trying to be nice on this message board by not saying how I truly felt -- that is, I was losing my appetite looking at her. Am I a sinner for this mental atrocity? Yes. I am not perfect. But at least I'm admitting the sight of her was not pleasing to my eyes. Should I be a better person than that? Sure. I guess I could have sat with the transgendered person at dinner and tried to force myself to not be so dismayed by her appearance, but on that day, my faults as a human being surfaced. Maybe she thinks I'm a gross, ugly MF. She has that right.


    I've never had a problem with being around African Americans even though at Brother Rice I think we had maybe less than five total black students when I was there. All recruited athletes I think. I truly am colorblind. Believe it.


    Brother Rice.


    Explains a lot. ;)

  9. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 02:53 PM)
    I am just as angered as Greg. I can't stop thinking about this today. I was literally shaken to the core last night when this exploded on twitter.


    See, while I've only met you once, I believe you when you say this. That and by your record of posting here over the years...I believe this shook you. You also rarely tend to express it...Greg on the other hand seems to get outraged at any and every opportunity...for things far less serious than this.


    I saw this news and...nothing but a fleeting moment of sadness, because I know it'll just be a few days or weeks before it or some other atrocity happens and replaces it...it would be a never ending pit of sadness and anger. Perhaps that's why I've stopped letting it bother me over the years.

  10. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 02:36 PM)
    Please watch this woman explain the murder of her boyfriend. This is a f***ing disgrace. This is America??? What the f*** is going on? He was assassinated!!!!!! And after the cold blooded murder the woman was treated like a criminal as well. Separated from her kid? Cops f***ing with her facebook page?? Taking her phone?? What the f*** did she do?? What the f*** did her boyfriend do?





    Greg, can I ask you a serious question?


    Are you actually this outraged or are you just putting on a show? You're so over the top, I just think you're that person that "internet yells and screams", and then opens up a 50$ bottle of Stag's Leap Cab and sips it on his rustic front porch and watches the sun go down while bluebirds land on your railing and talk to you.


    Personally, I tend to be a devils advocate of sorts (I'm sure that's quite clear around these parts)...I like to argue, but I don't take it personally. And if I'm being perfectly honest...I'm more saddened by this than angry. But I know this will pass, it always does, and get replaced by the latest atrocity that occurs somewhere in the world for us to discuss. I feel bad anyone has to go through this. Now, should I put myself out there and admit the truth?


    I won't lose any sleep over it, either.


    I'm not sure if that makes me a bad person, or indifferent...I'm just so used to it, it doesn't affect me anymore.

  11. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 02:23 PM)
    I don't understand your last point because I view Bush and obama as radically different in the context of politics. But both preferable to trump who is radically different in a sense out of politics. I've never seen anyone who hates america and americans more than him.


    I think this country has largely followed the same course for decades. While different decisions have been made here or there, we're largely on the same course.

  12. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 02:20 PM)
    What is a "centrist" isn't a well-defined position but is instead defined by what position other people take. And there's always going to be sharp scholarly ideological legal disagreements on what's even the appropriate way to interpret the Constitution, case law, bills, administrative rulings etc.


    Long term limits for federal judges, something like 25-30 years might make sense, but then that's only going to politicize those positions more explicitly. This year's election is a little odd because we know there's a SC right now (there shouldn't be, the Senate should do its damn job and hold a vote on the President's nominee), but if we knew that Judge A's position was up in 2017, you're more explicitly making the Presidential election about filling that judge's spot.


    I think if your record shows you've made many judgements that go with and against a specific political leaning, you should then become eligible for the job. Anyone with a staunch record of judging on the liberal or neocon side should be disqualified...which eliminates exactly 7 of the people currently sitting.


    I have no use for a liberal bench, nor do I have a use for a neocon one...I think it does a great disservice to this country.

  13. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 02:19 PM)
    LOL it's like another Saturday Night Live skit. Why did they bother with this charade? Clinton's are above the law and that is scary considering she has 8 years of Presidential Power coming up. Hillary needs to borrow somebody's phone to call Comey and set up a party in a plane on a tarmac somewhere to toast his support of her. It's scary what so many people will do in support of somebody as unimpressive and outwardly elitist as Hillary Clinton.


    While I agree in this instance, the republicans lie just as much as she does. And they don't care, either.

  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 02:13 PM)
    Locking in a liberal supreme court for the next generation is the most important thing in this election imo. The court has been conservative for a while now. Replacing Scalia with even a moderate like Merrick Garland would be a massive ideological shift. RGB probably leaves the court within the next four years as well, so replacing her with another solid liberal keeps that balance. If Kennedy, the next oldest, also leaves the court, suddenly we've got a relatively young 6-3 liberal court that will be in place for decades.


    Winning Congress and the Presidency is important, but if you have a SC dead set against you, your policies can be struck down with some terribly convoluted arguments (e.g. Shelby County being one of the worst in recent memory). Obamacare with a slightly more conservative court is DoA, Obamacare with a slightly more liberal court means the Medicaid expansion isn't gutted and millions more low income Americans have access to health care.


    I think everyone on the Supreme Court should be as close to a centrist as possible. I don't want liberals or neocons on the bench. Ever. And I want term limits introduced to an appointed position of such awesome power. Our Supreme Court system sucks.

  15. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 02:09 PM)
    He was in the House until the 90's, so even less important (1/435) than a Senator (1/100). I think he'll get some nice committee chairs at the start of the next Congress, assuming the Democrats ride Donald's Downticket Disaster to a Senate majority.


    If the Democrats cannot capitalize on this Trump hijack of the republican party, let's just declare both parties dead.

  16. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 02:05 PM)
    Sure. My point is this. Sanders has some nice ideas but made a lot of hay about being generally around powerful people as he was off in vermont playing hackysack with burlington coffee owners. He acts like being at the march on washington makes him MLK, and he acts like standing behind hillary clinton on stage makes him the architect.


    Healthcare reform was very important to me in 2008 as it was finally attainable and I was all about reading about why hillarycare failed only to find Obama make the same mistakes. But in all that reading I never once came across Sanders name as some great advocate or important role player int he legislation.


    So while it may be a lie, in that sanders one time stood behind her, it's the truest lie I've ever heard. Sanders was much more relevant in 2008 pushing for single payer.


    Here is one place I'll agree with you on, because in the interest of being fair, Sanders did not fully support Clinton's health reform efforts in the 1990's. He's always been very adamant about single payer. Clinton is clearly the more flexible politician...does that make her a better politician given our system? Perhaps...but is it what we really want...again?


    Also, keep in mind Sanders was just a jr. senator back then...he wasn't a very important person -- and I guess it could be argued he's still not.


    My issue with Hillary is clear...it's more of the same.


    It's the same government we had with Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama, etc...it's the safe choice...it's the wall street choice...but I thought we wanted change in this country? Or, is it really that we want to talk about change...but don't actually want it?

  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 01:52 PM)
    Telling a non-white person to leave the country because they don't experience the same environment you do.


    He literally said he wanted to leave. So I told him too. Convenient you left that part off, though...otherwise your weak sauce argument doesn't hold water.

  18. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 01:47 PM)
    I agree


    and just because I said I'm afraid of cops in the US and I feel safer back home :lol:


    I was merely trying to hold your head and soothe you in the only way I know how...with a steel chair to the noggin and a sleeper hold.

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