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Posts posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 01:38 PM)
    And it's a great illustration of white privilege, because it's a complete failure to recognize that non-whites are effectively living in a different country within our borders.


    I don't think anything I said shows a failure to recognize that whatsoever.


    Obviously, the high violent crime rate in Chicago occurs in very few places. I'm well aware of this...I think most people are well aware of this.

  2. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 01:37 PM)
    Let's get rid of gang related violence in both countries. Where does that roughly leave both in terms of violence?


    Not sure how you'd do that. While I'm sure (as he pointed out), there are areas of Mexico that are very safe, there are also areas of the US that are very safe.


    Hell, if we were able to remove the cartels and gangs from Mexico and the US, I bet North America would become one of the safest places on earth overnight. But this isn't reality. Fact is, both in Mexico and in the US, gangs make up for a majority of the violent crime...hell, I live in Chicago and I never see violent crime...does that make Chicago safe? Hell no.

  3. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 01:27 PM)
    I can see you didn't bother to watch the video I linked.


    The US is all around more dangerous than Mexico, fact.


    The numbers are way skewed because of the drug cartel killings but if you mind your own business and don't go messing with the wrong crowd (drug cartels), you'll be fine.


    I'll take a page from you and also add that about 95% of murders in Mexico are cartel related (I'm being generous, probably 98%)


    No, that's NOT a fact.


    I posted data to prove this wrong, stop repeating it now. This isn't an opinion of yours.

  4. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 01:17 PM)
    Thank you


    Finally a voice of reason and someone who doesn't feel I attacked him for saying I feel safer in Mexico than in the US


    That's not what a voice of reason is.


    You can feel free to feel safer in Mexico than in the US despite Mexico being FAR more dangerous than the US. You try to cherry pick one geographic area, and then compare it to one of the US's most violent geographic areas as if that matters.


    People believe that GMO's are bad, and vaccinations cause autism too...and they're free to feel that way. They're morons, but they're free to feel however they want. :P

  5. There were many major players for health care reform in the 90s and Sanders was not one. I'm sure she stood in front of a lot of people as a first lady.


    So just to be clear, Hillary actually tries to get health care reform done 20 years prior, leads the effort, but she doesn't care, but Sanders goes and fights civil rights in the heart of Vermont but he cares so much more. Got it.


    Wellp, she may not give me the feels that Sanders can, but she does know legislation and can put together ideas to help a lot of people.


    Oh, really?



    Then what the f*** is THAT?

  6. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 01:10 PM)
    His home town has a substantially lower crime rate than Chicago (not where he's at right now anyway) or San Antonio (where he is actually at). Either way who cares, he's talking about how he personally feels as a minority around police in this country, and there are plenty of statistics to show that minorities do have reason to be more fearful of police than white people do.


    Again, I never told him how to feel.


    There are people afraid of getting hit by blimps, too...and they're free to feel that way. It's absurd, but feel away.

  7. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 01:01 PM)
    It depends on where you live, I GUARANTEE you that Chicago has a much higher murder rate than Queretaro, which is where I and my family live.


    I don't know why you guys get your panties in a bunch for me saying something THAT I FEEL.


    I feel safer in Queretaro than I do in San Antonio.


    Anyways, I don't want to make this about me but I have no idea why Y2HH attacked me for an opinion I posted. We are free to post opinions are we?


    Chicago happens to have a violent gang problem that accounts for 95% of the violent crime (likely more than 95%, but I'm being generous). Apples to Apples, please. I can easily say it depends on where you live in the US, too...


    Also, I didn't "attack your opinion", I attacked your "facts"...you cannot have an opinion on which is more dangerous as data exist to back that up. Mexico is either safer than the US, or it isn't...this isn't an opinion. And, as the facts show, it isn't safer in any regard.

  8. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 12:58 PM)
    Given that the whole thing was political theater in the first place, they didn't get the responses they wanted and that one sentence cuts against their narrative.


    Fact is she did lie. A lot. Comey can sugarcoat what he feels is a lie, but practically everything she said he refuted...and if that was almost anyone else (not a member of the elite class), they'd be in f***ing jail...and you know it.

  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 12:46 PM)
    Comey was pretty unequivocal in his responses to them that there was no indication that she had lied and there was no basis for prosecution.


    This is pretty laughable.


    In one sentence he says, “We have no basis to conclude that [Clinton] lied to the FBI.”, and then continues to say the following:


    Lie 1: On Clinton’s claim that nothing she sent or received was marked classified, he said, “That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.” Clinton had made that claim repeatedly in public, and also in sworn testimony before the House Benghazi committee last October.


    Lie 2: On her claim that she used one device, he said, “She used multiple devices.”


    Lie 3: On her claim that she turned over all work-related emails, Comey said, “No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”


    I don't think our definition of liar match here, SS.

  10. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 12:41 PM)
    Um, I actually do live in Mexico, I'm in the US temporarily taking care of a family matter. I might have to stay until October or November but I really do want to go back home.


    BTW, I've never had an bad encounter with the police in Mexico...can't say the same here in the US.


    That may be true, but you act like Mexico is safe in comparison.


    Mexico absolutely dwarfs the US in murder rate, murder rate per capita, and overall homicide rate. While we dwarf them in gun crime (obviously), our murder rate is still astronomically lower. And since police kill about 25x less people per year than the flu does...I'd say you're odds are getting killed by those dastardly american police officers is pretty low.


    It's one thing to be upset by what occurred...it's another to start making claims that just don't stand up to scrutiny.



  11. You know what's really f***ed? When Hillary called out Sanders on "not being there for health care reform in the 90's" when he was like literally standing right behind her...I think she even thanked him in the damn video that was circulating...and her supporters still all pretend she's legit.


    What a complete s***bag.


    We all need to stop defending s*** politicians that don't care about us. And yes, I put both Trump and Hillary in that group, amongst many many others.


    I'm not even a fan of Sanders socialist leanings, but I'd be willing to bet anything he cares more than either of them. Even I would sooner see him as president than what we're going to get.

  12. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 12:23 PM)
    I'm also scared of cops, I've been harrassed by them before and I've never been arrested in my entire life.


    I'm always on the look out for cops and I try to avoid them to lessen the chance of an encounter with them.


    Jesus Christ, I gotta go back to Mexico where I fell safer, too many gun toting, trigger happy crazies running around (and that's just the cops).


    Just lol. Yet another person living here, claiming how much it sucks, how dangerous it is to poor little ol' them and threatening to leave...yet won't actually do so. Please, just go back, send us a postcard. I'm sure there's someone that'd be more than willing to take your place.


    I hope all the republicans that claim to leave if hillary or bernie get elected do when/if it happens. I hope all the democrats that make these equally stupid claims do the same if trump gets elected. And I hope everyone that feels it's too dangerous to live here does the same.

  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 12:00 PM)
    Also the House GOP's neverending need to drag out investigating Clinton appeared to blow up in their face today.


    How so? I think they let her off easy because the elite are under a different set of laws than the rest of us.

  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 10:06 AM)
    I've never understood why people associated Trump with luxurious and refinement in the first place. Gold-plated everything always screams "tacky idiot with lots of money and no taste" not class so....oh, wait, that explains it perfectly.


    Trying to find a reason to like Trump just so I'm not agreeing with you. :( But he's done it...he's actually done it. We've somehow found common ground.

  15. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 10:00 AM)
    He's trolling his way into an epic defeat and destroying his brand, so I'm not sure how good of a strategy that really is.


    I'd say it's the gift that keeps on giving and that it's pure hilarity, but unfortunately antisemitic attacks and harassment are on the rise.


    He's an idiot.


    He's always been an idiot.


    I'm so happy America's love affair with this moron is coming to an end. Anyone that can find a way to bankrupt a f***ing casino and calls himself a good business man is baffling. It's literally a business where people give you money knowing the odds are vastly against them winning any back. Yet he somehow loses money with this enterprise...and is still considered a great business mind.


    He's like a child that was given a huge candy store, and nothing more.

  16. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 09:45 AM)
    FWIW tasers get overused and can lead to death themselves. The problem is more basic than what tools the cops have, it's what sort of approach and what their response is. Time after time in cases like these, the response is to immediate and aggressively escalate the situation, which only makes it more likely that increasing levels of force must be used. So you give them a taser, and the first sign of resistance or non-cooperation or just no immediately understanding and complying with the officers' sometimes contradictory commands and you're getting tazed.


    Tasers are also pretty ineffective as they're a one and done. If you miss, or the prongs don't penetrate, they're effectively useless, and in situations where the person is nervous, odds are they'll miss.


    If they put some R&D into tasers, maybe this wouldn't be an issue...but there isn't much money in that, I'd assume...or we'd have some advanced tasers.

  17. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 08:47 AM)
    I'm glad that police murder is getting more attention if it means police will commit and cover up fewer murders going forward. I don't particularly care if it "represents" "America" or the ratio of good/bad going on in America, this is still a s***ty and horrible and too frequent thing.


    Won't disagree there.

  18. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 08:38 AM)
    as bmags pointed out, there's no reliable statistics one way or the other on this. Police departments don't always track this and don't track it in the same way.


    By no means am I exonerating police everywhere, but the idea that this is "America" is f***ing absurd. What the is, is media reporting on nothing but bad things, because they know it sells. Violence sells. Turning people on one another sells.


    There is much more good going on in America than bad, and I don't need "statistics on police shootings" to know that.

  19. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 08:32 AM)
    So sad. That video is just the epitome of america today.


    So nothing good happens in America, ever? Just stuff like this?


    I really wish people would back off the ledge and recognize that this isn't the norm. It's simply not. And no statistics back claims that it is.

  20. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 06:23 AM)
    Without social media these killings have been going on for decades. Nothing is "crumbling" you are just able to hear and see them actually happen now.


    It's the 24/7 in your face news cycle. Without bothering to research this statement, I'd be willing to bet these types of incidents are way down from their peak, but you wouldn't know it based on the endless bombardment of these stories.

  21. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 05:55 AM)
    Shoot someone in the leg while they're in a car? Greg is really the king of trolls.


    This is another thing, and it's been discussed here ad nauseam. Police, military and other trained professionals are NOT trained to shoot people in the legs/arms, etc...you aim for the largest target area. Always.


    This isn't the f***ing movies.


    Oh, and none of this is me defending this cop/person -- I don't know enough about the story yet to comment. Nor will I comment on it even after I know. I have nothing to gain by it regardless of the outcome.

  22. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 7, 2016 -> 02:22 AM)
    She was ordered to not move. I can't believe they didn't shoot her as well when she exited the car. They were screaming at her and pointing guns at her. Good luck now if you get pulled over and tell a cop you are carrying a weapon legally. Cause you make ONE move apparently and you are dead.

    I watched the video many times. Now the man has been shot four times and is laying back moaning and dying in the car. So what do the cops do? They keep a gun pointed in the car and are yelling at the guy and the woman still. This is not only cold blooded killing of a man who did nothing to deserve to die, but the inhumane watching of him die and not attending to him.

    Now why in the f*** would a.) you not merely taze the s*** out of him if you have to use force and b.) if you decide tazing won't work and bullets are needed, why would u shoot him more than once?? Shoot him in the arm or the leg, then open the car door and drag him out and jump on him.

    My answer to my own question is: He was armed so this changes everything. The cops are worried that gun is going to magically go off with nobody pulling the trigger I guess. If they push him to the ground oh geez the gun might discharge. I see no other reason you would not shoot the guy ONCE in the arm if you have to, drag his ass onto the ground and solve the situation with one bullet wound. No .... they shoot him four times in the arm, then they watch him die while screaming at him.

    My gawd. ... What is happening to us??? The world is crumbling right before our eyes!!!

    And the Baton Rouge thing is JUST as bad or worse. Again. why shoot him 5 times and kill him??? If you MUST feel you have to shoot him, then shoot him in the leg once. Again, just cause he's legally carrying I guess changes the score. Cops are afraid the gun is gonna go off ala a Barnie Fife episode so they kill the man.


    Cops ... get your fricking acts together PLEASE. Have some confidence in your f***ing tazers. If there are 3 cops present, uh odds are one of the tazers will work. STOP THE KILLING.


    You keep bringing up this taser thing, but most cops don't carry tasers.


    And no, I don't know why.

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