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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 28, 2011 -> 08:58 AM) Just because you hate him doesn't mean it's a bad choice. In case you haven't noticed his albums go multi-platinum.
  2. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 28, 2011 -> 08:47 AM) No, but wasn't it intel that had that fantastic ad a year or two ago with the inventor of the USB being treated like a rock star? Now that was an effective ad for a tech company. They also picked a pretty crappy candidate to attempt to turn into a PC Industry rockstar...
  3. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 28, 2011 -> 08:40 AM) I take it no one else watched the debate? You all waiting to see who has the best campaign commercial to help you make your choice? Best campaign commercial wins my vote. If Rahm came on tv and said, "Vote for me...or you're a dick!", I'd actually vote for him.
  4. This is the sort of typical showing that certain companies, and their board of directors, are simply out of touch with reality and what people want/need/care about. Microsoft does stuff like this, too. Intel is just following along, because their board is as confused as Microsoft's is. Both companies make boat loads of money, and sit on s***ty undervalued stock prices because it appears their best days are behind them. Both have great products, and neither have a CLUE as to how to market them or even why they should market them (or another valid question is IF they should even bother). Intel sells CPU's, mostly to OEM's, who then resell them to people. This means advertising is almost a complete WASTE of money, as the end consumer, be it a business or a person, doesn't care if Intel is inside, and they never have. Microsoft does this same thing via Windows Marketing...most of it is simply NOT necessary. Nobody has ever watched an Intel commercial and said, damn...I need to go out and get me a new CPU@#$! It's a disconnect from reality. People see iPhone commercials, or HTC commercials and say...wow, nice phone...now THAT I'd love to get! It's akin to HTC or Apple advertising the f***ing processor in the phone, rather than the phone itself...nobody cares. What this really is, is Intel is giving solid pimp backhand to every single one of their REAL engineers, who make a pittance in comparison to what I guarantee they're paying Wil.I.Am to do nothing, and then they follow it up with a solid kick in the dick by giving him an actual "higher on the totem pole" position in the company. Meanwhile, the engineers that get up and work AM to PM making those chips for them making 90k a year should seek positions elsewhere...bring your REAL talent to AMD and tell Intel to piss off and hope Wil.I.Am knows how to do the work they were actually doing. This sort of thing is infuriating...and it shows how out of touch these old "executives" are in the big companies...they forget how they got where they are, and it sure as hell wasn't on the back of chip designers like Wil.I.Am, who hasn't even made a single original song in his life. Meh.
  5. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 27, 2011 -> 04:28 PM) Which side wanted which concessions? Anyway, my paychecks were slightly higher for the last month. They'll probably be slightly less than they were a year ago with the IL tax increase. I don't care which side wanted what...this is what we ended up with, passed by both. Both parties suck, which is why I'm part of neither.
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 27, 2011 -> 04:18 PM) Dude, the Republicans agreed to the plan. That's what is supposed to happen. They both passed this plan, therefore they're both retarded.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 27, 2011 -> 04:14 PM) If you make between $0 and about $35k, you should have seen a slight tax increase. If you make above that, you should see a slight to moderate tax decrease, with the amount of the decrease growing the more you make. Increasing taxes on people making 35k or less is f***ing retarded.
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 27, 2011 -> 04:12 PM) Actually, unless you make well over $250k a year (or under $20 k a year), that's not true, the upper crust tax cuts were extended, but the tax cut from the stimulus was replaced by a payroll tax cut. So nothings really changed, just shifted? I saw no difference in federal taxes on my checks since the changes, just state.
  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 27, 2011 -> 04:00 PM) Where is your post thanking Obama and the Congressional Democrats for the slightly larger paychecks you received in January? It's not slightly larger, it's the same. They extended tax cuts we already had.
  10. 01/27 1) Rolling Stones - Get Off Of My Cloud 2) Dean Martin - Who's Sorry Now? 3) Rush - BU2B 4) Tim McGraw - Kill Myself 5) Beethoven - Symphony No5 in C Minor 6) Dixie Chicks - Am I The Only One 7) The Beatles - Day Tripper 8) Rush - Subdivisions 9) Boston - More Than a Feeling 10) Stone Temple Pilots - Big Empty
  11. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 27, 2011 -> 09:56 AM) By liberals, because they want to continue this pipe dream that no real candidate will challenge Obama. Agreed...I can personally say, she's NOT a viable candidate for President (or even VP) of the United States. If the GOP can't do better than her, they deserve to fail...and they won't have a chance at my vote, that's for sure.
  12. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 27, 2011 -> 09:18 AM) It's astounding that this woman has a highly possible chance at being a presidential candidate in 2012: Sarah Palin Thinks The USSR Won The Space Race Also, while browsing through some of the comments I noticed this unrelated bit of info that is pathetically true about Fox News. They always refer to her as Governor Palin on that network but mostly refer to the President as simply Obama. What a joke. Palin is stupid, and needs to be ignored. She continues to be popular because people continue making her popular. She was the singular reason why I completely dismissed being able to vote for McCain in the last election. After he chose her as his running mate, he was removed from consideration.
  13. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 27, 2011 -> 07:42 AM) ...and thanks for all the fish. At least someone gets it.
  14. QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ Jan 27, 2011 -> 09:09 AM) Chico is talking about lifting the Chicago residency requirement. This could impact the city very negatively. This needs to happen, though. My brother is a police officer in Chicago, and the areas in which he'd "want" to raise a family are very expensive for what a rank and file officer makes, same can be said for Firemen who don't work extra side jobs. The City requirement puts them in a position where they can forfeit living in a better neighborhood for savings, or the opposite, with very little inbetween left. For the older City workers that already own property it's a different story, but for new ones starting out on their 42,000$ a year, it's not so easy anymore. Just outside of the City, however, he could afford a very nice home in a nicer neighborhoods.
  15. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 26, 2011 -> 06:31 PM) Respected? No. Connected? Yes. Don't confuse the two. When someone like Rahm falls from grace, he would be dismembered publicly and violently by the media which no longer sees need to kiss his politically connected ass in fear of what may or may not ever happen to them. This kind of thing happens often. This is unfair to me to say with absolute certainty...as there is a degree in which everyone is respected, and a degree in which they are respected out of fear and their standing connections. Obviously the man was respected enough to get to a point in his life leading to where he is, after which he gained the right connections and made the right moves, however, who knows if it's still out of respect or out of fear...but my bet is it's a huge combination of the two. I do know, that like the Joker says in The Dark Knight is that people are animals, and when the chips are down...they'll eat each other. And in the political arena, this is even more true.
  16. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 26, 2011 -> 06:25 PM) Or you mean that Rahm is a respected member of society and therefore a judge is less likely to think that he is perjuring. And who cares if Rahm is besties with Obama, it didnt get him s*** in the Appellate Court. Arguably the Appellate Court had more ties to Burke, the West Side, etc than Rahm. If you are going to attack the political motivations of judges, at least be consistent in saying that while the lower level Court may have been pro-Rahm, clearly the Appellate Court was not. There is no way to prove Rahm was not going to return to Chicago, there are a few ways to prove that he was going to return. The evidence being what it is, I would say its more likely that he would return than not. Being as this is not a criminal proceeding and the evidence standard is preponderance of the evidence, the trier of fact most likely concluded that the evidence suggested that Rahm was more likely to return than not. At the end of the day, some people will think Rahm being linked to Obama means he is a liar, some people will think that it means he is a saint. You hope that a Judge will look at the evidence objectively and make a ruling based on that. In my opinion the lower level court did not make a ruling that was so unbelievable that it must have been tainted by political affiliation. In reality Alderman Burke has the more connection to most judges than Rahm. Burke is the chairman of the judicial slating committee. Burke is considered the "Rahmstopper", so at least we should be fair in our discussion, and consider that there may be some political influence on judges against Rahm. At least be fair. Respected? No. Connected? Yes. Don't confuse the two. When someone like Rahm falls from grace, he would be dismembered publicly and violently by the media which no longer sees need to kiss his politically connected ass in fear of what may or may not ever happen to them. This kind of thing happens often.
  17. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 26, 2011 -> 05:27 PM) is anyone going to dial back Y2HH? Why are you always out to get me?
  18. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 26, 2011 -> 05:20 PM) And a judge can say that they think they are lying. So if a judge has evidence to suggest that the person is lying, they will call them out on it. But there is no evidence Rahm is lying, in fact you wont even see that argument raised at all because its a terrible argument. Rahm owned a house in Chicago, Rahm left personal possessions in Chicago, Rahm testified that they would be returning to Chicago. The judge looked at the evidence and found their testimony CREDIBLE. Thats it, its over, the standard to overturn fact is "manifest weight of the evidence" no way will the Supreme Court overturn the trier of fact on this issue. So it does not matter what I can or can not prove, all that matters is what the trial court found with regard to the evidence. I dont have the transcripts, I dont have the documents, Im not the one putting on the case. But objectively there is no argument in the appeal about whether he factually intended to return. The question is whether or not his absence made him no longer a resident. Which has nothing to do with his future intent. (Edit) And your entire argument about him only returning because of Daley is also speculative and lacks any evidence. The judge clearly weighed both positions and found that it either did not matter, or that he intended to return. I guess it helps a bit if you're politically connected to the level Rahm is that a judge wouldn't be so quick to call you a lair, no? So in the case the judge thinks some poor shlub is a liar, he may be quicker to call him out on that than say...someone like Rahm who's bestest friends with the most powerful man in the free world. Though this is just me being paranoid, I assume.
  19. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 26, 2011 -> 05:11 PM) Yes you can determine it, by affidavit. You have Rahm and his wife swear under oath that they were going to return to Chicago. Barring the trier of fact finding that there was a reason to find that untrue or there being facts to suggest that it be untrue, it would be evidence which the trier of fact can consider. The trier of fact considered all evidence and determined that Rahm resided in Chicago. You cant determine anything, that is why we have a trier of fact, to take all of the facts and make a determination. The trier of fact has made a determination, at this point the upper level court is unlikely to disturb the trier of facts opinion, and instead is only going to look at the law. So I dont need to prove it, as its already fact. They can and will lie, under affidavit, too. Again, anyone with a brain knows this is f***ing bulls***...so stop. Rahm only came back BECAUSE Daley quit...you know it, I know it...so stop playing coy and stop feigning ignorance because you like him. You CANNOT determine if he EVER intended to come back here other than asking him...and that's not proof at all, it's him covering his own ass in something he cannot possible get caught doing. Insulting.
  20. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 26, 2011 -> 05:05 PM) He owned property in IL, he clearly had an intention to go back, his move to DC was temporary. Sorry, but you can't determine this. It's very possible he never planned to return and was waiting for the real estate market to rebound before taking a massive loss on a devalued property. There is no way to know if he ever "truly" planned to return, and saying so is merely conjecture. I object your honor.
  21. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 26, 2011 -> 05:02 PM) I don't think you can "permanently" live somewhere for a week. I think that's an easy call for the election board and no one would fight it. I agree with this, and think that this is the problem. I know by twisted definitions and lawyer speak (half truths depending on how you interpret them), you can make this sound good or bad depending on your opinion of it. And yes, I think most lawyers are a waste of space...because they are. My evidence of this showing how much bulls*** lawyers are and how useless they are: Patent Law. MPAA. RIAA. Period. I win.
  22. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 26, 2011 -> 05:02 PM) 17 posts ahead of you. Oh.
  23. I think Jesse "The Body/Mind" Ventura launched pretty public lawsuit against the TSA recently, should be making headlines.
  24. Y2HH

    2011 TV Thread

    QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 26, 2011 -> 03:24 PM) I am just loving "Lights Out". I've never heard of this...
  25. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 26, 2011 -> 04:52 PM) Um, no. Follow the statute. The discrepancy isn't how long it takes, it's whether it requires a physical presence. You have no sense of humor and missed my attempt at lightening the mood here.
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