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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 9, 2010 -> 07:17 AM) They used some of the same reasons I have been stating in here. So let's have a theoretical discussion here... let's say the economy does indeed pick up steam during the next 6 months or so. What are the political ramifications? It helps Obama, but what about Congressional GOp'ers and/or Dems? It helps whoever is in office. For this cycle, it would mean it favors republicans in the house of congress. It favors democrats in the senate and in for the presidency. In other words, anyone that's up for re-election, will probably get re-elected.
  2. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 9, 2010 -> 07:50 AM) You do realize why they did that right? Come on man, that's marketing. That is a very large, federally funded ad campaign for the party in power. I don't care why they did it. It's wasteful. I also don't care who it was marketing for. That's our money they wasted, for no reason. It's just an easy example of the many things they can do to save TONS of money, and they never bother.
  3. My basic point is it doesn't help if they cut federal taxes and we "save" 300$ per pay check, only to have the state and local governments raise taxes and misc. fees right back to the same point, which is basically what happened with these much talked about "Bush tax cuts". At the end of the day I didn't see the 300$ savings from this tax cut (this is just an example number) as it's just being taken away by the state/local government now. Nothing changed, they just shifted which sector of the government gets the money from a federal level to a state local level. Which is awesome, because state/local governments have never been in more trouble, despite the across the board tax increases on everything from property to canned goods. Lewis Black has a great comedy routine where he talks about the 300$ rebate checks most of us received about 8 years ago. Our government, in their infinite brilliance, spent something like 50 Million dollars in postage/printing/manpower to send out a letter to every American informing them that their check was in the mail. Nothing like putting that letter in the same envelope as the check to save MILLIONS in postage, extra envelopes, extra manpower, etc. They have NO idea what efficient means.
  4. Y2HH


    My wife is a hair dresser. So I haven't paid for a haircut in like 5+ years. Oh, and I get haircuts like every 2 weeks. That is all.
  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 8, 2010 -> 08:45 AM) No, because the census jobs were also hired this year. They're a zero sum game over the course of this year. Total public sector compensation has not come anywhere close to eclipsing private sector compensation in this country (it has done so in some of the Scandinavian countries I believe). There's a very poor comparison out there saying that public sector jobs on average pay better than private sector jobs...which is mostly true, but it's mostly true because the type of jobs available in the public sector are generally higher-educated, higher-paying jobs than the private sector (there's no government version of WalMart or McDonalds creating enormous numbers of minimum wage, no benefit, public sector jobs). Sure there is, those people who act like police that direct traffic very poorly all around Chicago!
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 8, 2010 -> 08:30 AM) Ignoring the partisan-insult headline here, the graphical data I think makes the point quite effectively that you guys are missing the mark. These are job gains in the last 12 months. Government spending IS being cut. Government jobs are being cut quite rapidly. Isn't quite a bit of that from the temporary Census jobs being gone? I haven't looked much into it, but what I can do is look around. Hasn't government (public) compensation eclipsed private sector compensation? I didn't have time to research this, so it could be a bunch of BS, but if it has, that right there is a red flag IMO. When I get more time I'll have to check deeper into that.
  7. I'm sick and tired of the more taxes vs less taxes debate in this country, it's misguided at best, and if anyone took the time to open their eyes, they'd see how blind it really is. These "Bush Era" tax cuts are all we hear about now, they're expiring, the government needs more money, etc. In reality, taxes never really went down, they just shifted around, only nobody seems to notice...or care. Meanwhile... Liquor taxes went up. Restaurant taxes went up. Soda taxes went up. Water taxes went up. Sales taxes increased across the board, whether you buy a candy bar or a Ferrari. Special entertainment taxes were added to your cable, phone and internet bills, most of which nobody can really explain since they seem like completely arbitrary values. If you own a house, property taxes went up. If you're a healthy eater, don't forget to increase taxes at your local product market, because they sure didn't! You're city stickers/license plate stickers increased in price -- significantly. The cost of work/building permits increased. Bottom line... These tax cuts have been and are a load of garbage, they just moved them from a national level to a local level, and neither are better off. Despite the nickle and dime increases on everything from bread to water, across the board, they're still increasing the state/local deficits, and it's not slowing down. Bush era tax cuts. Meh. Great, I take a little bit more home every check, only I spend that much more one ever single little thing I buy.
  8. Enjoy retirement! And please, for the love of everything in baseball, do NOT discontinue the organ...I know they say they're hiring someone new, but I hope they go through with it.
  9. Season of ups and downs, oh well, it was fun for a while. Time to rebuild the entire thing.
  10. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 13, 2010 -> 08:51 AM) Exactly, Thome's gone out and been the catalyst for the Twins during the 2nd half and helped them cruise to the AL Central title.
  11. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 2, 2010 -> 02:43 PM) I know we've talked about this before but I am taking the plunge and rooting my phone over the holiday weekend. I've been doing a ton of reading on it and I have yet to find someone that isn't much happier with their phone for doing so. It just sucks that you have to become a pseudo-hacker these days to get optimal performance out of your device. I'll give you a head's up on how difficult/easy it was to do and how the phone runs afterward. It's very easy to root/jailbreak (whatever you want to call it), on iOS and Android devices, and there is nothing to be afraid of when doing it...it's safe. It's very easy.
  12. :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang
  13. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 1, 2010 -> 12:50 PM) We're playing for 3 runs, not one freaking run. I'd be a lot more upset with Rios and Konerko if there were 2 men on base. And it's one thing to make an out by letting the other pitcher beat you. It's another thing to literally give the opposition an out by picking up a bunted ball and throwing you out. What I said to the guy above this post -- I don't agree with the bunt decision either...but you guys let off Rios and Konerko when they failed. I refuse to blame Ozzie while letting everyone else fail, like you all did.
  14. QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Sep 1, 2010 -> 12:52 PM) Playing for a run when you are down three with 12 outs left in tha game is never a good move. I do not care if Gehrig and Ruth were coming up. I'm not saying it was a decision I'd make, however, two of our best hitters failed huge there, so they need some of the blame, too.
  15. QUOTE (chw42 @ Sep 1, 2010 -> 12:49 PM) Even if they did the job, we'd be down 2 with 10 or 11 outs to go. Manny would have made up those 2 for us in at the last minute...but not 3.
  16. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 1, 2010 -> 12:46 PM) If you don't think Carrasco was able to take a big sigh of relief after getting the first out of the inning on a bunt, then you must think he has a lot more Major League experience and poise than I do. You're right...it was the 1 out that did it! Never mind he had to pitch to two of our best hitters, Rios and Konerko, and neither could do anything. Not buying your brand on this one, sorry. Our 2 best needed to get the job done and then some, neither did. Ozzie gave up 1 out (if that's what happened, Vizqul may have done that on his own), but our 2 best gave up the other 2 outs with bad at bats.
  17. Rally killing retardism at it's finest. And I'm not even blaming Ozzie like some of you are already trying to do. 2 of our best hitters were up with 1 out -- then 2 outs -- then 3 outs. f*** blaming Ozzie. How about one of our 3 best hitters f***ing hit the ball out of the f***ing god damned infield.
  18. 3 f***ing errors today. We aren't going to win with or without Manny when we make that many errors per game.
  19. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 1, 2010 -> 12:36 PM) What happened on the Nix play? Error.
  20. QUOTE (chw42 @ Sep 1, 2010 -> 11:17 AM) He has control of the breaking ball. That's a good thing.
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