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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 6, 2009 -> 10:15 PM) Your governor may be a felon, but at least he knew what he was doing. Um, not for nothing, but your govenor saved the world on multiple occasions. I've seen the documentaries: Terminator 2, Last Action Hero...I can keep going, they've made a lot of documentaries on him, you should watch them.
  2. Y2HH

    The Droid

    QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 5, 2009 -> 05:17 PM) Or worse they state in the terms of the contract, that by using the phone after the change you agree to any changes that have been made. That is what credit cards do. None of that really matters. The fact that they can change the terms and say, if you don't like the changes, you can cancel now...well, what kind of alternative is that? I sort of need my phone...so great, you want to change the rules now and my options are to agree with them or be without a phone for now, until I find another carrier and buy a completely NEW phone? Yea, because that's a great option to have. heh.
  3. Y2HH

    The Droid

    QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Nov 5, 2009 -> 04:17 PM) However, Google's power is > Apple's and the programming on the Google side is supposed to be legit. I think thats the big difference in these new android based phones and I think it is why we'll see them put a dent in Apple. I also think the Blackberry does a pretty f***ing good job too. Yea, I don't see where you get that...it's completely unfounded. Google has programmed exactly nothing but a search engine that's seen any success. Every other Google product loses money because it's free, or they can't figure out a way to make money with it, see YouTube, the Google billion dollar mistake. Apple has countless apps, and entire operating system, a mobile operating system, a built in ecosystem with music/movies/apps, etc...there is no comparison. That's not to say Google doesn't have it's fair share of applications, maps, etc, but as of now, they're still an infant compared to a very mature Apple who is firing on all cylinders right now. When people think cool technology, mobile devices, etc...they think Apple. When people want to search for a term paper to steal, they think Google. Apple is a richer company than Google. Apple is also worth more than Google in market capitalization. So I'm failing to see where Google's power is > Apple's...the numbers and history just aren't there. To be fair, the numbers are very close -- and both are very well run companies -- but Apple already has the infrastructure, and it's big, and a lot of people use it...Google is just starting to build it, and are still years behind. I end this rant with one thing: Android has been out well over a year, and it's failed to make a dent in anything iPhone so far. If anything, it will take market share from the failed Microsoft mobile platform...but I don't see it hurting Apple's customer base...that is, unless Apple stops coming out with newer/updated features and sits on their asses like Microsoft did all those years in the mobile space. If that was the case, I'd jump ship in an instant, and I love my iPhone. But I wouldn't continue using it if it fell behind a superior competitor. If that competitor ends up running Android someday, so be it...I'll be happy to use a superior product with superior support base.
  4. Y2HH

    The Droid

    The Droid sounds like a good smartphone, and hopefully signifies a come back from Motorola. It's lack of Multitouch is meh, IMO, I feel it's an absolute REQUIREMENT these days, but overall, it sounds nice. The Wall Street Journal's Walt Mossberg: * The Droid is the best smartphone on Verizon, the best handset from Motorola and the best Android phone. * "I can recommend the Droid to Verizon loyalists who have lusted for a better smart phone, but don't want to switch networks." * Android 2.0 is an improvement, most notably the free Google Maps Navigation turn-by-turn directions. * The 3.7-inch screen looks great, but lacks multi-touch and is not as responsive as some other hardware. * The keyboard is "awful" and causes frequent typos. The software doesn't include an auto-correct feature for the physical keyboard, yet the on-screen virtual keyboard does correct typos. * Android still only has three panels for displaying apps, versus 11 on the iPhone. * "The Droid is potentially a big win for Verizon, Motorola and Google, as well as for loyal Verizon customers." The New York Times' David Pogue: * "The Droid wins on phone network, customizability, GPS navigation, speaker, physical keyboard, removable battery and openness (free operating system, mostly uncensored app store). The iPhone wins on simplicity, refinement, thinness, design, Web browsing, music/video synching with your computer, accessory ecosystem and quality/quantity of the app store." * New multi-function handsets need to be called "app phones," distinguishing "iPhoneish" phones from "mere smartphones." * The Droid has a "masculine" design. * "Is the Droid an iPhone killer? No, but it's certainly a killer phone." * It's fast, audio quality is great, and the screen is "gorgeous." * Though the Droid is only slightly thicker than the iPhone, the iPhone tapers off with its curved edges, so it feels much thinner in your hand. * The Web browser is good, but slower than the iPhone and hurt by a lack of multi-touch for zoom. * Android's 12,000 apps don't compare to the more than 100,000 available for the iPhone, which are largely "more useful and imaginative."
  5. Y2HH

    The Droid

    QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Nov 5, 2009 -> 02:05 AM) Verizon's network>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AT&T's. It's not even close. While true in a lot of cases, I'm an AT&T user that has no issues, aside from a rare dropped call, AT&T's network has been fine. A lot of this is overblown hype from years ago, AT&T's network still isn't anywhere near as expansive as Verizon's, but it's way better than it was. Also, you pay for that with Verizon. I keep hearing about how expensive iPhones are on a month to month basis, and I can tell you it's a load of crap. I pay LESS for 2 iPhones on my family AT&T account than I did for my ONE windows mobile on Verizon...and do you know why?! Because I couldn't have a 550 or less package with Verizon, I needed the 1000 package because from time to time I use upwards of 900+ minutes...and with Verizon, you get no rollover, so for those few months I did use that many minutes, I was required to carry the package and waste it on the other months. With AT&T, I have their s***tiest minutes package, and I have over 2500 rollover minutes saved, so for those few months I have to go over...I don't care...and I don't have to pay for it on the months I don't.
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 05:46 PM) I cannot tell you how much I hate this line of thinking. You don't have enough money, so why cut if it is going to be enough to plug the entire deficit. That is so counter to common sense, I don't know what else to say here. Its like thinking that you are unemployed, so you have to hurry up and spend all of your money, because you aren't going to have any soon anyway. No, no, no...don't take it as me saying that...I'm saying that in the 3rd person...that's how THEY think, and more often than not, that's why they do very little to change things, other than raising taxes on just about anything you could possibly purchase. That annoys me as much, or more, than it annoys you. I do not play the debt game. Aside from my mortgage, I have none...zero...zilch. And I have money saved/invested for troubling times. I pay myself first. Always. And I don't borrow against an uncertain future. Ever. Every check, 6% to 401k, 10% to savings, the remainder is what I can spend. It's that simple, and it's that easy. Debt, for lack of a better way of putting it, is modern day slavery. And I'm not talking about a mortgage. I'm talking debt. Credit card debt. Exorbitant interest rates on said debt. Working for A to pay B, only you're always behind, and will probably never catch up due to a combination of interest and the fact that you have to continue living, so you have certain expenditures you cannot avoid in the mean time. Debt, IMO = Slavery. Plain and simple. And I'll never do that to myself or my family unless absolutely forced by circumstances I couldn't even begin to explain. And please, do not make silly comparisons to "actual slavery" and the hardships there in, that's not what this is meant to convey. In simple terms, it means you're working for someone else, someone that doesn't care if you're family starves or what have you...it means you aren't working for yourself anymore. And that = slavery.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 04:35 PM) You missed the point. The more cutbacks they made, the bigger the deficit got. It's the little Hoover version of stimulus. No, I got it. And they should have expected that. Longer term that will self-correct, but that's their own fault for getting themselves in the place they're in now.
  8. Y2HH

    The Droid

    QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 05:01 PM) Is anyone getting the Google/Verizon/Motrola Droid on Friday? Thing looks awesome, a true iPhone killer. For anyone with experience buying new phones, do you think I would have to go to the store at opening in order to get one? I really don't feel like getting up. It's not an iPhone killer, just like the other iPhone killers weren't iPhone killers. See the HTC Touch. See the Palm Pre. See countless others. At best, it will match the iPhone, and I think people would be happy with that. It will have some features that are better, some that are worse...but it will not kill the iPhone. I'm betting it doesn't even make a dent in the iPhone's sales.
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 04:16 PM) California made huge spending cutbacks at the state level already. It turned out that it did exactly what you'd expect; they cut an awful lot of jobs, gave people furloughs and pay cuts, that wound up causing more people to lose jobs because people weren't spending money, and thus pushed California's tax receipts even lower. Quite literally it is the exact opposite of a stimulus. Oh, and the City of Chicago is doing this very thing right now -- forcing furloughs and pay cuts. That's pretty much why Daley is trying to sell off every resource the City has for up front money, but less than these things are worth in the long run.
  10. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 04:16 PM) California made huge spending cutbacks at the state level already. It turned out that it did exactly what you'd expect; they cut an awful lot of jobs, gave people furloughs and pay cuts, that wound up causing more people to lose jobs because people weren't spending money, and thus pushed California's tax receipts even lower. Quite literally it is the exact opposite of a stimulus. As many of those cutbacks as they made, it hardly made a dent in the grand scheme of things considering how far in deficit they are.
  11. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 03:52 PM) In theory, California is ultimately saving taxpayers money by not having those same taxpayers paying interest to whomever Cal would borrow from. The difference is the taxpayers (voters) get to see it. If lawmakers borrowed from another source, chances are no one would know, or care. So for transparency in government fans, this is probably a nice touch. Better, why not cut back on spending, which is basically what they are asking some taxpayers to do. Governments don't know how to cut back on spending, because that ultimately means they have to lay off all the people they hired on that they didn't really need -- which is equivalent to throwing votes in the opponents basket. Getting reelected is more important than doing the right thing for your state/country.
  12. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 02:19 PM) That only works if the public accepts the number. Those who believe, no explanation is necessary, those that do not believe, no explanation will do.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 02:17 PM) Doesn't this thread answer your question? It gives the Administration an easy bullet point to beat the media with (650,000 jobs!) It gives the Administration's opponents an easy bullet point to beat the Admin. with. (Do some better math!) Everyone's happy, especially the people who aren't out of work. This was a mo' betta' way of saying what I said above. I'm not out of work, but I have to say I'm not happy seeing all the job loss...it really sucks. :/
  14. Y2HH


    QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 02:07 PM) For all the PM'ers: I am testing the copying function of the DVD's this weekend, if it all comes out as planned then we can start to figure out how I can help you all out with copies. I posted how you can do it with ur MAC.
  15. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 02:15 PM) Perhaps some did. I think it is the same with jobs created, impossible to prove, especially if we try a one to one causality. There are just too many factors to control. I think we can look at trends and within a range see what growth or loss we have. But, last I looked economics was an inexact science. But slowing growth or slowing loss is a real thing, it does happen. But you are right, proving exact numbers just ain't going to happen. So why do so many people want that number? Because it's something to talk about on either side of the fence...and they don't quite understand what you just went over.
  16. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 01:33 PM) That's a little ridiculous. This isn't Obama not giving a s***. This is Obama wanting one thing, getting something different but similar from Congress, and then scrambling to make that look pretty (which was then fully botched by his agencies). Yes, for political gain. But also, I find it absurd to think that Obama wasn't TRYING to do the right thing here. He just failed miserably. And if you are going to compare this to the Iraq War (leaving out stupid bumper sticker slogans), I'll take a botched, half-effective economic stimulus package over an even more expensive war that costs hundreds of thousands of people (including thousands of Americans) their lives, with NOTHING to show for it. This stimulus package failure is epically bad, and will probably cost Obama dearly in political capital, but it pales in comparison to the Iraq War. Its a distant second among costly governmental failures in recent history (but being second is still impressively bad). Failing at trying to create jobs and saving the economy is a hell of a lot better than going to war for no good reason at all. If you ultimately want to use this versus the Iraq War as a way of comparing Obama and W, then Obama is the tallest midget by a good 6 inches. I don't think Bush nor Obama 'don't give a s***' when it comes to soldiers dying, and I think it's unfair for anyone to claim that about either, no matter what affiliation.
  17. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 12:55 PM) I know a lot of people personally that are involved in both wars. Let's not start throwing that crap around, mmmkay? My point was that it's a nice catchy phrase that people love to throw out and it's ridiculous. "Saved or created" is about as stupid as "Bush lied, people died". And, metaphorically, people are economically dying out here right now, and for what? So our current president can pat himself on the back when a government inflated GDP number comes in? He doesn't give a s*** about countless people on this board (for example) that are unemployed; "saved and created jobs" is all for political gain. It's also mathematical crap. When the jobless rate drops and people start going back to work, then you can start taking credit for saving or creating jobs. Until then, all they're doing is replacing fewer jobs than we're losing...so...
  18. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 12:24 PM) That's exactly how the people in charge of California want it. What it is, is downright scary that they can just decide to do this on a whim...
  19. QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 12:47 PM) yes, i'm talking about the war that kiilled thousands of americans, and is easy to support and put magnets up, but not as easy to lose friends to. There is a difference between lies that lead to deaths, lies that lead to torture, than lies about government successes. But seeing as how you are so familiar with how people lie, Y2HH, i bet you didn't support the invasion at all. Actually, you are right, I do not support this war, and never have. And for the record, I didn't believe the WMD lies from the start, it seemed too sudden of an excuse, not to mention too convienent. But you know what the most surprising thing to me about that entire fiasco was?! That when they didn't find any WMD's...they actually told the truth. To this day I wonder why they didn't just lie again...produce some WMD parts and move on their merry way...no, they choose that moment to start telling the truth. But the fact remains, we are still there...and American soldiers are still dying. And I still don't support it.
  20. QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 12:40 PM) this is totes on par with going to war that costs trillions and killed thousands of americans. Do you mean the war they promised to withdrawal from already, but didn't because in reality, that's easy to say and not so easy to do?
  21. Y2HH


    QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Nov 3, 2009 -> 11:37 PM) Just did my 1st P90X workout today. I could only make it through 29 minutes of the Plyometrics before my legs turned to jelly. Walking will be interesting tomorrow. This is an absolutely intense program. Tomorrow will be cardio and Ab Ripper X. Not bad considering Plyo is one of the last you do if you enter the program correctly. All the workouts sort of lead up to Plyo, so you have enough endurance to finish it, as it's the hardest of them all. For a first timer, all of these workouts are going to be almost impossible to finish. Take your time. One of the most important things about P90X is to have a heart monitor, and pay attention to it, especially when you're just starting because it will put your heart rate into a dangerous zone...and at that point, whether you finish the exercise or not, you're doing far more harm than good.
  22. I was at this game also, but my favorite moment was the Pods walkoff.
  23. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Nov 3, 2009 -> 09:46 AM) http://theblogprof.blogspot.com/2009/11/ci...n-brink-of.html I feel we see a lot more of this on every level of gov't. And rightfully so. I hope Chicago follows. But unions are good, I forgot. We haven't seen the worst of the downside yet. Pass healthcare, cap and trade, and combine those with the outrageous, exorbitant benefits of public employee unions and what do you have: DEPRESSION. Again the thing we should fear is DEFLATION not INFLATION. Stimulus has not and will not increase the velocity of money. And that is what this economy needs. I don't see deflation happening with how much money they've "printed". I put printed in "'s because it's not actually physically printed, but the ledger shows it's existence, which was created out of thin air. As this money begins circulating in larger amounts, inflation will undoubtedly set in. We've already seen signs of this as the dollar has devalued in recent weeks against other major currencies. Our current debt load/deficit is scary, and other nations are taking notice. Not that it matters, we go down, they're coming with us...so they'd better hope for the best. That said, yes, deflation is a scary thought, but I don't see it happening with how much money they're flooding the world with, diluted or not.
  24. QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 2, 2009 -> 01:33 PM) I thought the age of consent in IL is 17. I could be wrong. I believe it's 17, but 16 with parental consent. Whereas 15 is illegal with or without parental consent.
  25. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 2, 2009 -> 01:27 PM) As a parent I don't mind not getting notified. Fair enough.
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