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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. Y2HH


    QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Aug 22, 2009 -> 11:29 AM) I'm going to start doing the P90X as well. My question is, is there anything you can substitute for a pullup bar? My dad won't let me get one that hangs on the doorway. Not really, and I don't blame your dad, either, they often scuff or discolor the door frame.
  2. We've all had protein shakes over the years that some of us can barely down without wanting to puke, if you've ever had one you know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm going to share my own creation with you today, for the bodybuilders or health nuts in all of us -- this one will taste good, and be good for you, too. But wait, there's more! It packs about 45g of protein in a single serving! Ohhhh, ahhhh! I know, right? You will need a blender for this, so don't get me started on "instantized" protein powders...when they say instantized it means nothing more than "clumps of crap floating in my drink". Ok, here we go. 8-10 Ice Cubes 1/3 Cup Skim Milk 1 Banana 8 Blackberries 5 Raspberries 1 Tablespoon Natural Low Fat Peanut Butter 1 scoop of whey protein powder (this is about 21-23g) - Vanilla Flavor 1 scoop of egg protein powder (this is about 21-23g) - French Vanilla Flavor I use Gold Standard protein mixes, but the brands don't matter much, just make sure it's vanilla flavored or some variation of vanilla. Chocolate, strawberry, mint, etc...will all destroy/cover the taste of the natural fruit we are using, so avoid using those. Put into the blender in the order listed above, as this helps prevent the peanut butter and powders from sticking to the sides of the blender. Blend, chop, puree, mix, stir... Pour into a glass, drink. It's a complete meal + various sources of protein (egg/whey) and natural fruit sugars for complex carbs/energy. I hope you try it! Enjoy!
  3. Y2HH

    Workout Tips & Tricks

    QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 11:32 PM) I agree completely about proportion. My only point is that the push/pull routine is designed for people who want to target their arms. If that is your goal, it does work since it really pushes them to failure. Of course as you develop, you tweak things here and there. I still do a push/pull, but I go a lot easier on the iso lifts for bis and tris, since I'm just trying to maitain in those areas. Now that you have the size, there is no difficulty in maintaining that size simply by continuing to work out. I'd target shoulders now. What I need to do is shed a few pounds of bodyfat, since I was a lazy schlub the last 1.5 years or so -- I didn't let myself get too bad, but I put on about 1.5" on the waist...which needs to go. I'm eating better and working out consistently again, so I need a few months, but still...always seems like it takes forever.
  4. Y2HH

    Workout Tips & Tricks

    QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 09:43 PM) Y2HH, When I first started lifting, I had really scrawny arms and I had a similar split to what you describe. Someone suggested the split that I use now (the push/pull) precisely BECAUSE of what you've stated. I do all my chest exercises first, then I move onto my triceps. Yes, my triceps are already nice and warm, so when I follow with isolation exercises, they really burn and blow up. Same goes for back and biceps. My arms are by far the biggest muscle group on my body. Triceps are sick. It's always worked for me, so I've never changed it. Shoulders and legs are another story. The goal needs to be equality -- if you're arms are too big, there is an old saying -- show me a guy with big arms and I'll show you a guy with a weak back. IMO, there is nothing worse than being unappropriated. Bodyparts should match -- arms, shoulders, neck, back, legs, etc...if one is too big, you're doing something wrong. While the workout you are using appears to be working wonders on your arms...it's not doing the job as told by the size of your arms over the rest...see what I mean? I'd at least consider tweaking it to even everything out.
  5. Son of a @#$!#% #$!#@%!#$ !#@$#@!$ @#!$ !$#@ $#!@%! $#@@!$ #%!$#@! $!#$@# $#!$! $!#@ b****.
  6. Y2HH

    What is your job?

    QUOTE (robinventura23 @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 06:29 PM) We seem to have a few IT people on the board here. I'm in the business as well. I'm also an opinionated douche that's been suspended or warned of possible suspension multiple times. I think they're out to get me, no matter what they say! They mentioned something about my side job as an extreme Kaperbolist as the possible "reasons". Since that's an actual job, I feel this applies to the discussion at hand.
  7. Expect a lot of knocked down trees that they're still cleaning up.
  8. Y2HH

    What is your job?

    I'm in the same business as southsideirish71. Senior Network Security Analyst Translates to PIX/Checkpoint/F5 Load Balancing and overall network security and user education, both inbound and outbound.
  9. QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 02:57 PM) My information can be mined from anywhere, I realize there is a line (see the post I just made in the "what is your job" thread and how I danced around it). I have a minimum level of trust with my personal information though, I trust my employer with my birth certificate and Social Security card, I trust a business with my credit card number when I perform a transaction, and I trust the government with my banking information when I owe them or they owe me money. Otherwise I'm being kind of paranoid and I'd pay everything in cash which just wouldn't work. Writing a check isn't any better, your routing number and account number is right on it. I do exactly what someone said above -- I send everything to my credit card, and pay that one bill off every month before interest posts. I get card benefits cash back and if there is ever a need to dispute, it doesn't cost me anything. And they don't get too much of my information...I also use cash whenever possible. I don't debit, either. I'm pretty paranoid like that.
  10. QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 02:50 PM) Eh... haven't you ever filed taxes? The government didn't start garnishing your paychecks for a year just because they felt like it did they? I'd hope not. Government employees are just like anywhere else, they can't act with impunity. Get caught doing something like that will get you fired immediately and probably a couple of years in prison. The dynamic doesn't change just because it's a government employee and it doesn't matter what rank they are. Easier to track when the information could only come from one source than from many. Yes, the information can be mined from the government. You can never be totally safe from information fraud in this world, but you can minimize it. Maximizing it just because it's in one place, so it may as well be everywhere isn't a proper response to me basically saying, be careful who you give such information too.
  11. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 11:01 AM) Based on the past year, I would rather trust the government with my bank account than a bank with my bank account. Also nicely done.
  12. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 10:49 AM) You have a pretty high opinion of yourself. Nicely done.
  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 10:03 AM) Eh, I have two accounts with direct access to outside parties. One is my savings account at the same bank as my car loan. Its essentially just a balance transfer each month. The other is a checking account that I keep little money in. Usually just enough to cover bills. edit: /derail Contrary to the hyperbolic, irrational lies being spread around, no proposed bill mandates government access to your bank accounts. If you choose the "public option," you can choose a direct payment plan. That should end that issue, at least here. I agree, since it's merely an option, it does end it as an sort of outstanding issue. But, I can't reiterate how much of a mistake you are making giving multiple companies such personal access to your bank accounts. Having someones name and address is bad enough, but that's very hard to keep from people -- but when you give them financial information it gives them a lot of power, because that is widely considered very private information. With information like that, you can convince almost anyone (aside from people you know personally) that you are that person. Always pay them -- never let them pay themselves, no matter how easy it makes it. /derail
  14. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 09:58 AM) Likewise. In fact it makes my life easier to set up payments that way. Exactly. And it makes it easier to steal your identity, money, and credit rating, too.
  15. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 09:57 AM) I've never had any problems with my mortgage, car payment, comcast, car insurance, etc. Doesn't mean you won't in the future. Also, doing what you are doing makes it really easy to steal your identity on multiple fronts. For example, any nubcake at Comcast can steal it -- since you've given their system full access to your bank account, information any idiot Comcast rep can bring up on their screen in one way or another -- and sell it to some 3rd party who would be proud to be you...and have your money. Or, nix the nubcakes at Comcast being underhanded -- if anyone steals their customer info any number of ways, you're full information, including bank account routing numbers, names, addresses, numbers, etc...would be in their hands. I work in the security industry -- and this is how it's done. People are simply too open/free with very personal information to a multitude of companies, because it makes their lives easier. Doing online banking is easier -- YOU pay when YOU choose -- NEVER give anyone direct access to withdraw from any of your accounts. EVER.
  16. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 09:51 AM) I'm not a scumbag and I have it set up that way. It was court ordered. But thanks for the insult! Wasn't meant like that. Being court ordered is one thing -- choosing to do it is another. It's just not a wise choice.
  17. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 09:49 AM) They have direct access to direct deposit my tax refund. I really do not understand the problem with it. How this provision is being portrayed by right-wing blogs is that you have to give Obama direct access to your bank accounts and he will steal all your monies. Well, I think that's extreme -- I don't think they would try to "steal" money. I just foresee issues with overdraws and over payments do to clerical error. Other than that, there is no problem with it being a choice...I just think people who "choose" to give anyone direct access to their bank accounts, other than their job (which makes deposits, not withdrawls), is an idiot.
  18. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 09:47 AM) How is it any different than the government taking money from your bank account to pay for things like child support? That's reserved for scumbags that refuse to pay on time on their own accord. That's how and it has to go through a court system to garnish/wage garnish.
  19. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 09:21 AM) You have the option. Just like I have the option for Comcast to not send me a paper statement and take money straight from my account. If you still want to write a check, go ahead. That aside, my original point had nothing to do with how to pay -- but that it's even an "option" to give the government direct access to a personal bank account. I just don't think it's a good idea, and that's all it was meant to convey.
  20. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 09:24 AM) Dang, I have a dilemma now. The Straw Man might have to change to Kappie Leader. But one is just as good as the other. At minimum I request a high rank in your Kappie army as I was a subscriber before it became cool (and it will in the future).
  21. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 09:03 AM) You have the option of signing up for a direct-deposit or online bill pay type of program. The horror. How about just send a bill like everyone else, and I'll pay it how I choose. Why the need for added administration?
  22. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 07:56 AM) That's because you are a Kappie (my new term for the groupies who love Kap's rantings). I wouldn't consider myself any sort of groupie. I'm an opinionated asshole who loves to play devils advocate at times, and while I tend to agree with Kap more often than not, that doesn't mean I agree with everything he says and nothing you say.
  23. QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 20, 2009 -> 11:30 PM) As I said there should be some co-pay to prevent overuse. With such an obvious problem, I would be amazed if it was not addressed in the program. It is free for those that go to the emergency room intending not to pay. There was an earlier comment by Alpha that the plan allows for the government to draft your bank account to pay for the services, so that would seem to address that there will be a co-pay and there will be strict collections, both would work to help solve your concern. I don't like the idea of the government having direct access to peoples bank accounts. That's just a BAD idea and I foresee a lot of accidental overdraws waiting to happen. And how exactly do you/we dub something as "overuse/abuse"? What if they actually NEED to use it that way? Now we have to have a list of special exceptions and what if's? Who determines these exceptions and what if's? Sounds like were adding layers upon layers of administration work here, which would contradict one of the core reasons for reform (to cut overhead and administration/red tape). Sounds like we are going to create a new monster when our intention was to "slay" it by sending in the likes of the Baconator on crack wielding his +4 Louisville. I maintain that we do something for those in need -- but there has to be strict rules as to who is eligible for this "free taxpayer assisted care". I have absolutely no issues with my tax dollars going to help those with medical care that need it and cannot afford it, lord knows where my tax dollars go now, so I'd rather them go there, instead. But the key for me is in helping those that need it, not those that can afford it but would rather not pay for it since they can get it for nothing.
  24. Y2HH

    Workout Tips & Tricks

    QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 20, 2009 -> 10:53 PM) Y2HH, here's my ideal week split: Mon- Chest and Tric Tues- Back and Bis Wed- off Thurs-Shoulders Fri-Legs Sat- off Sun- Back to Chest and Tric and the pattern continues.......... Each muscle group gets almost a full week to recover. The reason I recommend against this type of split is for the reason I stated before as what you are doing here is less efficient and often contradicting. Allow me to explain as I used to use a similar split as you years ago. Chest uses Triceps as an assist muscle (as does any "push" exercise), in doing your chest workouts with triceps, you are fatiguing your triceps (which will tire BEFORE chest), thus whichever way you do the workout, one or the other will get robbed of full intensity. Ex: If you work chest first, your triceps (which were used to assist the chest workouts) will not be able to perform their own exercises at 100% capacity, as they'll already be used/fatigued. If you reverse it and work triceps first, you're triceps will be tired and unable to assist in the push motion necessary for chest workouts at 100% capacity, and that takes away from the chest workout. This same condition applies to biceps and back, so it's important to find a split that kills Primary/Primary splits when one of those two Primary targets is already being used as a Secondary that day. This same condition applies to people who do their full cardio workout BEFORE they lift weights. 10 minutes to warm up is one thing...doing 30-45 minutes of cardio before lifting will tire you out and you will lift less weight for less reps because of it. Lift FIRST, then do cardio, that will help blast your muscles when they are 100% and your body is 90%+ on fuel, versus burning all the fuel with cardio and then trying to lift afterward. Since you seem to be on a 2 day off per 7 cycle, what I'd recommend is as follows: Monday - Chest/Abdominals Tuesday - Back Wed - OFF Thurs - Shoulders Friday - Arms/Abdominals Saturday - Off Sunday - Legs This split would prevent any assist muscles from being used on a primary/primary same day cycle, as you are currently doing. For example, on Monday you are currently targeting 2 Primary muscles (Chest and Triceps), one of which is already being used as a Secondary to the other. This split also adds no more days than you currently use and doesn't switch off days from where you currently have them. Each primary is targeted only once per week + a minimum of 24 hours rest for all secondary/assist muscles before they become the primaries.
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