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QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 14, 2009 -> 10:27 PM) Can anyone recommend an effective, reasonably priced, creatine in pill form? Creatine is garbage and a fad of the late 90's that's passed, stay away from it. That is all. If you are going to use any supplements at all, do nothing more than vitamins and protein...I'm sure most here will say the same.
QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 09:13 PM) In that case, I'm going to respond with some briefly googled data, and I want to see your counter-evidence stating that they're common and a huge problem. While I won't bother pasting 50 links, nor 50 stories, if you take the same search you performed but search for frivolous medical malpractice lawsuit facts, you'll get just as many stories saying how real it is. I work in the Health Insurance industry, my father works in the medical industry (pharmacy), my fathers friends all work in the same industry, two of my friends mothers are nurses at Mercy -- and they say this situation is very real. A friend of mine was a PI for two years working for a third party that specialized in insurance fraud on medical conditions which prevented these people from working, while collecting insurance for their injuries, and (by his words) 99% of the people he followed were cheating over that span. Now I'm sure some of these suits are real -- but separating the real from the fake is necessary to help curb these fees being passed along to the consumers. I know the nature of frivolous suits in the US...only in America can you become a millionaire by spilling coffee on yourself. Just for the hell of it I'll post the search in a link to make it easy : http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&cli...mp;oq=&aqi= As you can see, there are just as many stories/data that show the problem exists. As they say, where there is smoke there is fire, if this wasn't a problem, people probably wouldn't complain about it, and there wouldn't be 50,000,000 Google links to both sides of the argument. I'm sure the lawyers defend that it's a myth, while doctors defend that it's a fact, and the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.
QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 08:33 PM) It's not of course the fault of the people actually making errors. I'm not talking about actual real malpractice claims...I'm talking about frivolous claims. I think there is a BIG difference between the two, to pretend otherwise is just meh, I have no other words for it.
QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 08:20 PM) I'm not sure who "they" is (and it's not Democrats or Republicans, but Republicans tend to be the one to push this specific point), but if "they" is the current administration, they've said they're willing to put limits on malpractice lawsuits into the reform package. Frankly it's a non-issue and I don't see why someone who'd want to overhaul healthcare would be deadset on not going ahead with it. They is all of them -- all of them in charge, from the party holding office to the individuals in congress and the senate...that's they. I'm not a party guy, at all, and THEY all need to do things together, I'm so sick and tired of this split system of pokes and prods trying to slyly get at each other without looking like the bad guys...it's insane we have to put up with this type of thing. Furthermore, it's the judges accepting the cases, the lawyers involved in carrying out the cases and the type of people it takes to knowingly sue someone for nothing. All of the above are they "they" I speak of.
QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 08:17 PM) The arguments lead nowhere when one person tends to be condescending to others and insist they're all sheep for not immediately agreeing with what they have to say. You're only a sheep if you think what I said. I can care less if you agree with me or not on the actual issue at hand, but if you honestly think the government will find a way to SAVE money after looking at the deficits and debt on local, state and federal levels, then yes, you are in fact a sheep. Anyone that thinks an entity like that, which spends like it does, which over hires, over pays, and over does everything they do which has proven time and time again they have absolutely NO fiscal responsibility can run this system and save money while doing it is insane. And this isn't about the current administration, either, as the previous one liked to spend like drunken sailors, too...so don't try to make this a democrat/republican thing, because as far as I'm concerned, both parties can die.
QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 08:09 PM) The bolded part is an empty talking point. Amusingly, Obama asked Congressional GOP leaders a few weeks back what they'd offer in return for him adding this into a hypothetical bill and they got quiet. It's empty because they won't do anything about it. Again, I'm not a lawyer nor a judge, but anyone with half a brain can see the problems with frivolous lawsuits in this country, especially those medically related. And this isn't a republican nor a democrat problem, it's an everyone problem, so let's not go there.
Here is the last thing I'll say, because these types of politically charged arguments often lead nowhere. Something most defiantly needs to be done about healthcare reform -- across the board, from insurance companies, to drug companies to doctors/hospitals, etc. But I personally feel that the answer is not in handing control over to the government. Now I'm not saying I have the answer, but I know damn well that the government isn't the best entity to put in charge of something that's trying to cut costs/save money, they've shown they can't do that, across the board from local to state to federal government -- saving is not in their natures, after all, it's not their money they're spending anyway, it's ours. Such a system would merely hand them the keys to another storage shed full of our money -- and believe me -- they'll find every way to spend through it and then some...costing us even more in the long run. Just look at our deficits and debt on the local and national level and ask yourself if these are the people you want in charge of making fiscally sound decisions with the goal in mind to save money, not spend even more. Now, if you didn't just laugh at that thought, you're a sheep, and that's all there is too it.
QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 07:47 PM) Obama knows Doctors will have to take a pay cut for universal health care to work. At least he's being realistic. http://www.businessweek.com/technology/con...+temp_top+story And honestly I think he is right. I know this is going to piss off some peoiple, but I think some Doctors are extremely overpaid. I honestly don't think most work doctors do should command a $400,000 a year salary. They wouldn't if they weren't having to spend 150k per year in malpractice insurance, which they do because of the multitude of frivolous "only in America" lawsuits they get tossed at them every year. In addition to changing the laws to help protect doctors against this, as Balta pointed out, it won't save us any money because these doctors won't suddenly agree to a pay cut to make up the difference in the money they're no longer sending to the malpractice insurance companies, they'll merely pocket it -- what we need is additional legislation on cost cutting measures...but now we get into very dicey territory, as I don't want the government involved in saying what people can and cannot make. I think we tread into dangerous territory when we start letting the government decide what people can make/charge, or otherwise. I like living here, the way it is...I don't want socialism, I don't want communism. Now this isn't directed at anybody here in particular, but it is directed at a lot of people I've spoken with as of late... Seems like a lot of people today have had it so good and their lives have been so blessed that they have time to dwell on these types of issues, nitpicks, or otherwise, but as long as they get that updated iPOD, what do they care, right? It's not like they're the ones paying. This sounds like a lot of spoiled kids talking out of their asses is what it sounds like, repeating the same s*** they heard on Fox news or CNN or whatever other biased f***ing station you watch before regurgitating the information they want you to spread for them.
QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 07:25 PM) Here's my problem with your argument...there's nothing to back it up. It is an empty assertion that the government can never do anything right. I can point out how every other country in the western world with a national health care system produces equal or substantially better results than our system does and ALWAYS does so at a lower cost per patient, every single example, and you can just respond with that. I can point out how Medicare by even the most pessimistic of estimates works with vastly lower administrative and overhead costs than any private insurance company, and you can respond with that. I can point out how the health care system in this country with the highest rate of satisfaction and the lowest cost per person is the government runs Veterans Affairs System, and you can just respond with that. I can point out how the creation of Medicare in the 1960's corresponded with a dramatic long-term decline in the poverty rate amongst the elderly, and you can just respond with that. Here is the simple reality; our current health care system is killing this country. It makes us sicker. It costs us 1.5 to 2 times as much per person as every other developed country pays to provide its citizens with health care. It fails to cover a huge fraction of the country. It is a gigantic inefficiency in business. It is a huge impediment to economic growth and economic mobility. It drives jobs overseas or to Canada like crazy. And it gets more expensive and less effective every single day. We've tried decades of "market based" solutions. We've tried letting the "Free market" handle things; the prices have just gone up. We've tried HSA's, we've tried having private companies run medicare (it wound up costing a hell of a lot more per person than normal medicare). None of it has made a difference. The private system is crubling and the economic collapse is accelerating that. It's time to try what works for everyone else. I can also respond with I personally know foreigners who have had to come HERE to the United States and pay cash for a surgery deemed not necessary by their 'government run plan of awesome'. So throw that superiority complex you seem to think foreign plans have out the window, because it's not reality, take it from a person in the industry. I don't want anything resembling that, ever, and neither do you. You think you do, until you run into a three month wait to get something they deem 'non important' checked out. I, on the other hand, would prefer to have it checked out NOW for peace of mind, and the fact that I can. I like the fact that I can go have an MRI if my shoulders bothering me, while in government run plans you'd get told no because that's not how those systems work. They don't like to talk about these rules in all of these "free" plans we hear of, and how great everyone else's system is flawless and wonderful and how bad ours is. If everyone else's system was so grand, those same countries wouldn't have the massive black market they have in terms of healthcare. And yes, that black market exists, and it's downright frightening. I'll agree with you in one place, we have a lot of inefficiencies, but those can be solved in a multitude of ways, none of which is a government run health system. The best part of all of this is you seem to think it's gonna be free. A lot of these foreigners deal with 50+% taxes for their "free" care. I'm not sure about you, but I prefer to take home what I take home...if they started wacking me with even higher taxes, which they will have to do, I couldn't live with just me working anymore. So much for the family life, eh? No thanks. How about I respond with that, instead.
QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 06:52 PM) None of that $150 billion a year I just talked about is going to doctors. Not a cent. So the people it is going too -- just lay them all off, too? And don't tell me it's just going to the insurance companies and other gluttonous properties, either. That's probably a few hundred thousand jobs we're talking about now. Bottom line is, no matter what happens, that lost money won't suddenly appear in the average Americans pocket...the government simply wants it for themselves, after all, they're gonna need a multitude of ways to pay for this. The government hasn't found a way to purchase simple items like computers for schools without blowing millions upon millions per school -- hell, forget computers, they can't buy anything without massive waste/overhead, but I'm sure they'll know how to make health care affordable! I don't mean to sound like a jag when I talk about this, but there is a lot more too it than they're letting on. If they want to seriously make heath care more affordable without messing up the current system even more, put massive legislation and changes the laws when it comes to the COUNTLESS frivolous lawsuits brought up against doctors/surgeons on a daily basis, also, crack down on insurance fraud from people collecting benefits when they aren't really hurt/sick, as this is a RAMPANT problem in the insurance industry, yet the laws the government put fourth does almost nothing but helps these types. I heard a few things earlier today about making the lawsuits harder -- and the fact that they realize this is/has been going on yet have done nothing about it should show you how interested the government is in saving you money on free healthcare.
QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 11:27 AM) Efficiency = providing coverage for everyone. Think about this...how much time and money is spent in this country figuring out whether or not a person is covered at all or is covered for a specific treatment? Or how much is spent by insurance companies figuring out creative ways to not pay for treatments? Administrative costs, especially for private insurance, are through the roof, even compared to Medicare (Which is why a public system is such a necessity). One of the biggest advantages to a public system, and to a universal system is; everyone is covered. There's no profit to be made spending large sums of money on finding ways to deny treatment. There's no profit to be made spending large sums of money trying to make sure that you don't cover anyone who is actually sick. There's no time wasted filling out forms to determine if a treatment is covered. There's no money spent on the thousands of people who's job it is to find reasons for you to deny coverage. There's only profit to be made by being more efficient overall than the next provider. There's only profit to be made by providing better care. There is enough money being spent right now on finding administrative ways to deny coverage to people to pay for covering our entire population of uninsured. This all boils down to one thing : there would be no money in it. So why would anyone want those jobs? I know you probably have some odd cockamamy thinking in mind that will keep these very highly paid doctors working for 10$ an hour, but wake up and smell the coffee here...they won't, at least, not the ones you'd want working on you in an emergency. And yes, their high salaries would have to disappear along with the rest of the money that system has flowing in it to keep a system of this magnitude in place and affordable. It comes down to money, no matter what spin you try to put on it, to think a universal system can work in a country this large with the same level of care we currently have isn't just insane, it's f***ing stupid.
I find the fact that some of you believe they can pull off a "universal system" is hilarious. They couldn't/can't even get medicare working properly and that's only covering seniors, etc. Now what a lot of people are saying is you'd want them to scrap that shoddy system, and implement a system that covers EVERYONE but somehow doesn't suck?! If they can't get it right for say, 50M Americans, why, I ask, do you think they can get it right for 350M...if not more?! Simple math doesn't back this line of thinking. Hell, they can't even run a public transit system well enough in this country, so let's hand them the key to the entire public health system, too? I often find myself shaking my head at how many times the government can fail, yet a lot of you believe their lies. It concerns me that the fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me saying never seems to apply to a lot of people when it comes to government. When it comes to government, it's more like: Fool me once, it's ok...I'll still vote for you, I know you meant well! Fool me twice, it's still ok...as long as you keep promising me things you cannot possibly deliver, I'll still vote for you because I have a short to non-existant memory for the things you promised yet never delivered on! Fool me thrice, it doesn't matter...you promised to deliver a whole mess of stuff and ended up delivering on only 1% of it, so I'm gonna consider that a massive success!!!! Fool me again...it's ok, because I'm a f***ing fool. Look, as badly as we'd all love a working system that pays for everyone while continuing to deliver the highest of quality care stop and look around for a minute before you get what you're wishing for. If they can't get it right for a small sub-section of the population, why do you think they can suddenly get it right for the ENTIRE population? This is a mess waiting to implode upon the United States.
Bill O'Reilly called George Tiller "a baby killer" witho
Y2HH replied to spiderman's topic in The Filibuster
QUOTE (Nixon @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 01:56 PM) This is why China is so far ahead of the rest of the world, they even allow post-term abortion. You seriously need to green some of that text. -
Bill O'Reilly called George Tiller "a baby killer" witho
Y2HH replied to spiderman's topic in The Filibuster
Some of you take things like this way too far. And without naming a single name, each and every one of you who does knows exactly who you are. Rather than dwelling on things like this (which seem to crop up on a daily basis), try to fix a problem in your life no matter how small, it'll end up making a world of difference over your lifetime. Be it the house, the lawn you haven't gotten around to fixing, the leaky garage roof, maybe martial or girlfriend/boyfriend problems, family tiffs over little to nothing, whatever...just...go do that instead of sitting on here arguing about late term abortions and Bill O'. You would all be better off. Oh, and besides all that, nobody cares. Not one of you of side, and visa versa. None of you ever will. So this entire argument is like watching Rams bang heads together until one of the two falls over with a splitting headache...and even then, the opinions expressed on the matter remain the same. Silly. -
QUOTE (CanOfCorn @ Jun 9, 2009 -> 10:38 AM) To be fair, Hermanson got hurt. But I agree with you until the "You all suck" part. Ok then, everyone sucks but you. Is that better?
So are we all just going to assume that J. Danks and the rest of these kids are gonna come up here and rake? Doubtful. And I'm also tired of hearing how terribad of a manager Ozzie is. Last I checked he was the first Sox manager since 1917 to bring us a title, regardless of players, talent, or otherwise. I know, Oz haters, we won in 05 despite his terribad managing, right? Stick it. Not many managers would have had the guts to go through 3 closers, let alone a rookie. Yet another anti-whateverthesoxdosucks thread. You all suck.
QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Jun 9, 2009 -> 08:30 AM) I'd never say one bad thing about Big Frank. Never. He's the best player I've ever seen play here and he did it cleanly. My point is, YOU can. Others cannot.
QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 06:17 PM) You played volleyball when you were younger? I'm 19, played all my life, and my shoulder is an absolute wreck. I suggest that anyone who pitches/plays Vball do exercises to strengthen their rotator cuff, this is especially important on the arm you use to pitch or spike. The exercises are simple (you can look up a few on the net), and all you have to do is us a 2.5-5lb weight to do them. Some people are built to withstand more punishment on their rotator cuffs than others, but exercising them can seriously help big time -- and I'd have to say 99% of the people I see training never do these simple exercises.
QUOTE (103 mph screwball @ Jun 9, 2009 -> 08:21 AM) Nice to see Big Frank is still comfortable being associated with the Sox considering the circumstances he left under. I think Frank will do a good job. I miss Big Frank. I think Big Frank knows that the Chicago [sox] fans are the only fans that will forgive him for things in the past and accept him in the future. WE can talk s*** about Big Frank. WE can say he's a crybaby. WE can tell him to STFU. But...nobody else can -- or WE will destroy them for talking about OUR guy. I think Frank "gets that".
QUOTE (WSoxMatt @ Jun 9, 2009 -> 08:18 AM) http://www.chicagolandradioandmedia.com/ Posted by Ed Sherman at 6/9/2009 5:01 AM CDT on Chicago Business Frank Thomas is coming back to Chicago. Not as a hitter, although the White Sox could use every bit of help they can get these days. Rather, "The Big Hurt" will return as a special analyst for the upcoming White Sox-Cubs games. Mr. Thomas will work the extended pre-game and post-game reports for Comcast Sports Net's coverage of 5 of the 6 games; Fox has the Saturday afternoon games at U.S. Cellular Field. A representative for Mr. Thomas recently contacted Charlie Schumacher, CSN's senior news director, saying that the former Sox slugger was interested in doing some work for the network. The Crosstown series was a natural starting point. Mr. Thomas will work live from the ballpark for the pregame shows and either at the ballpark or in studio for the post-game shows. It remains to be seen if Mr. Thomas will do more work for CSN beyond the Cub-Sox games. Bill Melton has been a fixture as CSN's studio analyst for the Sox. This isn't Mr. Thomas' first plunge into being an analyst. Previously, he worked in the studio for TNT's coverage of the 2007 playoffs. He didn't receive glowing reviews, as he looked stiff and uncertain. To be fair to Mr. Thomas, most active players (he still was with Toronto) often struggle when they get thrown so quickly on the big stage. It should be different for Mr. Thomas at CSN. This is the town where he became a huge star. That should provide him with more a comfort zone, allowing his true personality to emerge. Remember Mr. Thomas always has been an engaging interview. Also, the move signals Mr. Thomas' re-entry into the White Sox orbit. Let us not forget Mr. Thomas ugly departure from the team after 2005. The war of words prompted General Manager Kenny Williams to launch one of the all-time tirades against him. The situation has cooled since then. When Mr. Thomas visited Chicago in an opponent's uniform, the Sox gave him a nice scoreboard tribute. With the Sox being a part owner of CSN, the team had to sign off on Mr. Thomas coming in as a special analyst. It is an important step in what will eventually see the team retiring No. 35 and erecting a statue in his honor.
QUOTE (hogan873 @ Jun 9, 2009 -> 08:07 AM) I, too, have noticed the barage of negative posts regarding almost every move the Sox make. Granted the signing of Garcia is a yawner and nothing may come of it. But so what? A minor league contract just to give the guy a chance? Who cares? When the Sox signed Pods (to a minor league contract), you'd have thought the world was coming to an end if you read the majority of the posts. Hmmm, looks like that was actually a good signing. Now I am fully aware that this site is for opinions of the fans, and that everyone has a right to post how they feel about signings, games, how many doughnuts Colon consumed, etc. So, why do some of us feel the need to bash others for expressing their opinions? Do I think Garcia will be a great signing, and he will contribute a lot to the club? No, but it's a minor league contract. He wasn't signed to take the place of anyone. If he was signed and slated to start tonight, and he went out and got his ass kicked, then we could all say, "What a stupid move." I sometimes get the feeling around here that people wish Player X (let's use Pods as the example here), would fail miserably, just so they can say, "I told you so!$#@#$!$#", regardless of the affect it has on the team. I've been around this website for quite a few years -- before the influx of "talent" in 2005 =D, and I have to say that there was a time when criticism was much more constructive around here, compared to now where it doesn't matter what the Sox do, it sucks...and if it turns out to be ok, we get 50 stupid f***ing posts about eating crow. How about eating s***, instead. (This wasn't directed at you, either.)
QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 08:59 PM) High horse or reality? Anything this org does is second guessed on this negative site everyday. If the Tigers went out and signed Freddy to a minor league deal, there would be conniptions on this site. You noticed this, too? Anything the Sox do sucks if you listen to the majority of this website -- and heaven forbid they bench Brian "The Savior" Anderson and don't let him play 162 straight games per year -- that's unacceptable, too.
QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 9, 2009 -> 07:37 AM) Apparently BA would be the next Iron Man and beat Ripken's consecutive games streak. If we could only let him play everyday 'cause god forbid he got a game off or two. That would just mess him up completely. He needs to play every single day in order to be effective otherwise he melts like the wicked witch of the west. Anderson would be a better hitter than Barry Bonds if he played 162 games a year, tho. Oh, and I really love Anderson slugging .101 LOWER than Pods. HAHAHAHA LOWER SLG THAN PODS. Stick that defense up your asses, please. Id sooner have Pods weak D and stick/speed than Andersons D, especially considering we don't play in the most cavernous CF park out there half the season.
QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 9, 2009 -> 07:33 AM) so does Dewayne Wise, and Scott Podsednik couldn't field a basketball if it was hit to him. Anderson deserves more playing time than he's gotten since Wise has been called back up. Wise isn't good enough for me to classify him as a AAAA hitter. Dewayne Wise sucks more than Anderson -- but Pods > Anderson. The only good thing Anderson ever did on this team was jump up and down with Aaron Rowand and yell "no way" when Pods, the player you are trying to diss here, won us game two of the world series. And Pods is batting > 300 this year after sitting at home for a few weeks in spring -- all the while Anderson was getting into game shape. Stop with the excuses already. This gushing man love you guys have for Anderson is retarded. Is it his hair or something?! Does he have pictures of you doing something illegal?! Seriously. We get it, Anderson can field...so what. It's not like our outfield is that big anyway. Pods probably has more outfield assists this year than Anderson does, BTW.
QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 9, 2009 -> 07:30 AM) When he was platooned with Mack after getting off to a slow start in his first ML season? Sorry, but your boyfriend sucks at hitting.