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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Apr 9, 2008 -> 12:41 PM) First of all, there is nobody eating crow on anything, its 7 games in. Also we are all sox fans, nobody wants him to fail. And that deal would be not only not accepted by sf but it would be moronic for the sox to shop their best young hitter and future 3b and depth at of, and try to sign a player who will be overpriced and will suck payroll flexibility for the sox in the offseason. and I have no idea who you are, so you must be a junior member of his crew. Either way, sometimes it better to read in the background rather than post something like that. Inning Recap: Bottom 8: Rock hits a home run to deep center, 0 on. Rock 1 SoxWS05 0 Kidding aside, me thinks the conversation is taking a personal spin now guys...
  2. Y2HH


    QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 8, 2008 -> 06:30 PM) Dr. Strangelove Blazing Saddles Airplane Serial Animal House RV It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World The Graduate Annie Hall RV? Really?! You've automatically forfitted your entire list due to the inclusion of RV. How about Office Space.
  3. Y2HH

    Daughter's New Laptop

    QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Apr 9, 2008 -> 11:10 AM) Good catch. We have used http://www.pcdecrapifier.com/ to clear a lot of the automatic garbage that is packaged with machines. For the most part we dont deal with it because we run a standard image, but occasionally we get a user who buys a laptop on their own, and then complains when those auto-installed apps break something. I often go above and *way* beyond with my personal computers and computers in my family. I'll manually uninstall all the garbage, run crap cleaner on them (ccleaner.com), run a registry defrag/optimize (auslogics.com - regdefrag) and then defragment them (auslogics.com - diskdefrag), and on top of that I'll harden the OS by disabling just about 50% of the default started services that run (services.msc) which are useless for 99% of the users out there. I'll also rip crap out of my startup folder and run sequence from the registry. For example, anything that NVidia loads via the run directory in the registry is *not* necessary, so I remove it.
  4. QUOTE (daa84 @ Apr 9, 2008 -> 09:15 AM) oh haha it wasnt, i was serious But yes, it's reasons like this why I find numbers and patches unnecessary. We often credit very few people while forgetting the *many* others who struggled just the same, be it in games, politics, etc. I feel it cheapens the 'whole' when we give credit one while giving absolutly no credit to another. A simple moment of silence for *all* is better suited than remembering a single person, in my opinion. And I'm not saying there is anything wrong with remembering a single person, I just feel the whole is greater than the sum of it's many parts, and that is lost in translation when we choose to remember one of the sum. And if you didn't follow any of that...too bad.
  5. QUOTE (daa84 @ Apr 9, 2008 -> 09:54 AM) in what way shape form or fashion did i suggest that it meant any less to me? I think I took what you said about Doby as sarcasm.
  6. QUOTE (daa84 @ Apr 9, 2008 -> 09:51 AM) yeah, doby had to endure just about everything robinson did, and he had to do it without any fanfare Just because it's means less to you and the majority, doens't mean it means less to someone else.
  7. QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 9, 2008 -> 09:50 AM) Let's look at the tip of the hat scale and Lincoln's birthday. Schools closed Banks closed Sales everywhere with giant advertisements on radio, tv, newspapers, billboards. Not sure about schools anymore, but nothing around here closes on Lincoln's Birthday, it's business as usual, and I live in Chicago.
  8. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Apr 9, 2008 -> 09:36 AM) But what is the harm if they do wear a number or a patch? I think that's very unobtrusive as far as gameplay is concerned and I think it's pretty classy. I didn't say there was any harm, nor is it obtrusive, I just feel it's unnecessary. These are things that should be remembered without the need of constant reminder is all I mean. A moment of silence for me is greater than 3 hours wearing a number. For those who believe, no explaination is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation will do. But like you said, no harm no foul. I can care less, either way. I *personally* do not need to be reminded to remember these people once a year, when we should be remembering their contributions *every* *single* *day*.
  9. Me @ Kane County: And Me @ DuPage County River:
  10. Y2HH

    Daughter's New Laptop

    Uninstall all the garbage Dell pre-installs to lower the cost of their computers, too. Oh, and install this since you're a FF user: http://noscript.net/ Call me paranoid, but I don't like when sites run 3rd party scripts on my browser...ever.
  11. QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 9, 2008 -> 08:11 AM) If the celebration was for being ignorant, they would be wearing the numbers of the players who refused to take the field, spat on him, and called him n***** from their dugout. They would be wearing St. Louis Cardinal uniforms in remembrance of a team that was very close to not playing and forfeiting if he was allowed to play. BTW, a little link to Chicago baseball, albeit the north side. The manager of that Dodger team, and later the manager for the Cubs, it was Leo Durocher of "nice guys finish last" fame who took a stand and told the players to stfu and play. And being a good capitalistic American, pointed out to his players that Robinson would help them all make money. So no, we're not celebrating the ignorant, we're celebrating the courage to walk out on the field despite death threats. We're celebrating while playing under so much pressure he earned the first ever Rookie of the Year award. "They" want to be recognized? We celebrate Lincoln's Birthday, and I see some strong parallels. In a cloud of ignorance there was someone who stood up and made a difference. I think there should be more of an awareness of the people like Branch Ricky and Leo Durocher who made it possible, but it is not in any way a crutch to honor the man who stood up and took all the hatred and abuse the narrow minded bigots to toss out and kept playing. Perhaps if there were no more abusers, your point would seem more valid, but the more I read your post, the more I realize there is still a long way to go. And this is exactly what I mean, and I'll illustrate it with an example from your post. I have no issues celebrating Lincoln's Birthday, or JR day at the ballpark, etc...but with a respectful tip of the cap and rememberance at the start of the game, and nothing more should be necessary. There is no need to wear JR's number or a patch, just as there is no need for everyone to run around with Lincoln sytle top hats on all day, either.
  12. I have no problem celebrating JR, Ruth, Marris, or even Cobb for their accomplishments in the game of baseball. But they should be celebrated with a small opening tip of the cap ceremony and a dedication of the game to them, and thats it. Wearing their numbers or patches or otherwise always feels cheap and empty to me. The very fact they're out there playing this game to this day shows they are not forgotten. I simply don't feel that I need need it thrown in my face for 4+ consecutive hours on end while trying to enjoy a game in order for me to appreciate it and respect it for what it is.
  13. QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 9, 2008 -> 08:56 AM) Energy prices are also a factor. Also true, with Diesel being well above 4$ per gallon, the delivery trucks for food/beverages will raise their freight costs in order to offset the rising cost of fuel.
  14. QUOTE (max power @ Apr 9, 2008 -> 03:09 AM) Of course there is a way. I was being sarcastic. I've seen jermaine at least twice this year get shafted out of would be RBIs because paulie is so slow. Paulie trots. That's why.
  15. Let's not forget that Mr. Daley keeps raising he taxes on everything from bottled water to beer in Chicago year after year, yet we still have to wait 4-6 more weeks to get the potholes fixed on major roadways (like LSD for instance). So the rising costs of things like beer can also be attributed -- in part -- to taxes, inflation, etc... That said, of course the owners want a profit, otherwise they shouldn't be running a business.
  16. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Apr 8, 2008 -> 12:30 PM) That's probably the only way, cuz Konerko might not score from second on a double. Or he might, but Cox would hold him up. As opposed to Cora waving him around even if he has absolutly not chance and costing us an out. Pick your poison.
  17. QUOTE (ptatc @ Apr 8, 2008 -> 09:51 AM) I've given students failing grades on papers a few years ago for inaccurate information with wikipedia as sources. I now tell them if it's referenced as a source they will fail. The best source of information is primary research anyway not research cited in another report. Back when I was doing papers in college, the Internet was kind of an unknown thing still...so if you cited the Internet, teachers were afraid to disagree with it. I used this to my advantage quite a bit...sometimes more than I should have. More often than not, my first 2 or 3 references were legit, then the rest were all made up Internet based references...I scammed quite a few A's and B's that way in college (UIC) with totally made up facts. Today, since almost everyone has access to the Internet (which means they have access to the web, which 99% of people think *IS* the Internet), this scam doesn't work as effectivly. I also used to rip off open source code for programming sections of my labs (Computer Science), or hacking/cracking my way through the network before network security was even a thing to steal other peoples work and hand it in as my own. All of that led to a successful career in Internet Security. So be sure to tell your students...sometimes, cheaters DO win.
  18. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Apr 8, 2008 -> 11:50 AM) hey there's a simple way to not have to pay $7.25 for a beer at the game. Don't buy them... beer sales go down enough, maybe they'll wise up and drop the price to a more acceptable level. That'll never happen, because everyone else will just keep buying them. You'd have to unionize beer drinkers...and I for one, will *not* join that stupid union no matter how expensive it gets.
  19. QUOTE (almagest @ Apr 8, 2008 -> 11:32 AM) Rooting for my favorite team takes a back seat to being right on the internet. Everyone knows that! This reminds me of this comic: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/duty_calls.png Which reminds me of me...
  20. QUOTE (tonyho7476 @ Apr 8, 2008 -> 10:41 AM) The pitch speed appears to be gone for good. The area it was previously in, is missing. I also like the 2 recliners above the bullpen bar, which 2 people per game will get. Yesterday they won the seats by winning a game of bags. As usual, the bathrooms were out of control, due to too many men being at the game. I had 1 beer in the park, so I wouldn't have to use the bathroom. I really like the monument area...and statue appears to be the celebration on the mound, at the World Series. And there appear to still be bricks available. Awesome day yesterday. Thanks Crede. Having one beer is just not something I could do. Ever.
  21. QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 8, 2008 -> 10:12 AM) Post #5. Those that had the over 4 posts until Josh is mentioned are winners. But I openly admitted I have a problem! It's a disease! =D
  22. QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 8, 2008 -> 09:10 AM) I would never use wiki as a cited source, but I do look at the discussion pages and their sources for good ideas. Usually credibility is just two clicks away. Indeed. Anyone who believes Wiki on face value deserves what they get.
  23. You mean to tell me it's not Josh Fields?! I seriously can't help myself. I think this Crede/Fields thing has become a viral infection and it's spreading like wildfire...
  24. Maybe they'll sub-prime his award to someone who can't afford it and then write it off on the public tax doll...wait, this isn't the Filibuster. My bad. Gratz AJ!
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