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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 8, 2007 -> 07:26 AM) ok, honestly, this run by the current market is totally unfounded and ridiculous. I have a feeling what we're seeing is some (ahem) foreign buying here to push things up to an "irrational" level. There's more then meets the eye on this "rise" of the markets, IMO. The difference is, this time, unlike during the .com boom period of the late 90's early 00's, is that this bull is being led by blue chips and the DJ stocks that actually do turn profit and have solid portfolios. Unlike the last time, most of the stocks leading the way on the big board are paying dividends, turning profit, and aren't mired in debt while leaning on what business they 'may be conducting in the future'. These are solid stocks, with solid pasts and solid futures. People always ask me about stocks, as I'm one of my only people in my group of friends heavily (self) invested in stocks, how do you do it? Well, first, it's not rocket science...investing is all around us, everyday...we simply ignore it. Back in 99-01, when every "Johnny come lately day trader" busted onto the scene selling off their chips for diluted tech crap...I sold them what tech crap I had and bought up their blues at bargin basement prices. Just take a look around your house at the numerous products you cannot do without, (soda, candy, cereal, bread, etc) and read the packaging. Who makes those products?! Those are the companies to buy, the ones that will be here for a long time to come because they sell products we cannot live without. Drug companies is another one. People will always get sick, people will need meds. The key is buying them when they're low -- which they aren't anymore -- because people learned from the tech sector the first time around. Oh, and futuremore, this is why trickledown is bulls***. The uninitiated into the global marketplace doesnt stand a chance, because the only info they have on investing is what comes from the experts -- who do not lose even if you do. If you're interested in investing, just look around -- and buy companies you know have been here, and will be here for years to come. For example, Tootsie Roll company (haha, laugh if you will), but in a recession or downturned economy, when people cannot afford cars and expensive computers -- they can still afford a 2cent tootsie roll candy.
  2. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ May 6, 2007 -> 11:09 AM) Did anyone else find this fight to follow the exact same script as the new Rocky movie? Only the new Rocky movie had better boxing in it than this travishamockary.
  3. QUOTE(JDsDirtySox @ May 6, 2007 -> 12:47 AM) This fight reminds me why Boxing is a dying sport... and MMA is the one with a future. The Fight That Was to "Save Boxing" left alot to be desired IMO. Exactly. One guy ran away (backpeddling) the entire fight. One guy tried to make a match of it, but didn't do much, either. I would have given the fight to DeLaHoya just because he actually TRIED to do something exciting. That was 12 rounds of pitter-pat boredom. That match was judged like a figure skating championship. It wasn't about a fight, it was about who could out technical the other with non-power "power" shots. Meh. What a waste of a sport that was once beyond awesome. The fundamental issue with the state of boxing today was showcased in this bout. My point is simply this: In the sport of boxing, there should be very VERY little room for debate. This match had a non-ending, where both sides could argue their case...and there in lies the problem. In boxing, there should be NO doubt about who wins. Period. There should be ONE clear cut winner. And another thing. It should require MORE than a 2 point differential on score cards to unthrone a reigning champion. The challenger should have be do MUCH more than win by split by a mere two points (what happened) to get the title. You know...like the used to do it back in the day...when people still cared about boxing. Meh. Boxing as a sport is dead. And this didn't breath new life into it...it hurt it more. And to those of you who were actually "entertained" by this waltz they performed last night, go back and watch some Ali or Marciano footage...and see what REAL boxing was like. Because this wasn't entertaining...it was a dance routine at best. And if I wanted to watch dance, I'd watch dancing with the stars...which I don't do, either.
  4. This offense is beyond sad, with or without Thome and Pods. This team isn't even fun to watch anymore. Which is why I stopped...I simply look up our latest 1 run offensive showing loss after the game rather than spending time watching 9 innings of suck. This is the first time I'm tossing my hat into to "we need a new hitting coach" hat. We just need something to shake things up here...every players approach is horrid. Period.
  5. QUOTE(Capn12 @ Apr 25, 2007 -> 07:53 AM) I'm with Tex. I'm a Sox fan first and foremost. I won't let my feelings towards one particular player supercede my hopes for the team. That means even if Mr. Prancer himself is getting the job done, I would be first in line to congratulate him, despite how I feel about his place on this team. Erstad has had a good day or 2, lets not annoit him the Savior that Ozzie sees him as quite yet. Savior, no...but Anderson isn't the savior everyone is making him out to be, either. I've liked what I've seen of this team as a "whole" the last week, so hopefully they can keep it up. I don't care who is in the starting lineup, whether that be Anderson or Erstad or Ozuna...whoever it is, I hope they play well.
  6. Joan Cusack commercials suck. Jared from Subway commercials suck. I also want to punch this guy in the face. Those rediculously stupid j-pop stylized Sprite commercials also suck. That super annoying long haired with glasses guy that used to sell Encyclopedia Britanicca books in the 80's commercials sucks, too.
  7. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 19, 2007 -> 10:42 AM) Seriously, its tough for anyone to idolize such a moronic loser. His "manifesto" is the ramblings of about a 12 year old child with serious anti social behavior. While we may agree on that, trust me...there is some wacked idiot out there that WILL idolize this chump.
  8. Such an awesome thing to witness while it was happening!
  9. Not sure if anyone saw this, but it's funny. http://www.theheckler.com/news/templates/?a=846&z=2
  10. Let me begin by saying while I'm saddened for the families and loved ones of those lost, let's be honest about this -- in a few weeks time, after this event has passed through the media machine -- all will be forgotten by those not directly affected. Myself included. That is, until it happens again, or until the media or a politician mentions it for use of pushing their agendas. They'll probably blame video games, too, because issues like these are that "simple", things are that "black and white" that they will point to one medium and blame it for all of societys troubles. As it stands, the only reason most of us are even thinking about this horrid incident right now is because it's shoved down our throats every eight seconds by the media. But let's call a spade a spade. The media has sensationalized a mass murderer. Again. They sensationalized the Comlombine incident, and in turn, helped *create* another murderer, who doesn't even deserve being mentioned by name. Written in this "manifesto", he mentions the names of the two other murderers from Comlombine, almost as if he idolized them. So he copied it, and depending on how you look at this, was even more successful. Now, perhaps, someone can write some books and make some movies out of it. After all, there is a lot of money to be made on the senseless murder of innocent people. Now, yet another impressionable youth can become a carbon copy of his or her new hero, and just like their heroes before them, go down in media history, too! The media (NBC) received a package and aired most of it, releasing a "manifesto" written by a complete antisocial clown -- again, a name not worth mentioning ever again. Congratulations, you've successfully made another mass murderer into a martyr, who will undoubtedly be copied. Perhaps not to me, or to most of those reading this...but to someone, some kid, somewhere in the world, is saying how ingenius this plan was, and how much he'd love to do it, too. And gun control will not prevent it, either. Drugs are illegal, too, yet it's easier to get drugs on the black market than it is to get guns legally -- so please, don't even go there. When it happens, we will hear the same stories all over again. "He was such a nice boy...very quiet, barely spoke to anyone. I never saw him doing anything like this." People will mourn again, we will talk about it for a week, further sensationalizing these types of senseless events...and then move on until it happens again. And again. CNN was reporting the bodycount while the incident unfolded, actually going so far as to claim, "CNN was the first to report 30 dead." Good. And f*** you, too, CNN. Nobody cares who was the first to report this. Nobody. The fact you tried to bolster your companies name via the use of a killing spree makes me absolutely sick. This idiots "manefesto" should have been destroyed without even being looked at. It should have been a story of "a senseless idiot with a name not worth mentioning", and the focus of the story should have been on the innocent lives lost, not the murderer...who has successfully gone down in history, because our media made it so. If the media made the stories about the victims, and not the murderers, perhaps the troubled youth watching wouldn't get the idea that there is an easy way of being remembered for years to come. ...and I'm sorry I feel this way. -y2
  11. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 17, 2007 -> 04:07 PM) And..... You're stay on the Y2HH Hate Disabled List has been extended 5 games.
  12. I personally enjoy the Cubs/Sox rivalry, and I agree with what a previous poster said about it being the most intense intra-city baseball rivalry...no matter what the ESPN or other media outlets try to tell you. Yankees/Mets has nothing on the Cubs/Sox...it's not even close. But you really have to live here to feel the full effect...although I wouldn't say outside fans don't enjoy the rivalry, but they don't feel the intensity because they don't live here...because for them, the rivalry is 6 games per year...for many in Chicago, it's everyday, even during the offseason.
  13. Rush is and has been my favorite band for at least a decade. They aren't for everyone, that's for sure, and there is no need to put people down who don't like them, just as there is no need to put people down who do like them. For some, no explanation is necessary, for others, no explantion will do. The new Rush album "Snakes & Arrows" will be out this May, and they arrive in Chicago (Tweeter Center) on Sept 8th, where I will be front frow. I'm happy they went back to their progressive roots with the new album, as their newer albums (Echo and beyond) were a tad too "new Rush" for me... Long live Rush!
  14. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 10:56 PM) It's to be expected when his second at bat of the season comes 9 days after his first. Or it's because he still can't hit.
  15. QUOTE(Jimbo @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 10:20 AM) will this team ever go above .500...not with thome, konerko, crede and dye sucking I think with how our pitching started out the first few games of the year (starters melting down), combined with the entire heart of our order sucking, our record isn't as bad as I'd expect. If the guys we're paying big bucks to hit the ball would actually do that...we'd probably have only 2 losses right now, if that.
  16. I'm thinking Buehrle follows suit and pitches a gem. And Mac closes.
  17. There was a lot more wrong with that game than Pods missing a throw or a catch when he wasn't playing very deep to begin with. Umpire blows call which would have resulted in a successful squeeze play from Pods, which would have added a run. A WTF inconsistant strike zone, bigger for the A's, smaller for the Sox. I saw multiple instances where the Oakland pitchers were getting strike calls, and our pitchers were not in the exact same locations. Multiple blown opportunities to score insurance runs. Jenks pitching batting practice fastballs. When Jenks can't hit 97+, hes ineffective. He's like watching Billy Koch after he lost his velocity. Nobody was afriad of Koch after he couldn't throw into the high 90's/100mph, and the same stands for Jenks. It was Todd Walker for F's sake...not Pujols, and walker sat on pitches just like the others who were aleady on base. When Jenks isn't hammering 97+, nobody is afraid of his curve, no matter how much break he has on it, because they know they'll just foul it off without the worry of him blowing a fastball past. Until Jenks gets his velocity back up, he shouldn't be put into tight situations, and that's all there is too it, he's ineffective. If we win tonight, and take 2/3 from Oakland, it's not a total loss...if we end up losing 2/3, this is just another example of why we will end up losing the division by .5 games or something -- pointing back to games such as this one, that make up the difference between playoffs and home in October.
  18. Y2HH


    QUOTE(letsgoarow @ Apr 10, 2007 -> 12:40 PM) Are we not doing YNOT this year....i always thought it was fun. I had to read this two times...sounded like you were using a double negative to make a positive.
  19. QUOTE(caulfield12 @ Apr 10, 2007 -> 11:51 AM) The way he came out of the box on that double and his homer are very encouraging. He also is playing LF more confidently. He's never going to be an All-Star, but a return to 2005 form would be more than many realistically expected out of him. He was an all star in 2005.
  20. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Apr 10, 2007 -> 11:44 AM) Pods has a good week and you pat yourself on the back. If the season were 6 games long, then you'd be set, however, there's that other set of 156 you must worry about, now. I'd love to see Pods continue this throughout the season, but only time will tell. Still figured I'd take the opportunity because it may disappear soon and I may never get another one.
  21. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Apr 10, 2007 -> 11:31 AM) Brian's the future CF, I can see no reason to trade him. And I see no reason to have him in Charlotte. I'll agree to disagree on this. I don't see him as our CF of the future. I also don't see half of what the rest of you see in him, aside from his defensive abilities. But I also like Podsednik, and got hung out to dry around here because of such an opinion. If I remember correctly, it was because I obviously knew nothing about baseball for liking Pods and Erstad > BAAAnderson.
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