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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. People named after Willie "Soon to be AAA" Harris are not allow to second Ozzie "Scarface" Guillen. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Jul 14, 2005 -> 07:39 PM) Ozzie quit f***ing over managing Politte is fine to face LH
  2. This is getting f***ing retarded with our lack of hitting in ANY situation. Millwood is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT THIS GOOD. If we lose this game 2-1 I'm going to puke.
  3. Die. Even though that was "green"...die. QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Jul 14, 2005 -> 05:19 PM) Lets just trade the Yankees For Jaime Wright..
  4. If I had to choose just one "Dream" aquisition, I would have to pick...Cy Young himself...or perhaps Nolan Ryan. Now don't wake me up, I'm dreaming we are winning the world series.
  5. I love that place, been going there since I was a little kid, they just recently moved from 35th to 32nd. Best pork stew ever. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 08:45 AM) That food has stayed great even after moving and changing management. I get it about once a week, and it's f'n awesome. Flautas are the way to go. Oh man, now I'm hungry and at work... :banghead
  6. So shift Uribe over to 3rd then, not that Uribe is any different than Crede offensivly.
  7. Big loss. As much as I like Crede's defense, he's just a rally killer and a black hole in the lineup. I'd trade him.
  8. It didn't matter who we played, or when or how...it was the A's, we would have found a way to lose/they would have found a way to win. Good riddance to the A's, we no longer see them, and contrary to what seems to be the popular opinion of this message board, the A's will NOT be making the playoffs. Also, contrary to the belief that the Angles aren't that good...um, well...the Angles ARE that good, while the A's are simply on a hot streak, which, with the all star break, is all but over. Momentum shifts are nullified by the ASB, both on the winning and losing side of things. I'll say this again, and you can bank on it: The Angles will be in the playoffs, the A's will not be. Now, we need to rest a few days, bring this thing back together and continue our ALC dominance in the 2nd half...we do that, and we are going far. Also...time to make a move. Not sure what others think but it's time to get that SS we missed out on in the off-season from the Giants, veteran presense in the lineup, can hit, and can field better than most of them. As much as I like Uribe's arm, I dislike his attitude as of late...and his bat has holes drilled into it. Sox fans for Vizquel. Aquire him now...send Uribe and a used rosen bag in trade.
  9. If you like Timo or Willie in this starting lineup your a tard. That goes for all of you.
  10. I'd come out to the old nWo "porn" music (you wrestling fans will know what I'm talking abou), playing air guitar on the way to the pitching mound, while on the big screen there would be stylized images of my past successes of mowing down opponents...and yes, it would all have to be in black & white.
  11. I'd say, welcome, rookie, but I was just promoted to AA today, so I'm not even a rookie myself yet. Though I'm like the Podsednik of the minors around here...been around forever, and I just recently made AA in number of posts. Welcome to the best Sox board there is...
  12. I'm in if you'll all have me. I wanna buy a ticket!
  13. Forgive me, but f*** Bores or whatever the hell his name is.
  14. Here is my other idea... A similar picture but with Podsenik and Ozzie, black & white type of photo with the words Flash & Sizzle in a transparant way over the picture. Can ya help with something like that? QUOTE(DePloderer @ Jul 7, 2005 -> 10:13 AM) Yeah sorry, nice isn't it. Come up with another idea and I'll help you out.
  15. Crap, I see someone as a similar signature already. Rowand44, that bum. ;D
  16. Added to that, this team is good...very good, better than most, but dispite our #1 record, I do not think it's the best team in baseball. We have to proove that.
  17. Getting TO the postseason is almost a given at this point. It's STAYING in the postseason once there, and finishing it. As it stands, I don't see this team staying together after this season unless Reinsdorf opens the wallet...all the salarys are going to take huge jumps except for those already signed long term. We need another pitcher, and I don't think it's a starter we need, but an elite pensmen... Getting to the postseason isn't enough...been there, done that.
  18. Y2HH


    Yea, I think only Duque and Uribe can speak to him. Other than that, I would assume AJ thinks talking to the Count is as good as talking to a wall.
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