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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. The fact the writer called Valentine a bad "team" guy is an absolute travishamockery...Valentine was always a GREAT team leader in the clubhouse, so to call him a bad team player is just plain dumb.
  2. My two cents...it was opening day and they didn't want to talk about the Sox. Reinsdorf could have handled this better, but keep in mind what position he is in...if I corner the CEO of my company (or the CEO of a company my company does business with) and start asking questions he doesn't like me asking, I'm sure he can "handle it better", but odds are he won't...because frankly, he doesn't have too. Reinsdorf was there to talk about the Sox, and being opening day, they either knew that, or were being ignorant. They knew it was opening day, and being who they had on their show, they need not wonder what he wanted to talk about. It's common sense, don't defend two people who were trying to make a quick name for themselves (and that IS exactly what they were trying to do), beacuse they had someone in "power" on their show and figured they would make an "impact".
  3. To those of you who are going to the game, make the Sox win or it's all your fault#$!#$@!
  4. The Cubs have hired Levy food services to replace the current food at Wrigley Field. This means they will now have the same food as us. Cubs get Sox food -y2
  5. QUOTE(PriorTakeMeHigher @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 11:31 AM) What a great board. I just found it surfing the net. Heres to a good season for the cubbie blue.
  6. Y2HH

    Welcome Cubs Fans

    Give me a hamburger today and I'll gladly pay you Tuesday. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 09:24 AM) If you don't like it, go somewhere else. There's lots of sox boards. We have the vision to make things grow, and that's including ALL Chicago baseball fans.
  7. Y2HH

    Welcome Cubs Fans

    LOL...was this a crack at Northsiders using sleek looking Apple notebooks?! If so...funny stuff. -y2 QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 09:21 AM) Damn right and I will type this real slow so all of our new "friends" can understand this on their whited out laptops F U C K T H E C U B S and their little gerbils too.
  8. Y2HH

    Welcome Cubs Fans

    I personally don't mind...one of my best friends is a Cub fan. But I maintain this is nothing but a April Fools joke, no matter how much you try to sell it isn't. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 09:18 AM) This is serious. You can think what you want.
  9. Y2HH

    Welcome Cubs Fans

    A P R I L F O O L S D A Y
  10. Y2HH

    Welcome Cubs Fans

    QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 06:24 AM) We know that sometimes things can be rough between the southside and the northside when it comes to baseball. But as long as the series comes to Chicago, it's all good. Welcome to Soxtalk, Cubs fans!
  11. Y2HH

    Kerry Wood

    QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 09:13 AM) What crawled up your ass? The board's here. Like it or not.
  12. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 09:13 AM) Dude, lay off. This is the direction we're going to go. We have talked about this quite a bit.
  13. This sort of reminds me of the last few seasons of feast or famine...I'm not sure I like this. We've been losing games 10-2 the last 2 weeks or winning games 20-0 (unless Buehrle pitches).
  14. Going back, Ep4-6 are for children. I'm going to stake the Sox on Ep3, and we ARE the dark side of the force...in Chicago. The Yankees don't even matter...old news. -y2 QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Mar 29, 2005 -> 09:27 AM) See this is where I would have to disagree with you.. We call the Yankees the "Evil Empire" Correct? The Cubs are the NL version of that, we are the good side of the force. See you are looking at this from the current version of the movies.. I am looking at it from EP. IV-VI.. The Jedi are small, but come out in force in time to take what is rightfully theirs. How big of geeks are we, that we are arguing, Star Wars on a baseball message board!
  15. I've lived near Grandstand my entire life, great, great store for White Sox fans.
  16. One hundred BILLION dollars@#!$@ QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Mar 29, 2005 -> 09:12 AM) Greasy, those Thomas jerseys are badass. How much are they approx in American dollars so I can plan ahead money wise?
  17. I'm going to have to agree with him...I've always viewed Sox fans as the 'sith', because we have the cooler uniforms, attitude, and the southside is deemed the 'evil' side of the axis of power in Chicago, and our colors are better, regardless of what they claim with their 1980's American flag colors. As said to Darth Vader in Ep. III, "Hate, has made you powerful." -y2 QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Mar 29, 2005 -> 08:34 AM) Whatever way you look at it, he's on the wrong side of the force. It was funny how we were sitting in a bar trying to find the last person to invite to the game, and this guy goes 'I'll go'. And lately he's been saying he's done with baseball, because the Cubs have pissed him off. So I think we have a guy we can convert. Once he has a good time at the Cell, he'll be switching sides.
  18. Did Damaso give up a hit, or is he giving up earned runs?! What's the score...updates people...updates!@#$!# :banghead QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 04:11 PM) WTF Damaso getting hit again
  19. Ah yes, you are right, I can't believe I reversed his name! I've loved wrestling my entire life, but it's definatly at a low point...it was once highly entertaining, say...during the 97' nWo era...that was fun stuff. QUOTE(The Critic @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 01:54 PM) It's actually Michael Shawn Hickenbottom.....with a surname like Hickenbottom, I'd get a stage name too! I agree with you, Vince has ruined the business with roid monsters who couldn't promo their way out of a wet paper sack. I'd much rather have a guy like Foley who cracks me up than a bunch of "genetic freaks".
  20. Big Dave will get the title. And Shawn Michael Hickenbottom vs Kurt Angle is a minor reason to watch, although they will put on a good match, there isn't much substance there for me. Rey vs Eddie will steal the show. Dave and Hunter Hearst the Blue Blood "I'm the worst draw in wrestling history and I married the bosses daughter in the best move I could have made" Levisque are the main reason to watch, but only because of Big Dave...however, not reason enough. Wrestling is at it's worst point in many years, most of these guys are devoid of talent and on TV merely because they are overbloated roid pumpers who VKM seems addicted to seeing. This is the most horrible WM card in the history of WM. QUOTE(The Critic @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 12:54 PM) Those two matches will be entertaining, in my opinion. You don't agree, that's fine. I'm glad the Sox got Hermanson and Vizcaino to reduce the reliance on Pollitte. I'm much more comfortable with him as the 4th righty option out of the pen, basically the Mike Jackson role.
  21. I hope, and think a lot of this has to do with pitchters concentrating/working on pitches they aren't very adept at throwing...we will find out soon, because usually, in the final week of ST, they start going back to what they are good at, so we 'should' see better performances this week. If not, I really hope it's just the thin air out there, because otherwise we are in some trouble. QUOTE(JimH @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 09:37 AM) As predicted in the last two game threads, he is not taking the subpar performance from the last few games lying down. The dog days of spring training is one thing. This is now the last week and things should get turned up a notch, come out of the gate running on 4/4. What has Cooper been doing with Contreras and Politte, get on their ass and get these things fixed. It's the same problems as last year ... Politte tries too hard and ends up grooving everything, and Contreras tips his pitches. As best I can tell, they're giving these guys too much latitude to fix their own issues. Shorten up the leash until they start doing things right.
  22. I'm going to the Saturday game, and staying all night in Meelee-walk-A. Not sure where I'm staying yet, or where I'm sitting, either...but I'll be there. You can find me by looking for the coolest peep in the entire stadium...so I shouldn't be hard to find. =D QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 09:57 AM) where is everyone staying in Milwaukee???
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