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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. Y2HH

    Engagement Rings

    QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 24, 2014 -> 01:55 PM) We were looking through all the pages for the money thinking it was a joke. It was not a joke. When we went through everything, there are certain people I wasn't expecting much from, as I know their situation, and I don't mind that, I invited them to have them there, not for money. But others that are just disrespectful, and you know they were talking crap about stuff they didn't like, who DO have the means, and give you like 100 bucks for something you paid 400$ for...they suck. I try to be generous when I got to weddings, because I know how much the bride and groom spent on that dinner, etc.
  2. Y2HH

    Engagement Rings

    QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 24, 2014 -> 12:40 PM) One of them gave me a book on how to make money instead of cash. That's pretty epic.
  3. Y2HH

    Engagement Rings

    QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 24, 2014 -> 10:05 AM) Someone is going to hate something. We had freaking surf and turf at ours and it was awesome IMO and a few people complained saying they didnt like steak or lobster. Someone will hate the music. someone will think your venue sucks (ours was our friends contryclub). I had a great time, our friends an immediate family were in our suite until 4am and thats all I really cared about. The complainers are also the ones that give you like 100$ for 2-4 plates, too.
  4. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 23, 2014 -> 07:44 AM) The original had some good isolation strength routines. 3 really loses that for more total body moves and less breaks. It's even more cardio. I do a few of the X3 routines, but as always, when it comes to home workouts, I only do them if they require no equipment...I don't like having weights and attachments around my house. So as long as they're equipment free, I'll cycle them into my routines.
  5. QUOTE (scs787 @ Feb 22, 2014 -> 04:33 PM) Anyone else here mess around with grappling ropes??? Did my lil workout again, tweaked it a lil bit...puked again....f***in intense! I'm in love. I work out pretty hard, to failure, and have never puked from it...I can't imagine doing this regularly is a very good idea.
  6. QUOTE (Reddy @ Feb 22, 2014 -> 02:20 PM) 1) i wont be doing 7 days a week 2) i wont be doing much of the cardio P90X is almost all cardio, even the "strength" routines are more cardio than they are strength. They always have been, so if you're doing P90X, you're doing cardio.
  7. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 22, 2014 -> 10:24 AM) Cloud software companies are very valuable, of course that's what Facebook is. Dropbox has entered the enterprise space in the last couple of years which is why they are valuable. Cloud intelligent content management is hot. But of the hundreds that exist, only a few will survive what is a "cloud" bubble. Nobody wants to miss the boat on this therefore all of them are overvalued aside from the few that end up surviving and people actually continue using. As of right now the ball is in the air, and most don't care who catches it, it's so easy to move data from cloud to cloud, whether Dropbox, OneDrive or GDrive (or insert other name here) emerge as a clear winner, I don't care, I have them all and can easily move between them. It's not a hard area to enter, as the main need is bandwidth and storage space, which are both becoming increasingly easy to come by, to the point to even attract users you have to essentially give away many gigs of free space. The ones that win out will win big, and the others become the next ICQ.
  8. QUOTE (Reddy @ Feb 21, 2014 -> 08:37 PM) I wish you had a compelling reason for calling two 30-minute sessions of lifting to absolute failure per week, along with eating a ton a gimmick... It's called science, and almost all of his claims are counter too it. The body just doesn't work that way. He also claims 15 minute orgasms, while loosely redefining what an orgasm actually is. This is pseudo science religion cult crap, nothing more. But like I said, you do your 4 hours of lifting to failure per month and let's compare our progress later this summer.
  9. I repeat on this gimmick crap. Meh.
  10. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Feb 21, 2014 -> 07:20 PM) Don't they generate like 400M in revenues. That is an absurd multiple. None of this recent tech stuff makes sense. Drop box valued at $10B. Exactly my thoughts.
  11. QUOTE (Reddy @ Feb 21, 2014 -> 05:01 PM) why? Why do I know it's a gimmick? Because that's how gimmicks work. They sell you on an "easy/too good to be true" idea, backed by flimsy science, in order to get you to buy a book, or whatever it is they're selling you. In this case, it sounds like a book, but I bet there would be a lot more if I dug deeper. Look no further than reality for the answer. If this wasn't a gimmick, and it actually worked -- EVERYONE WOULD f***ING DO IT, AND IT WOULDN'T BE A SECRET -- and that's how I know it's nothing more than vapor. Give it a try and let me know how it works out, though. Oh, experts also say it's complete bulls***: http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/feat...iss-4-hour-body
  12. QUOTE (bmags @ Feb 21, 2014 -> 04:53 PM) While excessive, I don't think many Americans realize how much that is used abroad. All of my friends from Brazil still chat me with it. It was necessary to text foreigners, but it's not anymore. I now have unlimited international texting with Verizon, I'm sure the others will follow suit. They did it to combat their massive loss of teens/youth more than they did it for foreigners, as that app isn't used in China, it's competitor is, and if it's numbers you're interested in, you want China.
  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 21, 2014 -> 04:13 PM) Facebook paid $19B for WhatsApp (I thing I've never heard of before this week, probably means I'm getting old). To put that into perspective: I posted something similar on Facebook...however, I compared it to the fact they paid 19billion for a chat app, whereas we landed a rover on Mars, and maintain it, and that entire mission was 820million (about 950million after extensions, as the rover lasted longer than the expected 90 days).
  14. QUOTE (Reddy @ Feb 21, 2014 -> 11:48 AM) Basically that you can completely change your body (recomp, lose weight, build mass) in 4 hours a month total gym or workout time. I've never been one to look for shortcuts, but the science behind this is actually pretty compelling. Essentially the idea is the Minimum Effective Dose of exercise to stimulate results since more =/= better when it comes to exercise. So for me looking to add mass, all I need to do is eat a lot and work out JUST ENOUGH to produce a growth response in my muscles - essentially ~30 minutes of heavy lifting to failure, twice a week. Since muscles grow at REST, you fatigue them just enough to create that chemical response in your body then you eat like crazy and rest more often than you work out. The author gained 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days without steroids or anything questionable. I haven't read a lot of the other sections since I'm not personally interested in weight loss, and I know this post doesn't actually go in depth about the science, but if you wanna check it out it's written by Tim Ferriss, and while I was pretty skeptical when a buddy mentioned it to me, it really is pretty intriguing when you get into it. Gimmick. This would require near perfect genetics and perfect eating habits to go with it, which negates 99% of the population. Is it possible? Yes, with the perfect blend of genetics, etc. Is it probable? No. You know what actually works? Working out and eating right and not looking for bulls*** shortcuts. I don't need to read this to know 4 hours in the gym a month is compete bulls***.
  15. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Feb 18, 2014 -> 01:25 PM) "God damn laws and trials and people having different opinions! I read the internet, dammit. I know what happened that night. My opinion that he is guilty is the only acceptable conclusion!" - Balta This thread is over. I don't care who posts beyond this point, or how lucid your thoughts may be, down went Frazier, down went Frazier, down ... went ... Frazier.
  16. QUOTE (Reddy @ Feb 14, 2014 -> 10:37 PM) I was trying to decide what to get on my pizza last night besides bacon... I ended up just getting extra bacon. No wonder why you're off the workout wagon.
  17. We had this conversation not long ago -- and it was pretty unanimous -- it costs MORE to NOT have cable/dish IF you like sports and/or want to watch shows the second they air than it does to cut the cord. All you will find yourself doing is getting annoyed by internet blackout rules, and find yourself going to bars to watch the game...and that costs money. Apparently I learned it costs me more than others here, because they go to a bar and spend 5$ watching an entire baseball game, but it costs me far more than that.
  18. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Feb 11, 2014 -> 12:42 PM) X-IT apparently Interval Training Nope, never done it. Here is the only workout advice you'll ever need. Rule #1: Doing something is better than doing nothing. Rule #2: Try a bunch of different workouts, from weight training to Yoga and find out which you actually like doing, and then do that while keeping rule #1 in mind. Yes, there will always be more intense/harder/crazier workouts out there, but that doesn't matter. Find something you'll keep doing (because you like doing it) and don't worry about someone else burning 700 calories in the same time it takes you to burn 300. In 6 months when they're gaining 700 calories because they've quit doing their crazy workout, you'll still be going strong.
  19. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 11, 2014 -> 12:57 PM) That's why I haven't left. Same.
  20. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Feb 10, 2014 -> 08:24 PM) Anybody do the Xfit or X-IT or whatever it's called at Xsport before? Signed up for a free class for Wednesday, a guy was trying to sell it hard to us and it's not crazy expensive but was wondering if anyone has done it here. Is that crossfit?
  21. QUOTE (Reddy @ Feb 10, 2014 -> 06:22 PM) As the resident Beachbody Coach here (ironic i know) I'm gonna tell you that I'm skeptical of Insanity. Does it work short term? Yes. If you can stick with the insane ass-kicking pace. Is it a sustainable long-term answer? Not at all. If you just keep doing Insanity your body WILL break down in short order. Back problems, joint problems, etc. So the key is to use it for a 60 day period, then do something else and come back to it again some day if you feel the desire. Basically Insanity can be a kickstart for a healthy lifestyle, but if you're looking for a long term solution Insanity isn't it unless you're willing to foot the medical bills But yes, no equipment needed, and a helluva workout program as long as you know you're going to have to do something different after the 60 days are up. This holds true for most home workouts, which are almost always cardio centric fat burners, as that's their main selling point: Do this workout and you'll lose weight. I'd recommend P90X over Insanity to anyone, as it's more comprehensive/balanced and targets multiple/various areas of your body, versus Insanity, which is designed to take any movement and turn it into what's essentially a cardio movement.
  22. QUOTE (Reddy @ Feb 10, 2014 -> 11:17 AM) I know it man, and you're right. You know I was (am) dealing with those voice issues which thankfully are much much better and much more manageable than they have been in the past - but I think a lot of this "whatevs" feeling comes from having worked so damn hard for so damn long being so meticulous about everything I was doing with my body all for the sole purpose of fixing my voice, that once it was "fixed" I had this equal-and-opposite-reaction where I just stopped doing ANYTHING because I finally could. But yeah I do need to just figure out a new routine like Rock suggested and somehow find a balance so that it's sustainable. long term. Dont really wanna do this peaks-and-valleys thing forever I know exactly how you feel because I went through something similar...and when I was finally "better", I tossed out everything I used to get to that point (diet related) and just ate and drank whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. And it felt great, but in a bad way. But after reading this thread and reevaluating my life, and where I was headed with the sluggishness and weight gain...I decided I not only needed to get back on the right path, but I needed to be more open to new/different things (such as Yoga), especially at my age. One of the hardest things to accept (and you don't even have to accept this yet, so feel blessed), was age catching up with me. I'm quickly approaching 39, and I decided I'd better do something about it now before I dig a hole so deep I'd give up out of futility. Even now, when playing hockey I find that I have the heart and mind, but my body isn't as durable as it once was (even though I'm in better shape than I've possibly ever been). ...but if I continued to let myself go, it'd be even worse, and I know it.
  23. QUOTE (Reddy @ Feb 10, 2014 -> 11:01 AM) Nope. To be brutally honest I quit because of a number of contributing factors including: 1) Breakup (long time ago now, not a factor anymore but it started the spiral months ago) 2) Not knowing what I wanna do with my life 3) The above getting me addicted to a video game that I've spent every waking non-working moment playing the last couple months 4) All of the above contributing to a general malaise So sick and tired of the above, but I've got jack s*** for motivation to do anything right now. And it's weird... because for the majority of my life I've always been the polar opposite. Whatevs. This is the attitude you have to get rid of, and I know, because I've been there. We all have. As a matter of fact, unbeknownst to you and others on this board, you guys helped me break out of that state of mind. I found this thread to be an odd motivator to get me to start eating better/working out more often in a more serious fashion. And I can honestly say it was all for the better...I look back and can't believe how out of shape I let myself become (was 175 at peak, I'm back down to 153-155). Hopefully you can turn this around...the longer you let yourself sink, the longer it's going to take to fight back to the surface. Not to mention, working out will make you feel better in and of itself, and most of those issues you have will disappear along with it.
  24. QUOTE (Reddy @ Feb 10, 2014 -> 10:56 AM) guys. I HAVE to start working out again. I hate this. Why'd you quit? Injury?
  25. QUOTE (chw42 @ Feb 9, 2014 -> 05:37 PM) MS has a Remote Desktop app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?...oft.rdc.android It obviously won't work for your Mac though. Apple has their own variation built in, and it can also run VNC, or anything else unix allows. Microsoft makes a remote desktop client for it but not a server.
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