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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 01:00 PM) I'm sure you'll find this hilarious, but once again, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act thanks you for your support. (In case you haven't paid attention, the requirements that all plans provide no-cost birth control and access to education/support/family planning resources has been the subject of quite a few court cases already. So for a lot of people...it isn't currently available...particularly at low income levels.) ...and watch when they STILL don't use it.
  2. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 12:59 PM) US education spending is high, but not the highest in the world, and that figure includes the ridiculously expensive private schools. As for cost of living: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost_of_living_index That's a theory.
  3. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 12:54 PM) Sad that a non politician like yourself can come up with ideas like this but the politicians in Washington are so inept. We already have dramatically high education spending. Higher than anyone in the world. A lot of good it's doing. ...and what the hell is the "cost of living", anyway?
  4. Y2HH

    Fictional Affair

    QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 12:43 PM) I'm with you. I LOVE Emma Watson but don't find Jennifer Lawrence attractive at all. ...which makes you wrong, also.
  5. Y2HH

    Fictional Affair

    QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 12:41 PM) Hermione and Katniss, there I just saved you a ton of time writing books. You're welcome. Those are in separate books. I've taken them, as adults, and put them together along with Kate Upton making it awesome. Also...Heromine is like 8.
  6. Y2HH

    Fictional Affair

    QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 12:30 PM) Disagree. I do not find Jennifer Lawrence that attractive. That's because you are wrong.
  7. Y2HH

    Fictional Affair

    QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 12:08 PM) I know. I said that. Your book isn't already written and famous though. It may be soon, in which case we can have this discussion again, and about 99.9% of heterosexual males will be in full agreement with you. YOU are not allowed to use my book for this purpose. Or any of it's 999 sequels.
  8. Y2HH

    Fictional Affair

    QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 11:54 AM) Pretty sure I'm the only "serious" response (quoted because the others are serious, just not in the vein that Tex was looking for). It's an interesting topic to think about quite frankly. It's also making me jog through the old memory trying to remember books and stories I've actually read where I had some semblance of not only sympathy or agreement, but downright attraction to the character. On the contrary, my response was quite serious.
  9. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 11:48 AM) What's a living wage? Please define it. I consider minimum wage a living wage. You can absolutely "live" on 15-20k a year. Easily. So the next question is, what kind of minimal lifestyle should people have. That's where we all clearly disagree. Therein lies the rub. A living wage and what people think is a minimal lifestyle are NOT the same thing, and are often melded together as if they are. I could live on very very little. Would I want too? No. That's why I choose to NOT try to live on minimum wage jobs and do something about it. I could have done nothing. We all know people who had all the privilege in the world and did or are doing exactly that...nothing. But I don't think a person working at McDonald's deserves more than very little...as they are doing very little, and the work itself takes very little skill in any regard.
  10. QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 11:41 AM) But what's the alternative? Society requires people like me to exist as well (whether or not I succeed) I don't include you in that, as you aren't playing the chosen role of starving artist. YOU, specifically, are doing something about it via freelance instead of completely leaning on the system, as many do (I know a few starving artists...and they choose to get by on the backs of others instead of doing anything about it, such as freelancing).
  11. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 11:20 AM) I think it's a good thing if society can allow for people to pursue engaging and rewarding careers instead of having to take whatever grudging job they can just to subsist. Universal health care and a basic income for everyone. The problem with this is, it requires people such as myself that do NOT chase their dreams, to support those that do, who cannot afford to be doing so. I think that's the point Duke is trying to make, and the point NorthSide made more clearly. And I'm forced to agree.
  12. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 10:34 AM) Except the acting profession has a disproportionate amount of dreamchasers and wannabes. I used to work at a very famous comedy club in Chicago back when I was working 3 jobs. I saw them a lot, but there's maybe 5 openings for a job and 500 people who wabt it. The other 495 arent really adding much to the product. Some dreamers chase, and thank God for that. Other dreamers, like me, play it safe. You don't want all of one or the other...
  13. Y2HH

    Fictional Affair

    QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 10:23 AM) Sorry, I edited the first post I would do exactly as stated then. I'd write my own novel containing those three women in the first book... Emma Watson, because. Jennifer Lawrence, because she's Americas answer to Emma Watson. And Kate Upton. Because shes Kate Upton. It's a series of 1000 books, btw...book 1 is just the beginning of the story.
  14. QUOTE (Jake @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 10:16 AM) Anyone want to advise me on how to get my info off of this MacBook? I'm selling it and the info on Apple's website hasn't been helpful. 1) Back up any data you need for yourself on a backup disk or burn it to a DVD/CD. 2) Go here: http://liondiskmaker.com/ and download Diskmaker X (you will need the 4+gig install file for Lion/Mountain Lion or Mavericks on your Mac). 3) Create a bootable install "disc" on a USB key large enough to fit the OSX version you choose (or a DVD if you don't have a USB key large enough.) 4) Put in this USB/DVD install, reboot and hold down the option key when it's booting up, select that boot disk/usb key and reformat/reinstall the OS. 5) Sell it.
  15. Y2HH

    Fictional Affair

    QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 10:13 AM) I was just reading a Woody Allen essay in which he describes a magical box that allowed someone to travel into any novel. The protagonist in his essay chose Emma Bovery from Falubert's Madam Bovery. That seems like a really good choice. He was also allowed to pick the chapter. Who would you pick? I'm not entirely sure what you mean by Fictional Affair. Are you saying you travel into the book to have an affair with the people in said book? If so... I would immediately write a novel containing Emma Watson, Jennifer Lawrence, and Kate Upton. I'm sure there are many others I'd be including in the second book.
  16. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 10:13 AM) Am I wrong? Dude doesnt make any money (though who really knows now since he let it slip hes just gaming the system), chooses to live in the most expensive place in America, has frivolous medical expenses like having his vocal chords checked then complains about the people subsidizing this life of his? You want to be a struggling actor in NYC? Fine. Thats your choice, but you gotta own it if you go that route. Its complete bulls*** that the rest of us make all these sacrifices to do a fraction of what we want while this guy cries poor living in New York. It's not frivolous, as he suffers from a form of a GERD like condition.
  17. QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 09:54 AM) Aw you're not much older than me. I'm 27. Heck I've even got a thing with a 37 year old executive director of an acclaimed professional orchestra - so I'm not completely ignorant your trials and tribulations. Well, being more than a decade younger is quite a bit. The thing about this is, however, while I'm able to afford the cost increases, a lot of people can't. While the exchanges seem to have helped you, quite considerably, others have found their premiums go way up. Part of the problem with "freedom" is you can lead a horse to water ... but it's free to not drink. I don't mind helping a person such as yourself, because you live an honest life, and take good care of yourself. But what of the Cheetos munching slob that's going to have diabetes in a few years because of the FREEDOM he has to eat bad, never exercise, etc...you do realize that by the letter of this law, WE have to help that guy just as much...and he's actually part of the reason costs keep going up. Now, believe me, I'm not against freedom...I'm glad people have to choice to do those things. I just wish people wouldn't.
  18. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 09:50 AM) Sometime doesn't add up here. How did you get a $50/month policy making $52k a year? If you make that much and only pay that much for health insurance, you're part of the problem here. That assumes he works 40 hours every week.
  19. QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 09:44 AM) Fair enough. I assume, then, that you make enough money to support a family of four? If that's the case, then frankly I wouldn't be surprised if you DO make 8x what I do! Or if not 8x, you're insuring FOUR people for $400 while I'm insuring just one. I don't really see what there is to complain about to be honest. I'm not complaining. I'm actually on your side on this one. That's why I'm saying don't b**** just to b**** because something good is happening for you, just because a few Duke's get under your skin or disagree with what's going on. I don't mind paying a higher cost for my insurance to help others in this regard. I don't think anyone should be bankrupted by a bad luck draw. I don't, however, want to help those that DON'T draw bad cards, but lay great ones down and pick up bad ones on purpose through a crap lifestyle. And that's also what's happening here. So, while I do like some of this law, I don't like all of it. And I'm probably a lot older than you as I'm 38.
  20. QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 09:42 AM) Pay to cover uninsured peoples' emergency room visits with higher premiums or pay for everyone to be covered by insurance? I honestly can't tell you how it'll hash out yet in terms of overall expense to the consumer, but I'm willing to see what happens. It's worth a shot. But I'm also willing to try and fix a broken system instead of just saying "get over it, that's the way it is". Oh and by the way - as for your beloved free market, I had 73 options of policies to choose between. That seems like a free market to me! Well, for the most part I agree with you here. IF something good comes out of this, then great. The problem is, however, if this turns really bad, we will still be stuck with it, or some bastardized form of it...it's not like we live in a world where we shift on a dime when things go bad. Instead, we try to bandaid the problem over and over by throwing gobs of money at it, while fixing nothing. Take a look at education...the US spends more money than anyone in the world and we have one of the worst school systems in existence.
  21. QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 09:39 AM) I appreciate that man, I really do, but first of all I'm sure you at least triple if not quadruple my income on your own. Does your wife work? I know you're slightly older than me No, my wife does not work, she's a stay at home mom.
  22. QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 09:32 AM) If millions have to pay more, so that the 47 million people in this country who were previously uninsured are now able to afford it, then I support that - and would also support it if I were one who had to pay more. Something about what you can do for your country comes to mind... It's easy to say that when it's not the case. It's always easier to spend other peoples money, isn't it? Now, when it comes to me, I actually CAN say that. Where you pay 50$ a month, I get to pay 400+$ a month for my family, and I work for the industry, no less.
  23. QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 09:25 AM) I think you misinterpret me. My "wake the f*** up America" is to the Duke's of the world to realize that ACA will do a world of good for millions of people All that ranting for nothing. How sad. It wasn't for nothing, since you read it. Oh, and next time you're addressing Duke, do that. The Duke's of the world do not represent "America" in the least. If they did, Obama wouldn't have been elected...twice.
  24. QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 09:15 AM) Whoa. EDIT: To be honest, your post is equally ignorant, if not even more so. Only it's not. You're b****ing about something working out well for you, and telling the country to wake up at the same time. The country obviously DID wake up, but you're CHOOSING to ignore that because you want to make a negative partisan political point, for no reason. It doesn't matter what some fringe element wants to do with the law right now...it's law, and it's a law that's been upheld by the supreme court. It's done. This is like winning, and then b****ing because the team you beat isn't happy you won. So what. The country you're telling to wake up elected this president twice. I thought that's what you wanted? Apparently you wanted Romney, since you're telling us to "wake up".
  25. Y2HH

    Dollar Shave Club

    QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 19, 2013 -> 09:34 AM) I read a couple web sites about using those and they all seem to create this fifteen minute ritual using the old fashion brush and shave soap. It looked cool, but no way I was going to take that long shaving each morning. The economics and coolness factor are compelling. I did once use a straight razor. That was an adventure in pain. LOL It takes some practice in order to get fast -- if you try to be fast when you first start learning this, you'll cut yourself, guaranteed. While the economics is a huge deal, since it hardly costs me anything anymore, the fact it cures razor burn for us sensitive skinned people is the deciding factor to me.
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