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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. Y2HH

    2013 TV Thread

    I loved the ending, it was definitive, and needed to happen.
  2. I have a 50" plasma (5 years old) and a 60" plasma (1 year old), both Samsung, never had a problem with either.
  3. QUOTE (Jake @ Sep 23, 2013 -> 07:59 PM) I've honestly never had a problem with ATT service. I mean that to the extent that I've never had to really deal with their customer service because I haven't had problems. I don't remember calls dropping to any significant extent and I almost always have service as I travel around the midwest/south. I realize this is anecdotal, but it was my experience that at times, I could be in the middle of downtown Chicago with AT&T, full signal, and absolutely no data. It claimed I had full 3G/4G signal, but nothing. This was a common occurrence at sporting events, too, and meanwhile, my friend with his Verizon phone never had these issues...and I no longer do, either. Until AT&T decided to up their prices to the point they charged just as much as Verizon, I no longer had a reason to stick with them.
  4. QUOTE (MEANS @ Sep 23, 2013 -> 12:20 PM) I switched from AT&T to Verizon, I have better coverage, especially when attending sporting events/concerts than I did with AT&T but it's not always perfect. My main gripe is losing the unlimited plan I had been grandfathered in with via AT&T, otherwise it's been Smooth Sailing. I also dropped AT&T for Verizon, pretty much the exact same prices, but I agree, Verizon's coverage and usability is just better.
  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 22, 2013 -> 04:54 PM) Quick easy way to beat the iphone5s fingerprint security. Calling that quick or easy is a bit of a stretch. Gizmodo glosses over what they actually did, and it takes a fair bit of expertise, and equipment to do so, despite the claim that most people have these tools laying around their houses. "First, the fingerprint of the enrolled user is photographed with 2400 dpi resolution. The resulting image is then cleaned up, inverted and laser printed with 1200 dpi onto transparent sheet with a thick toner setting. Finally, pink latex milk or white woodglue is smeared into the pattern created by the toner onto the transparent sheet. After it cures, the thin latex sheet is lifted from the sheet, breathed on to make it a tiny bit moist and then placed onto the sensor to unlock the phone." That said, it's better than most readers, but still hackable via old but more refined methods used to fool image scanners. Now, the question is, is it any less secure than a 4 digit code or simple pattern swipe? Probably not. This is a feature for people like Marissa Meyer (CEO of Yahoo), who admitted she doesn't use a passcode to protect her phone because it's a pain in the ass. Odds are, she will use something like this, though. Still baffles me that people don't protect their phones, even if the methods available are pretty easy to hack. TL;DR: You aren't stopping a pro that has physical access to your device, ever. But these methods (print, 4 digit lock, or swipe pattern) WILL stop the people that tend to steal phones.
  6. QUOTE (chw42 @ Sep 20, 2013 -> 10:47 AM) Dude, that's 13.62 American Dollars per share. I don't think he was talking about Yamaha as a whole being a joke company, just their musical apps in the DJ scene. This post about their price only being 13$ per share shows it's time to exit this fruitless discussion. Posts deleted.
  7. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 04:34 PM) Cyanogenmod is becoming a company and they're going to introduce an app in the play store for easily installing their ROM. That's actually really good to see, as it will legitimize their product.
  8. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 04:26 PM) It looks like Traktor is also recommending waiting? No idea, users of it are saying it works fine. From the same article: "In our experience last week using the gold master of iOS7 and Traktor DJ on an iPad 3rd generation, it seemed to work fine in the studio." After looking through some google pages, other users of the software say its working for them, too. So I really don't know. Propellerhead also says all of their stuff has been updated for ios7 and is working. Doesn't sit well that some work fine (and have been updated) , and some (who didn't update their frameworks), are complaining about issues. Sounds to me like they waited too long...also, doesn't it seem odd that developers have had access to ios7 for months now, and they wait until today to send out warnings?
  9. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 02:00 PM) And I agree, but my point is that its up to us. Ultimately we are responsible. And if we want to make things better, it means we are going to have to change. I know that my money may be poorly spent, that it will be mismanaged. But I hope that it wont be, I hope that there are other people out there who will do the right thing. Because I really do believe that majority of people dont want to hurt other people, that they actually would go out of there way to help someone else. If I didnt, none of this would be worth it. I have to trust and have some belief in other people. It gets hard, as an adult, to watch them tax us higher and charge us more for everything you can think of while we watch much of this going on. That said, it's also important to note that this is partially caused by the Internet and the media, as a quick scan of the Internet, or any media outlet today would pretty much confirm how bad things are out there...when in reality, the US has never been safer.
  10. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 01:48 PM) What's going to happen with the current government shutdown threats? Sounds like it will happen this time. I read "catastrophic consequences." I'm also pissed off in reading our Kansas legislature is one of the states that won't allow Obamacare to do its thing, won't allow the increase to Medicare or something. I can't believe how government doesn't work any more. The Repubs simply won't work with Obama and he has never been able to figure out what to do about it. I wish all people would vote and we could clean house of all these bastards. Not how it works. This is how it works. 10% approval rating of congress. 90% of congress will win reelection. Because of reasons.
  11. Conversations like this tend to get heated, and often a lot of what someone means is lost in translation of text. Allow cooler heads to prevail. The issue with many suggestions here, not that they're bad suggestions, is that we're just assuming that when they raise additional money, they'll do the right thing and actually deliver it to mental health facilities instead of shutting them down. What we cannot do, however, is ignore the vast unfunded obligations this state is dealing with, such as the pension system, etc. Many of these suggestions are great, on paper, but in reality, that added money will just be tossed into an endless sinkhole for better education that never materializes and pension bills they'll never repay. And the list goes on from there.
  12. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 01:32 PM) How about this? Federal excise tax on all gun purchases, with the money going directly to mental health care?? I have absolutely no issues with this. Now, let's see them do it. What they'll do instead, is add such a tax (Chicago sure as hell made it expensive to own a gun here legally), and ZERO of it will go to mental health facilities. They'll spend it on some pet project, I'm sure. Maybe they'll build a new park next to millennium park for 100 million dollars, instead. Oh, wait, already doing that.
  13. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 01:37 PM) I'm not gonna read the thread, I got to page 2 and all I can say is... f*** anyone who says you should lock up the mentally ill. Awesome solution, instead we should just let them roam the streets. Also, define mentally ill...I'm not talking about a person suffering temporary emotional issues...I'm talking about people like this guy, who heard f***ing voices in his head, and had repeated serious mental issues in the past. There's a big difference.
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 01:15 PM) Like I said. People say that "Oh there's plenty of wasteful spending". I point out "Great, when budget cuts happen, mental health services is at the top of the list". It's happening in state after state, across the country, to the tune of billions of dollars since the crash. The cuts are everywhere. In your state, in your city, regardless of where your state and city are. This is how it works. Mental Health services are exactly what gets cut when you insist that waste needs to be cut out. And then when that gets pointed out, people stick their heads in the ground and scream about the other unidentified waste that they know in their hearts must be there. And in IL, a BIG huge reason "waste" needs to be cut, is because there is a state amendment GUARANTEEING pension payments, yet in IL, we have a pension system underfunded by (currently) more than ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS.
  15. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 01:09 PM) Well, I don't live in Illinois, so I don't have all the same issues you are facing. If it costs me $200 more per year in taxes in order to have a mental health system that prevents or at least greatly reduces what are now semi-annual mass killings by crazy people, then yes, that's worth it. I understand that there is a larger picture of where the rest of our tax money is going, but if a $200/year tax increase directly improves our mental health system that much, then it's by far worth it. Therein lies the problem. They already ARE raising at LEAST 200$ more per person in Chicago, EASILY. My property tax alone doubled in the last 3 years, my water bill quadrupled...and I can go on and on. Just because they're making more money in the form of taxes doesn't mean they'll spend it where I want them to spend it. That's not how it works...that's why he has no point. They already DO have more money, they're just not spending it where HE wants or feels they need too...because they can't. After underfunding a pension system to the tune of BILLIONS, there is no alternative.
  16. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 01:08 PM) This really is impressive. "We need mental health care to prevent these tragedies". "Here's the bill" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO There is no point in talking to you. They're already raising more money, through tax increases, and other fees...I already highlighted this pretty clearly. The problem is, WE cannot tell them where to spend that money. 1) They ARE raising more money, they're just NOT giving it to mental health care facilities. 2) You have no point.
  17. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 01:01 PM) A few posts ago you said $200/person. If that's all it takes, then yes. 200$ per person per what? Per decade? Per year? Per month? How many more bills will they increase or tax to pay for stuff they've stolen from or squandered away? My water bill have quadruped the last 3 years. Has my water service gotten any better? No. And will it? No.
  18. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 01:01 PM) So in other words, you think it'd be great if mental health services were improved, but instead your state is gutting them, and given the choice you prefer that. So fine. You refuse to pay for the mental health plan you advocated. Can we take steps to get rid of the guns then? Yes, because it's my fault my city/county/state robbed the pension system blind, and now they have to find a way to pay it back...so my taxes should go up 3000% to compensate their robbery. They're gutting these services because they never paid into the pension system which they promised to do, or squandered it on risky investments (which they weren't supposed to be doing), and how they're going to lean on the private citizens to repay it. They have taken steps to get rid of guns, and what's it resulted in? Nothing. How many guns have they bragged about confiscating off the streets the last few years, thousands upon thousands? How's that murder rate doing? So no, NOT fine.
  19. ...and I'm already sacrificing enough. My taxes go up every year, in the form of housing, from local, to county, to state, to federal, in addition to outright tax increases, the implementation of higher sticker fees, speed trap cameras designed to milk money from people in artificially low speed zones, etc. Every year they raise taxes on this, fees on that, and every year their deficit find a way to grow more. Show me results with what you have now, after years of successive property tax increases, and THEN I'd be happy to pitch in more, but that's not what they do. They raise taxes, nothing changes, nothing improves, and then they raise them again. And again.
  20. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 12:49 PM) Why would I not be suggesting a graduated tax when that is the only tax system the US has ever used? Last I checked I lived in the US. But lets be honest, this line of argument by you and Y2hh is just proving my point. You dont really want to fix the problem, you just want to place the blame somewhere else. The 90% number is hyperbole, if anyone actually wanted to solve the problem they could easily say: "Well 90% is to high, but maybe an extra 5% in taxes would be a good idea if it meant everyone go healthcare". I just made a statement that I knew would get a predictable response from people, and then I could prove my point that people dont really want to help other people if it means theyll have to pay money. (Edit) And honestly, you and y2hh are just predictably missing the point. Solutions sometimes require sacrifice. Im willing to sacrifice for the betterment of others. Which is why I said "I". Im not expecting that everyone would give up 90% of their wages, it was hyperbole to call people on the red herring. Everyone just wants to blame someone else. Why not step up to the plate and propose your own solutions? You dont want gun laws, you dont want more money spent on mental health...? When posing hypotheticals, you never assume people know you're going to just stay with whatever system they already have in place. You never said a word about graduated tax, or tax brackets. You posed a hypothetical that you'd be willing to play a flat 90% tax so long as everyone gets free healthcare. So I agree with him, you've moved the goalposts and added a bunch of disclaimers to what you said AFTER the fact.
  21. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 11:50 AM) http://taxfoundation.org/article/us-federa...justed-brackets Strangely the US had a marginal tax rate of over 90% for the highest class and not everyone was on the street. History, good for facts, bad for people! (Edit) If I was taxed at 90% Id still make more than 50% of the worlds population. Wealth is relative. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-17512040 (Edit 2) That doesnt even take into account the money I would save not having to pay my own personal health insurance as now my taxes would pay that instead. Actually, history, bad for facts, bad for your weak argument, bad for you. Even when the US had that tax rate on the richest of the rich, none of them paid that, or anywhere near it. And yes, if you were taxed at 90% you'd still make more than 50% of the worlds population, and like that 50% of the worlds population, you'd be on the streets. You didn't think this out, and that's clear. Taxed at 90%, the average person here would probably end up with about 320$ (actually probably far far less than that, but I'm being generous), in which to spend per month, for food, bills, utilities, housing, etc...IE, not nearly enough. Go back to the drawing board. Leveraging 90% tax on everyone is asinine.
  22. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 11:57 AM) Except then the number of people in the highest tax bracket was under 50 IIRC. Exactly, but let's ignore facts, as he's pretending I'm doing, while he's the one actually doing it. Also...nobody actually paid that tax, loopholes, loopholes, loopholes.
  23. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 11:34 AM) What it has to do with guns is that better mental health care will do more to reduce mass gun shootings than gun laws. It has nothing to do with anything, as if he was taxed at 90%, he wouldn't be able to afford a phone, a place to live, or anything else in his life. So he wouldn't have ever posted that.
  24. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 11:31 AM) Sure Id be happy to provide free health care an support services to those with mental disabilities. That would require passing a comprehensive health care law and increase of taxes. Ill sign up for that right now, everyone in the US gets healthcare, no matter what, even if I have to pay 90% taxes. Not really sure what that has to do with guns. I thought the reason we cant pass gun laws is because criminals will get guns, not because people with mental illness may not have access to good medical healthcare. How about no. 90% taxes? I'd be on the streets, as would everyone here. That'd give me about 200$ every few weeks to spend on everything if they taxed us at 90%. But, I see you thought this out.
  25. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Sep 18, 2013 -> 10:43 AM) I thought in the buster, it's no holds barred? I think it's easy to get super passionate in this section of Soxtalk. I think a lot of good points are being made too. There are still rules to follow in the buster, of which I'm an expert on. Reddy is always crying foul here trying to get people banned as if the mods cannot read, though. He should probably just not be here with his thin skin...if/when someone does something against the rules, there is no need to cry about it, Reddy. They can read/see, and if necessary, they'll take care of it without you crying like a girl every time. See that personal attack, Reddy? I called you a girl.
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