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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 25, 2013 -> 08:59 AM) I have a Vizio and it came with several apps like that, but not sure of the difference Smart TV's all suffer from the same problem, lackluster software that rarely -- if ever -- gets updates. Like the Netflix Client on my smart TV is abysmal, it's slow, crashes often, buffers poorly, and it's interface is terrible. On my Xbox360/AppleTV, the client is really smooth, easy to use, etc. I assume you'll get a similarly good experience off the new Chromecast, too. I've never used an application, no matter what it is, on any smart tv that was any good.
  2. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 25, 2013 -> 08:58 AM) Ordered one yesterday. With the free 3 months of Netflix included, it's just $11 for the device. Plus I'm sure it'll be quicker to load up a Netflix movie than my PS3. Google canceled that promotion now, you'll get it since your order was already completed, but new orders won't. For 11$ I would have done it too, just to try it out, but couldn't get it in on time. :/
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 08:32 PM) I edited out the opening, that was over the top and I'll apologize for that. You'll never have to apologize for that to me. Ever. I know these are conversations, and they will sometimes get heated. I sincerely believe we all mean well in what we say to each other here, and I also believe there are time we have things said to us we deserve. And I deserved that. So there is no need to apologize.
  4. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 08:14 PM) Hence, "I'm not saying it's not possible" I'm not bitter at all about growing up poor. Maybe my dad is (lost all his pensions for 30 years) but my adult life is on me. There's a whole range of factors that go into that though. Right, but doesn't it anger you just a little bit when people see your success, and assume it was handed to you? I experience this all the time. I'm not going to pretend it I did it all on my own...people helped me, my family made it all possible, there was some luck involved, and I -- with all of that help -- did it. So when someone undermines all that went into getting to where I am, it annoys the f*** out of me. I can tell you this, I didn't go to parties all the time, hang out with the girls (despite wanting too), and kick back all summer and hang out with the boys. I had to give some of that up...a lot of it. Sometimes, I felt like I was missing out...I often felt like, WTF am I doing this for?! Ten years later I know the answer to that question. So when people tell me s*** is unfair, it infuriates me. Because it sure as hell is. I missed out on a ton of fun when I was 16-21 or so...fun THEY got to have. So now when I look back and I'm the one having fun NOW, it's hard to have sympathy at times, especially for them.
  5. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 08:01 PM) Has someone kidnapped Y2HH in the past few months and replaced him with someone who behaves and doesn't have to get called to the principal's office all the time? Like 2 years ago he'd have gotten himself banned on purpose, lol It wasn't on purpose. I was just Dennis the menace. I don't feel he's wrong in what he said, is all...it'd be easy to retaliate against what he said, as if I didn't deserve to have that said to me. But I honestly feel what he said was justified. I didn't know that about him, so IMO, his rage is justified.
  6. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 08:00 PM) Me + You ≠ America. I'm not saying it's not possible, but statistically, if your parents were poor or lower middle class, you'll probably die poor or lower middle class. People just talk about the "land of opportunity" feel-good warm and fuzzy talk like America is the only country where this is possible when it's actually more likely to happen elsewhere. Mainly just because we like to believe it I guess. What's more likely is that wealth will funnel upwards and concentrate and become more theoretical zeros in a bank account somewhere but if you say too much about this, you get accused of "class warfare" which is a nice Orwellian phrase if I ever saw one. I'm not saying it's easy, but to say it's not possible, I just cannot agree. I don't consider myself especially intelligent, or privileged, as a matter of fact, I can go out of my way in saying I wasn't privileged in many regards, but I can say I was given a chance, and didn't blow it. I was fed, I had a roof to sleep under, two parents that gave a s***, and while I didn't have all the awesome stuff most kids had (never had a Nintendo, Cable, or a VCR growing up), I think I came out fine. Aside from that superficial crap, my parents never denied me of much of importance. Took a while to understand that, but I understand it now. But it CAN be done.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 07:49 PM) You have someone you care about put off goig to the doctor/surgery for years, writhing in pain on the floor, when you can't do anything for them because you'd have to lose your home to pay for it, no one will insure the condition because its preexisting, and then you tell me about how I'm pretending. I won't even b**** about your outburst. I couldn't imagine how you feel, and in saying that, I also feel you're absolutely justified to say what you said to me. I don't know how that feels, at all. And like with the underprivileged, I won't pretend to "fake emphasize" with you for the sake of "understanding" when I don't understand whatsoever. I'm sorry as hell that happened to you, I truly am. While my direct family never suffered like this, my fathers did. Badly. And then, coming to US, were discriminated against because they happened to be Germans during WWII. So while I cannot personally relate, I've heard the stories from those, separated by a mere generation, that have. And once again, they b**** less than most. And they've been through worse than most.
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 07:45 PM) Great, can we support doing something about it then? Sure, care to make a suggestion that can actually be implemented now? If it was this simple to solve all the worlds problems, there would be no "world problems".
  9. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 07:47 PM) He's right though. Class mobility in the US is mostly a myth that people only believe because they say it over and over again. It used to be a thing but we pretty much pissed that away. It actually exists in Europe and Canada though. I don't agree. I progressed "class wise", so did you, did you not? How did WE manage to do it if it's so impossible?
  10. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 07:44 PM) As do all the lectures about how great and easy it is to be poor. Lucky-duckies with their small tax bills. Wouldn't know, I'm not poor, but unlike you, I don't pretend to be an underprivileged poor person, who knows exactly how poor people feel. You know who was actually poor, my father was. As in below American poverty poverty poor. Growing up in Nazi Germany, nearly starving on a daily basis poor. And he b****es less about this than anyone I know, including those -- such as yourself -- that were born infinity more privileged than he was. As I said, after a while, it becomes white b**** noise, and nothing more.
  11. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 07:09 PM) I literally burst into laughter when you accused liberals of wanting to "destroy class mobility". The USA has embarrassingly little class mobility and perhaps the greatest success of 30+ years of conservative, tax cutti policy has been to demolish what mobility their was. Wow, more QQ about inequality from you, how surprising. Like I said in another thread, when this continues being spouted by you, it becomes nothing but noise. You've been saying this same s*** for eons now, come up with some new material. Boo hoo, life is unfair, I'm underpaid, the rich people suck. Enough.
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 07:12 PM) Should I also note there is no line for gas money? Or auto repair on the car you're trying to push to 250k miles? Could you point out life is unfair in more ways? In some ways, I agree with what you're saying, but for f***s sake, after a while, it becomes noise.
  13. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 12:50 PM) Well like to the extent Carlton Banks is black yeah. lol I met Lostfan, and when I did he made me do this:
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 05:17 PM) How does this person get to work? And what sort of interest rates are they able to get on a car loan? ...highlighting ANOTHER unfairness to the TRULY poor. I feel the message is getting lost, because the "middle class" love to consider themselves poor, when an actual poor person would get laughed at even trying to get a loan. I recently bought a used car from CarMax, and paid down quite a bit of it, but needed a loan on about 8k -- the rate CarMax returned to me was 3%. The guy was like...WOW, I've never seen anyone get a loan that low on a used car. This highlights how the system rewards success, and it annoys me when people that COULD be successful if they ever bothered saving a f***ing dime b**** about things like this...when the truly underprivileged wouldn't even have a conversation about something like this, because they'd have to laugh and tell you, "A loan, are you kidding me...nobody'd lend me that kind of money!"
  15. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 12:03 PM) To make a finer point, my issue isn't with the truly underprivileged at all. If anyone has a right to b****, it's them, but most often, it's not them doing the b****ing. And when I say b****/b****ing, I mean about things such as income inequality, opportunity, the means to do so, etc. My beef is largely with those that DID have opportunity, and squandered it, that DID have guidance, yet ignored it, and did have the means, but blew it. They are often the loudest and most obnoxious when it comes to financial issues across the board, and how unfair life is. Yet, they all have their iPods, iPhones, Androids, Laptops, Automobiles and love eating at Capital Grill, and walking around with 5$ cups of *$, despite being in debt to the tune of thousands. Yet, when I see them at parties or bbq's, if the subject of finances comes up I'm sure I'll get to hear about greedy investment bankers and politicians gaming the system for themselves, and leaving nothing for the rest of us. Of course, they look at me as one of "them" (not them as in them, but them as in the privileged with money), when I'd be exactly like they were if I spent nearly what they spent. Take for example that recent 1% protest or whatever it was they called it...did you get a chance to see them downtown Chicago at any point? Hipster Gen Y'ers with iPods, Apple T-Shirts and Venti Fraps b****ing about the unfairness of the 1%. It made me puke into the back of my throat, which made me dislike them that much more. I figured it was time to repost my own post, since "someone" didn't bother reading it. I even took out the highlighter so you wouldn't miss it...again.
  16. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 03:43 PM) The working poor generally aren't sitting on facebook, that's what is lol-worthy. e.g. is not really relevant to poverty and working-class poverty in this country. Which means you need to re-read my posts...because you missed the entire context in which they were written. I specifically ruled out ACTUAL poor people in my statements, in a pretty damn clear manner, no less. So basically, you responded multiple times with "lol worthy" nonsense, since you missed, or didn't even bother to read anything I wrote...yet found the time to respond anyway. I'm honestly beginning to wonder if you live in an alternate dimension, because...seriously, trying to have a conversation with you has become f***ing infuriating.
  17. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 02:27 PM) http://tv.yahoo.com/news/justin-timberlake...-160414775.html File under, I didnt know Stevie Wonder still actively performed. I wish they'd all boycott playing in Chicago, too.
  18. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 12:46 PM) If you guys judged me off my Facebook posts you'd think I was a crazy person who wanted to kill everyone but really liked posting about funny s*** his son does. I have a sense of humor, but it's quite a bit different when you're posting stuff about your children than posting all the awesome places you're going too/spending money on, and then b****ing to me about finances and how unfair everything is.
  19. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 11:38 AM) lol, facebook feed Facebook feeds can give you an actual glimpse into someones life. Just look at their timeline...pictures of their 7$ Starbucks, their steak at Cap Grille, and an endless stream of bars, where beers are 5$ each, when a 12 pack at the store is 9$. Those feeds can show you why they're broke, and it sure as hell isn't the "man" keeping them down.
  20. QUOTE (illinilaw08 @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 11:29 AM) http://www.forbes.com/sites/janetnovack/20...mps-and-reality Forbes discusses the McDonalds budget. Basically, the column says that the minimum wage brings less purchasing power than it did when first instituted. Goes on to say that the gap is actually covered by federal programs (food stamps, welfare, etc.) which programs, in a way, actually are subsidies to low wage employers like McDonalds and Wal-Mart (they pay less for the same labor). Interesting column. As to your other point, I do a lot of bankruptcy work, both on the creditor side and on the debtor side. People who go "broke" making $45k or $100k per year are at least able to pay for neccessities (rent, food, heat) while making their poor decisions that push them into bankruptcy. Then, there are a class of people who literally cannot afford to file a bankruptcy because their income is so meager. The point here is twofold: First, is there a societal obligation to help those at the bottom attain the basic necessities (food, clothing, shelter). I argue that there is because, if people can afford the necessities, in theory, crime goes down, property values go up (panhandlers and the homeless are... not great for property values). What mechanism you use to get there, I'm open to suggestion. Second, do businesses have a moral obligation to their employees? There have been articles recently discussing how Costco is destroying Sam's Club because, by actually paying their employees well, their employees are loyal, happy and productive. Finally, I hate the attitude that "because I went through something crappy, other people should go through it as well." Partners at law firms who were treated like crap as associates are more likely to treat associates like crap themselves. It's admirable that Y2HH worked extremely hard to achieve his success. And there are plenty of others like that on this board. But would you have achieved success if Osco or Dunkin paid you better? Yeah, you still would have. And that success would have ultimately been easier to achieve (based on your description above of working two jobs while in school) if you only had to work one job to make ends meet, or working two jobs allowed you to afford something more reliable than public trans. The goal should be to make that success, to make the ability to improve your circumstances, easier and not harder. Hang on, I need a second to get off my soapbox... To make a finer point, my issue isn't with the truly underprivileged at all. If anyone has a right to b****, it's them, but most often, it's not them doing the b****ing. And when I say b****/b****ing, I mean about things such as income inequality, opportunity, the means to do so, etc. My beef is largely with those that DID have opportunity, and squandered it, that DID have guidance, yet ignored it, and did have the means, but blew it. They are often the loudest and most obnoxious when it comes to financial issues across the board, and how unfair life is. Yet, they all have their iPods, iPhones, Androids, Laptops, Automobiles and love eating at Capital Grill, and walking around with 5$ cups of *$, despite being in debt to the tune of thousands. Yet, when I see them at parties or bbq's, if the subject of finances comes up I'm sure I'll get to hear about greedy investment bankers and politicians gaming the system for themselves, and leaving nothing for the rest of us. Of course, they look at me as one of "them" (not them as in them, but them as in the privileged with money), when I'd be exactly like they were if I spent nearly what they spent. Take for example that recent 1% protest or whatever it was they called it...did you get a chance to see them downtown Chicago at any point? Hipster Gen Y'ers with iPods, Apple T-Shirts and Venti Fraps b****ing about the unfairness of the 1%. It made me puke into the back of my throat, which made me dislike them that much more.
  21. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 22, 2013 -> 03:08 PM) The average age of a fast-food worker today is 30 years old. These are the s*** jobs our current economy offers. To people without any skills, yes. Growing up, these are the jobs I worked before I had any skills, too. And I didn't expect to be paid as if I did, either. That's why I did something about it. ...and I know, my life full of "white" privilege is what did it all for me, too. I know this because I put fourth no effort to get where I am today. I didn't go to school full time (24 credit hours per semester) all while working at Dunkin' Donuts on the weekends for 5$ an hour, and Osco Drug at nights during the week for 5.35$ an hour, either, all with no car, because all I could afford was public transportation. Because my privileged upbringing in Bridgeport afforded me all the luxuries of life, and my daddy had me all set up with the perfect job long before I even graduated high school. After a while, I get sick of listening to peoples s***. Most of the time, I can look at their Facebook feed and show you exactly why they're f***ing broke and going nowhere, and it wouldn't matter if they were making 100k or 45k, they'd end up in the SAME situation.
  22. Y2HH

    2013 TV Thread

    Hilarious... There a joke making the rounds that the end of Breaking Bad should be Bryan Cranston's Walter White entering the witness-protection program and becoming Hal from Malcolm in the Middle.
  23. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 19, 2013 -> 10:37 AM) I find it hilarious that the iPad Mini is only $70 cheaper than the iPad2. While you find it funny, I find it awesome that I can sell my 2 year old iPad for hundreds of dollars.
  24. QUOTE (Jake @ Jul 18, 2013 -> 12:40 PM) Working in some of your favorite foods is good for the mind. A few things to think about: -when you work them in, if you can, just make it an allotted part of your daily intake. Even if you normally don't count calories, think about how big that snack was and if you can salvage your day's intake by behaving the rest of the day. If you know you're going to have a big dinner out with friends, try to really cut back on your intake earlier in the day. Have man's lightest salad for lunch. -Try not to do too much back and forth between "perfect" eating and binging. A lot of people that get ambitious about dieting get a very unhealthy relationship with food where they can't stop once they let the floodgates open on cheat foods. It's not good for you and it can easily lead to an eating disorder. I've been there. -This was/is the hardest thing for me, but learn to distinguish hunger from cravings. You're dealing with cravings and understandably so. They aren't evil in and of themselves. However, you need to be able to form a habit of (usually) ignoring your cravings and instead waiting for hunger. There is research that shows people that eat when they are hungry and only when they are hungry have better physique outcomes than people who are on strict, counting-based regimens. The reason "just eat when you're hungry" sounds crazy is because if you're anything like me, we begin to interpret our cravings as hunger...and cravings happen a lot! (Mentally) healthy dieting is balancing act. If you've ever been fat, your body's signaling systems are virtually permanently rewired to make you want to get fat again. Your emotional desire to lose weight can lead your good intentions to turn into perpetual unhappiness or eating disorders. Try to take it seriously...without taking it too seriously A lot of this, as you alluded too in your post, comes from knowing your own body, how it reacts, to what, how much of it, and what you can/can't get away with in terms of diet. By and large, if people followed my diet, they'd probably get fat. While I'm pretty balanced, and try to eat healthy more often than not, I'm also a junker in that there is nothing off limits to me, on any day of the week. I'll usually eat ice cream 3-4 days a week, drink beer, etc. But so long as I'm active, it seems to counteract any of these "habits", and now that I've been playing rat hockey for 3+ hours every Saturday, not to mention practicing during the week (in addition to going to the gym), I've gotten to the point that I really don't care what I'm eating anymore. In short, I'm so active that I can get away with multiple "cheat days". Also, just because I have something, doesn't mean I'll eat it. I've had a Whatchamacallit bar on my desk here for 2 weeks now, and I've felt no need to eat it. And f*** off if you don't like Whatchamacallits, they're an awesome forgotten candy bar. My advice, first and foremost, even before diet -- is be active. If you're already active, be more active. After you're doing that, THEN worry about what you're eating. Some of the most out of shape people I know eat 50x better than me, and the lesson is, both diet and being active matter. Also...there is this. Avoid diet drinks and fake sugars at all costs. If you're going to eat things like candy, ice cream, etc...do it right, and do it real. These chemical compounds that form fake sugars screw your your bodies ability to regulate REAL sugars, they mess with your insulin production, etc...always remember, fat people drink diet.
  25. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 17, 2013 -> 10:27 PM) Where are we, North Korea? Freedom of speech and press and all that jazz. If you're offended then don't buy it. I pretty much agree with this. Last night my wife asked me, probably after seeing a bunch of posts on this subject on Facebook, how do I feel about the Rolling Stone cover? My answer was, "Ehhh, I don't think it's a big deal...it's possibly in poor taste given all the damage, but...if people don't like it, they don't have to buy it."
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