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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jul 9, 2013 -> 01:02 PM) I agree with you, since it's a work a progress, I won't be able to find out whether or not she'll respond positively or negatively until then. I just felt like it was a red flag when she said that she liked my gut. Yeah... different strokes for different folks. Maybe she was just being nice and saying I like you just like you are now.
  2. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jul 9, 2013 -> 12:56 PM) color me crazy, but a bunch of thin women in yoga pants sounds.... awesome... to me.... but hey we could have different tastes. I never said anything about not liking that aspect of *watching* it, but doing it is another thing altogether.
  3. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 9, 2013 -> 12:42 PM) Im pretty sure she currently has some long distance boyfriend so I think its a little more of a delicate situation than just seeing her next time and going: So about your phone, I need its number... But maybe I should embrace the doucheness of my youth and not care about the fallout that is caused by my actions. Life used to be so much simpler then. I think the immediate focus is just on seeing her again. (Edit) Does she have a boyfriend? My answer to that would be, allegedly. Ive never seen him and the only time shes ever mentioned him it was in what I consider an odd fashion and no one else I know can really give me a straight answer on the situation either. Just tell her you enjoy talking to her and ask...if she says she has a boyfriend, apologize and say you weren't sure about that before you asked her, but figured it'd be better to find out this way than to spy on her for such personal information and end up in Venezuela like Edward Snowden. I'm sure she'll understand.
  4. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jul 9, 2013 -> 12:13 PM) so out of curiosity, what's feminine about yoga? Nothing in particular, it's just a stereotype from the main crowd that tends to do it, which is usually white women. What's so "white" about the Chicago Cubs, other than the fact that 99.9% of the people that attend Cubs games are white people? Nothing...but if you go there, you'd see what I mean.
  5. QUOTE (Jake @ Jul 9, 2013 -> 09:09 AM) It wouldn't be the feminine part that makes me embarrassed. It would be the part where I'm horribly inept at it. I don't think I'd have a problem doing it in public if I was able to look like I knew what I was doing. It's definitely the feminine part for me.
  6. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 9, 2013 -> 08:06 AM) What's to be insecure about? It's Yoga. I'd never do Yoga anywhere but in private for the same reason he feels insecure about it. It has a reputation for being "for chicks", whether people like it or not. I know it's silly to feel this way, but it's how I (and apparently he) feel. It's not something you can just decide to not feel. Look at almost any Yoga class, it will be 90+% women, if not absolutely 100%.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 3, 2013 -> 12:56 PM) I don't think s*** got real, I think the U.S. embarrassed itself. Again. Embarrassed? Hardly.
  8. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 3, 2013 -> 11:18 AM) It was a fantastic ending to the story. Not everything needs finality and to be perfectly wrapped up. It was originally written to work as a series finale as they weren't sure if they were going to get a fifth season at that point. Yea I'm just going to disagree on that. When it comes to tv shows and stories, I prefer finality. It doesn't have to be perfectly wrapped up, but it needs some sort of conclusive ending....or why bother. I have real life for non finality for most things. The end of season 4 just didn't come across as an end to me, but a beginning. Nothing was said about what happened to anyone, and without getting to Hank vs Walt, I would have felt robbed. Thankfully they recognized that and it's exactly what we're getting.
  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 3, 2013 -> 09:16 AM) Show would have been perfect if it ended with Season 4. Season 5 is still really, really good, but I can't imagine being able to top Season 4's finale. That was a great finale, but it wasn't an "ending" to the show, in any regard...they need a solid ending. I'm looking forward too it.
  10. QUOTE (Jake @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 09:40 PM) Probably a net win anyway, unless the next Nexus device comes out with more competitive hardware. I'm willing to be patient for updates, but there is some chance I end up rooting my One to move up in OS one day. For incremental updates like 4.1 to 4.2 or what 4.2 to 4.3 is likely to be, I don't really care. If KLP turns into a major update, though, I won't wait a year to get it. Google has been doing most of its substantial updates through the individual apps rather than the OS lately though, which is brilliant. Google is odd with their version numbers across their software, because Android 4.0 to 4.1 was a MAJOR update. It wasn't a mere point release. Meanwhile, they're on Chrome 27 or something insane already, where major version numbers usually mean minor updates. I don't like the idea of having to wait for legit updates, which is why I'd require a Nexus if/when I move to Android. At least Google makes updates available, you could always have Windows Mobile 8 and get one update a decade.
  11. QUOTE (Joxer_Daly @ Jul 3, 2013 -> 08:26 AM) Ha! You just surrendered your lead... I've never seen any Breaking Bad. See where showboating got you. Breaking Bad is a great show, but if they end it like Sopranos ended, it will also suck.
  12. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 24, 2013 -> 08:06 PM) -3.2% Not the end of the world. I'm more concerned about the tightening up of the shadow banking trend in China than anything going on in the US right now. When the Philippines is outgrowing China's GDP over the last quarter, there's legitimate reason for concern. I'm convinced China has been gaming the system and it's catching up to them. The term house of cards couldn't be more fitting. China isn't just a worry, but a big worry. I don't trust much of anything they've done with their dubious currency and shadow markets over these years of extreme growth.
  13. QUOTE (Jake @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 04:45 PM) I had heard a good response to this, which is that it almost has to be the carrier (T-Mobile has it exclusively) that forced this to happen. HTC is doing the update for the One X, which is incredibly similar and came out at the same time. HTC has pretty much done all of the work to make the update work on the One S, but it's likely that T-Mobile doesn't have enough of them out in the wild for it to be worth finishing the update on their end. Also, these articles keep billing it as a flagship when it was definitely not a flagship device. It was on one carrier and released along with the One X, the actual flagship. It's a concern, but HTC has been better than everybody but Samsung at updates (even though this article argues differently). And Samsung has TouchWiz, which sucks (subjectively speaking) Nexus/Google Edition devices still prevail. HTC One Google Edition is definitely the best phone out there at this point, if I had the upfront $ I would have gotten it. Couldn't bite on Nexus 4, not at all impressed by its hardware. Nexus 5 will release too long after my contract expires, unfortunately. Those Google edition phones won't get updated as fast as the Nexus devices, Google has said.
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 02:21 PM) Oh, Leon...yea I've seen that, but it's been a lonnnng time, so long I don't even remember the ending. I do recall the soap opera effect pivotcam it was filmed with, and I wasn't a fan of that, either. Natalie Portman was in it, I remember that much.
  15. Y2HH

    Engagement Rings

    QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 01:38 PM) Tux's are cheap. 100-200 bucks at most. A decent suit is gonna run you 2-3 times that easy. edit: and let her pick what you wear. This. Because as much as you think you care about all of this, in comparison to her, you don't care at all. I don't think I've looked at my wedding pictures, or any pictures of the sort since we got them. She looks at them all the time.
  16. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 01:58 PM) Did you ever see the professional? Suddenly the films in first person as he walks away and gets shot in the back of the head. It was a great scene. Doesn't ring a bell, no.
  17. Ah, thanks for reminding me why HTC shouldn't be trusted, HTC. http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/07/htc...ontent=My+Yahoo
  18. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 12:44 PM) Well, that's a stark change from denying he killed him off. I like it - I think it was brilliant. Chase is the one that would never outright say it. Not me. He'd always be vague and say, "everything was there". I agree with you guys that that's probably what he was going for with this, but the way it was done broke from how the ENTIRE rest of the series was filmed, and he did that for the reason I stated. Just in case they wanted to continue they could...and if they didn't, this worked, too. You usually don't just decide, 'ok for this ONE scene, i'm making the viewer THAT character' via a spur of the moment/convienent perspective change. If it was something you did throughout the show, it'd be a different story...there'd be continuity there. It was a complete break from how everything else was done on the show, for the convenience of not having to show it. And then of course, quotes from him saying "never say never" about a movie/continuation, or that if everyone was on board he'd do it, that says it all to me. Of course, this will never happen now, but it was left open ended at the time on purpose. If that was his plan all along, he should have riddled the show with similar sequences, and not from random characters, but ONLY Tony. That said, interpretation is open, because not everyone agrees with this.
  19. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 12:15 PM) Y2HH is clearly in the denial phase....6 years later. I'm not in the denial phase that the ending was dumb. I think Chase wanted to kill Tony, but IMO, the s*** way he went about it sucked.
  20. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 12:28 PM) Go read that website. They break down how, in that last scene, you do cut to a first-person POV for Tony every time the bell rings. That's what I mean, if the whole show was shot like that, it would make more sense, but one scene out of 6 seasons is just bad cinematography.
  21. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 10:17 AM) Well, with Meadow running up to the door, they also hinted that it could have just been her walking in - but yeah, there's no reason to have such a ridiculously abrupt ending without assuming the man was shot and lights out. The reason is pretty clear for not showing it...that way they could have the possibility of continuing it in the future. Of course, that will never happen now, but it left the possibility there. If the entire show was shot in a majority first person perspective in that the viewer was Tony Soprano, it would have made a lot more sense (think Memento, which was you sharing the main characters perspective in many ways). But the show wasn't shot that like, and the viewer was never compelled to be Tony Soprano, or feel like Tony Soprano, but as a 3rd person observer. So the only thing I can attribute it to was a "let's end it like this just in case..." Otherwise, the blackout makes no sense without the perspective that the viewer WAS Tony, and we weren't.
  22. QUOTE (Joxer_Daly @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 08:46 AM) My confession is that I've never seen a single episode of The Wire. It's somewhere on my to-do list. Neither have I.
  23. QUOTE (Brian @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 03:52 AM) I think this is what Chase wanted. Guys on the Internet arguing about it for years to come. I also think he left it open ended just in case they decided to continue it down the line in the form of a movie, but now that Gandolfini died, that won't be happening. Now that his lead character is unavailable, I wonder if he'll continue to leave things as they were, along the lines of him saying things like, "I'm just saying, but I'm not saying anything...", or if he will start becoming more up front about his actual intended ending. I watch a TV show from beginning to end to SEE an ending, which is why this one disappointed me. In storytelling form, open ended finishes are a bit more fitting...but when I'm watching something that was written strictly for the screen, forgive me for wanting to *see* it. Personally, I think Chase WANTED to kill him but didn't want to show it just in case they wanted to continue it someday. After all, money talks. That's why they went with the "lights out" flawed ending. And by flawed, what I mean is, it was filmed in the first person, so you -- the viewer -- were Tony Soprano, so when he was shot, the lights went out. The issue with that is the rest of the series wasn't filmed this way. If the whole show was shot first person, this would make a lot more sense. And I think this is why it confused people. It was a breakdown in film logic. Also...reusing the A Bronx Tale finish is meh anyway. And at least in Goodfellas and A Bronx Tale, they showed it.
  24. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 1, 2013 -> 09:30 PM) yeah cool good thing I never said otherwise, but if you have no interest in reading a pretty detailed critical review of the ending suit yourself Again, you are reading out of story, real life interviews to piece together a *possible* conclusion to something that happened on a tv show, and then denying you're doing so. There was nothing clear or conclusive about that ending. If it was, I wouldn't have to read some blog about a decades worth of out of story interviews for it to become clear.
  25. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 1, 2013 -> 09:24 PM) It's not necessary, it only confirms it beyond any doubt. The website I provided breaks down in-show clues and the artistic/direction choices that make the ending clear. that's not what's going on but I see you're in one of your "absolutely not going to budge" moods. The "website you provided" is a fanboys blog. Not a definitive Chase tells us the ending in no uncertain terms encyclopedia. And that's exactly what's going on or you wouldn't be posing links to blogs that do exactly that. You are reading out of story, real life interviews to piece together a *possible* conclusion. And then denying you're doing so. Keep on reaching for your not there ending, that's so definitive half the people that watched it disagree.
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