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  1. I just heard on ESPN 1000 Frank may have to have surgery..........
  2. Ozzie Guillen Latin = Cito Gaston Latin
  3. Now were talking hammerhead! And here, I'll ever throw in a clickable smiley for my girl!
  4. Yeah, why the ban request? All I am doing is creating some solid, groudbreaking discussion!
  5. On that note, I'm out. I look forward to talking to my fellow sox fans! I love you guys!
  6. No, I won't bust on Mark. He is a proven Starter in this league. I hardly think my comment was busting on Neil. I can see you have some sort of sick love affair with a player who has pitched 9 good innings?!? I do recognize his boyish good looks like the next guy, but I judge players on skills, not looks....
  7. I have a fresh delivery. I am the Ozzie of this board and ya'll a bunch a Jerry's! You guys are stale! -Freshness!
  8. I stand by my post. It was in response to Cotts as a starter. Cotts has proven his worth in the place I said he should stay at, the bullpen. He has proven his worth for a grand total of 9 innings. Let's give this some time, please. I still think he could use some time in the minors to hone his starter skills.
  9. Rude? I have been jumped on by everyone online...I am simply defending my right to think Ozzie Guillen bears a resemblance to Cito!
  10. And again "The Cheat," Cotts does need to stay in the pen. He will get rocked if he takes the bump as a starter. ENOUGH SAID!
  11. Fine use of the Cut and Paste tool. While Cotts does sport a SICK era, I would like to see his inherited ERA. For the sake of my beloved Sox, I hope he is the real deal, but please, just because you have a crush on him, doesn't mean he is a solid major league player...yet..And we are barely 20 games into the season. Cito Gaston Jr.
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