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Everything posted by GreatScott82

  1. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 06:24 PM) YES! Much needed I know! You can here my grass celebrating. Now hopefully we can celebrate a White Sox winner!
  2. Pauly and Frank are starting to piss me off.
  3. calm down peeps- he wont give up more than 2 runs today.
  4. Heard it from Bruce Levine on ESPN radio thursday afternoon.
  5. I heard the Giants want Jon Garland, McCarthy and Marte for Schmidt. LOL you have to be kidding me. The Giants want the world for Schmidt- I just don't see a deal happening here. Its most likely that the Giants won't trade anyone and just wait for Barry Bonds' return for next season. We can put this rumor away now. It just won't happen. It sucks, but it is what it is.
  6. If Wagner goes to Boston. Lets go get Eddie, yea its a risk, but it was also a risk trading C. Lee and that seemed to work out for us didn't it? I don't think Hermanson would mind being a setup man for Eddie or vice-versa. Eddie has the personality that fits this Sox team well. Ozzie would love him.
  7. QUOTE(Wedge @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 08:56 PM) Do you have a webcam? Can you film that? lol, whatever he does out of excitement should be confidential between him and himself only. We don't need to see that. But if we get Wagner- HELL FREANING YEAH!!!
  8. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 08:37 PM) Watch the Sox cruise into the deadline without making a deal, I'm starting to get the impression we will stay with what got us this far. There is a good chance that might happen. The only thing i see happening right now is one more reliever: (Guardado, Wagner, Baez exe...) There are just too many teams in the races this season and the KW doesn't want to tamper with chemistry, unless he knows a move can and will put us to the promis lands. (Clemens) But that just wont happen. If no trade happens- its not the end of the world- after all, we are 61-29.
  9. How can the Marlins turn down that offer from the Orioles? Burnett will be an Oriole very soon. IMO Burnett is just a little bit better than Contreras, BUT he spends time on the DL every year. And if they want Marte, BMac, and Anderson to go w/ it? why just because they throw in an overpriced thirdbasmen? What would we do w/ him? Crede is having a better year defensively and offensively. Screw it. Lets just see how El-duque pitches in his next two starts and focus primarly on another reliever. By the looks of things Shingo is gone- so lets go after Wagner!!
  10. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 03:23 PM) Didn't Ozzie bash the White Sox when he left after 1997? Yes Ozzie bashed the White Sox because he was basically forced out of town and he loved the White Sox and he wanted to stay. He loves this team. Magglio simply wanted more $$$$$ he didn't care about the White Sox. If he loved the White Sox- he would've taken the initial offer and stayed. You don't find loyalty that often anymore but Ozzie IMO is Mr. White Sox. He is the face of this team, he loves this team- and i sure am glad he is our manager.
  11. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 09:49 PM) The White Sox made a statement with this series. People keep waiting for them to falter, and they keep making people STFU!!!!! LOL. Isn't that the truth. I freakin love this team.
  12. IMO we won't see Gload until the September call ups when the expand the rosters. Ozzie seems to be affraid to tamper w/ team chemistry, i can't really blaim him- but i'd much rather have Gload come in to pinch hit rather than Timo. Gload can also give Pauly a breather every now and then. But as of now- it looks like if Pauly needs a day off- Dye will play 1B and Everett will play RF. I'm not going to complain- as long as we keep on winning.
  13. woah we started the 2nd half of the season just like we started the 1st half. Maybe its a good sign for great things to come. Awesome performance by: Contreras, Pollite, Marte, and Hermy! Its nice to get that nasty taste of broom out of my mouth. GO SOX!
  14. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jul 14, 2005 -> 09:06 PM) Thats absolutely huge. But does it solve the problem of insuring against El Duque's health? Nope. This could possibly exaggerate the problem, with Lowell and his down year(.226, 4 HR, .282 OBP, .351 SLG, 36 RBI) making Crede look like a godsend, and no gaurantees for Burnett. This could be a bad deal. Yea the whole adding Lowell to the deal kind of puts a damper on it. Lowell is not the same player he was last year. Would i trade Marte and Contreras for Burnett? YES Would i trade Marte, Contreras and Crede for Burnett and Lowell? NO! Crede>Lowell IMO.
  15. can someone find info on Lowell's contract status.
  16. THe Marlins beat-writer was just on 670WSCR and confirmed that 12 teams are after Burnett, but the 3 major teams interester are Baltamore, Toronto and the White Sox. He said the Marlins have been interested in Contreras for over 2 years now- and see him as there potential closer. He also said the Marlins want to dump Mike Lowell's contract so would most likely have to be involved with this trade. So this trade would most likely be: Contreras, Marte and Crede for Burnett and Lowell. WOW- thats Blockbuster.
  17. When will the roster moves happen? Harris down- Gload up- Walker down- Marte up exe? Or did those moves already happen?
  18. QUOTE(sircaffey @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 10:02 PM) 1. Mark Buehrle 2. A.J. Burnett 3. Freddy Garcia 4. Jon Garland CL-Billy Wagner SU-Dustin Hermanson SU-Cliff Politte RP-Neal Cotts RP-Luis Vizcaino RP-Shingo Takatsu LR-Jose Contreras Sorry, just wanted to type it out... It's okay to dream- we all do it. Who knows maybe your dream and KW's dream are similar!?! Only time will tell..
  19. Do you guys think a trade will happen very soon? I do. Who will be the 4 starters vs the tribe? THey said el-duque won't pitch vs the tribe. Are his shoulder problems worse than we think? And if it is- KW should be on high alert to get a starter ASAP. If the Marlins want Marte, thats fine- do what it takes to get Burnett over here.
  20. QUOTE(Southside hitmen @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 04:42 AM) Joe Randa, Reds Of all the Reds players likely to attract attention, Randa might be the most tradeable. Not only does he have affordable $2.15 million one-year deal, but the veteran has been perhaps the most consistent all-around contributor for the Reds this season. Potential Suitors: Indians, White Sox No thanks to Randa. Crede is a human vacuum at 3B. Yes to Burnett or Schmidt. Maybe to Vizquel- (as long as he doesnt cost too much) They can have Uribe or Harris and thats it.
  21. Yes Willie Harris' speed is very valuable off the bench, but Ozuna is just as capable of coming in and reeking havoc on the base paths. He can also play 3rd, SS and 2B. Gloads bat is much more valuable off the bench than Willie's at this point. I like the move- willy just hasn't been cutting the mustard. In fact I wont be surprised if KW ships him in a package to aqcuire a starter or a reliever.
  22. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jul 12, 2005 -> 09:27 PM) Actually, I was at one of Mulder's recent starts down in St. Louie, and he looks downright bad, recently. Every ball is up, and there were countless trips to the pitchers mound. His last outting wasn't any better. I believe there is something wrong with his shoulder. He's giving up long ball after long ball. What do you guys think? Will Buehrle be followed by Garland, or will they throw some other douchebag in there in between the two? I think it would be awesome to have Buehrls relieved by Big John. Harold Reynold thinks its going to go this way: Buerhle first 2 innings, Colon 3rd, Santana 4th, Rogers 5th, Garland 6th, Clement 7th, Rivera and other relievers in the 8th, and Joe Nathan to close it out in the 9th. I like the idea of Colon throwing flames right after Buerhle's finess.
  23. Ryno did pick us to win the division in the beginning of the year- have to give him props for that. Who knows- maybe Ryno has psychic capabilities? Jonny Daman was intervied by a Comcast dude and he also said the Sox have what it takes to win the world series. Peter Gammons said every little leager should watch the White Sox play because thats 'How baseball should be played" Starting to get the respect around the league yikes!
  24. This is by far the best all-around Sox team of my lifetime. I can't wait to watch every single game this year- it was never like that before. My first half MVP has to be Podsednik, with Everett and Iguchi following right behind him. Without those 3 guys this season- things would probably be ugly. I hate going into the ASB with a 3 game losing streak on our hands, but what can you say those things happen during a long season- even to the best teams. I can't wait to get the 2nd half going, 4 away in Cleveland- Its time to get back to our winning ways and win 3 of 4 there. El-duque is starting on thursday right? Its time for him to go back to the pitcher he was in April and early May. He'll have 3 starts to prove to KW he can be healthy and effective- if not I expect Burnett or Schmidt to be on the Southside come the trade deadline. This is for you White Sox for making this summer kick a lot of ass!!
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