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Everything posted by GreatScott82

  1. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 31, 2005 -> 05:15 AM) I love it when the Sox win. We all love it when the Sox win. The beer tastes better, the sun shines brighter, and we are all happy.
  2. Lets face it. We all have had a love-hate fan relationship towards Frank. I don't think anyone can question his career #s and what he has accomplished for our Sox over the last 15+ years. I do remember wanting to not re-sign Frank after his subpar 2002 season when he was a free agent. He always made it public about his contract needs and that just pisses off most fans (ABOZ I know where you are coming from), he also had a bad attitude when things didn't go his way before 2002. But after he signed back with us in 2003- he seemed to have changed for the good. He had a solid 2003 season (should have been an all-star) and we just missed the playoffs. In 2004 he was on pace to repeat what he did in 2003 until his injury. And even with his injury and all the comments Ozzie made towards him- he has been extremely classy, and has been an excellent team player. Everyone seems to bring up old negatives in regards to Frank, but in reality he hasn't done anything negative to the team over the past 3 seasons. He has changed for the good and is near the end of his career. (could be the last in a White Sox uniform) I personally am happy he is back- as our offense could use a presence like Frank to help stir up the opposing pithers thought process. And as far as Frank messing up the team chemistry: I'm not buying it, out team will still have great team chemistry. Ozzie wont settle for less. I was at the game today and when we gave Frank that standing O- i got goosebumps. Definitely a great moment in White Sox history. Welcome back Frank. Hopefully your hip thing aint serious and hopefully he didn't return to the lineup too soon.
  3. I think the big standing ovation that Frank will get today (by the way i'll be there in sec 151) will help boost our teams spirits and offense. I expect the whole offense to be solid today- and hopefully it will carry on into June.
  4. I'm going to the game tommorow and in a 2-2 tie in the 9th- Frank will step up and blast the walk-off homer as the Cell erupts and the Sox begin a new winning streak!!! Welcome back HURT!!!
  5. QUOTE(whitesoxjr27 @ May 28, 2005 -> 11:17 PM) i just have this weird feeling the twins are gonna slow it down a bit. dont ask me why but i just feel they may run out of gas. We all hope they will run out of gas. But over the past 3 seasons we have been the team to run out of gas and the Twins had enough of it to finish the race. Our pitching has been excellent for the most part- now if we can only get our hitting to come around we should be in great shape, and we should be able to maintain our first place lead. But until we get our offensive swagger back- the Twins scare me. I don't like it how we don't play them until August. But nowadays maybe its a good thing?
  6. Wow the damn Twins are on our tails. Maybe its good the game is postponed. The Rangers have won 7 straight- maybe a day off will cool them down and we can sneek by with the win tommorow. Good news for me: I get to see Buerhle pitch on Monday when I go to the game vs the Angels.
  7. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 28, 2005 -> 05:38 PM) Were at 31-16, not 16-31. Just thought I would clear that up. True. But the Twins are right on our tales. And the pitching can carry us only so far. We need some sort of offensive spark. Rather it coming from a trade or someone coming up from the minors is the big question. The fact of the matter is something needs to happen for the offense to get going. Uribe = slump from hell Crede= back to the old Crede after a nice start. Everett= started strong, but has diminished big time. Dye= got hot for about a week, but now he looks dead again. Rowand= struggling a bit Konerko= swinging the bat good. but needs to be more timely Iguchi= has been carrying the team Podsednik= no problems w/ him. he just needs to be on base more. AJ= cooled down after a hot week.
  8. C'mon Jon G. We need you big guy. Our offense is terrible so we need an awesome outting out of ya!! The Twins keep on winning and our offense keeps on struggling, this is a big game for the team. If Jon G holds them to 3 runs and the bulpen comes in and does its job, we should win this. SOMEBODY-ANYBODY on the offense needs to WAKE UP!
  9. QUOTE(BobDylan @ May 26, 2005 -> 08:34 PM) Eric Chavez. Agreed. Adding Chavez can boost us to the playoffs and can help make us a playoff contender for years to come. Similar to when the Cardinals added Scott Rolen in 2000 I believe? Anyways- if we get rid of Crede and add a new 3B Chavez would be my 1st choice. I would also consider Blalock.
  10. Happy Birthday big guy. See you in 2 weeks (according to KW). We can definitley use your bat right now.
  11. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ May 27, 2005 -> 05:29 PM) just so you all know... the rangers 6 game win streak consist of the astro's... 3-22 on the road and the royals who are just as bad... b4 that they faced us and lost 2 of their 3.... so dont look too much into their win streak, but they are still a good team regardless. Good point. The Astros are horrible as well as the Royals. They struggle vs good pitching. The only game i'm worried about- is tonite vs BMac. BMacs last ST game the Rangers killed him. Lets hope he made some adjustments, the ball flys out the ballpark in Arlington. We NEED our offense to get going. There is NOOO wayy we shouldve only scored 2 runs vs John Lackey?!!! Young is a solid pitcher, but we can definitely hit this guy. I say who ever scores 4 runs or more wins this game.
  12. Losses like that suck. I thought we had it when we went up 2-1. But remember we had the bases loaded once with 1 out in the 4th and didn't score. We also had men on 2nd and 3rd with 1 out in the 6th and didn't score. Yes Contreras did make a mistake in that pitch to McFerson, BUT we could've easily won the game 4-3. (*NOTE: From looking at the replays Iguchi was safe at that wild pitch at the plate, and PODS was safe when he attempted to steal 2nd in the 7th. That could've been a couple extra runs.) Not to blaim the umps for the loss or anything. Taking 2 of 4 in Anahiem is nothing to be ashaimed of. The Angels are also a 1st place team and they also have solid pitching. We play Texas next, Texas has the power- but doesn't have the pitching. If B-Mac, Jon G, and Mark B. pitch 3 quality starts, I like the chances of take 2 of 3 against them. If we do that we went 6-4 on a pretty difficult road trip.
  13. According to Scot Gregor of the Daily Herald: "there are rumblings that starting pitcher Naoyuki Shimuzu, the ace of the Chiba Lotte Marines, wants to play for the White Sox next season. Shimizu, reportedly a close friend of Iguchi's. So far Naoyuki is 4-4 with a 2.78 ERA this season." Hmm another japanese import. So far I'd say KW is 2 for 2 on those. I like the idea of bringing him here next season. Although the rotation is set for 2006, i still wouldn't mind the idea of having him in our pen or even putting Contreras in the pen next year. What do you guys think? For the first time that I can remember we have amazing depth in our rotation. If we add this guy to the mix- we could potentially have solid starters 1-7.
  14. Wow sounds like Frank is eager to get back. If I was KW I would make Frank play about 1 more week down there before he brings him up.
  15. QUOTE(YASNY @ May 25, 2005 -> 07:23 AM) The Twins, as expected, are not laying down for us. Yeah even though we are 5 games up, I'm still not comfortable. The Twins still scare me. Hmm maybe the wild-card will come out of the Central this year if the Sox and Twins and keep on winning? I am not counting on that though. If the Sox go to the playoffs it will be because they won the Central Division. But lets take one game at a time. C'mon Offense- its time to wake up.
  16. I think BMAC is an awesome insurance man to come up when any of the pitchers go down. If we ended up trading Contreras or El-duque to a team and bring up BMAC to replace them, what happens if some other pitcher gets hurt? Plug in Neal Cotts? Than we will go through another 5th starter black hole. What I'm saying is- its better to have 6 solid starters than 5- in case of injury.
  17. C'mon Freddy! Do what you did @ Wrigley and shut-em down! I expect the Sox to show alittle more offense than these last few games. Washburn is good but he's no Zambrano, Prior, Sanatana?, or Colon. Lets get an early lead and coast.
  18. Colon is dangerous as hell. And since its his birthday- I expect him to be extra dangerous. For us to win, we will need to get into their bullpen. Buerhle needs to counter Colon's zeros with his own. I hope Pods doesn't have the day off today. If anything put Ozuna at 3rd base. Crede is in a 3-35 slump- thats grose.
  19. I don't know about you guys but even a 5 game lead ahead of Minnesota doesn't make me comfortable. Esspecially since its still only May. We need to have a successful road trip. Like split in Anaheim or take 3 of 4 and take 2 of 3 in Texas. If we do that we should be in great shape. I'm not sure how much longer Garland can keep this up, but I like his chances tonite in his home-state. Keep it up Jon G!!!!
  20. Shut em down B-Mac!! I know you can do it!!!!! Can we actually sweep them at Wrigley?!? GO SOX!!
  21. I know this sounds like one of the 'Nightmare On Elm Street' flicks, but FREDDY'S BACK!!!!!!! What an awesome performance.
  22. They just said on the score Carl Everett will be out in RF for tommorows game. Ozzie doens't want him getting stale on the bench. Todays game it appears to be Dye out in RF. Anybody got the starting lineups yet?
  23. Tommorow couldn't come sooner! I hope Garcia brings his A game. I expect big things out of him. He cant lose 3 games in a row!! My pick-to-click for tommorow is Jermaine Dye, call me crazy but I think he is finally locked in. What are your guys picks-to-click?
  24. QUOTE(fathom @ May 19, 2005 -> 10:16 PM) (anyone remember Gload in RF vs the Cubs last year?). Oh yes! I was pretty pissed when that happend. Garland was pitching an awesome game vs Prior that day also. And once Gload did that Garland went downhill and we lost. Last year they swept us at Wrigley. Its pay-back time!! As far as Dye in RF- I agree with ya. Having solid Dee at Wrigley is a must.
  25. Do you guys think Ozzie will put Everett or Dye out in RF? I would assume Dye since he seems to have found his swing again. I'm guessing the lineup will look like this: Pods LF Iguchi 2B Rowand CF Konerko 1B Pierzynski C Dye RF Uribe SS Crede 3B Garcia/Contreras/El-duque Will Everett be out in RF at all this series? I think at least 1 game he will.
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