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Everything posted by MEANS

  1. I'm confused, I thought Tyrion let on that he knew and Sansa had the reaction on her face like dam Jon lied to me about who knew....
  2. MEANS


    Sounds like some of you never had a manger quit on you before.
  3. MEANS


    He started off Friday with an incorrect answer, then shortly after answered another question wrong.
  4. MEANS


    Yeah i've been watching and it is very impressive, I've even seen him do a true daily double and get it wrong then still come back to have enough money not to be caught in Final Jeopardy. He also picks from the bottom and is always trying to find the daily doubles. I do not think he's any smarter / quicker than others like Ken or Brad but man he just bets huge sums of money.
  5. even if they could do it with little backstory the payoff is meh....we have already seen them bring back another "dead" character....this just seems tired and lazy.
  6. it just feels tired...too may EU stories with the emperor had a clone...etc. Just move on with the story already. It just feels like it would need a lot of story telling to make this all connect and I don't feel the payoff will be worth it. We'll see....right now I'm not too excited.
  7. Can't stand that they have the emperor involved back in this. Even if he turns out to be a force ghost on the wreckage of the DSII.
  8. Did we really need that? Shit was a throwaway movie bitd...
  9. Learn how to use the text on path function!!!
  10. then thankfully you are not a New England Patriots fan.
  11. "You guys are still up watching the Tri-Lam's?"
  12. MEANS

    ChiBeria 2019

    Just moved here a year ago, yeah it rains from Nov-May but it's perfect all summer. sunny and 50º today
  13. A sources check mark next to their name... a la Twitter.
  14. yeah I see the M one on his Insta now, the other one I found is a parody of the MLB logo with him in silhouetted making a throw while falling down.
  15. If it's not a Sox logo (and it does look like one) could it be a personal logo? Something like the silhouette of him post swing, like Griffey Jr. I did a search for a logo for Manny and didn't find anything, but maybe it hasn't been revealed yet. nevermind, I did find his personal logo and it doesn't look like that.
  16. That could be said about fans of any team. They may have more bandwagon/meatball fans than most but trust me there are plenty of Yankee fans that know baseball.
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