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Everything posted by MEANS

  1. I went into the third episode knowing about the theory that William is Ed Harris's character from 30 years earlier but I'm not sure if that works for me. I enjoyed the 3rd episode more than the 2nd, but it's still all a bit confusing to really get into.
  2. Could that be Tarkin at 3:35? hmmmm Krennic looks to be on the right side of the scene talking to somebody.
  3. Vader is going to force choke Krennic to death for letting the Rebels get those Death Star plans, and it will be so awesome.
  4. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 5, 2016 -> 10:46 AM) I drive regularly up to 5 or 6 hours and its a godsend. I'm driving to Cincy this weekend and I get to rest my legs for hours at a time and the car does the work. Its amazing. I LOVE this feature on my new Mazda, so glad I got it.
  5. "The Thread Polluter"™ ....love it.
  6. Thought this thread was going to be about Robin going to Spring Training next year...
  7. I bought a Mazda CX-5 last month, totally loaded. I love it. I also want to thank all the fellow SoxTalk posters in this thread with tips/advice for purchasing a new car. I hadn't done it in 14 years and that was my first experience. I said I would never do what I did that day, which was basically buy a new car on my first day of shopping. I did plenty of research this time, test drove a bunch of cars and then had the dealerships try to beat each other on price. I got them down a good amount and it all went smooth on the day I decided to make my purchase.
  8. wait what? Did I miss something about a jury member going back in?
  9. bye bye Paulie....man that round trip/one way trip thing turned out to be pointless, at least they did show us who had the winning ticket.
  10. Yeah cast is pretty week this season, I did however enjoy Victor's speech during the nomination, almost reminded me a bit of evil dick...his season was THE best.
  11. wow james with some epic gafs last night.....so long Mama Da. The house sure did call the upcoming double eviction, by the end of next Thursday the knives will be out!
  12. team PP's plan went perfectly last night however I wish Paulie didn't let Z know their thoughts...could come back to bite him in the ...
  13. and I don't know why we have to explain it to you every August....root for the young guys to develop, hope everyone stays healthy and lose lose lose.
  14. So sorry for your loss. Fighting back the tears as I type this.
  15. Michelle stayed strong and didn't let salesman Frank get to her.
  16. Stay strong, sending positive vibes your way.
  17. Bye Bye Tiff, we'll see tonight if she can get back in, but out of the 5 I'd want Bronte in just because she is the least annoying which isn't saying much at all.
  18. eh, I'd rather Da'Vonne be next Paulie doesn't bother me.
  19. Hopefully Paulie can keep everyone on track to get out Tiffany and not let the temptation of booting Da'Vonne get to them. One drama queen at a time.
  20. So Frank was pulling all the strings last night but might have screwed up by putting Bronte up. Who slaps there mom or grandma on the ass....? WTF?
  21. Some beef is big and some beef is small But what ya'll call beef is not beef at all Beef is real life happening every day And it's realer than them songs you gave to Kayslay This has been a real n****s P.S.A From Mos Def pretty flaco Black Dante And the Black Star Embassy B to the K! - Mos Def
  22. Red Sox in violation of international signing system. caught
  23. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jun 30, 2016 -> 08:10 AM) greg complains about how the team has no fire and no one wants to fight the Royals, yet wants to get rid of the one guy who actually has gotten in a fight with them. Once Greg hates a player there's really no going back for him. Show him all the stats you want, he'll just bury his head further in the sand. It's his M.O. for this message board.
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