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Everything posted by MEANS

  1. nice game MB, 2 in a row for him.
  2. when it rains it pours...nice C.LEE
  3. they should watch the tape from this game before all of their games
  4. time for frank to get in on the fun.....
  5. everybody safe...way to hustle again willie
  6. very nice inning MARK way to not get rattled
  7. nice inning, hopefully they'll will start to do this more consistently, not every 4 or 5 games
  8. or I'd be happier with that...tag
  9. yup, lately we seem to score a run or two and then sit back the next inning
  10. nice 1-2-3 inning good to see us not let them scored after we score for once
  11. 1-0, nice way to save face JOSE
  12. HE GAWN...not a bad start for Mark, he almost fell off the mound though....
  13. yeah I know I am chill, I'm just trying to keep things positive today...I was being a little down on them the last 2 days...wonder why...lol
  14. then why are you even following the sox today...just throw in the towel then
  15. see that's the way to start things off
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