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Everything posted by iWiN4PreP

  1. LOOL stupid yankees LOL. end score : 3-2 winning play : collide in outfield that'd be great to end the yankees year. lool
  2. Does anyone have a pic of the shirt? I would be intrested in getting one. also from what online store could i buy one for good price? im from florida.
  3. iWiN4PreP


    lol, search was on when i found it .
  4. AHH Marrioti just said the Angels are a better form then the white sox ! OMFG NO! PLEASE FOR HEAVENS SAKE YANKEES WIN
  5. Thats beautiful . thanks a million - Great sig =) !
  6. lmfao fo-sho, soxtalks best sig maker..
  7. iWiN4PreP


    yeah, i have a facebook as well, i dont use it at all tho - never got into it .
  8. If you have time and are willing to make a fellow white sox fan a sig. id be very much grateful . I would like it to say : iWin4Prep and in a corner or something in smaller font "Win or Die Trying" I would like it to either be : Black/ White ish theme ^^See my curent sig for example or Purple / Pinkish theme ^^Thats an example of that I ask for a new sig because i've only really had one white sox type sig - and that was my old shingo takatsu one, and look where shingo is now.. lol. I would appreciate any player on my sig, prefrenced with : 1: Aj Pierzinski Scott Pods Aaron Rowand Paul konerko Mark Buehrle Tadahito 1: Juan Uribe OR just any picture you find that suits your sig. I put a 1 next to the players who id really like to have a sig on. I appreciate any sig made, and hope to find one that i fall in love with. Thanks
  9. iWiN4PreP


    Didn't want to start a new topic But, i got a myspace : www.myspace.com/dasox its pretty awsome . I get alot of my images from this site, and people on this site, i had one of the movies on my myspace a while back. If some1 need some help with layouts, or any help with myspace just PM me, and if anyone wants to - add me as a freind .
  10. agreed 100% tho ill also say this : the nfl announcers are SO much better then the ESPN baseball announcers we had in the whitesox/redsox games, its amazing how well i get into a game when its good announced.
  11. I love it - its a way of recognition to our best bat. "Paul-ie Paulie" just gets the intensity going in a big-at-bat However - some1 on this board said something that usually when the paulie chant erose's - then paulie ends up getting out - im not sure if thats true all the time or not, but that wud suck if it had something mentally wrong with paulie and made him try to hard lol
  12. same, white sox look amazing right now.
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