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Everything posted by vandy125

  1. QUOTE(briguy27 @ Jun 23, 2007 -> 12:03 AM) Singleton's terrible. 1 game last year the Sox had 1 run in each of the first 4 innings, and he goes "If the Sox get 1 run in every inning, they'll end up with 12 runs." What?! Wouldn't that be 9? I wouldn't use last year as an example. He started out absolutely horrible his first year, but has gotten much, much better. He was extremely difficult to listen to last year.
  2. I'll take the non-injured guy...
  3. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 21, 2007 -> 05:29 PM) It's not even related to the post specifically but just about all the people blathering about "This foreign country. I am going to help this place thousands of miles away!" I'm just saying that there are a bunch of people who end up walking over the homeless guy on the corner -- kicking him out of the way, to try to go be charitable to whatever cliche cause hits the news (9/11, Darfur, et al.) It's more of a condemnation of the people who can't get off their rhetoric clogged asses to actually do anything about the local issues they see in front of their faces every day. I'm curious if other people feel the same way as me (since this thread has already been hijacked). I usually go to help out at a soup kitchen or donate my money to the United Way instead of handing my money out to the homeless on the street. I just feel uncomfortable with that because I'm not sure of where that money will go. Anyone feel the same way, or do you have no qualms about giving a bit of money to someone on the street? Maybe I am overreacting.
  4. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 21, 2007 -> 11:44 AM) I think you are right on about the firesale trigger being the series this weekend. And it should be, unless you want to wait two weeks until the ASB and I'm sorry, as much as I always hold off until that date each year, if they tank this series I hardly think two weeks is going to mark any turnaround. I mean, think about it: we just lost consecutive series to: the Phillies, the Pirates and FLORIDA. All NL teams!! One more NL team series loss and I think it's fair to say we're done. Speaking of which, when WAS our last winning streak? I know we haven't had one this year and I remember noting all second half last year that we had none. I do not think we've had a streak of wins since 1st half 2006. Anybody know? What do you mean by streak? We had a 3 game streak in May and a 4 game streak in May as well. Are you looking for 5 games?
  5. QUOTE(Brian @ Jun 20, 2007 -> 04:39 PM) Really? I have MLB.tv and it blacks out the Sox game TV feed but gameday audio always works. It is more of a matter on what sites are blocked where I am at as opposed to the actual gameday audio. That type of stuff is blocked. So, even if I could find a web site that did stream it, I doubt that it would work. I also am a bit far away to pick up the AM signal. It's just a situation that there is no way to listen to live commentary unless I take the day off. Some people do not have access to that.
  6. QUOTE(WHITESOXRANDY @ Jun 20, 2007 -> 12:11 PM) I don't know if it's true but I heard that he taught Fidel Castro the forkball when they were kids. I say trade him now before one of the other GM's sees him using his AARP card. Uhhh...I hope that you are kidding about that. Fidel was born in 1926 and is over 80 years old. I'm pretty sure that Jose was not a kid when Fidel was a kid.
  7. QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 20, 2007 -> 03:50 PM) Listen online. I'm not watching it either yet I was able to tell it was a solid hit, not to mention the guy is having a great day at the plate. Common sense. Not always an option. For example, me, that is blocked even though I have GameDay.
  8. So, I'm starting this new thing. I'm just going to watch the ballgames until the bullpen comes in. I can save myself a lot of heart ache by doing that.
  9. BOO WCIU! I never get those games out here. I would love to see Danks pitching.
  10. QUOTE(Wanne @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 03:04 PM) As well as Javy IMO. Resigning Mark is a must I think and build around Mark, Garland and Danks...and go from there. All this talk about rebuilding the rotation for the upcoming years...really makes me regret they didn't have the naddies to take Porcello. And how much money is it going to take to sign him, if he is signable....? Wouldn't that also cut away from being able to afford Mark's contract?
  11. QUOTE(AirScott @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 12:07 PM) While Konerko's with us on a 5/$60 million contract, Baltimore offered him 5/65. There is actually a very good analysis of the situation a bit further down on this web site: Konerko Contract Just search the page for the heading: Did Konerko Take Less Money He actually would have had less take home pay with Anaheim and with Baltimore. He did not take less money to be in Chicago. It was the highest offer.
  12. QUOTE(AirScott @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 07:56 AM) This article, and the one in the Sun-Times, really encourage me about the situation in that we know what Buehrle is thinking. Remember after he joked that he'd like to play for the Cardinals, then was grilled and said he'd want to spend his career with the Sox and then maybe go to St. Louis for his twilight years? Looks like he's sticking by that sentiment. It appears he can be had on the free agent market for 5 years - $90 million. Konerko took $5 million less ($1 million per year) to stay here instead of go to Baltimore or Anaheim. Buehrle might be willing to do the same type of thing -- he proposed to his wife on a hunting stand. IIRC, Konerko did not take less to come here than any of the other offers. On the surface it appeared to be so and was definitely good PR, but when you consider taxes on all of the offers, they came out to be the same.
  13. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 08:52 AM) Why doesn't he just save himself some time and only prepare to be a seller... I think he and Ozzie are the only ones in baseball who believe the Sox can turn this around (if Ozzie even does). If you come right out and say "I'm looking to sell!" What does that do to the price of the players? It makes that drop. If they know you are looking to get rid of some players they know that it won't take a really good deal to pry them from your hands.
  14. QUOTE(BearSox @ Jun 18, 2007 -> 04:00 PM) It's even worse at six flags. It's like 5 bucks for like half a cup. It's the "ice cream of the future". I guess that includes prices with inflation as well
  15. QUOTE(BearSox @ Jun 18, 2007 -> 03:57 PM) How do you know? Have you actually ever gone inside my brain and saw what I was seeing when I was watching a baseball game? If you have, that is a big invasion of my privacy. Do you spend at least 40 hours a week looking at swings, studying tape, talking with professional baseball players? I seriously doubt that.
  16. So, he was just walking around in his underpants....
  17. Isn't there going to be a pretty good FA market out there this offseason? IIRC, this offseason will be the one to sign good FAs while they are all available at once.
  18. Have you ever thought about what the cost of illegal immigration is? Problems caused by illegal imigration 1. Health care costs and other social services go high/get overwhelmed. 2. Jobs they are working do not improve in wages, benefits, or conditions. That is the true reason why many Americans will not work these positions. It is a situation that is an enabler for companies to not have to improve things for their workers. 3. Taxes are not paid. So, the money that they do make does not go towards paying for the services that they are using. 4. Why should anyone even try to be a legal immigrant of you are going to let others slide through? 5. Undocumented people in the system that could be threats or criminals just overwhelming our prison system as well. This may be a small percentage that are actually threats, but it is still there. Looking back at reasons 1-3, it ends up that we (the true taxpayers) are paying for the benefits that would be paid by the companies if they worked with legal immigrants. So, our services are overwhelmed and underfunded that the illegals end up with access to, and that should not be needed if the company they were working for actually paid for these benefits. The burden of benefits has been shifted over to the American taxpayer and to the LEGAL immigrants so that we can live in a more dangerous country with an over-bloated social program. Yay hard-working illegals! How about we work towards a way to allow more legal immigrants into the country? It is better for everyone involved.
  19. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 14, 2007 -> 04:11 PM) Hopefully some team will take a flier on Erstad and Pods, they'll do nothing for this team but take away playing time from players who might actually have a chance of returning next season. Erstad's return will only take ABs away from Terrero which is a damn shame. ^^^^ That was the first thing my mind jumped to. I enjoy watching Terrero play right now. Will he still be around?
  20. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 14, 2007 -> 02:07 PM) He also did add that pretty good split finger pitch at the end of last year. New pitch=new problem? That is one of the things I was thinking about.
  21. Just a thought to throw out there on this. Could it be that Freddy's arm was actually ok when he was traded with the only problem being that it was tired from being overworked? Since it was tired, he may have changed something mechanically that eventually led to this injury. We all know that he was a different pitcher and doing different things last year. Maybe that just caught up to him this year. I don't know, I'm just throwing something out there and seeing if it will stick.
  22. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jun 13, 2007 -> 10:07 PM) There you go, assuming that Nuke is anti-immigrant, when he is anti ILLEGAL immigrant. Do you think the laws governing LEGAL entry into this country should be erased and ignored/ ^^^^^ Fix our immigration laws. Don't coddle illegal immigrants.
  23. Does anyone have any wireless headphones? If so, do you like them? Do they work out well? I am looking into buying some, but want to make sure that I don't buy a piece of crap. It would also be nice to have it hooked up to my Ipod that I can just leave sitting in my bag on the bus. I hate dealing with those wires.
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