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Everything posted by vandy125

  1. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 02:33 AM) I voted no way, but I can't remember the last time I paid for MSOffice or any software whatsoever. In other words, I like pirates. And am I delirous, or did there used to be a day when Microsoft Word came free on Windows machines? I think that it was Microsoft Works that came for free.
  2. I am also impressed that only 13% have never heard about it. Whenever things like this come out, I am usually surprised by the amount of people in the US who do not know about something. Ever watch Jay Leno's "Jay Walking", 1 vs 100, or Street Smarts? They ask a lot of "easy" questions that many people do not get.
  3. QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Jan 11, 2007 -> 02:17 PM) At least there are two of us... Though I assume that one is not yours. It isn't mine, but I do watch just about all of them from time to time except for Footballer's wives. Its a pretty good show.
  4. I'm cheap. So, I haven't really bought much of anything there, but they do have very nice/clean bathrooms that I stop in instead of the mall ones.
  5. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jan 16, 2007 -> 11:16 AM) This show was absolutely amazing. Wow. I don't get how they can keep doing it, but they find a way. I was stunned when he died. Are we sure that he is dead? I could never actually decide whether or not he had died. It looked like a shot to the shoulder.
  6. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 13, 2007 -> 10:42 PM) I scored a 19 and ended up exactly where I expected... Near the middle leaning a little liberal. I actually agree with that. I have an issue with a two party system. Yuo are either one or th eother. If you side left, the right will paint you as a leftist libral... even if you arent. And once you are branded, you're stuck with it! A middle party right between the two would be great. Totally agree. There are a lot of things that I like with one party, but not with the other and vice-versa. I would just like to see one candidate that I actually agreed with more than 60% of the time.
  7. Veronica Mars 24 Boston Legal Lost Heroes Office Earl Grey's Amazing Race Family Guy Simpsons American Dad Jericho Studio 60 OC Prison Break 30 Rock Footballer's Wives Roswell Those are the one's I can think of anyhow. Not all of them are mine, of course.
  8. 23, Question #3 made me think for a while. Who do you trust more? I really couldn't say that I trusted either union leaders or business execs, and I also really couldn't say I trusted either professional athletes or team owners. I would have to know them to decide.
  9. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Jan 9, 2007 -> 01:48 PM) This guy is on ESPNews right now and said he didn't vote for them because of the steroid era and because no one has ever had a unanamous vote and he doesn't have a big enough EGO to change that tradition. Just a big enough one to get splashed all over the national media. Maybe he can write a book about it later.
  10. Guy sounds like a tool who just wanted the national spotlight. "Hey look at me!"
  11. Don't change it until they win another WS.
  12. QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 27, 2006 -> 11:56 AM) The chances are slim and none. And Slim just left town. Thanks Yas, I just wanted to hear someone put it in black and white like that.
  13. I keep hearing talk from different people on this site about signing Roger Clemens to a 1-year deal here. I love the idea, but I am wondering if there is any merit to the talk. Is there any chance that he can/will be signed? If so, what are the chances? What is there that needs to go into getting Clemens to sign here?
  14. Weren't we supposedly pretty close to getting Griffey at one point? I am glad that never happened!
  15. QUOTE(agame @ Dec 22, 2006 -> 10:05 AM) I thought this article was interesting. I'm sure it was hard for Sox management to be in the top 5 payrolls and come up short of the playoffs. I for one agree with the balanced approach of having young and old. Hopefully there won't be a pitching fire sale (I doubt it), but we need get younger and cheaper guys to do something. I wonder where we'll be in 2007. http://www.telegram.com/apps/pbcs.dll/arti...583/1009/SPORTS I'm curious if that is just the average salary for the players on the team, or if it takes into account whether or not another team is paying part of the salary?
  16. I got the New Year's support this year. Shouldn't be too bad though.
  17. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Dec 20, 2006 -> 11:48 AM) Who is playing LF, CF, SS? And no, the correct answers should not be Pods, BA and the Tazmanian Devil Free Swinger Juan Uribe. LF - Pods (guy who has been injured and may return back to full speed, of course maybe he won't) CF - BA (has had ONE full season. ONE. Excellent defender who has hit well at every level. You may want to give him a chance instead of pulling the reactionary crap). SS - Juan Uribe (one of the best defenders out there. He has hit decently before, and he can do it again. Unless you know of a better option that will not destroy the team's future for a slightly better improvement).
  18. Woohoo TWood! You would think that I would know something like that having gone to the same high school as him, but I never met him (he was a couple grades above me). Just one of those guys I keep track of a bit. I would hate to see him go to the Cubs. I don't think I could cheer for him then.
  19. QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 08:54 AM) Garland was THISCLOSE to being traded a few days ago. It almost happened. It was reported. Now whether we choose to believe that since hes still here, hes not going anywhere, or since his name surfaced in that deal and why are we considering trading im is topic for endless discussion. The bottom line is, the SOX Organization has heard the grumblings from the fanbase and come out and made this statement. Kudos. Its a good PR move The problem with it "almost" happening is that we do not know what else would have happened as a result of a Garland trade. That "almost" includes things further down the line that we do not know about unless we are sitting right there with KW while he is planning things out. So, we still don't know if the deal would have really been knocking off a bunch of payroll or if it would have lead to the addition of something else that even adds payroll.
  20. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Nov 25, 2006 -> 10:53 PM) Mmhmm, I'm with a girl who'll appreciate a cute pair of socks, dinner and something handmade or handwritten (a poem, for instance). In other words, she's a cheap man's dream. For Christmas I'll probably just get her socks, a love letter and, perhaps, a teddy bear. She asked me what I wanted and I said that you can never go wrong with a book, socks or baseball cards. She plays video games, too, so I might get her a game but I don't think so. I'm just glad to know that I'm with a girl who isn't materialistic and will smile if she gets a pair of socks. (Not that I give socks out at random: she and I are both sock people. Meaning we wear socks to bed and we don't like to go barefoot.) Don't go with the video game. My wife said that she liked a particular game when we were dating, and I got her that game as one of her Christmas presents. That was four years ago and she still brings it up and shakes her head.
  21. Has anyone thought about the park factor? RFK vs. Wrigley. IMO, his stats will be similar to last year. I think that the non-contract year will bring his stats down, but the move to Wrigley will pull that back up. So, I see it as a wash. Anybody else think that?
  22. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Nov 15, 2006 -> 06:04 PM) Am I talking to a brick wall? Wite, I like you man, but this is going way over you head. How on earth are you going to add the posting fee into the payroll when it doesn't count as payroll? It makes zero sense to me. This is why I didn't want to continue with this nonsense. I guess I'll be counting the money the White Sox spent on renovations the last five years, as well as money spent on developing the farm, and all other moneys that don't belong included in the payroll included in the payroll. I see what you are talking about with it not counting towards the payroll, but when you compare it to renovations, it does not fit in either. How long do you feel those renovations will last? How long will this pitcher last? $51 million for 3 years of service sounds a lot worse than $51 million for 15-20 years of service.
  23. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Nov 10, 2006 -> 01:18 AM) So, the choices are really hard, painful rehab for 8 weeks, or to go under the scope in an out patient procedure and Joe chooses rehab? Joe is a tough kid. It sounded to me like if he did the rehab, he would still be able to do some practicing and work on different things, but if he did the surgery, he would have to stop all of that for a while. It is much easier to maintain the shape that you are in then to have to start again after a long break.
  24. I hope that Crede sticks to the plan and does what the trainers tell him needs to be done. I was talking to a big Twins fan, and he was saying that the word was that Liriano could have saved himself from surgery and from a lot of problems if he had followed what the trainers were telling him to do.
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