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Everything posted by joeynach

  1. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Jul 5, 2006 -> 12:28 PM) Jealousy: It's a motherf***er I'll bet that you voted for AJ a bunch of times, yeah? If so, then the same s*** that you're talking (ie "nothing better to do") about Red Sox fans also applies to you. If you're a fan of a particular team, you vote for the players of that particular team, unless, of course, we're talking about wack-ass Scotty Pods. My case is that vote for the guy if he deserves to go. I did not vote 100x for Juan Uribe and Brian Anderson becuase they are on my team. You either deserve to go or you dont. Varitek is a sub .250 batter this year and was leading the catcher votes until basically the last day, thats a joke hes having an awful year and his name should have been no where near the top. I would not vote for AJ over and over if he didn't deserve it, but he does, hes hitting .327!!! QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 5, 2006 -> 12:50 PM) And the White Sox have 6. Yeah, there's such a huge f***ing discrepancy between how many players we have and how many they have. So much so that it's the WHITE SOX vs. the NL. Is your memory short. I remember in the 90s all the all star teams were basically the yankees vs the NL. Torre was the manager of all the all star teams and brought in a ton of yankee players. The difference is at least all our guys are having all star caliber years and deserve. I think i remember the yankees having like Oneal, Tino, and bernie all go when they were hitting like .270-.280 with avg homer and avg rbi.
  2. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jul 5, 2006 -> 10:35 AM) If Ozzie is going to name Crede as a replacement, he should wait until this AJ voting ends. AJ is going to need votes from non-White Sox fans. Another White Sox on the team would probably hurt his chances just because a lot of people will think the Sox have too many players on the team as it is. AJ has a tough road to win this vote as it is, considering his lack of popularity around the league. If he wins, nobody should ever question White Sox fans loyalty and determination ever again. As far as naming Maggs, maybe the sensitivity training worked. There is no way AJ gets voted in. The best all around player in this vote is Liriano but he wont go becuase no one in Minny will do enough to get him in. Apparently Mark Loretta is a stud which i guess the entire league and GM missed out on and oh yeah Varitek and his awsome .240 avg were a stepping stone away from getting voting in. Im surprised Willie Harris didn't get voted in by the red sox fan retards. Seriously though, AJ deserves to go he is having an all star year and better than the one he had in 2002 when he was an all star with a .300 Avg, 6 homers and 39 rbi. He is gonna blow past those numbers this year.
  3. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 5, 2006 -> 09:17 AM) So, one way or another, he'd be lying? Isn't Alex Rios on the DL too with that leg infection. That makes two open spots if this is the case. No Manny and no Rios would mean two new players, I think at least one has to be an outfielder so that our team has enough.
  4. This is a joke. The only problem here is the gap between generations, anyone aged 12 to 30 used the word f.a.g. to refer to someone in the same manner as a jerk, idiot, dumbass, a-hole, co--sucker, loser, etc. And we all know it. My parents aged 55 know me and by friends and roomates call each other f.a.g.s all the time, now they dont use that word amongst themselves and their friends and to describe other people but we do. Im not saying right or wrong, thats just the way it us in our generation, get used to it. Sorry its not bug selig and greg couches generation, they just seem to not get it. I mean everytime someone calls someone a "BUM" is that the most offensive thing ever becuase it describes a homeless person. Gimmie a break, grow up, stop whining about words, and understand language and terms change from generation to generation.
  5. Use google earth to get the exact distance i got something around 447. Just zoom into the ballpark and draw a line measued in feet from homeplate to where the ball landed ( from the replay) in the grass area in center and you will get the distance. Its that easy.
  6. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 04:27 PM) I started this project in 2005 to see how the attendance had progressed over the season. Now I plan on keeping up with it this year as well. Those 40000+ games in October helped last year. Oh my god an attendance thread...If this was WSI there would have to be an FBI style blanket thrown over this topic and suspensions would be handed down.
  7. QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 02:00 PM) We were at the ballpark last week on a work outing, president of the company got to enjoy US Cellular Field for the 1st time (hes from nebraska) hes been to that other park a thousand times, and just mentioned just how much "fun" he had at the Cell and that the Bratwurst he had had to be the best hes ever had. Apparently people in Nebraska are now wondering just how good our Brats really are. Any similar stories? Us jewish people, inlucing Mr. Reinsdorf himself, will tell you its the grilled Best Kosher Dogs (w/ grilled onions of course), and mustard only. The best ever, hands down.
  8. I was also wondering if Uribes uncharacteristic defensive lapses recently are stemming from his physical condition. To me he seems about 10 pounds bigger (fatter) than last year. It might explain some aberrations in his routine defense with different ranges of motion being heavier than normal. Just wondering if thats my mind trying put something together or if there is anything to this thought??
  9. Remember last year when uribe was hitting like .210 and .220 and then all of a sudden he picked up this leg kick to help his timing. After that he started being more productive and having better at bats. This year the leg kick in his swing is gone and once again he is struggling to hit .200. Am I onto something here??
  10. Looking at the tigers schedule they have only played 7 games against teams currently over .500. In those games they are 3-4 including being swept at home by us. They are also 19-8 against teams currently under .500 and 2-1 against the A's who are currently a .500 team. It seems they have played a lot of Minn, Cle (who is really stuggling), Balt, Sea, and KC to make their hot start. The purpose of this is not to compare them to the sox, you can if you want, and our schedule but to show sometimes the weak schedule can be decieving from such a small sample of games. P.S We have only played 6 games against team above .500 teams, we are 5-1.
  11. Now that is awsome....I cant believe they just did that, SWEEEETTT!!
  12. are we done now with the fluky irregular s*** and can resume playing normal white sox baseball
  13. Its like they are just teeing off, they know him and his pitches to well is what it seems like. First pitch fastball crushed, curve crushed, its like they dont care they see everything before it happens and cant not get a hit.
  14. I remeber when Vazquez faced the Blue Jays and had that one terrible inning, to me it mirrored yesterdays game against the twins. Oz and the sox said they thought Vazquez was tiping his pitches to the Jays becuase they never saw so many hitters swing at nothing but the fastball and take every breaking pitch. In that game he wound up giving up a solid 6 or 7 runs in a bad inning again all with 7 or 8 hits staked together. The same thing happened last night, and if you watch very closely the twins hitters all got their hits on fastballs. They didn't even attempt to swing at any thing else and this seems a little fishy again. The whole situation was identical to the toronto game and I thought something was up again last night, expecially when some of the worst hitters in the game stack 7 to 8 hits against one of the best pitchers, all sitting on and only swinging at fastballs.
  15. Right now its 3 to 1 Dye will have reinjured his calf as a result of that baserunning with the abrupt stop after rounding third there. Any takers??
  16. I noticed tonight AJ is wearing one of those new sleaker batting helmets for 06 that all the other teams are wearing. But I noticed only AJ is wearing it on our team, none of the others. I actually kind of like them, I wish everyone would wear em.
  17. Nelson hasn't pitched in awhile. He will get some time getting back in the groove of things in minor leagues and then make his way up here probably by the end of the month. Give him some time to get his arm strength up and his pitches moving and he will be here soon enough. Its obvious Logan will most likely go down, thornton is out of options.
  18. QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ May 5, 2006 -> 05:37 PM) You're way off base. Lets start off with a question: Have you ever torn or strained your calf muscle? It's no joke, and it's not something that you can play through--because it almost certainly will get worse--like Dye's did. I partially tore my calf last year, and I was layed up for about a month and a half. I would try and go for a run and it would get extremely sore about 10 minutes in. I'm sure that's what happened to Dye the game he had to come out. And why does Dye need to go on the DL? Who are we going to bring up that is better than Ozuna/Gload? In case you haven't noticed, Chris Young and Jeremy Reed have been traded. And I wouldn't say the lineup has really missed Dye. Sure, we miss his 950 OPS and protection for Kong, but we've been doing OK without him. I don't think the offense can keep it up without a healthy Dye, but a week or two won't hurt too much. I was in reference to Magglois Injury in 04 when he collided with Willie. Maggs was held out of the lineup for several days, but when came back everyone breathed a huge sigh of releif with just a calf or muscle strain. He continued to play for sometime before finally going down with the nagging problem being diagnosed a meniscus tear. Then when he came back for that 1 game in cleveland July 31 I think it was and re-strained the muscle he was done for the year. So far to me this whole situation mirrors something just like that same situation. An injury that should be minor, why has it been a months worth of bothering him. Now 5 str8 days out the lineup this weeks, sometime out of the lineup last week. All sounds a little fishy for a mere strain and nothing else.
  19. QUOTE(fathom @ May 5, 2006 -> 09:14 AM) It doesn't sound as promising as it did when he initially hurt it. They said he was limping in the clubhouse on Wednesday. I am starting to get really frustrated with this whole dye situation. This injury has now been a huge question mark for our lineup the last 2 weeks. I dont know why they dont put hom on the dl, he obviously is injured enough to be so. What it sounds like is they are not too sure why he is so hurt from just a calf strain. To me it sounds like a tear to partial tear and possible torn miniscus. I think him not being on the DL is an absolute joke and unfair to this team. To have that question mark hang over the teams lineup everyday in the clubhouse is not fair to the other 25 guys. Someone should be called up to get some playing time since JD has basically been not ready to play for at least 7 days. You might as well Dl him maybe retro to last week and call someone up and give JD another 7 or 8 days off while you really investigate the source of his limping and calf situation.
  20. QUOTE(Goldmember @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 06:27 PM) I love it but you should move the calander and schedule part to the right side of the screen becuase peoples desktop icons cover the right side, where it is now. It would be easier to see the calander if it were on the left side of the image, like aprils.
  21. Did anyone else notice Garcia pitched entirely or almost entirely from the stretch today. What is up with that??
  22. What the hell happened to Matt Thornton, I haven't seen him pitch in weeks. Did something happen to him, is he hurt, whats the deal??
  23. The diagnosis was a Knot in the calf and some tightness. Said he was getting some treatment yesterday and then they would decide if he plays today. Does anyone have any info on his status, maybe they said something on the radio today?
  24. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Apr 5, 2006 -> 04:51 PM) Earlier in the game, Ozzie had Iguchi lay down a sac bunt. So Wedge just IBB'ed Thome to get to Konerko. And then Konerko GIDP'ed. That was Dusty-esque. Yeah all that has to happen in that situation is Paulie to stay out of the GIDP and move pays off. Anything except the GIDP puts the sox ahead in that situation, but they made the worst possible outcome. Not really outmanage, just bad execution and bad luck really.
  25. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Apr 5, 2006 -> 04:47 PM) If we lose this game, its because our hitters did nothing with men in scoring position. We had numerous chances to win this game. Thats true. But giving Michaels the best situation possible is inecusible on our part. It seems to me like ozzie and cooper were unprepared about this guy. Why would anyone knowingly let him hit a lefty with the game on the line if he is the best hitter in his league against lefties, doesn't make sense.
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