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Everything posted by joeynach

  1. And there goes the game to a guy most people have never heard of. How the hell did he go 4-5 against pitching he has never seen before.
  2. I think its safe to say there is something wrong with Scotty. Hes no 0 for on the year and looks lost at the plate. He just missed a crushable ball and he knows it, and thats probably the third or fourth cookie hes seen today. He seems really unbalanced in the box, moving around too much with his feet and body way too much. He usually has a nice smooth fluid motion with not much extra movement, it doens't look like that now.
  3. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Apr 5, 2006 -> 01:52 PM) Ughhh, so Dye's leg may be injured. Didn't he break his same leg twice? Yeah he did in 03, but that was when he batted a ball of himself I think. He hadn't even taken a swing in this one yet. Strange, hope its just cramps.
  4. This may sound dumb, but you do u get to the chat.
  5. QUOTE(JimH @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 02:19 PM) DJ is really harping on Garcia throwing soft. That tells me something, and what it tells me is something is wrong. Weird, i didnt even watch the game, but saw the score and figured freddy was throwing weak like he did in the spring. A 85-88 mph fastball is not gonna get it done, especially against the tribe.
  6. Does anyone else think we are going to destroy the tribe tomorrow night. I am going to be there and dont even think I will be able to get to sleep tonite I will be so excited. Sabathia has had an awful spring sporting an 0-2 record with a 8.35 era. He has pitched 18.1 innings giving up 17 ER, walked 10 and struck out 22. That combined with the sox always being one of the better lefty hitting teams out there really lines us up to lay an ass whooping tomorrow night. Does anyone else agree with me and think we are gonna bash them.
  7. Coming from the north you should be fine. Your right to just get off at roosevelt and take ashland on down to 31st or 35th and then head east. If it turns out 90/94 is packed coming through the city you might want to consider 294 south to 55 east and then coming in the same way using ashland south to 31st or 35th east to get to the park. The constuction sucks for people like me coming from the south burbs or NW indiana. We are probably going to have to take stoney island to lsd and come across west on 31st, thats my plan.
  8. I have seen the one about Booby Jenks wakeup or something where he is throwing breakfast sandwhiches at someone to wake them up. Its pretty funny I was hoping it would show up on youtube sometime soon.
  9. Does anyone know the status of the new Scout Seat restaurant and lounge that was supposed to be built. Obviously it wasn't completed for last year cuz they used that stupid tent outside in front of home plate that looks like the same one my mom rented for my high school graduation party. I thought it was supposed to be in place by now?? Man that tent is hideous and looks really out of place right in front of the park.
  10. QUOTE(ptatc @ Mar 29, 2006 -> 12:56 PM) Unfortunately, there are a number of signs for concern. 1) The pain is the the same muscle as the surgey. 2) The team thought it was bad enough to warrant the MRI 3) There was enough inflammation to show postive on the MRI 4) He was supposed to play yesterday until they got the results of the MRI 5) As a lefty hitter it's the rear leg and it stretches as he strides into the pitch. With all of these factors, the should be very conservative and not let him play until it's 100% which could take some time. I'm afraid he'll run into the trap of "it's good enough to play" and have it be a problem on and off throughout the season. As the quotes in the paper also indicate, he does not do well unless he is at 100%, as the high performance car analogy indicated. I would think about putting him on the 15 day dl to start the season. Remember its a 162 game marathon not a sprint. A not 100% healthy pods robs this team of what its capable of. Even though I love pods, at the end of the year I would evaluate his situation and perhaps thinkabout not brining him back and finding a new leadoff hitter. We just cant have this linger forever over the spark that makes this team work. If he can not be reliable he is not going to be on this team. KW always finds a replacment.
  11. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 11:17 AM) I didn't think the Michaels move was a big move and we did mention Mota going to the Indians. The problem is they aren't getting the Mota of a few years ago with the Dodgers, they are gettnig the one whose been injury riddled the past few years who inititially didn't pass his physical. I'll be the first to admit I wasn't clear on Batista or not, but I remembered Hudson was dealt. However, Troy Glaus will provide a lot of pop for that team, plus they have Catalanto who can play 2nd (not that he is a good defensive 2nd baseman). I'd agree with you that its a definate downgrade defensively. On a sidenote, thanks for the feedback. Its the only way we are going to get better. No problem. If you guys mentioned Mota, i must have not heard so thats my bad. I do like your show very much and agree with your assesment of the jays. If you ever need any replacement or anything like that I would be happy to help. Kepp up the good work!
  12. Guys during your talk about the central and tribe I liked the talk but you guys need to make sure you get everything right, especially with our competition. Part of the Crisp deal was to shore up the weak bullpen to get Mota from boston (who came from florida). He will be solid as a set up man replcement for Howry and right there to close if Wickman fails, as he did in Florida last year. He is a good pick up for the tribe bullpen, granted i believe the crisp departure hurts more, he was a sox killer. Also they signed Jason Michaels basically to replace crisp at a corner outfield spot. Michaels comes from Philly and should sport pretty solid numbers in Cleveland. The past two years he is averagin a .289 avg, with 7 hrs, and 36 rbi over 110 games a year. Project that out over about 150 games and you get 290 hitter with 10 hrs and about 50 rbi. All and all not too bad for a young hitter coming into his own and expect him to get better over time. Out Crisp Howry Milwood Elarton In Michaels Bryd Johnson (Jason) Mota Marte (prospect in AAA) Overall still a downgrade. Also as part of the troy glaus trade the Jays traded both Miguel Batista from their pen and Orlando Hudson their 2b. They defense will surely suffer from that.
  13. kick ass dude my computer looks sweet
  14. In this article from yahoo sports the author picks the sox to go back to the world series.....and lose. He predicts it will be the Sox, Tribe, Yanks, and A's out of the AL. With the sox beating the Tribe 4-3 in the ALCS and then losing to the Braves in the WS 4-2. http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=AufA...=yhoo&type=lgns He also makes his prediction for Cy Young, MVP, ROY, etc. While I agree with some of his assesments, and I do agree with his 4 AL playoff teams. I think if we get back to the WS, barring injury, there is no way we lose, our pitching is too strong, leadership is too strong, and now experience is too strong. We are goin back to back and everyone seems to know it.
  15. Anyone notice MB's fastball, it hasn't hit above 86 on the gun. I dont know if we should be worried about that but his fastball just looks not as good as usual. Just wondering if this is normal and hes still building or if its a cause for concern. MB is usually between 88-90 mph on his fastball.
  16. It looks to me like this guy tips his pitches pretty bad. You can see his grip on the ball during his wind up when he brings the ball back behind his lower back (ass). For a second or so the ball appears out to the side giving the batter a quick peak at the ball and his grip on the ball. That is called tipping your pitchers and its really obvious with this guy. Oh yeah and he doesn't seem to have anything else beside a fastball, his breaking pitch he never throws and its terrible. This guy is worse than adkins.
  17. QUOTE(fathom @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 03:30 PM) I know this won't surprise people, but I'm very concerned about Hermanson this season. I think he'll either end up on the DL for a significant period, or his ERA will be over 4.50. I agree with that assesment. I think his velocity has been wqay down from the beg of 05. It was somewhere between 91-93 at the beg of 05 and down to about 87-88 when he gave up that hr to cuddyear in 8th or 9th at home late in august i think. If he doesn't get that good well located fastball better along with his good splitter forget about him. Also iguchi is worring me as well. He really struggled in the playoffs and down the stretch last year with his swing. It became way way too big and he was obviously pulling of the ball and trying to pull everything. I remember in the ALCS every swing is body had already opened way up, something they teach not to do in little league and it killed is batting average and contact ability.
  18. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Feb 28, 2006 -> 11:42 PM) I suspect the people who are awed by the time it took to do this have never used Google Earth... I would estimate that it took about as long to type it up as it did to record the data. In any event, thanks for the info. Too bad the image is like from 2002 or something. It would be nice to see an aerial like that with the new and rennovated US Cellular Field.
  19. Im in, I am "Contract The Twins". Game on b****es.
  20. QUOTE(TLAK @ Feb 10, 2006 -> 06:58 AM) I think they are recaulking between the concrete slabs under the seats. The same concrete we walk on also serves as the roof over the club houses and all the under deck stuff in the park. It is exposed to the weather year round and you don't want any leaks screwing up the stuff below. Think about the scale of the operation, you don't use a little squeezy gun like Tom Silva doing a room addition, you pump it in from 55 gal drums, with the seats out they can get at everything. I guess you could say that one man's floor is another man's cieling. har Yeah I mean the facility is 15 years old. How long are stadiums generally designed for 30-40 years of operation. So we are somewhere near half of its life. Id rather them take time to inspect and make sure everything is fine than have a cub and wrigley esc scandal and problem on our hands.
  21. QUOTE(kevin57 @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 11:46 AM) I like the new look. The newspaper article about the seat replacement project not being finished for the upcoming season gave two reasons: 1) post-season play that ate into time, and 2) cold weather. Now #1 is certainly a valid factor, but #2? This has been one of the mildest winters on record. So, it was doubtful from the beginning that this project would have been completed for the 2006 season. That's okay...but just admit it. Well from the pics it looks like the UD is all but done and now they are doing from home to the 3rd. My guess is when it gets warmer, say March they will have a month to accelerate the project (seeing as its warmer). Therefore if the seats in the lower are in from 1st to 3rd they might be able to get more in toward the foul poles before the opener.
  22. I emailed brooks and asked him if the seats would all be in for opening night. Here is what he said. "Green seats will be in for the upper deck, club level, bleachers and between the outside of the dugouts for next season. There was no way to get it all completed in the shortened off season (I will make that trade any year)." So they you have it.
  23. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 03:04 PM) ......I bet by now all the food went bad too. The good food is because JR is jewish and jews know good food, they eat very well. Obviously this is the reason we have the jumbo Best Koshers which are the best food item in the park. I dont even keep kosher (im jewish) and they are the best, but seriously jews are picky about eating high quality food so thanks JR!!
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