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Everything posted by joeynach
I dont know if this was addressed here sometime before or not, but what was up with the yellow sleeved jackets during the ALCS. Also anyone know if they are forsale somewhere.
QUOTE(rangercal @ Oct 26, 2005 -> 09:08 PM) put your relationship "on hold " tonight. Find a kick ass white sox chick to celebrate with Haven't heard anything finer than that in months.
Tonite at Jake's at Purdue a bunch of us Sox fans are getting together to watch the game. We would love to have as many sox fans there as we can. It could be a huge awsome celebrtion. I am part of a club that is having a social event their earlier tonite and we might be able to put some "beverages" on the clubs tab, my roomate is VP and die hard sox fan as well. Could be very interesting. Join me!!
QUOTE(Funkman7 @ Oct 26, 2005 -> 08:23 AM) Okay man. Yeah I don't think that's real kosher lol. You might get arrested or at the very least have to pay her... Haha, i was getting at the fact I have probably kissed more random girls from the bar since I got to college (and turned 21 of course) then I did in all of high school. And if by pay her you mean buy her a drink then I cant wait. Im already dreaming of a SOX party at the bars, MERCY!
So the question is if, hahaha, more like when we win, and well all go nuts is it cool for us to just grab the nearest gal (sox fan preferably) and just start kissing her. Reminds me of the celebration in NY after the Germans surrendered in WWII and the troops returned home, all the soldiers were just grabbing the nearest girl and planting a big wet one on her. So is that gonna fly for possibly the biggest celebration we have ever seen???? P.S. Keep in mind im thinking college bars here (purdue), Im only 21!!
Bars, Bars Bars...Shots Shots Shots, Champagne, Champagne, Champagne!!!!
There is absolutly no doubt the food at the cell rocks and is probably the best in baseball but man did we eat a lot. Sox fans ate 26.400 hot dogs (mmmm Best Kosher's), 5000 slices of pizza, 4900 polishes, 6000 bags of penuts, and 3000 nachos. Wow world series "hunger" really serves up an apetite, awsome. http://chicagobusiness.com/cgi-bin/news.pl...1d5fb939d585521
QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 02:44 PM) No WSI banned Mariotti articles, attendance threads, negative posts, and anything else George doesn't like. Silly soxtalk, we think we can discuss these things without having to ban anyone. Crazy ass kids over here. Yeah they certinatly did, I got banned a bunch of times over there for actually having an opinion that wasn't overly positive and happy. WSI has dug a whole with themselves by banning what people can and can't talk about. Its a freking internet message board, open to the public, and every citizen has freedom of speech and they want to tell their fans they can't talk about Mariotte, Attendance, negative threads, attendance, etc. Since when can one person or group tell the other what they can and cannot say, sounds a lot like communism to me. In August i got banned for this exact statement follwing El Duque blowing a late inning lead against Seattle in which we worked so hard to get, "C'mon El Duque why is that every time your offense goes out and gets you a lead against a tough pitcher you have to go right out there and give it back to them" I proceeded to get banned becuase apparently the all knowning all control mods of WSI know better than me and how dare I say something that I felt at the time that was not overly positive. What a joke they have become!
Damn Jeff Brantley isn't even TRYING
joeynach replied to Harry&JimmyRocked's topic in Pale Hose Talk
I have said it once Ill say it again. ESPN is just nieve. Its a fact that like 80% of all employees there either went to school on the east coast or grew up on the east coast. When you have that then the majority of knowledge, histroy, and traidtion center around what you know and what you percieve is the norm. It would be the same if ESPN was say centered in chicago, it would be like CSN Chicago people running a full time national sports media outlet, it just wouldnt be right. ESPN sucks balls, WHITE SOX kick ass!! -
What an idiot. All season long every white sox broadcaster has made it clear the white sox are a good fastball hitting team. This was made evident in NY when Rivera blew the game for the Yanks in the 10th i think by giving uribe a fastball after he hadn't made any contact with breaking pitches all day. Uribe smacked a triple into RC field, which turned out to be the winner. I remember Ronney talking about if Rivera gave him a fastball Uribe would do something with it cuz Uribe is always a good fastball hitter, like most of the sox lineup. ESPN dont do their HW unless its local teams that they grew up with their histroy. Something like 80% of all employess lived and went to school in the new england area, basically they just know what they know. It would be like if ESPN was based here there would be so much more knowledge of the what goes on here, but ESPN isn't too nieve.
Lets go Bobby....Im designating Patron (tequila) as the celebration drink of choice from the bar after ever world series win. At least at Purdue. GO BOBBY!!!!
Is it just me or does anyone else think contreras is dropping down way way too much. I mean dropping down is lioek an out pitch, something for one out of every 3 or 4 pitches. He seems to be throwing it like 80% of the time. Kinda strange. Stick wityh your overpowering 4 seamer Jose.
Think about this. Perhaps if Houston had won last night it would have been easier to get tickets today. Maybe there is a lot of St. Louis people also trying to get tickets, phone internet whatever. Just adds to the congestion. If they dont go and have tickets they would probably sell them. But if STL had been elimnated last night I bet there would have been less traffic.
Ticketmaster is by far the worst f***ing company ever. They obviously couldn't handle the f***ing load and as a result messed up the whole thing. In my house we had 15 browsers open and constantly searching for tickets for all games in all numbers. All we got for the first 30 min was error can't connect, timed out, cannot process request, please try again later, etc etc. Then at about 12:30 or 12:35 they finally started going through to tell us "There are no tickets available for this event". What a load of f***ing bulls***, i hope ticketmaster goes out of business. I cant see how anyone's went through.
Its impossible to get through. ME and my friend have been calling non stop all day and have not gotton through once, just busy signal.
I have spent the last 12 hours reading and watching everything sox in the media i could find. I dont live in Chicago while im at school so I didn't get local tv. This morning I watched all the webcasts of newsclips of celebrration, postgame news, analysis, etc etc I could find on the web. ABC, NBC, WGN... you name it. I noticed one thing. Our fan base kick ass. We are the most diverse and hard core chicagoan fan base ever. When i saw the newsclips from south side bars, midway airport, anaheim stadium, whatever; all i see is sox fans no matter what gender, age, or race all happy as one big family. That is truely something to be proud of, we are the epidemy of Chicago, hard working bunch of people who come together. It also made me kinda sad for the cubs fans. I remember in 2003 when they were the hot team, everyone was the same. You had 20-30 white collar prepy trendy yuppies and the rich white collar suburban families and that was basically it. You didn't have a lot of minorities, a lot of various classes, a lot of various ages. I am truely blessed to be a sox fan and live among some of the best fans and people in the world. GO SOX!!!
Is anyone else have to take a piss every 5 sec and sweating their balls off. I love it though. ONLY 3 MORE OUTS!!!
QUOTE(ScottyDo @ Oct 16, 2005 -> 08:45 AM) Come to mention it, he does seem to be clearing a little early. I'll have to take an extended look his next AB. But as caffeinated said, it looks as though he's taking a little extra power as the lead's been higher. With a six run lead, he hardly needs to slap hit and he probably wants to prove himself as a solid power guy. Of course, we don't need convincing, but perhaps the rest of the nation does. Point being hes a #2 hitter he has a job. Get on base, move runners over, get lots of hits, let the 3 4 and 5 guys behind him worry about the power. Let him get on base and have Paulies and Everetts hr's be 2 and 3 run shots instead of solo.
QUOTE(GasHeGone @ Oct 16, 2005 -> 07:19 AM) Let's talk Dye, Everett, Rowand, A.J. before we open our mouths about Tadahito... I think Dye, Rowand, Everett are putting good swings on the ball and are showing good mechanics when approaching the pitchers. Tadahito IMO seems to be not showing good true normal tadahitor form, thats all im saying. Which happens yes, wish it wasn't in the postseason though.
Im gonna try and go on radio postgame live and see what levine and dolgin think. Im not trying to spoil the party, im loving it, jsut a little concerned recently. GO SOX, 1 MORE!!!!
Iguchi's swing id say the last two weeks maybe more seems a little off from his high production and .280+ BA all season. He seems to be way less of a nice contact hitter kind of with a slap swing able to take balls the other. Id say about 95% now hes dead pull, clearing his hips open way to soon and all the time. Thus he cant hit that outside pitch like he used to, especially for power. I can think of numerous instances when he had his great swing going and hit shots to the rightside, the homer against the jays to win, the pinch hit one against texas, etc etc, all to right. He just doesn't seem to stay on the ball and drive it, he seems to open up way to soon and try and pull everything. A little disturbing and uncharachteristic, anyone else notice this???
I was wondering if anyone caught the postgame last night after the sox loss. It was on until 1 am which was kinda nice. Anyway if anyone happened to catch Joe calling from the highway on his way down to school at purdue that was me (around 12:15 to 12:30 AM). I talked about the angeles running on contact with 0 and 1 out with their big bats coming up and how i thought that was kinda strange. Given that they hit two dribblers to the waiting infielders i felt that the angels made the wrong move, but it still paid off (they got lucky). Bruce and brian tended to agree wtih me saying it was a little odd and not textbook to do so in that situation but nonetheless its Mike Soscia's style. They game me a nice litte sendoff complimenting my on my baseball knowledge, saying "We can give him his diploma now". I lauged and felt good about it and thought I would share with you guys.
Ignorance is bliss to these no local sportwriters. They are all the most ignorant people in the entire media. Just becuase they dont know or aren't aware they assume the rest of the world does too. I gurantee he has no idea there are die hard white sox fan clubs and sites; WSI, Soxtalk, WindyCity Sox Fans, etc. They are 100% morons who make no effort to do research if its something that they assume is not common knowledge. The national sports media is like a child, if you dont throw the material in their face and remind them over and over to look at it they wont at all.
QUOTE(whitesoxownyou @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 06:02 PM) How about them White Sox? People are starting to see what we have known the entire season . I recall sutcliffe or berman saying after our sweep something like "now we really know how good the sox bullpen really is". I wes like duh, we knew this all along and have being saying it all year. They are one of the reasons we are so good. Stupid ESPN people just dont take notice until we play the red sox or yankees. Pathetic.
This is f***ing awsome. Tonight is gonna be a huge celebrration heres to drinking a lot and indulging tonight. May the next two celebrations be even bigger!! GO SOX!!