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About CanOfCorn

  • Birthday 07/08/1971

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    Chicago-Skokie-Chicago-Austin-Oak Park

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    Birmingham Barons (AA)
  • Favorite Sox moment
    1984...4 roof shots
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    Mike Squires

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  1. That's the key phrase right there. We need Getz to hit on who comes in return.
  2. As has been said before, firing everyone will have absolutely no effect on this team winning as long as Reinsdorf and the other flunkies own this team. I don't trust him to hire the correct VPs, GM, etc. So, what the hell difference does it make? The only thing we can do is let our wallets do the talking and even that probably doesn't work as he's making enough from all the other things that ownership will barely feel it. Dont' care that Hahn addressed the media. None of it matters. Trades, new managers, coaches...none of it until the ownership group sells to someone who wants to win.
  3. We can all chant Fire Hahn or whatever, but this mess of an organization will continue to be a mess as long as the people at the top stay the same, and that's Reinsdorf and all his partners. They need to cut bait and sell the team to someone who put the team in a position to succeed.
  4. Mike Hagerty, 67. Rudy in Seinfeld's "The Raincoat" Mr. Treeger in Friends. Peanut Vendor is Austin Powers: the Spy who Shagged Me Etc. etc.
  5. One thing that we all forget about at times when talking about these players are...where do THEY want to sign? Maybe he wants to stay with the Mets or in New York and those teams have to make some moves before they can sign him. That's not to say he will eventually sign with the Sox or another team, but there's usually more to it.
  6. I wonder what Julie DiCaro thinks of him now?
  7. Just started reading, "Brat" by Andrew McCarthy. So far, it's pretty good. Haven't gotten to the meaty-80's stuff yet, but it's amazing how his aloof movie personality is in line with aloof real life personality.
  8. After the Nightenbomb with Tony LaRussa, I'd be more inclined to believe Nightengale than Bernstein's "source." That's just me tho.
  9. He owns the team. If it's Reinsdorf's issue, then it's a White Sox issue. Everyone is going to have to answer for it or about it. He won't be wearing a "Chicago Reinsdorfs" uniform. It will say "Sox" clear as day on the front. While you are right, Jerry made this decision knowing full well, he has made it a problem for everyone else on the team.
  10. To be fair, an employer has three choices in matters like this, when they are public...help, ignore, or cut bait. They all have ramifications, but only one really hurts and that is what the White Sox are doing now. Helping might not work, but you can say you tried. Cutting bait leaves that person behind, which could be a wake up call, or make it worse. Ignoring the problem doesn't do anyone any good. That's the problem I have currently.
  11. Give me Morton and Walker (If we can't get Bauer).
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