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Buehrle>Wood last won the day on November 1 2024

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About Buehrle>Wood

  • Birthday 02/20/2021

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    Birmingham Barons (AA)
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  1. When is the last time we were in first place
  2. Burke had 6 swinging strikes in the first? Nasty.
  3. I dont understand Jankowski over Fletcher at all. Fletcher was pretty awesome defensively I'm RF and I'm sure they could get some of that to translate in CF.
  4. Everyone here defending the Burger trade lost. I won the message board argument. Acknowledge me.
  5. Walked back. he's not confirmed for TJ right now. Though I'm sure it's coming
  6. Oh okay. Thought the offering back would have to happen before waivers but that makes sense.
  7. I'm confused. How do you claim a rule 5 player? Don't they have to be offered back to the team? Since they weren't, wouldn't we be able to send him down?
  8. Would they not be paying him a meaningful salary/for his rehab until then? He'd be getting screwed over but guess he may not have other options.
  9. Probably going to forget some stuff, but without looking I'm going 1. World Series win obvs 2. Podz walk-off 3. Konerko GS 4. Tim Anderson Field of Dreams 5. Blackout game 6. Blum HR 7. Buehrle Perfect game 8. 4 straight complete games 9. AJP gate 10. El Duque bases loaded 11. Frank HOF 12. Thome 500th walk off 13. Buehrle to Konerko through the legs 14. Back to back 300s 15. Abreu MVP Also: 7 straight @Cleveland @NYY, Tigers fight, Ozzie Jenks call, Buehrle no-hitter, Humber Perfecto, Cubs Sox brawl, Carlos Lee walk off GS, 4 straight HRs 2020, Baines/Minoso HOF, Rodon/Giolito no hitters
  10. Just in time to get TJS next Spring Training.
  11. They're still crushing it here Highlites including the campfire milkshake spinoff: https://whitesoxpride.mlblogs.com/south-side-bites-white-sox-announce-newest-2025-food-items-2d684f412a58 Complete overview here: https://soxmachine.com/2025/03/recap-2025-chicago-white-sox-food-day Yuengling available throughout the park with Sapporo
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