Probably going to forget some stuff, but without looking I'm going
1. World Series win obvs
2. Podz walk-off
3. Konerko GS
4. Tim Anderson Field of Dreams
5. Blackout game
6. Blum HR
7. Buehrle Perfect game
8. 4 straight complete games
9. AJP gate
10. El Duque bases loaded
11. Frank HOF
12. Thome 500th walk off
13. Buehrle to Konerko through the legs
14. Back to back 300s
15. Abreu MVP
Also: 7 straight @Cleveland @NYY, Tigers fight, Ozzie Jenks call, Buehrle no-hitter, Humber Perfecto, Cubs Sox brawl, Carlos Lee walk off GS, 4 straight HRs 2020, Baines/Minoso HOF, Rodon/Giolito no hitters