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Everything posted by Buehrle>Wood

  1. You can put a paperclip in your tv if you don't want to spend the $5 on an antenna.
  2. Are we just gaslighting and pretending it's not now?
  3. You're darn right. The demand to pay for a free product is an interesting social experiment to say the least. I wouldn't mind a non-blacked out app, though. I'm thinking that's not a possibility.
  4. As opposed to the app will cost $15-$20. Source: it was revealed to me in a dream. Why give this attention? He's continually just making stuff up and has banned any and all dissent to make it look better.
  5. This guy has been spamming posts for weeks now and has no idea what he's talking about. And then when you call him out, he blocks you do you can no longer respond so I guess I have to respond here. "I've learned more than I ever possibly wanted to know about this, and I've drawn conclusions from it." Well at least he now admits he knew nothing to start and is merely pretending to be some expert here. "All previous things I've posted are no longer true and/or valid" Lol I wonder why.
  6. I don't see the Sox and Bears getting in bed together, but the historically awful Sox will of course draw far, far more than the Bears will in a year. Drawing 500k over 8 days isn't a sell for anything.
  7. First off, relax. You and your buddy over there don't come off very well screeching into your monitor. I'm not denying there can be issues with antenna, just like there can be with any source. I mean a lot of those sources you listed are inherently problematic to either 4g or WiFi too. The previous guy's problem was that he couldn't get a signal 2000 miles away. Who knew? You may be seeing some confirmation bias in a vacuum like whatever Blackhawks forum youre reading. More people use OTA than subscription streaming like YouTubeTV and the like. If issues like you mentioned were so widespread, I would have a doubt that would be true. It's only gaining more popularity and skews towards younger viewers than cable thanks to cord cutters. So to act like like it's some dead technology is bizarre and out of touch in itself. It cannot be easier to use and I say that as someone who has YoutubeTV. Truly live feed OTA in uncompressed HD is superior. If people want to pay for a free product, I do hope they get that right though. I don't see the downside in it.
  8. The name calling on this continues to be embarassing. Calling people unintelligent when you cannot figure out how to use an antenna, which literally requires a paperclip, is wild. You will have your opportunity to pay for the free channel soon enough though.
  9. Resorting to name calling over this is embarassing. I get the signal perfectly in both the city and south burbs, since you asked. The complaints will always be louder. This isn't a disaster to anyone but you, apparently. You don't even care about the signal though. You've made it clear you want the ability to pay for it. I'm sure you'll get your chance, but for now R-E-L-A-X
  10. It's just people bitching to b****. The best part of CHSN is that it's free OTA. Theres not much else to add to that though. Go look at the original announcement or general Chicago discussion and see the positivity that generated. Not much else to discuss though beyond that which is why you now only get discourse about people being too lazy to change their inputs or something. Free OTA should have happened a long time ago and hopefully starts a trend for others.
  11. I heard the fix was in for Carmel too and rice still prevailed.
  12. Theres nothing to dispute that. Benetti is terrible in the big moments. He has no memorable calls. A stupid Benitendi walk-off in the worst season ever was more memorable than anything he has ever called. Schriffen can at least bring excitement there (not that sox will give him much). That was reinforced was NBCSN was doing their history montage the other day and you had Hawk with all these amazing calls that I could play off the top of my head filled in between with Jason's lukewarmness.
  13. Broadcasts don't tend to do that (albeit slowly changing). CSN didn't do it either. Providers themselves can "upscale" it but in the case of streaming that's still going to make for a worse product in most cases. Ie watch a football game OTA on NBC vs Youtubetv and see. But this is standard broadcast.
  14. I don't think there's anything definitive other than Fletcher's body language lol
  15. Good Lord Berroa. Everyone just wants to go home.
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