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Everything posted by Buehrle>Wood

  1. Buehrle>Wood


    QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Sep 17, 2005 -> 09:14 PM) Don't worry...yet. That won't be what it looks like since it's just what that website thinks it might be. I think the pic looks cool as hell. I would just still rather not have it.
  2. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Sep 17, 2005 -> 04:21 PM) I'm liking UConn on that list if things play out well for them. Wayyy to many off-court problems for me to like them right now.
  3. Buehrle>Wood


    QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Sep 17, 2005 -> 06:42 AM) Apparently, they're also going to have a shell to hook the remote into to form a conventional-style controller... I rather not have that.
  4. Buehrle>Wood


    QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 09:36 PM) There are much better ytmnd's out there.
  5. Buehrle>Wood


    QUOTE(Cerbaho-WG @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 04:38 PM) No. Consoles will always be light years behind PCs when it comes to control in FPS and any game. The mouse and keyboard just allows you to do more. Disagree. The Revolutions controller is essentially a light-gun, except with the abaility to move your character as well. There are no better FPS controls than light guns, simply put.
  6. Buehrle>Wood


    QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 06:28 PM) Nintendo screwed up when the made the N64. They've just been getting worse ever since... How so? They changed the way games were played forever with the N64 and I don't think I have ever met someone who though the PS1 was better than that.
  7. Buehrle>Wood


    Ozzie doing something smart? LOL.
  8. Buehrle>Wood


    QUOTE(SnB @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 04:12 AM) sometimes, innovation is bad. I don't know. Imagine playing a Halo-esque game on that thing. Controls rival that of a PC now. The possibilities are endless.
  9. Buehrle>Wood


    Story: http://cube.ign.com/articles/651/651275p1.html One bold, bold move.
  10. QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 09:13 PM) Insightful. I was actually asking a question, in which I don't hold the answer to. This is why there is no insight. You see, you ask questions to gain more knowledge. Nice try though.
  11. What in the hell is going on, again?
  12. QUOTE(Capn12 @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 03:37 AM) Thats fine JimH...but so help me god if I hear that Hermansons back is hurting now after the game, blah blah blah...then DON'T f***ING PITCH HIM.
  13. QUOTE(bulokis @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 03:32 AM) This is Garcia's fault. He look so awful out there on the mound. No freaking energy. Garcia has not pitched well for 2 months now. Freddy looks so sloppy and of course the defense behind you will be sloppy too. Than he should of been taken out, no?
  14. QUOTE(sircaffey @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 03:26 AM) Have you Ozzie supporters not seen how quickly and how hard this team has gone to s***s? Ozzie, right now, is absolutely clueless on how to right the ship. Clueless...Ozzie givith...Ozzie takith away.... WTF? I was bashing Ozzie... I am in no way an Ozzie supporter.
  15. QUOTE(Felix @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 03:21 AM) You hope he gets fired? Do you realize what he has done for this team? You realized he makes poor managerial move after poor managerial move too?
  16. No further comment. Editl: Dead is just stellar on defense.
  17. Is it just me or are we trying to pull everyball again?
  18. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 13, 2005 -> 11:50 PM) Congrats, you're cool. Why yes, yes I am.
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