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Everything posted by Buehrle>Wood

  1. This is funny. I still expect to win by 20+, but atleast we are giving the rest of the nation a glimpse of hope.
  2. QUOTE(CubsSuck1 @ Mar 17, 2005 -> 04:30 AM) My school is goin downstate too. Friday is gonna be awesome, no school. Who's your team?
  3. Worst if I had to pick would be the Water Tower Place with the best being the Taste Of Chicago.
  4. Down 6 with a minute to go...... WERE GOING DOWN TO STATE!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! WOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 3's HIT WITH UNDER 30 SECONDS!!!!!!!!
  5. Brother Rice vs. Proviso tommorroow. God I am so nervous about this game.
  6. Thats nothing. You should of seen me in my prime.
  7. QUOTE(qwerty @ Mar 12, 2005 -> 04:41 AM) He can't hook you up with a seat? That's cold. HaHa. Maby If I WERE a MDAA.
  8. QUOTE(qwerty @ Mar 12, 2005 -> 04:18 AM) How did bobby frasor do? Frasor fouled out mid-way through the 4th quarter, which means we beat them with out him in 2 OT's. Speaking oh him, I'm going out to eat with him tommorow and then heading over to the BT tourney. Of course, he has front row seats, and I have standing room only.
  10. Another 1st teamer for Dee, a 2nd teamer for Luther by the national writers association: http://fightingillini.collegesports.com/sp.../031005aaa.html
  11. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 06:02 AM) I thought since there was one of these for most of the major conferences I'd make one for the sec. So here's my predictions: South Carolina over Miss Miss State over Georgia Arkansas over Tenn Vandy over Auburn 'bama over SC Miss State over Florida Kentucky over Arkansas LSU over Vandy Miss State over 'bama LSU over Kentucky LSU over Miss State SC over Miss Miss State over Georgia Arkansas over Tenneesee Vanderbilt over Auburn 'Bama over over USC Florida over MSU Kentucky over Arkansas LSU over Vandy Florida over 'Bama Kentucky over LSU Kentucky over Florida
  12. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Mar 8, 2005 -> 06:28 PM) There's a f***load of Illini fans here, but I wanna see what you guys think will go down in the Big XII tourney. The bottom half (visually0 of the bracket is much tougher, IMO. Predictions anyone? Mizzou over Nebraska ISU over Baylor A&M over Kansas State Texas over Colorado Oklahoma over Mizzou ISU over TTU Kansas over A&M OSU over Texas ISU over Oklahoma OSU over Kansas OSU over ISU
  13. Maryland Over Clemson NCSU over FSU Miami over Virginia UNC over Clemson GT over VT Wake Forest over NCSU Duke over Miami UNC over GT Duke over WF Duke over UNC
  14. WVU over Providence(Null) GTown over Seton Hall Rutgers over Notre Dame BC over WVU Pitt over 'Nova UCONN over GTown 'Cuse over Rutgers Pitt over BC 'Cuse over UCONN 'Cuse over Pitt
  15. Illinois would still not be #1 in the old system either.
  16. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Mar 8, 2005 -> 01:56 AM) Way too much dap for Ohio State. Illinois just had a bad game, it's not that Ohio State is any good. Hell Minny and Wisconsin beat them at home this year. This is not a bash Illinois post, I'm just saying there is way too much dap in these predictions for Ohio State. Besides Illinois, they haven't beaten anyone. Yes, but the confidence they will be playing at will reach an all-time high. They are a changed team now. An interesting case nonetheless.
  17. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Mar 7, 2005 -> 08:42 PM) Iowa over Wisky and MSU? Not a chance. This is the Big Ten tourney, and as an Illini fan you would know anything is possible here and nothing really ever stays close to the seedings. No love for OSU? I see only 1 other person had them in the semis.
  18. My Official predictions: 1st round Michigan over Northwestern Iowa over Purdue Ohio State over Penn State 2nd round Illinois over Michigan Indiana over Minnesota Michigan State over Iowa Ohio State over Wisconsin Semis Illinois over Indiana Michigan State over Ohio State Finals Illinois over Michigan State
  19. Got Tickets for Saturday. My Official predictions: 1st round Michigan over Northwestern Iowa over Purdue Ohio State over Penn State 2nd round Illinois over Michigan Indiana over Minnesota Michigan State over Iowa Ohio State over Wisconsin Semis Illinois over Indiana Michigan State over Ohio State Finals Illinois over Michigan State
  20. "What happens in the Chat, stays in the chat." Ahh, the good ole days.
  21. Is it going to be put up this year or has it been ditched?
  22. I don't like this for the reason of the public seeing his name in a list of this magnitude.
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