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Everything posted by Buehrle>Wood

  1. Heres some other noteable teams: Indiana-1 and out Iowa- NIT Minnesota-None Northwestern-NIT Ohio State- None Penn State- None Purdue- NIT Iowa State- 1 and out Missouri- NIT Cincinatti- 1 and done DePaul- NIT Marquette- NIT Saint Loius- NIT
  2. 2 and out Alabama Florida Florida St. Maryland Memphis Michigan Mississippi St Notre Dame Pittsburgh Princeton* So. Ill Stanford Texas Utah UTEP Wisconsin Sweet 16 Charlotte UCONN Duke Kentucky Michigan State North Carolina State Oklahoma State Washington Elite 8 Arizona Georgia Tech Kansas North Carolina Final 4 Syracuse Wake Forest Runner Up Illinois National Champion Loiusville EDIT: If anyone does not see a team they want to know about on this list, I can happily post what they pick them for because they also pick the NIT and the 1st round.
  3. What an idiot. What kind of person would actually speak his mind?
  4. Jealous of what? A player who we all know already can be easily wooed into a offer? Believe me, when that big money talk comes around, he's not gonna be able to turn that down.
  5. Thanks for taking him. He'll be another nice distraction who bolts straight for the NBA.
  6. Rock is dead..... All hail paper and scissors!
  7. No way is Walker suited to play everday at 2nd base/SS with that crappy of a glove. He is best suited as an AL DH or a 1B, IMO.
  8. Buehrle>Wood

    Nick GaS

    I love the GaS channel. I'll watch it anytime I get the chance. I guess its sort of like a retro Nick channel with shows like DD, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Nick arcade, guts, among others.
  9. I only got 5 icons on my desktop: computer, documents, bin, explorer and of course the all to important Warcraft 3.
  10. Its kind of funny, because I've always been a long time fan of the Marlins, Astros, Giants and Padres. :fthecubs :sosasucks
  11. Can Mike Jackson count, or does he not qualify anymore?
  12. Dee Brown may redshirt this year after lingering pain from his stress fracture in his right leg.
  13. Big Ten 1. Illinois 1. Ohio Sate 2. Michigan 3. Iowa 4. Purdue 5. Wisconsin 6. Minnesota 7. Michigan State 8. Northwestern 9. Pennslyvania State 10. Illinois 11. Indiana
  14. I'm gonna get flamed for this but I think most of you guys think way too high of Miguel. He really did not show me much to shed a tear over him, other than his great attitude for the game(now I'm really gonna get flamed). He has yet to show he can hit at the major league level( average is in the.240's again and only an obp of about .300 with the M's). He's got decent pop, but strikes out a bit much. He's got a great arm but allows too many passed balls and I'm still shaky on wheather he can call a game or not. I don't know whats to miss so much about him. He has looked marginal so far and he seems to be just another catcher. Even in short time, I have to say I like Ben better.
  15. I really hope we don't sign mags if he's still able to get more than 14 mill. We'll have alot of flexibility this year finacially, assuming we let Jose walk. Not to mention, we might increase payroll with the increased attendance. This years pitching FA's seem so 'fricken deep, although its just a bit thin at the top. I hope we add a frontline starter to make the most formidable staff in the bigs. I also want to get a nice middle infielder with a high OBP who can lead off, letting willie bat the 9 hole.
  16. Contreas was the only person we got, and as you probaly know, we gave up E-lo. The Twins got no one because we helped pick up the talks with the Mets and Pirates for Benson. The Twins did give up Doug Mien(im not gonna even try) in the huge nomar deal.
  17. I dont know whats better, the fact that we got Contreas or the fact that the Twins got Derek Lowe.
  18. Its very important. The game is the last interleague game of the year and the AL currently has a 126-125 advantage over the NL. Winning would again bring home the trophy to the American League.
  19. lets go guys, we need some more troops in the chat.
  20. Dibs said he was in now, and he was one of the best hitters Dibs has ever seen.
  21. I know we've had this discussion a thousand times but it should be interesting to here what Baseball tonight says.
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