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Everything posted by WhiteSoxFan1

  1. like Lampley said after the fight vs Lewis..."You cant play class C ball your whole life, and then try and pitch in the world series" Mike was a great fighter, but he never won a carrer defining fight. He lost vs Holyfield twice then lennox and now williams. It was clear vs Lennox and tonight, if you can last a few rounds and not get caught you should have an easy time picking him apart.
  2. As hawk would say...."Mercy" we are in big trouble
  3. Jackson's new name should be Mr.Grandslam
  4. number of homeruns by willie harris this season.
  5. Marte and Takatsu are the only ones I trust.
  6. :banghead I agree Borchard definatly is not ready, and I also think they should have had Borchard DH for Davis and Aaron DH for Willie instead of the other way around. I also dont think Jose should be off the hook for that drop just because Borchard screwed up in the 9th. Jose makes that catch and we are into the bottom half of the 10th with a chance for a walkoff or an 11th inning. No way shape or form does Shingo get any blame here, he pitched a perfect ninth and would have pitched a good 10th had jose not pulled a ross gload. The Sox offense has looked pretty pathetic as of late....and for the trade dealine I also hope we can somehow get Kendall.
  7. Thats why you gotta take the L...its so much easier.
  8. ahhh im not sure off the top of my head, my friend who im going with has both of the tickets. All I remember is we are 15 rows up.
  9. I kinda like it up there, those are the true Die Hards! lol Its not that bad of a view you can see everything each player is doing since your above them all, but I find it harder to pick the ball up when it first leaves the bat, thats the only problem I have up there, along with the loonnngg walk down after the game
  10. Ill be there again, I cant wait. Hopefully we'll see fireworks early and often.
  11. Im not surprised about the baseball tonight guys, they are always up the twins ass. All they ever talk about is how the Twins are the best team in the central and how they play the game the way its supose to be played with great pitching and small ball, ofcourse now something happenes which could hurt their immage a little and they try and hide it....thats why I usually dont watch Baseball tonight much.
  12. Ill be there....and here comes the rain...
  13. hey he did make a decent catch out there today though. He has gotten better.
  14. Mine would have to be in basketball playing at around age 12 in a league I was in. There was id say around 20 seconds left and we are down 2, so we pass it to the post he kicks it out to the top of the key and he passes to me wide open in the corner for 3, and I hit the side of the backboard and turn it over, and ofcourse we end up losing that sucked. Also droped a few routine fly balls playing in left field little league baseball, but I guess thats gotta happen to everyone at that age.
  15. Ill be there cheerin them on! All I got to say to Minne is
  16. LOL i know what you mean man...so that accounts for 1 day losing tons of weight. So your telling me anyone could do it if they had Hardwork, dedication, and determination?
  17. Oh I know what you mean, these guys are some of the most hardest working athletes in sports, but I was looking more for what they do physically and how they actually lose the weight.
  18. I was just wondering, how do professional boxers lose so much weight in such little time. Im a big time boxing follower and ive seen many boxers lose up to 10-20 in 1 day, and also gain up to 10-15 pounds in a day (based on pre fight weight and unofficial night of weight) Are they just in the gym for 14 hours and not eat until the next morning or are they just in such good shape that their motabolism is that adjustable?
  19. Magic fan here, and I like this trade. While we probably lose more talent than gained we fare ok. Gooden is soft, especially on defense, he is easily dominated downlow, and doesn't rebound for crap. I am kinda mad they added our 2nd round pick Varejo, but since we've never seen him play yet its not that big of a loss. I hear Battie is a leader in the locker room and a 'good guy' so that definatly is good for our locker room, plus we also pick an additional 2 second round picks. On top of all that it was obvious Gooden had to go because the power foward of our future is Dwight Howard and not Drew Gooden. Good luck with the Cavs, but you wont be missed much by me.
  20. From ESPN NEWS they said it was that he didnt have love for the game anymore and that he wanted to do other things with his life, including travel the world and spend time with his kids. and there is a post on this already scroll down a bit.
  21. Im the one who actually voted miss the playoffs. I guess everything can change and hopefully it will, but with the way things are looking now thats just how I feel. Frank is out, Magglio is still trying to get back on track, we continue to strugle on the west coast, trade rumors all over with guy like Rowand probably not feeling comfortable. guys like Willie, Timo and uribe not knowing what days they will and wont be playing. Joe Borchard not doing anything special. Garland,Loaiza and Schoeneweis all shakey. Right now the only chance I see is us making it is if out dual Minnesota in this ugly,ugly race.
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