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Everything posted by WhiteSoxFan1

  1. QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 29, 2007 -> 06:12 PM) If you are in college and she is in high school, there's most of the problem. Find a girl who is more your age or least one that is not in HS. When you turn 21, you won't want a girlfriend, at least I know I didn't when I first starting going to the bars. My advice, based on reading this thread and knowing that you are 20, is keep your options open at this point. Also, just from a common sense standpoint, I wouldn't be posting my "foreplay" experiences with this girl, who is underage, on a public message board. Alright my bad. It is legal in illinois, but reguardless I took that too far and edited it. Anyway, she graduates in 2 days so she'll be out of high school, but her plans are to move to florida for college. So with that and me turning 21 im sure this will turn into just a summer fling. At this point though we are getting along well.
  2. Just thought id let you guys know that Friday night went good. We got along great and bonded very well. We were at her friends apartment and stayed the night, while her friend went to some club. We watched tv and movies most of the night. Saturday night I met her a a few of her friends at caribu coffee and sat around and talked for about 2 hours. Sunday me, her, my friend john and 3 of her friends all went to go see pirates 3, and then yesterday me and her went by ourselfs to see another movie. side note: I talked to her dad on the phone. I guess he was joking around with her on sunday about me and decided to try to call me from her phone and see how i answered and acted. I missed the call though. So i called her back and she told me it was him joking around at their family bbq. So later that day I returned his call to his cell phone and we had a small laugh. He approved me taking her out to see the movie yesterday and he gave me the typical dad schtic. We are officially dating, but i think her parents think we are just friends.
  3. QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 25, 2007 -> 03:55 PM) Hey, its legal isnt it? IM like the MLB, I like to draft em straight out of high school.
  4. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 25, 2007 -> 07:50 AM) So, wait a minute. Her parents, who treat her like a prisoner, are allowing her to visit a friend who has her own apartment?? I find it hard to believe they'd even allow her to have a friend who has her own apartment. Yea goes to uic. Shes going to a party tonight and letting me and her hang out at her apartment. We are just planning on watching movies though.
  5. QUOTE(mreye @ May 24, 2007 -> 08:44 PM) Behave yourself. That's someone's daughter!! As much as this might surprise you im not thinking sexual at all. Im am thinking first kiss though. All we have done is hold hands so far during both the 2nd and 3rd dates. The plan she mentioned is just to watch movies all night, but to be honest I really wouldnt be surprised if the entire hang out got messed up. Maybe im just being a negitive thinker, but im finding out fast with 17 year olds plans change every 30 seconds.
  6. Well interesting turn of events. Shes going to her friends apartment for the weekend out in the city. Says that her friend is going to a party tomorrow night which the girl I like isnt interested in and says her friend has no problem with her having me over and us hanging out at her apartment by ourselfs. Ofcourse like you guys mentioned, at 17 as quickly as things are planned, even quicker they can change, so if this actually goes through it should be an interesting weekend. A lot of questions could be answered, and im sure a ton of new ones will arise.
  7. QUOTE(DePloderer @ May 23, 2007 -> 11:50 PM) Please don't take this the wrong way, but as my daughter is 17 next month, you are the personification of my worst nightmare. I am sure your a realy nice guy at heart but you are a guy, a 20 year old guy and if you are anything like I was at 20 I wouldn't want you within shouting distance of my daughter. I believe your just setting your self up for at best, a whole lot of frustration and at worst frustration and an empty wallet. If she is anything like the majority of 17 year olds she will be far less mature than you in most ways and in the long run will probably end up siding with her parents, who believe it or not are imposing what seem from the outside at least, draconian restrictions, on her socialising because they love her, want only the best for her and feel that their way is the right way. There is no way on this earth that a hormone driven lad about town is going to change their minds, no matter how often he mows the lawn. Move on, find someone nearer your own age, there are plenty others out there. By the way I do allow my daughter to go out most weekends, she even stays away occasionaly, but only because she socialises with a large group of her peers and I know them all. Understood. I am starting to better understand whats going on with her parents , but all I can really do is know that in my heart I have good intentions. Im not someone who would ever use someone just for sex (at least without them knowing) or someone who would ever cheat. Id be willing to have a commited relationship, and treat her the way I believe women should be treated. That said, Ithink I have problems when it comes to attachment. IM not clingy and im not in anyway forceful because I keep it to myself, but I tend to fall head over heels for someone pretty easily and get easily anxious. I know theres plenty of fish in the sea, but I always seem to concentrate on one at a time. Then they get most of my attention. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 24, 2007 -> 08:24 AM) A few thoughts: The drama with women NEVER ends. If you continue to try to see this girl, it will be YOU who is creating the drama. I don't know you or much about this situation so I could be wrong, but I think there is more going on here. I think the real issue is that you don't like being told what you can and can't do. So it's become a little bit of a battle with her parents. It's not really about the girl. How am I doing? I do have a little bit of an italian temper of not liking being told what to do, but its really not as bad as it probably sounds. Sure I dont like the fact that me and her both want to hang out and still have trouble doing so, but if it was her saying we should do anything then id take it and not argue it at all.
  8. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ May 23, 2007 -> 07:08 PM) Dude, do you remember my advice to you last time you asked a question on here? Take the same advice. and your Italian on top of it....this s*** is suppose to come natural to ya!! Wow...it's like Soxtalk's very own bake sale!! Congrats everyone!!!!! Nice call. I dont have too many problems finding ladies, but its the uncontrollable drama that I have trouble with.
  9. QUOTE(mreye @ May 23, 2007 -> 03:59 PM) Oh, OK, no problem. The advice wasn't so much "move on and find someone else" as it is like badger said above. You're not going to beat them and fighting them will only make their will stronger. On the other hand, if you meet them and treat them with respect (don't lie about your age) you may, MAY, win them over and they may lighten up. It's the only way. They've never met you and you expect them to let their underage daughter to go out late to a concert with you? You have to earn their trust. Show this girl how much you like and respect her by doing just that. Not by lying to them and rolling your eyes about them. Makes sense. That is the route ill take if it comes to that, but im going to let her decide what she wants. If she wants me to meet her parents and try that route then ill do it, and if shed rather just lay low because shes scared of her father then ill do the best I can to make her feel as comfortable as possible. I dont know how much I can take since Ive come to the conclusion that I easily get anxious, and when that happens im pretty needy when it comes to hanging out with people. haha. I dont do long distance or text/phone relationships.
  10. QUOTE(mreye @ May 23, 2007 -> 03:27 PM) She's 17. It's for them and only them to decide. If more parents ran their kids' lives like a (Lord's name in vain) concentration camp, we'd all be a lot better off. You're 20. It's useless to argue this with you. I didn't think you'd understand anyway - that's why I said "10 years from now..." And before you get "annoyed" with me remember you're the one asking for advise. You asked, I gave. You don't have to like it. Also realize this is coming from a guy that "dated" a younger girl in high school and had to deal with the same kind of parents - they balmed me for her bad grades, bad attitude, you name it. I thought they were nuts. Now, 15 years later, I realize they were right and I had no idea how to treat a girl. I treated her like crap and I'll be damned sure not to let any of my three daughters hang out with or date anyone that acts they way I did or the way you are. Where have you been? We've missed you! Ah no sir, I wasn’t annoyed with you. I just meant annoyed with the situation in general. Its like we text, talk and chat throughout the day until we go to the bed, and then it all starts again in the morning with a wake up greet and its starting to feel like were bonding. However, when it comes to hanging out or making any kind of plans threes always question marks and uncertainty if or when she can because of her parents. So that’s what’s getting annoying. I asked for the advice so ill take the criticism along with it no problem. Ive just never dealt with it, and the easy advice of “move on and find someone else” isn’t really the answer im looking for right now.
  11. QUOTE(AssHatSoxFan @ May 23, 2007 -> 02:31 PM) i wouldnt say missing a WNBA is being deprived of anything except for maybe the obvious fundamentals of the women since they can't dunk Id laugh if I wasnt so annoyed. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 23, 2007 -> 11:34 AM) Weren't you the same person who asked for dating advice on here a couple of months ago about a sticky situation involving a girl who would probably go back to her old ex? yea, things didnt work out.
  12. How am I being immature? Her life is ran like a goddamn concentration camp. no lie She is litterally controlled by them, and its kind of sad to watch because she doesnt know any other way so she doesnt even know how messed up it really is. Forget hanging out with me, they wouldnt even let her go to a party with her best friend on friday, or go to a wnba game with her friend tomorrow, whos a female. Seriously, this girl is being deprived of so much.
  13. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 22, 2007 -> 04:56 PM) Right now you are looking at this girl, and your heart goes pitter patter. Just like everyone on this board has had for someone at some point. You cant imagine life without her. She is 17 years old. When her parents look at her, they do not see a 17 year old soon to be woman. They see the little girl in pig tails that wore a communion dress. You are not going to be able to reason with her parents. If I was her parents, I would be asking me what the hell is my 17 year old daughter getting all serious with a guy. In a few years she will be 21 and will have a different focus in life, she will be a different person at 25, and at 30. Take a girl out, and both of you have fun. If there are these life altering complications and worry at this point, you really will have problems. It shouldn't be this hard. If it gets too goofy, move on. very nice prespective.
  14. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ May 22, 2007 -> 04:07 PM) Please dont take what im going to say in the wrong way. Dont invest a lot of time or thought into the relationship, atleast initially. I was in almost the exact same situation as you about a year ago. I was 22 she was 19, strict religious parents, i was driving 40 miles from schaumburg to Aurora on top of that to see her. You will probably struggle to deal with a younger less mature girl along with controlling parents who wont let you be alone much. I would advise being very casual in dating her and not expecting a lot from it. Sorry for the pessimism, just my take after a similar situation. Sounds very similar. Im driving about 25 minutes. Ofcourse, and no offense, you know when your in the situation yourself, you dont want to hear this kind of stuff, but im definatly keeping it in mind.
  15. I like the later choice, but she seems to be very hesitant to take that route, but I wouldnt say its completely unlikely.
  16. I just started dating a girl last week sort of, but she has a super stirct parents with a super religeous upbringing and im having trouble adjusting. I am the complete opposite. My parents and everyone ive ever dated or had a relationship with has had very laid back parents. My parents used to let me stay out til 1am on a school night as long as I didnt get in trouble and got my butt to school, and Ive never really had situations where people ive dated had a ton of restrictions. So obviously now in this situation with this new girl im having a little bit of trouble. I mean her parents arnt even letting her go to a concert I invited her too this weekend because they dont want her going alone with a boy. Realistically they dont want her going anywhere with me since im not a boy from her church and they dont know me. I mean seriously, who still does that? Also as I mentioned they are super super religous and I havent been to church since I was a little kid. They believe in the regular church routine, waiting til marriage and all that stuff, while im living life in the here and now. Now im not saying their life style is wrong in ANY way. All im saying is that its something ive never had to deal with before. Its only a week in to us dating and its like im already trying to get the parents approval and everything is so strict to what she can and cant do that im just having a hard time adjusting. It was brought up yesterday about possibly meeting her parents, but we both are kind of nervous for that. Mostly because just based on normal cridentials her parents have, I dont 'fit the bill' at all. Also im 20 and shes 17, and that would be just another of the many things wed have to lie about in this situation. I dunno. Ill take any help, advice or opinions I can get.
  17. Melinda ruined my favorite Bon Jovi song, Jordin did great with the chorus I thought but struggled leading up to it. Richardson and Phil did awesome. Blake was hit or miss, I liked it. Lakisha was good, but I dont think its enough to save her.
  18. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Apr 25, 2007 -> 04:11 PM) Well it certainly looks like Melinda and Jordin have set themselves apart from the rest of the pack. Blake was so boring last night on Imagine. I just can't see anyone other than John Lennon singing that song. Oh and how over the top was Ryan Seacrest last night. "Your vote, could be the most important phone call you ever make." Easy Hollywood Boy! Something just seemed like it was missing last night. I cant seem to put my finger on it though.....
  19. Im praying my buccaneers land Calvin Johnson. I can live with Joe Thomas also, but if we miss out on both I might just have to jump.
  20. Gotta admit, Sanjaya's changing of the lyrics in his final song was awesome. "Lets give them something to talk about, other than hair."
  21. Well my attention now shifts to the orlando magic and the nba playoffs. I couldnt care less about idol now.
  22. Bad performance by sanjaya. I was just shaking my head after he finally finished and it went to a commercial because I knew how bad it was. After going back and rewatching it I thought he started out good, but he really butchered the chorus a few times. It was too kareoke (sp?). However, just like "aint no mountain high enough" Im willing to bet his studio recorded version thats released tonight on americanidol.com will probably be pretty good (at least to my standards). I figure he'll be eliminated tonight because I voted a few times and got ZERO busy signals (usually theres tons), but im not jumping off the wagon and I really hope he stays another week. Melinda and Lakisha I just dont care about. They do nothing for me. Jordin is good, but similar to sanjaya's hatred from people, everyone at work and my family is hyping Jordin so much that its getting on my nerves and Im rooting against her for that reason alone. Phil I thought stole the show. Coming from a country fan he did really good. I really liked Blakes performance as well. Richardson is really take it or leave it. Wasnt the best, wasnt the worst.
  23. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 16, 2007 -> 07:55 PM) Seriously, ignore her now, because since she is out of a relationship she will go searching for comfort and something to replace those feelings. Once she starts chasing you because you are ignoring her, turn it into a hook up situation for you. I know its not rocket science, but can you elaborate a little for this noob? It sounds like a good plan, but ive never been in a situation before to have to use the ignore tactic. How long should this last for?
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