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Everything posted by WhiteSoxFan1

  1. Woohoo!!! My fab four are still alive! Sanjaya, Haley, Phil and Sligh!
  2. wow that has to spell trouble for him. I noticed the judges seemed kinda pissed at him too I figured it was a friend of his or something.
  3. I like Phil too. I hope he stays. I hope Stephanie goes home.
  4. That goofy f***er threw down last night. Sanjaya back on the map. Im sure everyone hated his performance, and based on singing last night he was pretty brutal but the kid has that it factor one way or another. TV, message boards and my work is all talking about him (albiet most negitive) the kid has the buzz this season.
  5. Alright so those who know me from my other posts know I started out my season 1-14. I ended up b****ing out, not because I wasnt having fun, but because I lost so many early games based on errors, and learning everything as I went along since I had never played the 2k series and I jumped into franchise without any exhibition games. So I decided to count that as my spring training and started a new season. So my first game against KC I lose 9-2, and im thinking, alright, new season same story. Still having a blast though. So my next game I finally get off the shnibe as I win 4-3 in a thriller. Jenks came in for the save and gave up 2 singles to start off the inning. After a bunt put runners on 2nd and 3rd I was able to pop up the next two batters and hold on. I was extreamly happy to finally win again even though it was against KC. So I wrap the up the series with a 4-0 complete game shutout win with Garland and head home vs detroit. I then pitch a 6-0 complete game shutout with Vazquez, and then again a complete game shutout with (trade aquired) Eric Milton to take the first two vs detroit. So here I am thinking, what the hell is going on? All the sliders are the same and I cant believe how easily im winning now. How the heck can I all a sudden pitch lights out and light everyone up after starting my old franchise 1-14, and unable to get anyone out or produce any offense. So I go into the final game of the series vs detroit and in the top half of the first grab another easy 3 up and 3 down. Then a basehit by Pods and a homerun by Thome and im up 2-0 early in the 1st. Sure enough the game ended up raining out in the bottom of the first inning and rescheduled for later in the year. So I was off to Cleveland with my 3 complete game shutouts in a row still in tact. Plus a scoreless inning (not official) in the rain out. So 28 scoreless inning pitched. Then I get brought back down to earth. Again I grab a 2-0 lead in the 2nd inning in cleveland, but they answer right away in the bottom half. Then in the 5th, 6th and 7th they absolutly light me up for 15 runs off contrares, McDougal and Thorton. I couldnt get any outs for the life of me. So I was pissed and relieved at the same time. I actually thought it was magically getting too easy or that I had caught on to something without realising it. I played 1 more game last night at cleveland and was tied 2-2 heading into the 8th. Then in the bottom of the 8th I pulled a Grady Little and stuck with my ace Buehrle when I had 2 out, bases loaded and he ended up giving up a gapper. They grabbed the 4-2 lead and ended up winning with that. Im loving this game so freaking much! Also Konerko so far this season for me has been LIGHTS OUT. In 7 games so far hes batting .551 with 3 home runs and 9 rbi's.
  6. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 06:30 PM) You know, I did wonder while watching the show whether the producers somehow tampered with his performance. Didn't it just sound a little too soft? And there were several moments where the sound appeared muffled when Sanjaya and the judges were talking. Not that it changes a whole lot, really. He still deserves to be kicked off. I just feel last week was an example of AI producting their product and making sure Sanjaya sounded as poorly as possible. wouldnt be surprised. I know simon cowell made a comment in some interview that he would "quit" if Sanjaya won. Which is such BS imo. The way they treat the kid. Also I dont know how reliable that dialidol website is, but they had sanjaya in as one of the top 4 vote getters and on the show they had him up there 2nd to last (as they do every week). Why dont they ever make anyone else sweat it out with nerves like that every week?
  7. for all the sanjaya haters out there check this out. http://downloads.americanidol.com/ Preview a few of them, and preview his. They are CD quality mp3s from this past week performances. He is better than people give him credit for.
  8. QUOTE(Reddy @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 12:05 AM) so guys, at the end of the day - The Show or 2k7? I no longer have a ps2 so the show isnt even an option for me. So since I havent played both my opinion might be a little bias. I was a huge fan of MVP baseball on the ps2 and im telling you now, if you loved that game, you will also love 2k7. As mentioned above about the show, 2k7 has similar "small" things that make it so enjoyable. The ump personalities are both games.
  9. I dont know if this has been mentioned and maybe im going crazy, but I can almost feel the different personalities between umpires. I can tell some umps miss calls, just like in real life. Pisses you off when it happens, but makes it really realistic as well. An example was on a 3-2 count on jermaine dye the other night I got called out looking on a breaking ball a good inch and a half out of the zone. Also its cool to see numerous different umpires at different spots at each game. I remember the ump behind the plate during my Dye example was Amazando.
  10. For the heck of it I went and youtubed sanjaya's waiting on the world performance. I liked it even better this time around than I did originally. I guess with this kid its just hit or miss. Either you love him or hate him. Either you like his style or you dont. http://youtube.com/watch?v=Z_XAlTQwdKQ
  11. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 15, 2007 -> 04:08 PM) They will pretty much slam anyone who has a bad night on this show. The difference is that this guy has a bad night, every night he was out there. I don't care who put him on there, it really screws the people who have left when someone who couldn't carry their jocks get to stay for whatever reason. Maybe I have a horrible taste, and maybe im blinded by biasness, but I thought his performance this past week and 3 weeks ago "waiting on the world" were pretty good. No they were not vocal range masterpeices, but I like his style for some reason. Despite being low pitched, hes always in pitch and has a soothing voice. Maybe he is out of his league for what they are looking for with absolute tremendous range and energetic singing, but to say he absolutly sucks and cannot sing is abserd in my eyes.
  12. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Mar 15, 2007 -> 04:02 PM) Ugh, Sanjaya is grating on me. Even so, not a surprise that Brandon went home. Look for hopefully Sanjaya next week or at worst the week after. Idol will do something before April to get him out. You can tell Idol is already trying with the words they use and how they bring sanjaya to the last two every week. Maybe he really was second to last in voting for last nights show, but on 2 seperate websites I read he was in the top 4 so im not sure if Idol is just trying to pull something. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Mar 15, 2007 -> 04:06 PM) Howard Stern if goofing on him. Eric the Midget called in and asked people to stop voting for him so he can get off, and to goof on Eric Howard said maybe people should vote to keep him on. Today he mentioned it again and said people should vote to keep him on as a joke. Yea I heard that too. Pretty messed up. Makes me feel even worse for the kid because he seems, character wise, like a pretty cool kid. I personally like his style although he should probably speak up a little more so I hope someone out there gives him a chance after he finally gets eliminated.
  13. To elaborate on my above statement, he’s getting voted to stay so to the judges, they should lay off him a little. If the judges didn’t like his performance then fine that’s fair. Nothing wrong with giving him some criticism, but with this kid they take it overboard. I mean if its a bad performance fine, say he wasn’t vocally good, and it was a bad performance you don’t have to punk the kid out on national TV with that whole screaming whale comment and saying how he’s only there because of his hair and how he belongs on a high school musical. Hell Diana Ross sounded like complete s*** yesterday and I don’t see her getting punked out.
  14. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 15, 2007 -> 03:42 PM) Age doesn't matter. The Sparks girl is only 17 and she doesn't completely suck. Im not saying age matters are far as the singing goes, I just mean based on the entire broadcast shooting him down and making an ass out of him week after week on national tv just because hes getting voted to stay and they dont want him to. Id say the same thing if it was happening to Jordin.
  15. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 15, 2007 -> 03:25 PM) Well when you are a no-talent ass clown, whose very presence means that someone much more talented is gone, you are probably going to get some dirty looks. He should feel uncomfortable, as he does not belong there. Heck they dude shouldn't have made the final 24 let alone 12. Well hes only 17, plus whats the kid supose to do? Its not like hes up there bragging about being the best.
  16. sorry if this is a repost. I didnt bother reading much. "WWE® Pay-Per-Views To Follow WrestleMania® Formula STAMFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--In the spirit that has made WrestleMania the premier brand in the pay-per-view industry, every future World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-views will feature talent and storylines from all three WWE programs: -- "Monday Night RAW®," "Friday Night SmackDown®," and "ECW®: Extreme Championship Wrestling™." Starting with Backlash® on April 29, WWE fans will see all their favorite Superstars on every pay-per-view. This is a change from 2005 and 2006, when only four of WWE's 16 pay-per-views featured talent from more than one WWE brand. "We have seen over the past two years that WWE pay-per-views have significantly better buy rates when more than one WWE brand is involved," said Kurt Schneider, Executive Vice President, Marketing. "WrestleMania, with an average of one million buys per event over the past three years, is the perfect example. This new direction will give our fans more of what they want in every one of our pay-per-views." Schneider said that the tri-branded WWE pay-per-views will benefit from promotion on all three WWE prime time programs - "Monday Night RAW," (USA, 9/8C), "Friday Night SmackDown," (CW, 8/7C)and "ECW: Extreme Championship Wrestling" (Tuesdays, SCI FI, 10/9C). WWE has had the No. 1 prime time shows on USA, SCI FI, and The CW each week in January and February among households and total viewers, compared to programs with two or more telecasts. Throughout January and February, WWE programs reached 15.7 million viewers in 10.8 million households during the average week. Additional information on World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: WWE - News), can be found at wwe.com and corporate.wwe.com. For information on our global activities, go to http://www.wwe.com/worldwide/. Trademarks: All World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, and logos are the exclusive property of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. ECW is a trademark of WWE Libraries, Inc. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains forward-looking statements pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include the conditions of the markets for live events, broadcast television, cable television, pay-per-view, Internet, feature films, entertainment, professional sports, and licensed merchandise; acceptance of the Company's brands, media and merchandise within those markets; uncertainties relating to litigation; risks associated with producing live events both domestically and internationally; uncertainties associated with international markets; risks relating to maintaining and renewing key agreements, including television distribution agreements; and other risks and factors set forth from time to time in Company filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results could differ materially from those currently expected or anticipated. In addition to these risks and uncertainties, our dividend is based on a number of factors, including our liquidity and historical and projected cash flow, strategic plan, our financial results and condition, contractual and legal restrictions on the payment of dividends and such other factors as our board of directors may consider relevant. "
  17. Sanjaya still alive, but its getting ridiculous. I feel bad for the dude because its almost like the whole american idol crew looks at him like hes a piece of s*** for eliminating the other contestants. Hes gotta feel so uncomfortable.
  18. Take this for what its worth because theres no source or links. My aunt sent me an email saying that she heard on the radio that Howard Stern actually likes Sanjaya. He claims it to not be a joke against voting for the worst, but who knows nowadays. Apparently hes launched a "vote for sanjaya" campaign and has a huge following voting for sanjaya which could partly contribute to why hes so far ahead this week in voting above all the guys
  19. As someone mentioned Sanjaya is in the top 3 according to dialidol and is no worse than 5th. He seems to be pretty well ahead too so he seems like a lock to stay. Im in the .01% here thats glad.
  20. Take it or leave it, but I like Sanjaya. Everyone hates him but to me hes got a nice kind of soothing voice. No hes not going to "put on a show" because of his lackluster shyness, and hes not the most exciting performer, but despite all that I like him. I dont know why so much critisizm for his latest performance of "waiting on the world to change" because I thought it was good.
  21. QUOTE(HeGone33 @ Mar 13, 2007 -> 04:24 PM) I had the same problem but figured it out last night. As soon as you see the option by your player for "wall climb" you have to hit the right stick in the direction of the climb and it will sort of take over your player and he will climb. I kept running into the wall cause i would see the "wall climb" as I was approaching the wall but would wait to hit the right stick until I was at the wall. By then the "wall climb" option was already gone therefore the nosedive. 0-12, ouch. I was killing in pro then switched to all-star last night and won 10-9 vs. Cleveland. Much more realistic game but way to many homers between the two teams. Ahh alright, I was doing the same thing you explained about waiting til i got to the wall. Ill press it from now on right when I see the wall climb icon. Yea im having Vazquez like issues out there with all of my pitchers. It'll stay close thru 5 or 6 innings then ill give up a 4 or 5 spot and put myself out of it since I cant muster up more than a few runs a game.
  22. Absolutly love this game. Im playing on Allstar without any slider adjustments yet, but im thinking on starting my franchise over. I just cant get over the hump as im 0-12. Some games ill just get crushed, other games ill hang in there but just cant take the lead and in other games ill jump out early and blow it late. Im having problems scoring runs big time. I avg usually only 1 or 2 runs a game. I tried playing on pro and I went 3-0 and allowed a total of 5 runs in all 3 games so I figured Allstar is the level I belong at, I just need to step up my game. Also I cant seem to rob any home runs. Whenever I try to climb the wall I end up taking a nosedive into it instead. Im going to start my franchise over but do 82 games instead of 162. Im undecided if I want to make any trades or not. I want to so I can help my team and get better, but at the same time I feel bad making trades that dont happen in real life for some reason. The trade im considering making is for Dontrell Willis. All id have to give up is Sisco, Toby Hall and Thorton. Id also get Olivo in the deal. Id then add Travis Harper and Mark Redman to my bullpen from free agentcy. Id have Willis, Buehrle, Contrares, Garland and Vazquez starting with Jenks, Floyd, Travis Harper, McDougal, Redman and Logan in the bullpen.
  23. QUOTE(fathom @ Mar 13, 2007 -> 02:26 PM) Can we trade him for Pods and Heath Phillips, and then platoon Rowand in LF with Mackowiak? I like both Phillips and Pods. I wouldnt mind an outfield of Pods, Rowand and Dye again with Erstad in there until Pods gets healthy. Im not a big fan of Mackowiak. I hope he gets traded.
  24. I like Rowand. I hope we get him back despite everyone's dislike for him.
  25. Im 1 for 1 this year when posting in a game thread (yesterday) so why not give it another crack?
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