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Everything posted by WhiteSoxFan1

  1. Actually bro, I dont think so....Holt and Harrison are definatly in the same class as Moss. check out some of Holt and Harrisons numbers last 3 years Recptions: 2001 - Moss - 82 Holt - 81 Harrison - 109 2002 - Moss - 106 Holt - 91 Harrison - 143 2003 - Moss - 111 Holt - 117 Harrison - 94 Yards: 2001 - Moss - 1233 Holt - 1363 Harrison - 1524 2002 - Moss - 1347 Holt - 1302 Harrison - 1722 2003 - Moss - 1632 Holt - 1696 Harrison - 1272 TDs 2001 - Moss - 10 Holt - 7 Harrison - 15 2002 - Moss - 7 Holt - 4 Harrison - 11 2003 - Moss - 17 Holt - 12 Harrison - 10
  2. Double Jeopardy im off to bed...hopefully no one thinks of another Y take it easy
  3. that might have been said, but im too lazy to check..ill go with ready to rumble...if ya never heard of it, its about wrestling.
  4. Wait were we talking about for Fantasy football this season or for football player in general?
  5. ya got anything YASNY im out of N's off the top of my head
  6. Ofcourse Harrison is a great call, hes right up there right now with Moss and Holt, maybe even better, but if I was picking for now and future, id take Holt or Moss over Marvin.
  7. is there a limit of how many times I can answer this game could never end with how many movies there are...but im off the to bed, and ill end with Exit Wounds
  8. forgot about that one... maybe I can screw it up with this one Next Friday
  9. Hope this doesnt screw it up... American History X
  10. Id consider Torry Holt just as good if not better than Randy Moss. Holt is just as young, just as fast and is slowly becoming on the same playmaker level, but also stays out of trouble, and doesn't "take plays off"
  11. Yea I heard about this earlier this morning on sportscenter. Just Pathetic! Why are they even listening to the broadcast in the middle of a game in the first place? I dont like Stone or Carey at all, but afterall they are doing there job. They call what they see on the field. This isnt little league where you can't do anything wrong, this is the big leagues, if you make a mistake or arnt playing at the top notch that your supose to be, then expect to get critized. Take is and move on, if you dont want critizism(sp?)then do give them reason to give it to you. Just go out and play and stop the b****ing.
  12. Heres my other team which I like much more. QB: Chad Pennington (Starter) QB: Steve McNair QB: Mark Brunell RB: Priest Holmes (Starter) RB: Rudi Johnson (Starter) RB: Julious Jones RB: Deshawn Foster WR: Jerry Porter (Starter) WR: Isaac Bruce (Starter) WR: Chad Johnson (Starter) WR: Muhson Muhammed TE: Dallas Clark(Starter) TE: Randy McMichael Defense: TampaBay (Starter) Kicker: Jason Elem right now im trying to trade McNair for some depth at WR
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