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Everything posted by fathom

  1. Keep running against this Carmona/VMart combo. QUOTE(tealeafreaderii @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 11:26 PM) I'm taking a social psychology class and we just learned about the "self fulfilling prophesy" Gotcha...I know you made this same comment yesterday, so I figured it was something like that.
  2. Does anyone have the stat about how bad our leadoff hitter in the first inning has been since the ASB?
  3. QUOTE(tealeafreaderii @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 11:21 PM) Scotty Pods is playing with a passion and fire this game that has been absent the past few months. I think this bodes well for the remainder of the season. He has?
  4. Haha...nice call by Blackjack there. Still one more huge out here to keep the momentum.
  5. He's thrown 3 balls to three straight hitters now. He needs to start throwing that sinker in on the hands.
  6. Garland needs to start working ahead in the count. Keep the momentum going, and get a DP here.
  7. QUOTE(SoxAce @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 09:32 PM) To be honest with you, I thought it was a fly ball to the warning track like he usually does. Didn't think he got enough of it. That's true, but since he hit it towards center field, you had to know it wasn't one of his big swings that he gets off the end of the bat.
  8. QUOTE(Wanne @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 09:28 PM) That's a nice way to put it fathom. Very true...but I probably would have said..."thank the baseball gods AJP can't but worth a crap....". Still blows me away he went down and got not that bad of an 0-2 pitch. He took such a short swing on that pitch. When he first hit it, I thought it had a chance. However, Hawk was quiet for quite a while on that play, and then finally reacted when Sizemore ran out of room.
  9. QUOTE(The Critic @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 09:23 PM) I don't know if that win will start a run, but a loss last night could have crushed the Sox. Thank the baseball gods for that 2-run AJ bomb!!! And thank the baseball gods that AJP didn't get the bunt down.
  10. QUOTE(The Critic @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 09:18 PM) I wouldn't. Good young pitchers are harder to find than good young outfielders. That's why it's too bad we haven't seen more of McCarthy as a starter. Right now, who knows how good he can be. We do know that Crawford is a budding superstar who is improving every season.
  11. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 08:48 PM) Fair enough, fathom. If Thornton woulda come in and threw it to the screen then got rapped for a broken bat triple, would you have blamed Oz or Thornton? Just wondering. Pls. be truthful. Nope...once the first two guys got on, that was Thornton's game to win or lose. There's no one else in the bullpen besides him that would have even been an option after Jenks looked so bad against the first two hitters. If Thornton doesn't do the job there, then it's his fault.
  12. QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:44 PM) The Sizemore hit was a flare. But here and more importantly, why wasn't Konerko guarding the line for Michaels it was a tie game and the go ahead run was on second so I suppose you want to take away the hit through the infield? Also, why was Anderson playing the second batter in the 9th to pull so much especially with Sweeney in left? We were playing up for the bunt. And for the Marte double....that's a play that Anderson has to cut-off. If Mackowiak did that, we would have never heard the end of it.
  13. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 07:40 AM) Kalapse, with all due respect, you and fathom sometimes act like Oz isn't watching the game. I was watching the game and sensed Bobby still had a chance to get out of it, though I wasn't sure, and Oz left him in. Sometimes I think you guys think Oz is some guy who has never seen a baseball game. Do you realize his experience??? Also just curious .. if Oz had yanked him and brought in a reliever who lost the game, me thinks fathom still woulda blamed Oz. Cause he wouldn't have brought in the reliever you wanted. Um, we wanted Thornton to be brought in to face Sizemore. He was the person warming up. The thing is greg, we were stating this stuff well in advance of the Jenks blow-up. There's plenty of time when you can accuse us of second guessing....but this isn't one of them.
  14. QUOTE(WinningUgly85 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 04:40 AM) I don't criticize ozzie because I believe in his managerial skills. I think many of you are forgetting that Ozzie instills confidence in his players by showing that he trusts in their abilities. So I don't mind that he left Jenks in, not because we won but because Jenks will have the confidence next time around to close out a perfect game. Just remember without this ingredient we wouldn't be World Series champs. Ladies and gentlemen....Chris Rongey
  15. Unless I was reading a different game thread, there was no one that didn't want Jenks to start the 9th. However, a majority of the people in there said that if he looks crappy again, we need to pull him when Sizemore gets up.
  16. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 04:15 AM) OK fathom, but why won't you address the situation of our medical staff obviously saying he was able to pitch. If he's deemed fit to pitch ... it now seems to me you want Ozzie to be a mindreader and decide, 'Wait, I've been told he can pitch and is able to close, but I truly feel he's hurt, so I better get him out of there.' That's what I don't understand about your position. It seems to me you wanted Ozzie to be a mindreader. This is a team for a reason. Doctors clear players to play. If he's not 100 percent he should not have been on tonight's available to perform list, like Crede was not on the available to perform list. If you have enough discomfort to require an MRI, I just can't imagine you're 100 pct healthy two/three days later. I have no issue with him going out there to start the 9th. However, once you see he's struggling again, you pull him before Sizemore comes up in a situation where he can decide the game.
  17. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 04:10 AM) This is possibly the most excited I've been about a win all year simply because I didn't want to have to argue about Ozzie's 9th inning blunder. Ugh, thank you AJ. Yep, I think we both said after the top of the 9th that a comeback would be just great so we don't have to have a 20 page thread about that situation.
  18. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 04:10 AM) What is so difficult to accept my position that we had a two run lead and we brought in our closer to start the inning. Our closer failed. To understand your position better ... if Bobby was healthy do you agree he should have been allowed to either get the save or blow the save, not be removed at any point just because he appeared to not have it. I think it's safe to say ALL managers put in their closers with a 2 run lead or one run lead and it is the closer's game. So if Bobby is healthy do you agree he should be allowed to either get the save or blow it? YES OR NO? I said in the game thread that if Jenks is 100 pct healthy, I want him on the mound before anyone else regardless of the situation or who's up. The thing is, Jenks isn't close to 100 pct., and I think everyone knows it. It's the same situation that Ozzie has had to face with Contreras. Just because a guy says he's not hurt, it doesn't mean he's healthy and feeling good.
  19. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 04:04 AM) He is? I would disagree with that. I love everything about the guy. His quotes are legendary. They might be legendary, but not necessarily in a good way.
  20. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 04:08 AM) Obviously I'm out of the loop. Ya, I was hoping you knew what we're referring to. Jphat said that due to the negativity in the threads, good posters don't post in there anymore.
  21. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 04:06 AM) Well thats too bad. You were a good poster in there. Kept things reasonable. It's the million dollar question, and we just got a hint. Greasy is one of the legendary "good posters". Milkman...it's like a faction in wrestling.
  22. QUOTE(tealeafreaderii @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 04:05 AM) yeah but there were 2 or 3 posts, and no one bothered to refute them... well, almost no one Anyone that gives up in a one run game against this Indians bullpen should just stop watching baseball.
  23. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:59 AM) That was amazing. Coming right back after the Tribe took the lead on us. Paulie base hit; AJ boom. We win. Nice. Now that the game is over, will you consider that maybe Jenks should have been pulled prior to Sizemore's AB? As I'm sure you'll agree with me on, we need to get Jenks healthy ASAP. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 04:00 AM) Way to ruin a good thread. Your act is lame. The funny thing is that I don't think there was more than two or three posts in that thread that said the game was over.
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