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Everything posted by fathom

  1. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:59 AM) That was amazing. Coming right back after the Tribe took the lead on us. Paulie base hit; AJ boom. We win. Nice. Now that the game is over, will you consider that maybe Jenks should have been pulled prior to Sizemore's AB? As I'm sure you'll agree with me on, we need to get Jenks healthy ASAP. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 04:00 AM) Way to ruin a good thread. Your act is lame. The funny thing is that I don't think there was more than two or three posts in that thread that said the game was over.
  2. Great win...now lets get Jenks healthy. We have the pitching advantage going into the game tomorrow, so lets hope we can get some focus by our hitters and pick up a game on the Tigers or Twins.
  3. QUOTE(S720 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:49 AM) Stop lying Fathom. If Jenks was healthy, you would have still jumped on Ozzie. Admit it! You are just watching every single negative that you can find to blame on Ozzie. Since last year! Jenks is the pitcher I have the most confidence in on the team, and it's not even close. I can guarantee you (feel free to believe me if you want) that I would have wanted him in to face Sizemore if he's 100 pct. What I love about Jenks is that he can K batters in tough situations. However, it's too bad that he's not even close to 100 pct.
  4. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:49 AM) Torre has a nice cushion, and can be afforded the luxery of playing somewhat-injured players. If Bobby's medically cleared to play by Herm and everyone involved in that decision, then I have no problem putting him in. I do think it was a mistake not to have Thornton face Grady, but I don't blame him for showing some confidence in his pitcher. I hope we win this ballgame. I don't want this to end on such a bulls*** note. Torre was resting Rivera a few months ago, when the Yanks were well behind the Red Sox.
  5. How about we have a comeback, and just laugh about how quick Jenks blew the save?
  6. QUOTE(MHizzle85 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:47 AM) again with this he was sent home on a plane, if it was serious enough he wouldnt of been out there. point. blank. period. It didn't show any structural damage. At this point in the season, I doubt a competitor like Jenks is going to say he's can't pitch. It's the same as Buehrle and Contreras, if you ask me. Actually, I think Jenks' injury is worse than Buehrle's right now.
  7. Has anyone on here ever pitched with a sore hip? It's very difficult to finish your pitches, and you don't get your legs behind the offspeed pitch. Jenks hasn't thrown a good offspeed pitch to the last 10 batters or so that he's faced.
  8. QUOTE(S720 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:45 AM) Jenks is our f***ing closer, if you are not aware! Do you think Torres will pull Mariano after two men got on base when his team is leading by two runs? Have some decency to acknowledge this is all on Jenks! Nope, Torre doesn't pitch Rivera if he's not feeling good. There's been at least three games this year where he didn't put Rivera out there, as he knew he wasn't 100 percent. If Jenks was healthy, then I would have had no problem with him being left out there that long.
  9. QUOTE(SoxHawk1980 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:45 AM) I can't believe anyone could be this dense. Jenks is hurt. He's been saying all week that he's hurt and obviously isn't 100%. When you put your closer into the game in THAT situation, then he has to be on a short leash. THAT is the situation where you don't leave your closer out there to give out double after double after double. Do you get it...finally? Stop making sense.
  10. QUOTE(S720 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:41 AM) You guys are A BUNCH OF f***ING WHINERS! Blame f***ing everything on Ozzie. At the sight of Hermanson warming up, you guys were pulling for Jenks to close. Now Jenks failed, you blame on Ozzie. You guys are so f***ing pathetic! No, we didn't want Hermanson to be closing. I have no problem with Jenks starting this inning. However, once he got to a situation where Sizemore could do damage, you have to pull him.
  11. QUOTE(South Side Fireworks Man @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:42 AM) Can't they tell in the bullpen when a pitcher is warming up that he just doesn't have it???? They said he was brutal on Monday night in Boston in the bullpen, and they still put his fat ass on the mound.
  12. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:41 AM) Kalapse name one situation in baseball, one manager who puts in the closer in a 2 run game and doesn't let him finish or blow it in the process. My god. HE'S NOT EVEN CLOSE TO 100 PERCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is that so hard for you to understand?
  13. QUOTE(S720 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:40 AM) Come on, you were the one who wanted Jenks to pitch in the 9th. Don't give me that crap! We all said to pull him if the first two guys get on base.
  14. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:39 AM) I'm sick of this manager crap. The closer was given a two run lead. You don't yank the closer even if he is pathetic like tonight. Our team is a joke all the way around. When your closer is injured, you pull his freaking ass before you face one of the best lefties in baseball.
  15. Our manager is as unlikeable as it gets in baseball.
  16. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:36 AM) How can you possibly blame Ozzie for that?? It's ALL on Jenks HE'S HURT, AND LOOKS LIKE CRAP!!! After two batters, he should have been pulled. Ozzie is a disgrace of a manager.
  17. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:36 AM) The 11 LOB may come back to haunt us. And the complete lack of urgency by our manager.
  18. Thanks Ozzie! I hope you're enjoying your nap on the bench.
  19. Wow, that inexcusable by Anderson. You have to be playing no doubles. Get Jenks out of the freaking game! Why do we continue to throw Marte only fastballs?
  20. Oh boy...here we go. Awful slider from Jenks. He's completely lost his swagger on the mound.
  21. Thornton should be warming up to start the inning, as if Jenks doesn't have anything, you can let him face Sizemore in a tough spot.
  22. Excellent!! Very nice swing by Cintron. I have so much more confidence in him to get the job done at the plate than I do Iguchi.
  23. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 03:22 AM) He is going to be a doubles type hitter. Lots of line drive power oppo. He will give us great defense. He probably wont be a dong hitter. But we have enough of those. HE NEEDS TO DECIDE IF HE WANTS TO BE A POWER HITTER OR SPEED PLAYER. Thankfully KW traded Chris Young...that would suck for Ozzie if we had someone who could do both.
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