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Everything posted by fathom

  1. Seriously, Ozzie Guillen might be the worst manager of pitchers that I have ever seen. He continues to leave batters in way too long. There's a reason that we have like 6 starters who have given up 7 or more earned runsi n a game. Ozzie has his head up his ass way too much when the Sox are in the field.
  2. Hawk was too busy saying how great of an approach that was by Rowand to mention that you have got to hit that ball in the air. Of course, Hawk was too busy kissing up to a player or management to say that should have been Rowand's goal.
  3. How f***ing stupid can you be to throw a 3-2 breaking ball to someone who has no prayer of pulling your fastball? I hope Don Cooper doesn't have a lot of job security right now, him and his pitchers are disgracing themselves.
  4. Ozzie should have brought in Marte to face Lawton in the 6th. Cotts is just a disaster waiting to happen, and Lawton's ab was a crucial spot of the game. However, Ozzie let Cotts pitch and we know the rest. I believe the Sox are 3-16 when Cotts pitches this year.
  5. Olivo can't keep playing against righties. He's too easy of an out.
  6. Cotts needs to go down to the minors and learn another pitch. Lawton had it easy against him, he was just looking for the fastball. Ozzieball, it f***ing SUCKS!
  7. You make some very good points. I honestly feel like the talent level problems is a result of the lack of off-season moves made by the team, as well as the continued inability to produce minor league players that can be productivity in the majors.
  8. I am so sick and tired of Sandy Alomar. Will someone please tell Ozzie to stop playing him f***ing every other game. Isn't it time Sandy needs another knee surgery? I think it would benefit the Sox. He also calls a terrible game, Sox pitchers have no clue what to do on 0-2 pitches.
  9. I'll give credit to Schoeneweis for keeping us in the game after his terrible start. Sox didnt stand a very good chance to win this game, and doesnt look like they will. Tomorrow is a huge game with Loaiza vs Elarton.
  10. You're damn right that I believe KW deserves a lot of the blame for this mess which is the White Sox right now. Everyone knew coming into the year that the Sox needed a 5th starter, but KW and Ozzie foolishly thought Wright could do the job. It is unimaginable how a team could try out like 5 different people to be a 5th starter, and each one does worse than the last.
  11. God, what is KW thinking by not making any moves to help this team? Schoeneweis can't be counted on, he's just not that good. Any good hitting team will eat him up. I'm scared of what the Cubs might do to him on Saturday.
  12. I really don' like how people say the Sox have done decent w/out Ordonez in the lineup. If they lose tonight, the Sox will have lost 4.5 games in the standings since the injury. That is not good.
  13. Both Uribe and Konerko were swinging out of their asses in those crucial situations.
  14. Tonight is another example of why the Sox should either call up Borchard, or trade him before he's 40 yrs old. Even with Maggs out, there's no excuse to be playing Timo against a tough lefty. Borchard's switch hitting would help us out in many situations.
  15. One interesting thought: Ozzie needs to use Olivo whenever possible against lefties. He's great vs lhp, pretty worthless vs rhp. Also, I don't know why he has Timo batting 2nd against a tough lefty. Therefore, I would like ot see Olivo batting 2nd vs lefties. He might be our best bunter, and is an above average hitters vs lefties.
  16. Schoeneweis just does not have the stuff to be a starter. There's a reason he was a lefty specialist in the past.
  17. So if taking out Frank is a moronic deciision, than why did he do it against the Marlins on Thursday during a tie game in extra innings? That was an even worse decision cause he coudl have had Willie pinch run for him, and Frank was eventually caught stealing. Then, Ozzie replaced Frank for defensive reasons in the bottom half of the inning.
  18. That's the thing, when you're missing some of your better players, you need to make smart managerial decisions. If Ozzie can only play Frank or Konerko, he needs to take advantage of each player's stengths. Therefore, he should have done a double-switch after Frank batted in the 9th to get Konerko in the field and batting if there were a 10th inning. Hell, on Friday night, Ozzie screwed up in how he handled it. He had Frank pinch hit in a spot where the Expos could intentionally walk him, instead of letting him bat with men on 1st and 2nd.
  19. Looking at the talent on the Twins and Indians, I really wonder if the Sox can finish ahead of these teams this year. In years past, the Sox were more talented. However, the Indians have a better staff than the Sox this year, and the Twins staff is equal to the Sox. Now, the Indians have a bad bullpen, but the Twins bullpen is superior ot the Sox. In terms of offensive players, I really think that the Indians and Twins have better talent than the Sox do. You dont see them having to start a Gload, Perez, or Harris everyday. I guess this is what ahppens when you don't sign any free agents during the offseason, and your minor league system is a joke.
  20. Ozzie has had a string of terrible managing decisions lately. Not only does he continue to let the other teams best players continue to beat us, but he has no clue when to make switches, etc. NO way should Frank have been in the field after he batted in the 9th. Not having Willie bunt in the 8th was puzzling. The Sox needed to make sure that Frank got an AB w/the go-ahead run in scoring position. Also, Miguel Olivo should not get a lot of time against rhp. He's too easy of an out if he's not facing a lefty.
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