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Posts posted by BamaDoc

  1. Looks like a sellers market.  If I am Hahn and know Bummer and Rodon progressing and would be available playoff time, I think I stand pat.  Afraid the prices don't match the return.  It is okay for others to disagree, just my opinion.  

  2. Thanks CWS!  I am still not sure our young hitters will handle good pitching this year which is another reason I hesitate.  What we don't know is the status of Bummer.  We are really starting to see and feel his absence.  If we know he is out for the year, it again makes me hesitate.  I have dreamed about how fun a bullpen with Hader and Bummer(Both healthy and effective) could be for the next four years.

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  3. If people are thinking about this years playoffs, you need to remember the 28 man roster.  The last few years have seen teams succeed well with one time thru the lineup strategies.  With the 28 man roster that will be easier to do than in years past.  We don't have a lot of guys you are going to pinch hit for.  Our switches will be for defense or maybe pinch running.  Giolitto and Kuechel give you two solid pitchers.  Cease has the stuff by seasons end maybe he is your third.  Often you only need three.  If baseball goes to the bubble for playoffs, maybe you don't have all the off days and need more.  But if you go one time through the lineup, Gio Gonzales, Lopez, Rodon creates mismatches or forces teams to pinch hit early etc. and could be quite successful.

    Longer term, the cost of an ace is huge.  Your best bet is to constantly develop them.  Thats why I hold Kopech as he has ace potential.  Giolitto can be a free agent after the 2023 season.  If the rebuild has taught us anything is it is you need a ton of pitching depth in prospects as not all will develop or they may be derailed by injury.  The biggest market inefficiency that I see now is that starting pitching is paid at a higher rate than ever while each year pitching less innings than ever.  I think you can make the case that if a pitcher doesn't sign the team friendly extension early in his career you treat him like a running back in the NFL.  That is callous and cruel but it may fit the economic reality.  It may be wiser to build better bullpens and churn thru starters.  Our team operates on a budget whether we like it or not.  We have a core group of position players signed that looks great.  I expect McCann to leave for playing time so Collins serves a purpose longer term.  The future is bright and the window is open.  Don't start closing the window by getting over excited now and depleting the pitching depth we will need.

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  4. Here is a thought I just had.  Are the announcers paid by the Sox and provided to the network or employees of the network with the Sox having approval.  Jason has gone through his growing pains.  He has called games for terrible teams.  He has to be enjoying this and can see the future.  The Sox should sign him to a ten year deal with perhaps options or a rolling ten year deal.  He could be the voice for a generation of new Sox fans who will be showing up now that the team is good.  Sox have done long term extensions for players who wanted the security.  Perhaps Jason would like that as well.

  5. What we aren’t used to is a decent lineup. EE is a streak hitter and slow starter. Don’t know how streaky Mazara is but he was never great vs lefties. Engel has earned the right to play vs lefties and give days off. The positive is we won seven in a row while these two have contributed little. Hopefully as hot guys cool off, these two will be better. 

  6. 40 minutes ago, YouCanPutItOnTheBoardYES! said:

    I actually don’t hate the idea of doing a bullpen game considering it will only be 7 innings. Have Foster throw 2, Detwiler throw 3, and see where you’re at after that. 

    With Bummer out, I don't think that is how you pitch Detwiler.  He pitches three innings and you probably lose him for two days.  I still can't believe he is currently our best lefty over Fry.  

  7. By the end of this season we should have a better idea on some of our younger pitchers.  Cease maintained his velocity yesterday till the end.  If he and Kopech progress it will allow Keuchel to move one slot down each year of his contract.  Due to this short season, next year we may need to monitor innings on a lot of these players so depth will again be important.  Next year you could see Rodon/Lopez/ Dunning and the youngsters as your 5 plus positions.  It probably makes more sense to see where we are near the trade deadline next year and maybe add then if needed.  After 2021 is when it may make more sense to add a starter and hopefully we are attractive as a competitor and should be generating money.

    Colome is a free agent after 2020 I believe.  Solidifying the bullpen is a bigger need to me.  We will need another lefty you can depend on and possibly a closer.  We have a plethora of right handed options.  A lefty besides Bummer who can get both sides out and be relied upon would be nice.

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  8. I would love to see all our players beat the shifts to the point they have to defend us much more straight up. We swing at pitches away that we should either drive the other way or take and generate favorable counts.  We strike out to much. Most our guys have easy power and don’t need to sell out. I know “it’s modern baseball “well this guy thinks a lot of modern baseball sucks!  Ricky does have issues but no one was going to win with the last few years roster. I do think it is important for our roster to have a bilingual manager if a change is made. I don’t see a change this season. 

  9. Sadly, baseball could be serving as an example to the country of how to do things. Instead we are seeing some teams do it better but even within teams we see the range from good to poor examples. These guys stand to make millions and don’t take it seriously enough.  Disappointing as I was looking forward to baseball being my escape and instead COVID will continue as a major story line. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Kalapse said:

    Sox starters are 25th in F-Strike%, #1 is the Indians. Sox starters are middle of the pack in pretty much all plate discipline metrics with the exception of Z-Swing% (#1) and O-Swing% (29th), so hitters are swinging at everything in the zone and nothing out of the zone against Sox starters, makes sense why they've struggled.

    Think it shows that when our starters are constantly behind, batters can sit on a pitch and do damage.  Also from games I have watched, a lot of our misses were bad misses.  Thirdly, when you are not pounding the zone, the umpire is less inclined to give you a borderline pitch.  

  11. Kalapse     thanks for finding that.  #1 in swinging at balls out of zone.  There is your culprit.  No reason to throw strikes if you don't have to.  Also #4 in getting a strike on first pitch.  It seemed we were always batting 0-1.  Maybe to passive on first pitches?  We need to hit some first pitches the other way or to beat shifts.  At worst we miss and are down 0-1 just like we are taking it but by trying you break defensive tendencies and could really get rallies going.  We have a ton of natural power bats, I don't think we have to sell out for it.

    On the other side, I bet our starting pitchers are among the worst at throwing strike one.

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