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Posts posted by BamaDoc

  1. 23 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    Speaking of coaching.. I dont know if anyone else saw this yesterday but on MLBnetworks pregame they had Timmy on and Tim must have praised Steverson 5 times in that interview - it almost felt deliberate.

    Basically said he rebuilt his swing in the offseason with Steversons guidance.

    I did see that.  I expect a player to be loyal to a guy who helped him.   Did you see after the game, the MLB crew all apologized to Eaton for criticizing the trade at the time and that all that was given up for him was fine. LOL

  2. 31 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    I'm not sure how you conclude he's a mediocre leader. 

    No team outbursts or in fighting

    No one on the team does anything but support him - certainly he is not publicly questioned.

    Guys play hard for the guy - I honestly cant say theyve ever quit on him.

    I may not like him as a manager personally but I would not critique his leadership.

    I would add, you have never have a player who has left the team say anything bad about him.  He is probably a great human being and an ok x/o manager.

  3. 1 hour ago, SCCWS said:

    Grandal wore out in the 2nd half as well. His stats are pretty much the same as McCann's.  Grandal usually wears out in the 2nd half so i think more rest will really help him stay fresh. 

    But I disagree w the posters who see him getting less than $15 mil per year.  My gut is 3/$54 will be his new deal.  I also don't think he gets the $20 that some predict. 

    The stories were Grandal turned down 4-60 from the Mets last year.  Several big market teams are actually dealing with budget issues.  It is actually why on page one of this thread I proposed a 3-60 deal with an optional fourth year.  To sweeten it for him and mess with other teams budgets while accounting for aging, I structured it as 24-20-16 per year and then the option at 16.  Total max 4-76.  This structure also has his salary decreasing when we will potentially need money for more of our own players.  

    Grandal OPS second half .787  solid for the wear and tear of catching and by DHing some you might expect it to be a bit higher.  McCann second half .695 though much due to a terrible July.

  4. JDM is a great hitter.  The two biggest downfalls I see with him is it pretty much forces you to play Abreu at first a lot.  Secondly, what do you do in interleague play as JDM glove is not at all good? 

    I worry about Ozuna's glove in RF and the fact it will take a multi year commitment.

    I thought about Jose but same issues for JDM come into play for Jose.


  5. 1 hour ago, Tony said:

    I just don't like it. I know he bats LH, but that can't be the only reason to give a 37 year old a bunch of cash. 

    Since 2015, his OPS has been:






    Now, I know power isn't really his game, but people are asking for him to play RF, correct? A position where he hasn't played a game since 2014. Even removing that from the equation, are you paying for his past production, or what he is going to provide to the White Sox? Because at 37, why should we think he's going to continue to produce at the level he did in 2019? We've all seen this story before, I really want the Sox to aim higher, or at least younger. 

    I started this thread and if you look, Gardner was a complementary signing to Grandal.  If you get a primary bat addition, Grandal in my case, Gardner would hit lower in my lineup to balance handedness and our poor OBP.  I agree if RF is your only big bat signing you want more but I don't see it out there this year.  If he were younger, he probably wouldn't be on a Yankee roster bubble and may not be.  Hell he is batting three for them in the playoffs.  His four WAR this year would be third on our team, ahead of everyone but Giolitto and Moncada.  The game is not only played with a bat but you also do many other things, which he does better than most options.  Since 2015, his WARs are 3.9, 3.2, 3.4, 4.9, 2.8, 4.0    OBP of .327, .343, .351, .350, .322 .325    Father time will get all but with this track record is a WAR of 2.5 unreasonable to expect?

    For comparison  Mazzara has NO seasons with over 1WAR.  Nimmo ONE season over 1 WAR. Dickerson 1 season over 2.5 WAR since 2015.  Mazzara and Nimmo you have to trade for so you are giving up prospects/players who unless they are scrap I don't wish to do.  We need a lot to go right to just contend and I felt Gardner was one of the safest bets out there.  It may not mater as the Yankees probably realize his value even as a fourth outfielder for them.

  6. 4 minutes ago, turnin' two said:

    Couldn't you say all those things about Strasburg?

    As far as wanting a lot of money and max years, sure.  I think his health concerns are much less than Ryu.  I think Keuchel is way overvaluing himself.  

    I think the years/value of Strasburg will dwarf the other two.  Because they/agent is thinking high values, I was trying to point out they will not be quick signs in my opinion. 

  7. Ryu is a Boras client.  Boras spinning his bad injury history as a low mileage arm and wants long years at high dollar.  Won't be a quick sign.  Keuchel also a Boras guy still talks like he thinks he deserves a huge deal.  Boras previously inferred he had multi year deals that Boras was okay with but his client said no.  Again probably a later signing.

  8. On 10/14/2019 at 2:40 PM, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

    I know but the premise is the same trading for a 1 year player and giving up assets for him when you can get Brett Gardner . I know I used Dickerson before but I know he hasn't played right field at all .

    The other point of getting Gardner that I tried to point out is it gives you two options.  First it gives time for your non Robert outfield prospects to develop potentially giving you a cheap homegrown replacement.  Secondly, Gardner does not keep you from signing someone like Pederson the following year.  In that scenario all you have done is spent money and not lost any prospects.

    • Like 1
  9. Colinski, thanks for taking the time to present a plan and not bad.  I am figuring you are around 125 new money if Abreu comes back so I am doubtful on getting it all done and appreciate the plan B part as well.  I agree someone from our relievers steps up and I am not crazy about Colome at 10 million closing as I fear regression.  Hopefully Hererra is what he was supposed to be and balances some of it out.  

    As you watch the playoffs, you see little things matter like defense, getting guys over or in from third.

    Ray Ray awesome stuff.  Ive gotta dig into it more.  Thanks

  10. On 10/5/2019 at 9:05 PM, ChiliIrishHammock24 said:

    Well that would have been a pretty fucking kick ass trade. :(

    Rodon DID end up getting hurt again and completely tanking his value. Ruiz missed some time this year, but continued to improve his plate discipline, yet again trimming his already great K rate from 8% down to about 6.5%. Also, his BB rate jumped again from 6.3% to just under 9%. 30 BB to 22 K on the year in mostly AA, but a cup of coffee in AAA. Switch hitter, still only 21. With the Dodgers getting a great impact from Will Smith coming up, I think Ruiz should be targeted yet again this offseason as well for the Sox.

    As for Gavin Lux.....well, we all know what that dude did. Was named the 2019 minor league player of the year by Baseball America and is now on his way to a World Series appearance with the Dodgers, hitting a HR in his first career postseason AB.

    It would have been but it does make the assumption that the Dodgers would have accepted it.  They actually had a multitude of starting pitching.

    • Like 2
  11. 17 hours ago, SCCWS said:

    I think Gardner is a good choice and would come cheap but I think he will stay in NY to finish his career. 

    He wants to stay but I am hoping he is odd man out.  They have big money committed to Stanton, Hicks and Judge is not going anywhere.  They wouldn't trade Frazier (young OF) at deadline and found some cheap productive players.  They have been up at the tax levels and they seem to want to stay below or around the max.  They have to add pitching which will be expensive thus I hope he simply is odd man out.  Hell they hit him #3 last night so they do like him.

  12. 14 hours ago, BackDoorBreach said:

    I want this.


    Nick Castellanos



    1 of Cole, Stras, Wheeler

    1 of Ryu, Odorizzi, Alex Wood, Julio Teheran (if the Braves don't pick him up)

    2 pen arms.

    I'd prefer to trade for a LH RF but we don't have anything to trade.  Castellanos' Defensive shortfalls I think are overblown because of Comerica.  I want that bat and JDM's in our lineup

    That is about 120 plus million annual out lay.  I would like it a lot (still Gardner over Cast, yes I think his glove is a problem) but I know I am not getting everything I want.  My plan was trying to be realistic.

  13. Hate thread hijacked and I am continuing that but I wonder if part of trouble is he is being to fine and getting behind hitters because he doesn't trust stuff.  Rather than aiming at corners, missing, then getting crushed could he start pitch over not the middle but six inches from a corner and trust his movement?  Between the ears stuff is hard to fix.  Maybe a lot of mental work, visualization stuff in offseason.  As a competitive golfer in a past life, at higher levels the mental part is more and more important.  Yogi was right, "90% of the game is half mental"!

  14. 13 hours ago, GreenSox said:

    Mercedes needs to be protected.  This guy raked across 2 levels, including in dreaded Birmingham.  There' no reason not to to see what you have, especially with all of the players that have done nothing (like Madeiros) as the alternatives.

    I agree especially with a 26 man roster.  Collins is not a absolute guarantee.  Yermin could get a try as a bat.  Grandal being a switch hitter would allow some mixing and matching.  If no Grandal, I would be scared but could you go with Collins and Mercedes being primary DH's (Collins struggles vs LHP) and Collins as your #2 catcher, Yermin emergency catcher?

  15. Part of my rational is they sign Grandal who would hit higher in lineup so Gardner would provide balance and possibly be more in the 6-8 range.  You wouldn't require the bat to be as important and the glove (especially compared to other options) would be there even if he does drop slugging a bit.  He walks at close to 9% indicative of making a pitcher work like Grandal.  Gardner's numbers home and away are similar so it wasn't just hitting them into the short porch in right.  He is a stop gap and would not span our window of opportunity but as he winds down I expect one of our prospects to be ready.  Plugging a young cheap option in gives financial flexibility as others get to bigger dollar levels.  Other free agents would require longer years and many have bad gloves or other risks.  His shorter contract length could allow you to fire at a Betts or Springer if everything breaks right although with current FO/O I doubt that is possible.  More about putting a solid 3 WAR guy in RF where we were negative WAR last year.  In a realistic plan you can't get every top guy but you need solid players also.  

  16. Sorry back on page one when I started thread.  It is Brett Gardner.  Only thing against him is age but he hasn't shown signs of any slowdown.  One year and option or two years probably gets it done.  I think he would be a great mentor as well.  Never heard a bad thing about him with NY writers around everyday.  Allows time for our young minor league guys to develop or allows you to go after big FA RF down the road.  When I started researching, I was very surprised by his numbers.  Keep an open mind and take a look


  17. Why Ozuna?  He is not a great glove.  Had a real good year in 2017, 6.1 WAR.  Last year 2.9, this year 2.1.  He is going to require significant years and dollars and probably has a qualifying offer attached.  He is a national leaguer, (who knows how he adjusts to AL?), hits right-handed.  He will need to move from left to right field.  The guy I want has WARs of 4.9, 2.8, 4.0.  (Better WAR total and this year).  Hits left-handed, played a lot of CF as well as corners.  AL bat with no home park inflation of his numbers, no qualifying offer, and will be a lot cheaper.

  18. 20 hours ago, tray said:

    You are right about that but no doubt, most Cub fans seem to want Castellanos back because of how he energized the team in the last two months of the season.

    Also, Castellanos  did not cost the team with key errors and he was a monster at the plate with numerous key hits and HRs.  The Cubs may be afraid not to sign him.

    signing a player because the scrubs want him is perhaps not the best way to build a team.

  19. Odorizzi is a fly ball pitcher.  Gives up less hr/fb than average.  Only pitched one game at the Rate 6ip 5h 2 r 2w 8k, probably benefitted pitching to our lineup!

    Wood would depend on medicals.  May be toast may be ok.  When he last pitched he was hurt and ineffective. 11 HRs last 35 IP.   I would rather 1-2 million base and incentives if you want to roll the dice but I wouldn't guarantee more.

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