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Everything posted by Kalapse

  1. For some reason I doubt that A-Rod it gay. Also that guy looks an awful lot like Luis Gonzalez minus the gotee.
  2. QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ Apr 3, 2005 -> 11:31 AM) Tommmorow could quite possibly be the most enjoyable day of my life. Same here, I just want to experience the atmosphere and energy that will be comming from the Cell tomorrow.
  3. QUOTE(hi8is @ Apr 3, 2005 -> 03:30 PM) scarsam? whats that? Exactly.
  4. QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Apr 3, 2005 -> 06:00 PM) Thats probly why the Tiggies dumped him, they knew he was on juice and let his cheating ass go... Exactly.
  5. Remember steroids could help to boost your speed, so the fact that he only had 2 hr last year shouldn't be all that shocking. He's taking them for agility.
  6. A lot of people here have no sense of sarcasm.
  7. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Apr 2, 2005 -> 01:14 PM) Do the Tigers want all of our ex-players? It's starting to look that way.
  8. QUOTE(obno @ Apr 2, 2005 -> 07:27 AM) He is going to birmingham, saw him pitch in tucson looks great, but can"t speak spanish, so there you go. QUOTE(Bullard @ Apr 2, 2005 -> 12:22 PM) I speak a little spanish Classic.
  9. Sammy Sosa, no wait..... Moises Alou, no, s***..... Mark Grudzalanek, s*** he's gone too.... Ron Santo?
  10. QUOTE(TLAK @ Apr 2, 2005 -> 11:25 AM) I didn't hear anything more about this hi8is. Now that the White Sox are safely many many miles away, could you share your plot, and what happened? That’s assuming you're not in jail. Haven't seen hi8is around the board these past couple days. I'm beginning to think he's been incarcerated.
  11. Casey Johnson was just on the score saying that Curry might play tonight.FWIW.
  12. Rowand, f***ing sick this spring.
  13. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Apr 2, 2005 -> 12:08 AM) Thanks for the recap, Kalapse! How did Contreras look live? He looked decent on TV, bad early on, but settled in a little bit. What'd you think? Contreras actually looked pretty good after he calmed down, that Split Finger of his has bite, fastball seemed crip and he looked pathetic at the plate during his one atbat.
  14. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Apr 2, 2005 -> 12:16 AM) I don't know how anyone else on this board feels, but I just have to let my personal feelings about this kind of crap known. First I would love to know why you find heckling fun? You ruin the game for everyone else that is trying to actually watch the game. Nothing you could possibly say can ever be original or even the least bit funny. People like you should just learn to sit back and relax and enjoy the game. If I ever heard you on tape I would be so f***ing annoyed I would have to turn the volume off. I absolutely hate moronic pieces of s*** that act like you described and wish that security would have the decency to through you f***heads out. Cheering is one thing, but hecklers are absolute assholes. To find pride or pleasure in making other fans hate you is retarded and ridiculous. To think you actually have any kind of impression on Aaron Rowand one way or another on how good he will be is obscene. At this moment I am embarressed for you and can not stand that you are a White Sox fan and that you represented our fan base the way you did. You obviously didn't sence the sarcasm in my Arrow comment, to think that I actually had an effect on his play would be moronic. I didn't really heckle at all, I said one thing to Wes Helms and that was it. 99% of my yelling today was positive toward the Sox. Calm down, I hate hecklers too.
  15. God that was f***ing awesome. Just got back and I have absolutely no voice left.
  16. I just a got back from Miller park after a 2 hour drive in the rain. My throat hurts like a b**** after 3 straight hours of cheering and heckeling. If you would like to see me in action just pop in your tape of todays game and look and listen for the crazy dude behind home plate about 20 rows up. Now finally Wes Helms knows that he's fat, southern and bad. I single handedly made Arrow have a good ass day with my constant screaming, I encouraged him to be great. Miller park is still beautiful even after the 6th time I've been there. Brewer fans now hate me. The Pauly chant in the 9th was badass.
  17. f*** ya! The first Sox opener with decent weather in a long ass time. Can't f***ing wait to be there.
  18. Kalapse

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