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Everything posted by Kogs35

  1. and the media will still kiss his rudy poo candy ass. i hate the f***er
  2. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Jan 18, 2005 -> 05:35 PM) We always have bad luck on the Sunday night game. Except against the Angels in 2003. I think Frank either hit a walk off homer, or it was just the homer that won the game. that was a monday night game. last time sox and the angels played a sunday nighter was in 2000
  3. dont know if any1 saw it but the twins game on the 10th of april is at 7:05. also the game on the 19th of june vs the dodgers at home will be at 7:05 on ESPN
  4. screaming a smith said on espn that the bulls will be in contention the last week of the season
  5. QUOTE(Reddy @ Jan 11, 2005 -> 07:02 PM) apparently we're still in it for Vazquez but... i dunno what do you guys think? Im kinda sick of this rumor but i'd be happy as hell if we got him... unless its for PK, Marte and Garland... if ur so tired of it why did u start another pointless thread about it?
  6. enjoy hell, i mean ny randy this is what u wanted. over/under how many games he pitches until he is on the dl i say 4
  7. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jan 9, 2005 -> 07:16 PM) Yes...Kansas is gonna be undefeated and #2 when they come into Ames. hope iowa state kicks kansas ass. kansas did not deserve to win today!!!!!
  8. if there going to get rid of ediger pleaseeeeeeeee preety please draft mike nugent
  9. f*** scott borassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. you mother f***ing greedy piece of s***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you already have a life of luxary!!!!!!!! let your players go where they want to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope all your f***ing over paid piece of s*** clients all break there bones in there bodies and looooooooooooose out on the whole season :fyou borasssss first u ruin baseball teams, whats next youll ruin people marrigaes because u want more money for your self? i hope u loose all your money u f***head!!!!!
  10. QUOTE(JDsDirtySox @ Jan 8, 2005 -> 11:09 PM) Looks like Beltran said no to the Astros. Source: 610 AM in Houston are they basing it on internet report?
  11. the reffs is in the illinois-purdue game suck s***.
  12. with spanish basically becoming the offical lanuge of the white sox will they change there names to the chicago taco bells?
  13. whats next are the yankees going to change there name to the USA Yankees?
  14. arte merano is a f***ing moron. he just started a fight with the la counsil and the city of la. la will sue and win merano is f***ing nuts
  15. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jan 1, 2005 -> 06:56 PM) <!--QuoteBegin-Kogs35+Jan 1, 2005 -> 06:54 PM--> QUOTE (Kogs35 @ Jan 1, 2005 -> 06:54 PM) <!--QuoteEBegin--> <!--QuoteBegin-Brian+Jan 1, 2005 -> 05:29 PM--> QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 1, 2005 -> 05:29 PM) <!--QuoteEBegin--> How long until Dibble shows up on "Best Damn Sports Show"? how long until he is brought to chicago to sit in with asilvy and carmen? Actaully I would put $$ on Brian. Fox Sports loves getting ESPN's cast off's, and you can tell Fox Sports is starting to get desperate with Comcast growing by the day.......... fox sports net is loosing money every day. its only a matter of time till comcast or disney buys those channels. ever notice why its called fsn and not fox sports net?
  16. QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 1, 2005 -> 05:29 PM) How long until Dibble shows up on "Best Damn Sports Show"? how long until he is brought to chicago to sit in with asilvy and carmen?
  17. espn1000 may hire him for the 9-12 with silvy. it was in ed shermans latest collumn of the trib
  18. QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 1, 2005 -> 08:44 AM) Dibble could possibly be gone from ESPN all together. he is
  19. i actually wrote a 3 page paper on him and how bad of a reproter he is if u really want to see it. i wrote it for pr last year
  20. i understand what bruce has been saying but remeber people this is george offman of the worlds s***tiest and crapiest radio station he works for. how many times has he sucked his own dick for things he has been wrong on. the guy steals every1 elses reports. f*** u offman gets something right cause ur crediblity is so f***ing bad that people just pee on your bald head u jackass
  21. By Teddy Greenstein Tribune sports media reporter December 29, 2004, 10:53 PM CST To hear WMVP-AM 1000 general manager Jim Pastor tell it, Jay Mariotti's departure from morning radio had nothing to do with the station's attempts to make nice with its partners, the Bulls and White Sox. So what if WMVP is negotiating with both teams on new deals? "At no time has the station ever allowed any of our play-by-play partners to influence decisions about on-air talent," Pastor said. "They may not like everything they hear, but they respect it nonetheless." Mariotti painted a far different picture, reiterating his contention that his departure resulted from the station's insistence he stop taking shots at Bulls and Sox Chairman Jerry Reinsdorf. After a broadcasting source said WMVP had cut ties with Mariotti because the station had grown tired of managing him and that he resisted suggestions to improve the show, Mariotti shot back. "They were happy with the show," he said Wednesday. "Do you see those billboards up in town of me and (ESPN radio personality) Dan Patrick? What does that tell you? They have expressed nothing but contentment with the show. "The only time I became quote, unquote difficult to manage was when I was in hot water with Reinsdorf." A source said both Pastor and program director Len Weiner had written memos to Mariotti instructing him not to carry on his personal attacks of Reinsdorf and not to ask listeners to stop buying tickets to Sox games. The memos, however, did not warn Mariotti about making disparaging remarks about other Chicago teams such as the Cubs and Bears. Pastor said he would not comment on personnel matters, but a source said the station had other minor problems with Mariotti. For one, the final 40 minutes of Mariotti's 9 a.m.-noon show was not live. Mariotti would tape the final segment earlier in the morning so he could make the 11:30 taping of ESPN's "Around the Horn." Mariotti's commitment to "Around the Horn" preceded his deal with WMVP, which began in late January. A source said the station also was disappointed when Mariotti admonished co-host Marc Silverman on the air during a debate about whether the Sox should have re-signed Magglio Ordonez. Mariotti told Silverman: "You have no right to question me." Mariotti later acknowledged he went overboard, and said the two enjoyed a solid working relationship. Mariotti, meanwhile, had concerns about the way he was criticized on WMVP's afternoon show. Dan McNeil recently lit into Mariotti for leaving the set for the final 40 minutes of his show, saying he knew nothing about team chemistry. At least both sides agree that ratings did not cause the breakup. Pastor said Mariotti's numbers were "OK"—a distant second to WSCR's Terry Boers and Dan Bernstein but far better than those posted by Jim Rome, who had preceded Mariotti in WMVP's lineup. As for replacing Mariotti, Pastor said Silverman and radio partner Carmen DeFalco would get a fair shot. The pair has been on the air this week and could continue in that role. Pastor said only that the 9 a.m.-noon slot would not go to a nationally syndicated program such as Rome's. It will be filled by hosts who focus on Chicago sports.
  22. he was put on the station by a f***ing idiot named bob synder, who got fired a few months later for being a f***ing idiot
  23. mariotti almost quit when he was a finalist for the cold pizza gig with bayless and woody paige. but espn was smart and didn't give it to him.
  24. www.chicagosports.com scroll down a tiny bit its there
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