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Posts posted by Kogs35

  1. If I was the PD, Id be hoping Jay hits Mac hard next week. And that Mac takes Kotex boy down right back. Mac might even call in his own show to sound it off.

    if i where the program director mariotti would be gone. i know hes len weiner guy, but i would lay my ass on the line and say to my boss the gm listen i screwed up jay isnot working out we need to find another host. plain out and simple. but len weiner is too hard headed to relize he creating rifts in the station. bob synder was fired for doing that with his anti-reinsdorf rant and stance.

  2. Here's the DJ telling you why its most likely nothing will change at ESPN 1000 over this little spat. You are talking about it and listening. Hell, this aint even new to Chicago - Lujack/Steve&Garry (and that one WAS real), Warren Freiberg/Steve&Garry just to name a couple. One of the places I used to work at, I would rip on the morning guy on my show and he would rip on me, the night guy. It's just the way this s*** works. If its real or not, but getting attention - Len Weiner is getting rewarded because its getting press and maybe some Score listeners might be drawn over to hear the noize. If this starts to go in a bad way, watch this calm down super fast.

    both mariotti and mac where given the day off today and tomorow i think. im waiting to hear back from some1 to see if they have any new details on the feud. a change is a must cause u know mariotti will bash mac next week when hes on vacation

  3. Timo's defense is s***, and he has a weak arm.


    But he has given this team a shot in the arm offensively, and they click when he plays.  It's funny, because he doesn't do anything well.  He has little to no power, is not fast, and does not have a very good bat(.260-.270 is decent).


    We need Timo on this team.  He will be huge for our postseason run.

    he was huge!!!!!!! for the mets in 2000 and in game1 of the world series that year. he will be huge

  4. I could be mistaken, but I think the J-Hood/North thing is a little more friendlier than the Mac/Dick-Face feud.  I'm not saying that Hood and North are best of friends, but I think they both have tougher skin, and North knows if he keeps doing the "character" he portrays on the radio he is going to take some shots.

    with the north jayhood thing o u think jhood is doing it cause hes piised about north lobbying for the score to pick up the sox, and then he would be out of a show?

  5. Do we have a little insider info here?  Do tell.

    here is what jim kirk from the trib told me when i emailed him about the whole thing


    -----Original Message-----

    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

    Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 10:01 AM

    To: Kirk, Jim

    Subject: about the mariotti-McNeil feud the past few days



    Jim the whole feud started when mariotti wrote and took shots at U.S Cellular field on a tuesday either a week ago or 2 weeks ago. Then Mac,Jurko,and Harry started to bash mariotti for his comments about U.S Cellular field the white sox and Jerry Reinsdorf. Mac on tuesday wanted to have Hawk Harrelson on his show but they where not aloud to. Mac then just went all out on jay, and it got heated yesterday in the morning and then really got heated in the afternoon. Mac was saying that they have to ask Jay for the guests they can have on, and Len wasn't happy.


    Jim do you see Mariotti, or Len Weiner getting let go from wmvp?


    this was his response


    Good question...I think they believe Jay's a draw, but this seems to be getting out of hand. New management likes Len, so I think he stays...but they're going to have to do something soon..


    Thanks for the note.




    hope this helps. when i do get more info i will share

  6. I dont think North would be canned. According to an article I read a while back, it is BECAUSE of North that JR might be looking at the score. the know each other well.

    Here is what I would do if I ran the Score and they got the Sox....

    Fred and someone else: 5:30-9

    Me and Z or JHood: 9-Noon

    Dan and Terry: 12-4

    North: 4-8 (4-7 when there is a Sox game)

    Kerner, Laurence Holmes, Jesse Rodgers, or some new talent 8-11

    all i know is that the shakeup at espn1000 that happened was to make jr happy. and that came from the abc radio heads in dallas. len weiner and the moron jay mariotti should be on there way out of espn1000. espn1000 cant survive with out the bulls and sox. yesterday mac almost walked off the air yesterday in protest and something did go down after they went off the air today. or really yesterday. but anyway things that r going down at espn1000 r to please jr and basically asking him to stay but not at the high price he wants. the score wont give the high price. and if north and jr r good freinds why didn't north ever goto wmvp when jerry ran it? it should be interesting radio tomrow morning. and if jim pastor was smart(hes the new gm at espn1000) go and get me and z for the 9-12 slot on espn1000 or just have the herd until they find some1 capable of hosting a radio with out fighting with every1

  7. 1) Which hosts would get canned and why?

    2) I have it on pretty good athority that JR is seriously looking at trying to get the Score

    3) The Sox would get better ratings than JHood, so why wouldnt the Score like that option?

    they would have to can murph and his cub zoo show and mike north.


    jr maybe looking at the score but in the end if they dont get rid of some hosts on the score then jr wont be happy.

  8. What else do you expect from a man with no integrity and no spine, to say nothing of knowledge and love of the game -- any game?


    The word "soul-less" gets thrown around a lot, but that's exactly what Mariotti is.   



    mac said today on his show when ripping mariotti why are you in sports journolism if you dont even like sports.

  9. It is guys like Mariotti that is going to cause the Sox to move their broadcast down the dial to 670 once their deal with 1000 is up.

    here is something i posted on wsi about the sox radio moves for the 06 season


    In general reinsdorf has 2 big probelms on his hands for the 06 season. 1 he will not get any deal with any station for what he thinks he will get. Second the snore wont take em because they will have to get rid of a certain morining host and a certain mid day host which they will not do, and jay hood would never have a show.


    780 would only do it if they where either paid to broadcast it, and it would have to be worth it for them to do it. The yankees r on WCBS in NY but i dont know there deal and i dont know how they got WCBS to get off the all news format durring the summer.


    There r only 2 logical places for the sox. 890 or 1000. There is a probelm over at 1000 with the program director Len Weiner and every 1 favorite moron Jay Mariotti. Bob Synder was fired as the gm a few weeks ago for fighting with Reinsdorf, and Len Weiner survived some how. Now with the moron's latest rant on U.S Cellular Field and what happened on Mac, Jurko, and Harry things could break loose agian if the moron starts something agian.


    The sox will either end up getting a normal deal at 890 or 1000 with the Bulls included or paying for broadcast rights for both teams on 890 or 1000. The Blackhawks had a problem so they decided to pay the score to broadcast there games in Chicago. One way or another Uncle Jerry is not going to like his options.


    hope this helps

  10. I swear, Mariotti is the BIGGEST cry baby I have EVER heard. You are NEVER allowed to say ANYTHING bad about him EVER! He can rip you all he wants, but the SECOND you rip him, he goes on the offensive.


    Last week (I think), Mac, Jurko, and Harry were commenting about something Mariotti said. They disagreed with him and said he was wrong. Mariotti got on the phone with the GM and DEMANDED they stop. For the love of god Jay, if you are going to dish it out, at least be able to take it back.

    it wasnt the gm that he complained to it was len weiner the programmer director.

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