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Everything posted by Soxfest

  1. Pippen back and who cares ...........NOT ME
  2. They tried this s*** with Oakley and it was a total disaster
  3. Another reason not to watch ESPN pregame it has sucked the last 3 years anyway
  4. Not a goog sign , sox need to reverse that quickly
  5. Soxfest

    Kobe charged!!!

    My fingers were getting tired
  6. Soxfest

    Kobe charged!!!

    NBA is a league of thugs, criminals and adulters, no wonder the image and ratings are so low, people are tired of the players s*** over and over.
  7. That is why I voted other for him
  8. Soxfest

    Go Bulls!

    Love ya , love your show, thanks for having me
  9. AMEN I am so tired of the easy schedule threads, with this team there is NO such thing .
  10. I agree with pudge on his decision f*** JR
  11. Sox are done getting people
  12. Soxfest

    Go Bulls!

    Screw pippen i always hated his 2 second ass
  13. Soxfest

    Music Downloaders

    I saw a college who is in trouble and he said sue me i got nothing, music industry had no problem screwing people for years now people beat the system, now they do not like it .....TOO BAD. Kazaa is registered overseas US cannot touch them in latest ruling and industry is crying like MADONNA and other s*** people I guess Millions of dollars is not enough for the greedy bastards. :fyou bleeding hearts
  14. Every year in fantasy baseball i do not take him every year he gets better, year i get him he will suck...............
  15. I like CB on football but baseball he just shows up whenever and I do not like hearing him on MLB
  16. They act just like manuel with the OH well we will get them tomorrow attitude NO since of urgency at all
  17. FT deserves to go first.
  18. Paint drying is twice as exciting as Sox OOOOOOOO
  19. Lakers win it all or BUST
  20. Good news i hope he is as good as advertised
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